(Submitted June 10, 2015; Revised October 19, 2015; Accepted December 22, 2015)
This study examined how to foster pupils mathematical communication abilities by using tablet PCs. Students
were encouraged to generate math creations (including mathematical representation, solution, and solution
explanation of word problems) as their teaching materials and reciprocally tutor classmates to increase
opportunities for mathematical communication during a semester. A reciprocal peer-tutoring-enhanced
mathematical communication system was designed for supporting students math creations and reciprocal peer-
tutoring activities. An experiment involving 51 second-graders was conducted to evaluate their improvement in
mathematical communication abilities. While the control group received one-to-one self-learning mathematical
materials and teacher-led instruction, the experimental group was engaged in computer-supported reciprocal
peer tutoring in the same environment with the same materials. Both groups were evaluated by using a
mathematical communication ability assessment. The result indicated that the experimental group outperformed
the control group in the assessment. Additionally, math creations were analyzed for assessing students
formative development. The results showed that students math creations became clearer and more efficient. In
other words, their mathematical representations and solution explanations became more accurate after the
learning activity.
Mathematical communication ability, Reciprocal peer tutoring, Math creation
Mathematical communication, a fundamental mathematics educational objective that involves cognitive and social
activities (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1990), is used to engage students in communicative situations for increasing
learning interaction with others to obtain mutual mathematical ideas (Silver & Smith, 1996), share mathematical
thoughts, develop mathematical concepts and strategies, and reflect on their current mathematical understanding
(Whitin & Whitin, 2000; Cooke & Buchholz, 2005). Mathematical communication abilities also include expressing
mathematical thought by using mathematical language clearly, precisely, and succinctly (National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, 2000); understanding others mathematical equations and concepts (Lin & Lee, 2004; Lin,
Shann, & Lin, 2008); and evaluating others mathematical concepts by, for example, asking meaningful questions
and explaining the reasons for others incorrect mathematical thought (Lin & Lee, 2004).
Various means of fostering mathematical communication abilities have been proposed. For example, Baroody and
Ginsburg (1990) suggested that students should communicate mathematical ideas through representing, listening,
discussing, reading, and writing. Cobb, Boufi, McClain, and Whitenack (1997) also claimed that students
mathematical discourse in classrooms can support their conceptual development, while Shimizu and Lambdin (1997)
revealed that students who write about the thinking process of their solutions can organize complex thoughts and
evaluate their own opinions. Similarly, Steele and Arth (1998) argued that reflecting on how to solve a problem by
writing their solutions can facilitate students to explain their thinking process more clearly, thereby benefitting
themselves in learning mathematics and learning to communicate mathematically by constructing mathematical
artifacts as well as developing and evaluating mathematical arguments (National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, 2000). Similarly, students can adopt written mathematical communication by using text, figures, tables,
pictures, diagrams, or mathematical symbols to provide critical evidence of their mathematics ideas and concepts
(Mooney, Hansen, Ferrie, Fox, & Wrathmell, 2012; Whitin & Whitin, 2000). Additionally, students can learn
mathematics by observing, interacting with, and manipulating physical objects and the representations of objects and
ISSN 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print). This article of the Journal of Educational Technology & Society is available under Creative Commons CC-BY-ND-NC
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concepts (Sedig, 2008). Besides, students may support their claims by describing and recognizing patterns,
generalizing rules, and using various types of representations (Moschkovich, 2012). These studies have demonstrated
various methods for expressing or explaining mathematical ideas by writing or creating mathematical materials. The
content of mathematical communication can be treated as an artifact of reflection, refinement, discussion, and
modification. Therefore, mathematical communication ability should be fostered in students by simultaneously
training their oral expression and various mathematical representations for explaining their understanding of
mathematical ideas and strategies concretely as well as sharing their work with one another (Dacey & Eston, 2002).
