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O o o O: TOEIC Practice Test - Grammar

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TOEIC Practice Test - Grammar

1. Handle the delicate equipment with .......

o A. caring

o B. careful

o C. care

o D. carefully

2. Answering telephone calls is the ........ of an operator.

o A. responsible

o B. responsibly

o C. responsive

o D. responsibility

3. A free lunch will be provided for a ....... period of time.

o A. limit

o B. limits

o C. limited

o D. limiting

4,. The president has ....... arrived in Paris and will meet the
Ministry of Trade today.
o A. still

o B. yet

o C. already

o D. soon

5. We have ..... for card members to receive complimentary

life insurance.
o A. arrange

o B. arranged

o C. remembered

o D. reacted

6. He gave a long ..... in honor of the retiring vice manager.

o A. speak

o B. speaker

o C. speaking

o D. speech

7. Are you ....... in giving some donations to help the victim

of Tsunami in Japan?
o A. interest

o B. interested

o C. interesting

o D. interestingly

8. I'm very concerned .... the current situation in global

o A. to

o B. about

o C. at

o D. upon

9. No hotel ...... could be made on weekends because it was

too full.
o A. delays

o B. cuisines
o C. reservations

o D. violations

10. The presentation was difficult to understand ...... he

spoke very quickly.
o A. because

o B. although

o C. so that

o D. than

Key Answers
1. C. care 2. D. responsibility 3. C. limited 4. C. already 5. B. arranged 6. D.
speech 7. B. interested 8. B. about 9. reservations 10. A. because
Contoh Soal TOEIC Grammar dan Jawaban
1. Handle the delicate equipment with ....... A. caring B. careful C. care D. carefully2.
Answering telephone calls is the ........ of an
operator. A. responsible B. responsibly C. responsive D. responsibility. A free
lunch will be provided for a ....... period of time. A. limit B. limits C. limited D. limiting!.
"he president has ....... arrived in #aris and will meet the $inistry of
"radetoday. A. still B. yet C. already D. soon%. &e have ..... for card members to
receive complimentary life
insurance. A. arrange B. arranged C. remembered D. reacted 'ima soal di atas
masih ada lan(utannya) untu* lebih mantapnya anda bisa mengguna*an
handphone untu* mengu*ur wa*tu yang anda guna*an dalammenger(a*an sepuluh
Soal TOEIC Grammar

ini. Kalau sudah dengan yang di atas silahkankerjakan langsung soal lanjutannya.
+. He gave a long ..... in honor of the retiring vice
manager. A. spea* B. spea*er C. spea*ing D. speech ,. Are you ....... in giving
some donations to help the victim of "sunami in -apan A. interest

B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly /. 0m very concerned .... the current

situation in global warming. A. to B. about C. at D. upon . 3o hotel ...... could be
made on wee*ends because it was too
full. A. delays B. cuisines C. reservations D. violations 14. "he presentation was
di5cult to understand ...... he spo*e very
quic*ly. A. because B. although C. so that D. than
Kalau anda membutuhkan kunci jawaban
Contoh Soal TOEIC Grammar dan Jawaban
inisilahkan cek dengan jawaban yang ada berikut ini.
Kunci Jawaban
1. C. care2. D. responsibility. C. limited!. C. already%. B. arranged+. D. speech,.
B. interested/. B. about. C. reservations14. A. because
1. Our main concern are that the machine will be uickly be outdated. ! " C #$. The
%ersonnel #e&artment has a lot o' a&&lication that has collected o(er the &ast 'i(e
years. ! " C #). *s. +ania hired a new assistant who he used to work at the bank across the
street. ! " C #,. The new em&loyee did not want to ask 'or hel& e(en though he cannot
understand thedirections. ! " C

-. The secretary does not think it is her res&onsibility to answer the &hones a'ter -&.m an
Imsure ! " its not our. C #/. *r. 0ones answered the &hone 'or the manager during she
went to deli(er the &aycheck. ! " C #. The management is &lanning to buy com&uter to
organi2e all the com&anys 'ile ! " C #3. *r. 4iesman like his co''ee with the sugar and a little
milk. ! " C #5. The good news about the new &roject ha(e 'inally arri(ed. ! " C #16. !ll
em&loyees would be e(aluated by the ins&ectors at the end o' this job.
Contoh Soal Latihan Gerund dan Pembahasan
1 I d i s l i k e t o
go / going
the mo(ies by mysel'.$ 4 e s t a r t e d
eating/ to eat
dinner without you.) I c a n 7 t i m a g i n e
my own house., I u s e d g o w a t c h t h a t t e l e ( i s i o n s h o w a l l o ' t h e t i m e . - I
always eat break'ast be'ore
to go / going
to school./ 4 h e n d o y o u & r a c t i s e
the &iano8 * y g r a n d m o t h e r & r e ' e r s
reading / to read
science 'iction books.3 9 o u n e e d
to study
harder this year.5 I a m u s e d t o
her in a bad mood.1 6 : a ( e y o u t a l k e d t o t h e d e n t i s t a b o u t
to clean/ cleaning
your teeth8

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