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TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER - 10 PAINTING 10-1 10-2 10:3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 Paint Ingredient of Paint Essel and Specific Properties of Good Quality Paint Elements of a Good Painting Job Surface Preparation Kinds of Paint, Uses and Area Coverage Estimating Your Paint Failures and Remedy CHAPTER- 11 AUXILIARY TOPICS 4 11-2 11-3 11-4 145 116 1-7 18 ‘Accordion Door Cover Glass Jalousie ‘Water Tank ‘Wood Piles Bituminous Surface Treatment Filling Materials Nipa Shingle Roofing ‘Anahaw Roofing 297 300 301 305 311 317 323 325 326 331 332 334 338 CHAPTER CONCRETE 1-1 PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE Concrete is either Plain or Reinforced. By definition, Plain Concrete is an artificial stone as a result of mixing cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and water. The conglomeration of these materials producing a solid mass is called plain con- crete. Reinforced Concrete on the other hand, is a concrete with reinforcement properly embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces. ‘The Different Types of Concrete Used in Construction are : 4. The Ordinary Portland cement. 2. The Rapid Hardening Portland Cement whi when high early strength concrete is desired, 3. The Blast Furnace or Sulfate Cement used on concrete structures designed to resist chemical attack. 4. The Low Heat Portland Cement used for massive sec- tions designed to reduce the heat of hydration. 5. The Portland Pozzolan Cement with a low hardening characteristic concrete, 6. The High Alumina Cement. is preferred ‘The High Alumina Cement is sometimes called aluminous ‘cement or cement fundu. Its chemical composition is different from that of Portland cement for having predominant alumina ‘oxide content of at least 32% by weight. The alumina lime is within the limit of 0.85% to 1.3%.‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ‘This type of cement has a very high rate of strength devel- opment compared with the ordinary Portland cement. Aside from its rapid hardening properties, it can resist chemical attack by sulfate and weak acids including sea water. It can also with- stand. prolonged exposure to high temperature of more than 4,000°C. Alumina cement however, is not advisable for mixing with any other types of cement. ‘The Main Composition of Cement are: 16 to 65% Lime 18.0 - 25% Silica 3,0 - 8% Alumina 3.0 - 5% Iron oxide 2.0 - 5% Magnesia 1,0 - 5% Sulfurtrioxide AGGREGATES, ‘Aggregates for concrete work are classified into two: 4. Coarse Aggregate such as crushed stone, crushed gravel or natural gravel with particles retained on a 5 mm sieve. 2. Fine Aggregate such as crushed stone, crushed gravel, sand of natural sand with particles passing on a 5 mm sieve. Size of Aggregates. - For coarse aggregate (gravel), the ‘maximum nominal size varies from 40, 20, 14 or 10 mm diame- ter. The choice from the above sizes depends upon the dimen- sions of the concrete member more particularly, the spacing of the steel bars reinforcement or as specified. Good practice demand that the maximum size of coarse ag- gregate (gravel) should not exceed 25% of the minimum thick- ness of the member structure nor exceed the clear distance between the reinforcing bars and the form. 2 CONCRETE ‘The coarse aggregate should be small enough for the con- crete mixture to flow smoothly around the reinforcement. This is. referred to as workability of concrete. 