To improve students mathematical communication ability, several studies have shown the potential of using
computers. For instance, Koedinger, Anderson, Hadley, and Mark (1997) built Practical Algebra Tutor (PAT) system
to engage students in investigating real-world problems and using algebraic tools to generate multiple representations
(tables, graphs, and symbols) for solving algebra problems and communicating results. Stahl (2009) designed a
Virtual Math Team (VMT) system for students exploring and discussing mathematical topics with peers for
improving the quality of mathematical conception through online mathematical text-based chatting. Furthermore,
Tsuei (2012) adopted G-Math, a synchronous peer-tutoring system, for pupils to discuss mathematical word problem
solving via a sharing mechanism, which takes advantage of the availability of students works to communication and
obtain mutual perspectives. Additionally, Bruce, McPherson, Sabeti, and Flynn (2011) allowed students to express
their mathematical thought and learn their strengths from peers feedback during discussions.
Most importantly, the aforementioned studies, which allow students to interact with computers in pairs or small
groups, have demonstrated positive learning effects (Johnson & Johnson, 1999). Previous studies have also indicated
that peer tutoring may be a useful approach to facilitate students abilities of helping each other (Webb &
Mastergeorge, 2003; Walker, Rummel, & Koedinger, 2011), potentially increasing their mathematical
communication. Furthermore, Sorsana (2005) argues that peers mutual dialogues may benefit students performance
more than a teachers direct instruction can because students as tutors can instruct their own concepts to peers as
tutees. Whereas the tutor learns by doing and teaching, the tutee learns by observing, analyzing, and offering
performance-related feedbacks (Topping, 2005; Berghmans, Neckebroeck, Dochy, & Struyven, 2013).
Because playing the role of either tutors or tutees has different learning effects, reciprocal peer tutoring, in which a
pair of students interchangeably play both roles (Pigott, Fantuzzo, & Clement, 1986), may be more effective as
students mutually explain and convey their opinions, thoughts, and strategies (Brendefur & Frykholm, 2000). For
doing so, students have to prepare themselves for instruction, evaluation, and reinforcement, thereby creating mutual
assistance and social support (Fantuzzo, King, & Heller, 1992). In this vein, reciprocal roles are intended to promote
mutuality in the tutoring process and provide equivalent opportunities. Furthermore, both roles can be engaged in
various cognitive and metacognitive activities by using mathematical language (De Backer, Van Keer, & Valcke,
2012). For example, because students need to provide immediate learning information for a partner, they have to
disclose their thoughts to each other. Moreover, they have to understand classmates thought processes as well as the
strengths and weaknesses of the proposed explanation, thereby providing additional feedback (Mosston & Ashworth,
2002). Due to questioning, explaining, and self-monitoring of learning, both students may benefit from providing
help through teaching each other (King, Staffieri, & Adelgais, 1998).
