Proposal For Exports (IT Enabled Services) Policy-Specific Customer
Proposal For Exports (IT Enabled Services) Policy-Specific Customer
Proposal For Exports (IT Enabled Services) Policy-Specific Customer
5 Status of the Unit Export House / Trading House / Star Trading House
Super Star Trading House / others
6 Contact Person &
Mobile No.
Phone No. Email No.
7 Names of the Full Name (if Partners or Directors are related
Proprietor / Partners/ please mention the relationship also)
(Including Surname, 1.
Fathers/ Husbands
Name) 2.
8 Name of the sister
concerns and their
Amount in
Indian Rupees
14 Nature of Contract
a) Method of
assessment of
service to be
b) System of Billing
c) System of Through Bank / Direct to the Customer
sending the bill
d) Credit Period for
15 Maximum amount
expected to be
outstanding from the
customer at an one
point of time (highest
level of exposure at
any point of time)
16 Processing fee Rs.1000/- (to be paid along with the application per
customer/ banker)
Cheque No. dated
Bank Name:
2. If you have obtained any report on the customer from a bank or agency
you may attach the original with this application.
4. We hereby declare and certify that all statements made in the application
are true and that we have not misrepresented or omitted any material fact
which might have bearing on the policy, and we agree that such
representations and facts shall form the basis of and be incorporated in
the policy and that the truth of such representations as facts and due
performance of each and every undertaking contained herein or in the
policy shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Corporation
hereunder and to the enforcement thereof by us.
5. We understand and agree that in the event of a claim for any loss
sustained by us being admitted by the Corporation under this policy or any
endorsement which may at any time be attached to this policy, it shall be
paid by the Corporation direct to the bank named in the proposal through
which the export documents pertaining to the services rendered and/or the
payment would be routed through and we agree that, in that event, the banks
receipt would be a full legal discharge to the Corporation thereafter and the
Corporation shall have no further obligation to us.
Exporters Signature:
Office Seal
DATE: Address Stamp