1-2 THE PRINCIPLES OF CONCRETE MIXING ‘The purpose in mixing concrete is to select an optimum pro- portion of cement, water and aggregates, to produce a concrete mixture that will meet the following requirements: 4. Workability 3. Durability 2. Strength 4. Economy ‘The proportion that will be finally adopted in concrete mixing has to be established by actual trial and adjustment processes to atiain the desired strength and quality of concrete required under the following procedures: 4. The water cement ratio is first determined at the very first hhour of mixing to meet the requirements of strength and durability 2. ‘The cement-aggregate ratio is then chosen and estab- lished to satisfy the workability requirements. Workability, ‘means the ability of the fresh concrete to fill all the voids between the stee! bars and the forms without necessarily exerting much effort in tamping. Laboratory tests showed that the water-cement content ratio Is the most important consideration in mixing because it deter- mines not only the strength and durability of the concrete but also the workability of the mixture. Concrete mixtures in a paste form, is preferred than those, ‘mixtures which are flowing with water. ‘The ACI Requirements for Concrete are as follows: 1. Fresh concrete shall be workable. Meaning, that fresh con- 3‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE crete could freely flow around the reinforcements to fill all ‘the voids inside the form. 2. That, the hardened concrete shall be strong enough to carry the design load. ‘3, That, hardened concrete could withstand the conditions to which itis expected to perform. 4. That, concrete should be economically produced. Concrete Mixture may be classified as either: a. Designed Mixture 'b. Prescribed Midture Designed Mixture. Where the contractor Is responsible in establishing the mixture proportion that will achieve the required strength and workability as specified in the plan. Prescribed Mixture. Where the designing engineer specify the mixture proportion. The contractor's responsibility is only to provide a mixed concrete containing the right propor- tions as in the plan. 1-3 THE UNIT OF MEASURE Prior to the worldwide acceptance of Metrication, otherwise known as System International (SI), materials for concrete structures were estimated in terms of cubic meter although, the ‘components thereof like; cement, sand, gravel and water, are measured in pounds, cubic foot and gallons per bag respec- tively. Lately however, under the SI measures, the 94 pounds per bag cement equivalent to 42.72 kilograms was changed and fixed at 40 kilograms per bag. The traditional wooden box used ‘to measure the sand and gravel is 12 inches wide by 12 inches long and 12 inches high, having eriet volume of 1 cubic foot. 4 CONCRETE ‘Today, instead of the traditionial measuring wooden box, the empty plastic bag of cement is popularly used to measure the volume of sand and gravel for convenience in handling aggre- ‘Gates during the mixing operations. TABLE 1-1 CONVERSION FROM INCHES TO METER Nentec| Acarae | Apponmat | sumer | Aciam | prorat vin | ee a | PR + | case [as [anf sae | aes 2 | vse | 60 | ze | fee | So 3 | ome | oe | & | seo | oe 4 | ‘oe | so | i | soo | 5 | ‘ao | fos | 2 | seo | s | ss | 150 | 25 | sos 7 | ime | as | my | gee | 88 & | zz | 200 | oe | Hee | Sp 9 2286 228 29 7366 725 10 | 20 | 250 | 2 | temo | Teo | 20 | a | ot | sem | rs 12 | Soa | 30 | S| ate | toe 3 | Sooo | 0 | Ss | Go | oe ia | 3s | 50 | Ss | Gow | SS 1 | 30 | ae | 3 | tom | 28 1s | 404 | 400 | a bo v7 | doe | fos |e [aS | $2 ie | ‘er | 450 | se | ose | oon to | 4a | 47s | 3 | oom | oe wm | S000 | so | fo | toe | too 1 ‘The values presented in Table 1-1 could be useful in: 1. Finding the accurate conver Metric sion of length from English to 2. Determining the approximate value to be used in our simplified methods of estimating. Getta‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE For Instance : In solving problems, the probability of committing error is subetantaly high when severe! digitnumbers are being used. Example: It is easier to use .10 meter, the approximate equivalent of 4 inches than .1016 it's exact equivelent, be it by multiplication or bby division processes. 