During reciprocal peer tutoring, tutors usually start from expressing their ideas to peers, so that expressing coherent
and organized concepts is a determinant of students mathematical communication and learning. The reasons are as
follows. First, expressing ones concepts is a direct result of students engaging in mathematical communication
activities, such as explaining, manipulating different representations, questioning, answering, and correcting others
errors (King, 1998). Second, students can rehearse their knowledge, integrate prior knowledge into new knowledge,
and generate new ideas. Third, to produce relevant explanations, students have to prioritize the information and
decide which concepts are most related to core topics then rearrange conceptual connections (Chi, Roy, &
Hausmann, 2008). Fourth, students may monitor and reflect knowledge building of expressing ideas that help them
evaluate the breadth and depth of their own knowledge and improve incorrect or insufficient ideas (Roscoe & Chi,
2007; 2008). Fifth, students should carefully break down examples to many steps and linking them to underlying
principles thereby gaining a deeper understanding (Atkinson, Renkl, & Merrill, 2003). Therefore, to train students
mathematical expression, facilitating students mathematical communication abilities and learning performance is
Among many strategies for enhancing students mathematical expression, asking students to generate explanations
for others may be a better one (Fiorella & Mayer, 2014). Previous studies have indicated that students who can
explain their solution steps of word problems are more successful in transferring knowledge (Aleven & Koedinger,
2002). Cox (1999) also notes that multiple representations can benefit students expression because higher level of
cognitive representation is essential for advanced problem solving skills and communication. Thereby, enhancing
students mathematical communication abilities can be achieved by asking students to integrate different
representational forms to solve word problems and to communicate with others. In a sense, the multiple
representations are also considered as a communication tool. Based on these reasons, the aim of this study is to
explore the students mathematical teaching material construction effects. The mathematical teaching material used
for reciprocal peer tutoring, named math creation, includes multiple representations. The math creation activities
emphasize students mathematical problem solving and communication abilities, which require students to clarify
how and why they know, and what they already know about the problems (Banger-Drowns, Hurley, & Wilkinson,
2004) via drawing representations and writing explanations. In addition, previous studies have indicated that
computer-supported reciprocal peer tutoring may be an adequate and efficient learning approach to improve students
mathematical communication ability. Therefore, the research questions of this study are: (1) Does a reciprocal peer-
tutoring-enhanced mathematical communication (RPTMC) activity improve students mathematical communication
ability? (2) Does students math creation in RPTMC enhance their performance in expressing their respective
mathematical concepts?
The sub-activity of creating, which required students to prepare tutoring materials, math creations, involved four
steps: understanding the problem, drawing a representation, writing a solution, and explaining the solution. These
steps were designed according to Polyas findings (1973) about problem solving, i.e., understanding the problem,
devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. The following steps were implemented in the Sketch Board
Zone (Figure 3) to assist students in developing a math creation:
Understanding the problem: Students read the word problem on their own tablet PCs and discussed the solution
with their peers to understand the conditions given and the problem asked.
Drawing a representation: Students used words, symbols, models, and manipulative materials as their
mathematical representations to devise a plan as well as to convey their ideas and communicate information.
Writing a solution: Students wrote their mathematical equations for solving the problem.
Explaining the solution: Students reflected on how and why they had solved the problem and explained their
solution in writing. Because students may need guidance in learning how to express their mathematical concepts
before they could write a complete sentence explaining their solutions, a text-based scaffold was provided (see
Figure 2).
In the second sub-activity, paired students sat together to reciprocally teach their math creations. One student, who
played the role of a tutor, taught his/her peer why and how to solve the word problem by displaying his/her math
creation in the Sharing Zone (Figure 3), while the other student, who played a tutee, received instruction with the
tutors math creation on his/her own tablet PC. Subsequently, the tutee had to ask the tutor questions about the
solution strategy. The paired students then switched roles and continued the sub-activity. Figure 2 shows examples of
the paired students math creations.
Student A Student B
In this sub-activity, the students had to revise their math creations based on peer feedback in the previous sub-activity
for improving the correctness and clarity of their own math creations. Revising also served as a time for self-
refection and preparation for the next sub-activity of staging. Meanwhile, the teacher monitored the students math
creations and helped their revision.
Finally, the teacher encouraged the students in each group to display their math creations to the whole class. As their
practice in the second sub-activity, they had to explain their solutions with their representations to the audiences.
Then they had to answer questions asked by the audiences. In the end, the teacher used students works to
demonstrate how to explain the mathematical concepts and to clarify some mistakes made by students for preventing
similar ones next time. Moreover, the teacher may ask some relevant questions to promote students thinking for
communicating their own mathematical concepts and thinking with others.
System design
To explore students mathematical communication abilities improvement in a one-to-one learning environment (Chan
et al., 2006), i.e., one student to one computer, a mathematical communication system is developed. This system
provides representational tools for students to construct math creations effectively in a computer-based mathematics
learning environment (Hwang, Su, Huang, & Dong, 2009; Sedig, 2008) and express personal mathematical concepts
as the math creation of teaching materials to tutor each other. The RPTMC includes two major functions: Sketch
Board (Figure 3) designed for constructing mathematics creations, and Sharing Zone for displaying and sharing
students mathematics creations.