8 = 80 by inspection and analysis, “g_ = 78.7 by long process of division A016 B) To memorize the values given in Table 1-1 is a waste of time end nota practical approach in estimating. A simple guide will be adopted so that one could easily determine the equiva- lent values from English to Metric or vise versa. Example: 4, Toconvert Meter to Feet: Divide the length by .30 ‘Say 6,00 meters = 20ft 30 2, To convert Feet to Meters: Multiply by .20 Say, 30 feet x .30 = 9.00 meters 3. To convert Inches to Meter, just remember the following values of equivalent. CONCRETE Take note that all length in inches is divisible by one or any combination of these five numbers. Thus, it could be easily con- verted to meters by summing up their quotient equival Example: a, Whats the meter length equivalent of 7 inches 7 By sim- ple analysis, 7 inches could be the sum of 4 and 3, there- fore: 4 inches = 10 meter 3 inches = .075 meter Answer = .175 meter b. How about 21 inches ? § x 4inches = 20 + 1 = 21 inches since 4° = 10m. and 1" = 025; multiply 5x 10m. = 504.025 = 525m. Problem Exes Using the foregoing simple guide, convert the following num- bers from inches to meters or vise versa. Inches _to__Meters | __ “Meters to._Inches 66 2.42 99 3.35 413 427 178 4.88 233 5.19 1-4 CONCRETE PROPORTION Proportioning concrete mixture is done in two different ways: by weight or by volume method. The most common and con- venient way is by the volume method using the empty plastic bag of cement, or by a measuring box for sand and gravel as 7‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ction 1-3. Measuring the aggregates and water | Sy welnt IB sometimes used In a concrete batching plant for ready-mix concrete or as specified in the plan. ~ 00m rs = ~o = PURE 14 MEASURING BOX TABLE 12 CONERETE PROPORTION Woaure Cenertingay | Sand | Grwal ass | Proporin [H0KG | Soke | cum | cum 9 | zo | os | oo | 4 RiU2 ia | So | ro | wm | te 8 [takis| rs | ao | & | to ¢ |i: :6| 60 | so | iioning concrete by volume method had long been practiced in almost al ypes of concrete eonstucton. Tine has proven it to be effective and successful. However, on construc, tion where space for materials stock piling and mixing does n permit, ready-mixed concrete is the most practical solution. interest of sand {tis interesting to note in Table 1-2 that the volume and gravel for all classes of mixture is constant at 50 and 1.0 cubic meter respectively. It is true, on the assumption that cement paste enters the void of the sand and at the same ins- CONCRETE tance, the composition of these two materials fil the voids of the gravel and thereafter, form a solid mass called concrete equiva- lent to one cubic meter. Based on actual concreting work, one cubic meter of gravel Plus one-half cubic meter sand mixed with cement and water will obtain a litle bit more than one cubic meter solid concrete, The small excess over one cubic meter will be considered as contingency. Comment : {In actual concreting and masonry work, there are several factors that might affect the accuracy of the estimate. Some of which are enumerated as follows: 1. Inaccurate volume of delivered aggregates which is very common. Delivery truck should be measured to check if - the volume of aggregates being delivered is exactly as or- dered, 2,. Dumping of aggregates on uneven ground surface and ‘grass areas reduces the net volume of aggregates. 3. Improper measuring of the aggregates during the mixing operation. This is common practice when the work is on its ‘momentum where laborers fails to observe the right meas- turing of aggregates being delivered to the mixer. 