Sketch board
The Sketch Board is designed for students to express and explain mathematical concepts by drawing and writing. In
the zone, students may complete a math creation individually in the sub-activity of creating. The system also
provides a mathematical component library, which includes coins, building blocks, number lines, etc., for students to
construct their math creations in order to concretely illustrate the problem-solving procedures and communicate
mathematical concepts with others.
Additionally, the Sketch Board has a text-based scaffolding to help students get familiar with solution explanation. In
the initial activities, students were scaffolded to think relevant mathematical concepts by completing the keywords of
word problems. Students may thus learn how to explain their mathematical ideas to others by imitating similar
explanatory patterns. Students started from filling in one-blank sentence, later on filling in more blanks, and after
several activities they should write a complete sentence by using conjunction scaffolding. The format of the
conjunction scaffolding likes: [First, I used] one calculating method, [because] (I) wanted to... [Then, I used]
another calculating method, [because]...
Sharing zone
The Sharing Zone is designed to facilitate students to display their math creations easily and instantly. Teachers and
students can select a classmates ID on their own, and then the students math creations are displayed on the screen
for them to observe. This function assists students in taking advantage of their own tablet PCs to view each others
work, enabling them to tutor each other reciprocally for training mathematical oral communication and to get more
perspectives and suggestions. This zone also helps students learn various mathematical expressions from others
math creations and return to modify theirs. In addition, through the Sharing Zone, teachers are able to monitor
students progress, analyze students problems, and examine their knowledge status for subsequently providing real-
time feedback and recommend revisions.
Besides, the Sharing Zone provides the enquiring and testing questions sheet revised from Mason (2010) to prompt
students mathematical thought and ask questions to help peers mutually examine the correctness of their
mathematical representation, solution, and solution explanation. Enquiring questions may guide learners to
understand and ask questions about every meaning from several divided problem-solving steps of representation and
solution. If students do not have their own questions, they can adopt the question sheet to participate in the reciprocal
peer tutoring. As well, the enquiring questions can also be regarded as hints to remind students what and how to
express their individual concepts to a peer or to others. Furthermore, the testing questions sheet is used for students
to ask advanced solution explanation in case that the explanations of peers are unclear or doubtable (see Table 1).
The following example demonstrates how the students participate in the RPTMC activity. At the Creating Stage
listed in Figure 1, each student receives a mathematical word problem on the Sketch Board delivered by the RPTMC
system. At this stage, the students start to create their own teaching materials, try to understand the problem, then
construct their math creations (representation, solution, and solution explanation). The student also has a text-based
scaffolding to help him/her develop solution explanation. Once the students have their own math creations, the
students practise reciprocal peer tutoring via the Sharing Zone. At the stage of reciprocal peer tutoring, the student
who plays the tutor introduces his/her solution processes to the student who plays the tutee. The tutee then ask the
tutor questions either based on the enquiring questions listed in Table 1 or the questions generated by himself/herself.
After the tutor answers the questions proposed by the tutee, the tutee is assigned a set of testing questions to check
the correction of the math creations constructed by the tutor. The paired students exchange their roles once this sub-
activity is completed. The following is the revision stage, in which the students revise their math creations according
the feedbacks generated in above sub-activities. At the final stage, staging, the teacher selects one or two students
from each group to illustrate their math creations for the whole class. And then, the teacher gives some comments to
those students math creations and makes a conclusion.