4, The cement and fine aggregate for grouting concrete Joints are mostly overlooked in the estimating processes, 5. Cement waste due to reckless handling and hauling, 6. The pure cement powder used by mason in plastering op- erations to prevent the plaster from sliding downward is, ‘ot considered in estimating, 7. Pilferage of materials. This could be avoided with an effec- tive system of construction management.SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Ordering of Coarse Aggregate must be Specific as tot a, Kind of gravel, either crushed stone or natural gravel from the creek. b. The minimum and maximum size of the stone must be specified. It should be free from mixed sand because ‘sand is cheaper than gravel. c., Natural gravel from the creek requires screening to obtain a well-graded coarse aggregate. Take note that screening of aggregates means additional cost of labor and reduc tion in the net usable volume of gravel. 1-5 CONCRETE SLAB The discussions from cement to concrete proportions plus the Tables as presented could be more meaningful and appre~ ciated if accompanied by illustrations of actual applications. ILLUSTRATION 1-1 ‘A proposed concrete pavement has a general dimension of 40 om. thick, 3.00 meters wide and 5.00 meters long. Determine the quantity of cement in bags, sand and gravel in cubic meters required using class "C* mixture. cS FIGURE 12 CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE SOLUTION 1. Determine the volume of the proposed concrete pave- ment. Volume = Thickness x Width x Length V = 10 x 9.00 x 5.00 V = 1.5 cubic meters 2, Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class © mix. ; Multiply the volume by the corresponding values: 6.0 = 9.0 bags 50 = .75cu.m. Xx 3, Take note that the computation is for a 40 kg. cement. ‘Suppose there is no 40 kilograms cement and what is lable are 50 kilograms per bag. How many bags will be ordered using the later? SOLUTION - 2 ( Using a 50 kg. Cement) 1. Knowing the volunte to be 1.5 cubic meters, refer again to Table 1-2. Under 50 kg. cement, using class “C* mix. ture; muttiply the volume by the corresponding values, Cement: 1.5 x 5.0 = 7.5 bags Sand: 1.5 x 50 = .75cu.m. Gravel: 1.5 x 1.0 = 1.5cu.m. ILLUSTRATION 1-2 A rural road 6.00 meters wide after base preparation re- ‘quires concreting of one kilometer long. Find the number of bags cement, sand and gravel required using class “A” concrete ifthe slab is 6 inches thick. "‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, ° [or Tenet Soy FIGURE 1.3 CONCRETE ROAD SOLUTION 1. Solve for the volume of concrete pavement, convert 6 inches to meter = .15 m. (see table 1-1) V = Thickness x Width x Length V.= 45 x 6.00 x 1,000 m. V = 900 cubic meters 2. Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement, multiply the vo ume by the corresponding values: Comat: 900 x 9.0 = 8,100 bags Sand: 900 x .50 = Gravel: 909 x 1.0 = 900cu.m. 3. If there is no available 40 kg. cement, a 50 kg. cernent will require: ‘Cement: 900 x 7.0 = 6,300 bags Sand: 900 x .50 = m. Gravel: 900 x 1.0 = 900 cu. m. ‘Take note that the thickness was first converted from inches to meters using the approximate values in Tabie 1-1. 12 CONCRETE ILLUSTRATION 1-3 ‘Annational highway project as shown in Figure 1-4 specify 25 ‘centimeters thick concrete. Find the number of bags cement, ‘sand and.gravel required using class “A* mixture. mE ee oes 1,000 m. PLAN, FIGURE 1-4 CONCRETE ROAD SOLUTION 1. Find the volume of the concrete slab; V'= Thickness x Width x Length V = .25 x 7.20 x 1,000 meters V = 1,800 cubic meters 2. Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class A mixture, ‘multiply the volume by the corresponding values: Cement: 1,800 x 9.0 = 18,200 bags Sand: 1,800 x 50 = 900 cu. m, Gravel: 1,800 x 1.0 = 1,800 cu, m, 3. If S0 kg, cement will be use, we need: Cement: 1,800 x 7,0 » 12,600 bags ‘Sand and Gravel same as in step 2. ILLUSTRATION 1-4 The ground floor of a residential house has an area of 200 ‘square meters. The plan specify 4 inches thick concrete floor on fill using class C concrete. List down the materials required, 13SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 10.00m. FIGURE 15 FLOOR PLAN SOLUTION 1. Find the volume of the floor slab. Convert 4 inches to meter = 10m, and then multiply: 200 x 10 = 20 cubic meters 2. Refer to Table 1-2 under 40 kg. cement along class C mixture, multiply: Cement: 20 x 6.0 = 120 bags k 20 x 60 = 10cu.m. Gravel: 20 x 1.0 = 20cu.m. Problem Exercise 1. Acconcrete road 15 meters wide, § kilometers long, is de- signed with a thickness as shown in the following cross seo- tion, Specifying class “A” concrete, determine the quantity of 40 kg. cement, sand and gravel required. If there is no available 40 kg. cement, how many bags at $0 kg. would be needed instead? s e s Aa iv 1500 m, FIGURE 18 CROSS SECTION OF THE ROAD CONCRETE 2, From the following figure, solve for cement, sand and gravel using class B concrete if the floor is § inches thick. FIGURE 1-7 FLOOR PLAN 1-6 ESTIMATING CONCRETE SLAB BY THE AREA METHOD Estimating concrete slab by the “Area Method” is much eas- jer than the Volume Method as explained in Sec. 1-5. However, this could:be done with the aid of Table 1-3 which readily offer the quantity of cement, sand and gravel per square meter de- pending upon the required thickness of the slab. ‘TABLE 1.3 QUANTITY OF CEMENT, SAND AND GRAVEL FOR SLAB 'AND WALLS PER SQUARE METER AREA Modure Class» = ‘Sab Thick [40 kg. Cement 50 kg. Cement Sond’ | Gravel ess T om | a [se fe [a c [um| cum so | 459 | 375 | 200] 250 |. 250. | 0280 7s | 675 | ‘563 | 450] ‘505 375 | ‘0375 10.0 | ‘s00 | 750 | 600] 700 125 | 1125 | ‘938 | 750} 975 450 | 1.350 | 1.125 | ‘900 | 1.050 a7s_| 1575 | 1313 | 1.950 | 1.225] 1.050 200 | 11800 | 1500 | 1-200 | 1.400] 1200 | 1.00 | 1000 225 | 2030 | 1688 | 1.350 | 1575) 1350 | 14125 | 1125 250 | 2250 | 1875 | 1800 | 1.750) 1500 | 1.250 | ‘1250 278, | 2475 | 2063 | 1.950 | 1.925] 1650 | 1375 | 1380 300° | 2700 | 2250 | 1.800 | 2100| 1.800 | 1.500 | +500 "0500 (0750. Be88 |° a syueagaes8 6 3SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. CONCRETE 3. Again, comparing the result with that of ilustration 1-2 the ILLUSTRATION 1-5 answers are pracoaly the same: Thus, solving the quan SF a tity of coment, sanci and gravel for concrete pavement ag aon a te procter cet panel hee. 2 by nei Aree ‘and walls can'be done by the Volume Method and the ‘Area Method. The choice is yours. Solution for Illustration 1-1 ILLUSTRATION 1-6 1. Solve for the pavement area. ‘A concrete wall, 3 inches thick with general dimensions of ‘Area = Width x Length 3.00 meters high by 7.00 meters long specify class “B" mixture. A= 3.00 x 5.00m, Find the number of 40 kg. cement, sand and gravel required A= 15sq.m. 2. Refer to Table 1-3. Along 10 cm. slab thickness under 40 kg. cement class °C" mixture, multiply: Cement: 15 x .600 = 9.0 bags Sand: 15 x .050 = .75cu.m. Gravel: 15 x .100 = 1.5 cu. m. 3. Compare this quantity o that of Illustration 1-1, the results PE CONST ne are the same. SOLUTION Solution for Mustration 1-2 1, Convert 3 inches to centimeters.= 7.5 (see Table 1-1) 1. Find the area of the concrete road pavement; 2; Fingltne Aree of theyre aS ‘Area = Height x Length A rete ‘A = 3.00 x 7.00™m. = 21.59. m. ‘A = 6.00 x 1,000 meters A= 6,000 sq.m. 3, Refer to Table 1-3. Under slab thickness 7.5 cm. 40 kg. ‘cement class B mixture we obtain the number .563, 2. Refer to Table 1-3. Using class" thick concrete slab, multiply: Cement: 6,800 x 1.350 = 8,100. bags sonarete 618-15 Fn. 4, Likewise, under column sand and gravel of Table 1-3 we obtain .0375 and .075 respectively. 5. Multiply the Area by each of these numbers to get the ‘quantity of cement, sand and gravel respectively. 