For answering the research questions, an experiment was conducted. Fifty-one second-graders (aged eight to nine
years) from two classes at a primary school in Taiwan were involved. The school had established a one-to-one
learning environment in their math program. These students learned math by using one-to-one technology in every
formal math course since they were in the first grade; thus, they had sufficient computer operation abilities to
participate in the RPTMC activity. Specifically, the activities were conducted 13 times over an entire semester. Each
time took 80 minutes each week. In this study, one class was assigned to be the experimental group (25 students, 13
boys and 12 girls), and the other one served as the control group (26 students, 14 boys and 12 girls).
The control variable was their daily learning approach. In other words, both groups had the same mathematics
learning time in the same one-to-one self-learning mathematics environment. However, the control group practised
mathematics by teacher-led instruction for solving various word problems, while the experimental group participated
in the RPTMC activity to solve related word problems chosen by the teacher and researchers. For evaluating
students mathematical communication ability, the pretest and posttest were conducted before and after the
experiment, respectively. Each test took 40 minutes.
Pretest and posttest: Mathematical communication ability assessments
For the first research question, the mathematical communication assessment was used to assess the students
mathematical communication abilities in terms of three sub-abilities: expressing their respective mathematical
concepts, understanding others mathematical equations, and comprehending others mathematical thought (Lin &
Lee, 2004). The assessment was consisted of multi-step word problems, including continuous addition, mixed
addition and subtraction, mixed addition and multiplication, and mixed subtraction and multiplication. The pretest
and posttest used the parallel problems all within the 2nd-grade mathematical curriculum (see Figure 4). These
problems were collaboratively designed and developed by two educational technology experts and an elementary
school teacher who has ten years teaching experience. Each question represented one mathematical communication
sub-ability, and each sub-ability included two to three criteria to test different evaluative approaches.
Evaluation criteria
Table 2 lists the detailed evaluation criteria for mathematical communication abilities (Lin & Lee, 2004). The criteria
and scores were devised through discussions with three educational assessment experts and seven schoolteachers.
To ensure the reliability of the assessment, two raters evaluated the assessment independently. The inter-rater
reliability of the pretest was 0.912, p < .05, and that of the posttest was 0.905, p < .05.
Table 3 presents the averages and standard deviations of the pretests and posttests of both groups. A t test showed no
significant differences between the pretest scores of the two groups [t(49) = .48, SE = 1.23, p = .80], indicating both
groups had equivalent mathematical communication ability. Besides, the pretest scores of both groups were only
around half of the total score, suggesting that students needed more trainings to enhance their mathematical
communication abilities, especially those for comprehending others mathematical thought.
A two-way ANOVA ( = 0.05 significance level) was performed to analyze the effect of RPTMC activity on the total
scores of the mathematical communication assessments. The variance homogeneity tests between group linearity
were not significant (p = .40 > .05). The results revealed a significant interaction between the groups and the
pre/posttest [F(1, 49) = 23.76, MSE = 271.80, p = .00; 2 = .15]. Further analysis indicated that the experimental
group showed significant improvement in total score [t(24) = 7.64, SE = .89, p = .00], whereas the control group
showed no significant improvement [t(25) = .27, SE = 1.00, p = .79]. In other words, students engaged in RPTMC
activities may develop mathematical communication abilities superior to those who received one-to-one self-paced
learning and teacher-led instruction. The reason may be that the RPTMC activity could promote student use of
mathematical language for expressing mathematical concepts and sharing math creations in the Sharing Zone; thus,
the students may learn various forms of expression for communicating their solutions with tutored peers. In addition,
when monitoring the students performance of math creation, the teacher asked some students to provide more
detailed explanations of their solutions and drawings, and thereby develop their mathematical communication
abilities after several activities. Contrarily, the control group had fewer opportunities to express their mathematical
ideas about solving their problems, which resulted in lower performance on the posttest.
In addition, the experimental group showed a significant improvement on the sub-abilities of expressing their
respective mathematical concepts [t(24) = 7.96, SE = .36, p < .01], understanding others mathematical equations
[t(24) = 2.21, SE = .51, p < .05], and also comprehending others mathematical thought [t(24) = 6.16, SE = .45, p
< .001]. The results suggested that all three sub-abilities were fostered by training in the RPTMC activities. In other
words, sufficient practices on finding solutions and explaining them through writing/drawing and verbal forms may
assist students in expressing their own mathematical concepts and understanding others mathematical thought.
For the second question, this study further analyzed the performance of students math creations in the experimental
group. Besides, the researchers also interview the class teacher and students about students learning differences and
difficulties before and after the RPTMC activities.
Evaluation criteria
The scores of expressing their respective mathematical ideas were calculated according to the criteria in Table 4, in
which the correctness and completeness of their creations were considered. Each criterion was scored as five points.
The criteria were designed to evaluate how well the students (1) applied various mathematical representations for
explaining their respective mathematical concepts, (2) used mathematical symbols to solve problems, and (3)
explained the solutions critically.
To observe the development of the students math creations, the 13 weeks of math creations were divided into three
stages according to the mathematical learning content: The initial stage (weeks 1 to 2), in which two-digit subtraction
and two-digit by one-digit multiplication were learned; the middle stage (weeks 3 to 7), in which continuous
addition, continuous subtraction, and mix of addition and subtraction; and the final stage (weeks 8 to 13), in which
mix of addition, subtraction, and subtraction were learned.
The average scores for the quality of the students creations at the three stages are listed in Table 5. Besides, to
illustrate the math creations, a typical example of ones math creations selected based on the average scores of the
three stages is shown in Figure 5.
At the initial stage, the students were arranged to get familiar with the system and the rules for math creation, so they
did not need to write the solution explanation. Half of the math creations were basically correct but without essential
concepts. Specifically, they used various math components as mathematical representation for expressing the
amounts of the variables in the problems. Some students mathematical representations were not comprehensible,
whereas the other students presented only partial equations for the solutions. These creations showed that most
students lacked sufficient understanding to transform the details of the problem into their representations; therefore
they could not apply appropriate mathematical representations to express their mathematical concepts at this stage.
Besides, in the interview some students regarded the mathematical representation as the solution, and thereby they
did not write the solutions.
At the middle stage, most students started to use coins or blocks provided by the system to represent the equations
for their solutions and calculative processes. Specifically, their mathematical representations showed an amount and
order similar to their equations instead of solution strategies at this stage. In addition, when explaining solutions with
scaffolds, many students did not know the answers and left the blanks, thereby resulting in a relatively low average
score. By contrast, the average solution score increased, because the students were more familiar with the differences
between mathematical representation and the solution, and recognized the mathematics problem meaning. Hence,
they were more capable of using correct mathematical symbols to complete the solutions.
At the final stage, the teacher reflected that students began to use various explanatory methods and also examined
the process and reasoned one step after another, indicating that the students attempted to apply various
mathematical representations and reasons for expressing their solution ideas and could think how to solve a word
problem logically. The students started to draw squares or circles with numbers as their mathematical
representations, and then their scores increased. As a result, from tutors mathematical representations, tutees could
better observe the solution strategies and the relationship of every condition to the assigned problem. Regarding the
solutions, although they were assigned more difficult problems, the average score increased. In addition, the average
of the solutions explanations also slightly increased because they were requested to write a complete explanation.
However, most students merely wrote arithmetic operations instead of sentence. There were seldom students
expressed their reasons for representing the meaning of each number. The results indicated that the students became
more capable of using mathematical representations and make equations, but they still needed more practice in using
mathematical language for explaining their solutions.
In sum, the students exhibited considerable difficulty in drawing their mathematical representations and solving
problems at the initial stage. Meanwhile, the students became increasingly capable of constructing their math
creations as mathematical communication artifacts at the middle stage, and at the final stage, their math creations
demonstrated more sophisticated representations and explanations.
Mathematical communication emphasizes peoples interactions and exchanges of mathematical ideas, which is a
crucial ability for students in expressing their respective mathematical concepts, comprehending and evaluating other
students mathematical equations and thoughts. Therefore, this study aims at enhancing pupils mathematical
communication abilities. To assist students in constructing math creations for reciprocally tutoring their classmates
(e.g., to convey mathematical concepts and understand peers mathematical ideas), an RPTMC system was designed
and implemented. For evaluating mathematical communication ability, both math creation and mathematical
communication assessments were applied.
The evaluation showed that the experimental group students mathematical communication abilities had improved.
More specifically, the RPTMC activity could facilitate pupils three sub-abilities: (1) to express their respective
mathematical concepts, (2) to understand others mathematical equations, and (3) to comprehend others
mathematical thought. The findings provided insights into the manner of their progress. Regarding comprehending
others mathematical thought, the students improved significantly in the assessments after sufficient RPTMC
activities. At the pretest stage, because most students were unable to communicate math with others, they wrote only
equations or simply repeated the statements of a problem. However, when playing the role of tutees in the reciprocal
peer tutoring, they had to use appropriate mathematical language to transform their partners mathematical thought
into mathematical equations. Such a collaborative and shared activity may allow them to realize peers mathematical
thought, evaluate the correctness, and further provide meaningful questions and explanations for the peers incorrect
thought. The improvement on the assessment indicated those students experiences of the RPTMC activity may
enable them to transfer others knowledge to self-expression for more complete and understandable creations.
Therefore, in the posttest, most students understood the meaning of mathematical problems and knew which
mathematical symbols should be used in solving their math problems. Most importantly, their thoughts were
sharpened by connecting to various presentation techniques to achieve the effect of mathematical communication.
However, although the students could express their mathematical solutions and explain others mathematical
equations and thoughts with complete sentence in their posttest, most students did not write complete sentences to
explain their solutions in their math creations. Such phenomena reflected that students might have learned how to
express their mathematical concepts, but some factors still limited their performance in the math creations. For
instance, students were used to typing rather than handwriting words on tablet PCs. Even if they knew how to
explain their solutions, they did not do so. In addition, as some math creations without explanation were shown in the
Sharing Zone, more and more students imitated such creations and eventually formed an improper classroom
atmosphere. This fact revealed that the Sharing Zone can facilitate the students mathematical communication, but
some students might misuse the function. Thereby when an instructor finds learning problems spread by the learning
system, the instructors immediate correction is necessary.
Regarding the sub-ability effects of understanding other students mathematical equations, the experiment
demonstrated significant learning gains, possibly because the control group was unfamiliar with understanding other
students mathematical equations. In other words, teacher-led instruction with one-to-one self-learning lacked
opportunities for mathematical communication with their peers possibly prevents them from understanding others
Overall, the RPTMC activity not only improved students mathematical communication ability but also provided
instructors and system designers with the developmental process of mathematical communication ability. By doing
so, instructors are more capable of analyzing the quality and improvement of students mathematical communication
ability (i.e., depicting the quantitative relationships of mathematical problems, completing mathematical
representation, and explaining solutions). By using the Sharing Zone function of the RPTMC system, instructors
could have the students learning statuses instantly. However, system designers still need to improve the system by
developing categorization or grouping functions for instructors to assess and monitor the students learning
performance of each group. In addition, once students complete the RPTMC activity, the system should provide
students with the opportunity to exchange suggestions for mutual math creations, thereby enhancing mathematical
communication further. The system and learning approach demonstrated in this study is only one of the methods for
stimulating mathematical communication abilities. Further class computer-supported reciprocal peer tutoring
methods investigations are needed for realizing computer-supported reciprocal peer tutoring learning approaches in
This project was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, Republic of China under
the grant MOST 104-2511-S-008-009-MY3, and Research Center for Science and Technology for Learning,
National Central University, Taiwan. The authors particularly thank the teacher and fifty-one second graders for their
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