16 es‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONCRETE Cement: 21 x 663 = 11.82 say 12 bags i? Sand: 21 x .0375 = .79cu. m. 1-7 SQUARE CONCRETE COLUMN Gravel: 21x 075 = 1.87 cu.m. sista oun een ec oy umn can also be done In two simple ways: erable Cases 4. By Volume Method and 1. By the Area Method, determine the quantity of cement, 2, By Linear Meter Method. ‘sand and gravel of the proposed concrete parking area 6 inches thick with a general dimensions of 160 x 120 me- iLostaaeice? ters using class "A" mixture. ‘A reinforced concrete square column is 5.00 meters long with @ cross sectional dimensions of 16 by 16 inches. Deter- mine the quantity of cement, sand and gravel using class A ‘concrete, 16 FIGURE 1.9 FLOOR PLAN OF PARKING AREA 16 2. By the Volume and Area Method, find the quantity of ce- ‘ment, sand and gravel of the concrete pavement 4” thick as shown in Figure 1-10 using class “B" concrete. FIGURE 111. SQUARE COLUMN 2.00 " 800m. SOLUTION : at A. By Volume Method 7000) rape LS 1. Convert first all measurements from inches to meter. 16 inches = .40 meter ( See Table 1-1) ; 2. Solve for the cross sectional area of the column, ; 11.00 Area: 40 x AO = .16 sq.m. FIGURE 1.10 CONCRETE PAVEMENT PLAN i 3. Find the volume of the column. 18 19SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE V = 16 x 5.00 meters V = .80 cum. 4, Refer to Table 1-2, using 40 kg. cement class crete, multiply: Cement: .80 x 9.0 = 7.2say 8 bags Sand; .80 x .50 = 0.4 say 0.5 cu. m. Gravel: .80 x 1.0 = 0.8 say 1.0 cu. m. ILLUSTRATION 1-8 ‘A concrete column is 7.00 meters high with a cross sec- tional dimensions of 20 by 20 inches. Determine the quantity of ‘cement sand and gravel content of the column if there are 8 ‘columns in the row using class “A* coricrete. ‘CROSS SECTION XX FIGURE 1-12 CONCRETE COLUMN CONCRETE SOLUTION 1. Convert all dimensions from inches to meters. (Refer to Table 1-1, use approximate values). 2. Solve for the volume of one square column. V = 50 x 50 x 7.00 V = 1.75 cu. m. 3. Find the volume of the 8 columns, Ye 175x8 V = 14 cubic meters 4. Refer to Table 1-2. Using a 40 kg. cement class “A* mix- ture, multiply Cement: 14 x 9.0 = 126 bags Sand: 14 x 50 = 7.0cu.m. Gravel: 14 x 1.0 = m, 1-8 ESTIMATING SQUARE CONCRETE COLUMN BY LINEAR METER METHOD Another way of estimating the quantity of materials for con- crete column is by the Linear Meter Method. Under this method, the length of the column is first deter- mined. With the aid of Table 1-4, the materials required are found by multiplying the length by the corresponding values of ‘cement, sand and gravel given in Table 1-4, aSIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ILLUSTRATION 1-9 Solving the problem of ilustration 1-8 Figure 1-12 where there are 8 columns at 7.00 méiors high each, we have: SOLUTION 1. Find the total length of the 8 columns ‘Bcolumn x 7.00 m. = 66.00 meters 2. Referto Table 1-4. Along 60x 50 cm, column, using ‘40 kg. cement class “A” concrete, multiply: ‘Cement : 58.00 x 2.250 = 126 bags ‘Sand: 56.00 x .125 = 7.0 cu.m. Gravel: 56.00 x .260 = 14.0 cu. m. 3. Comparing the results to that of iilustration 1-7, the an- swers are the same. Problem Exe 4. From the following figure, solve for thé quantity of ce- ‘ment, sand and gravel by the Volume Method using (2) class “A” concrete; (b) Class B conerete, CROSS SECTION FIGURE 1-13. CROSS SECTION @.) 6 COLUMNAT13M.HIGH —b) 8 COLUMNS AT 16M. HIGH CONCRETE TABLE 1-4 QUANTITY OF CEMENT, SAND AND GRAVEL FOR POST 'BEAM AND GIRDER PER METER LENGTH Size Mixture Ciags Sand | Gravet A] By] AT 8 | cum | um 18x20 ao | z5| 210] 180] 018 | cao 18x25 3 | 281 | 263] 225] ‘ore | 038 45x30 | 405 | 338] 318] 270] 023 | 045 18x35 | (473 | 304 | 360] (315 | 028 | ‘059, 35x40 | ‘540 | 450 | 420] 360] 1030 | ‘060 20x20 | 260} 300| 280) 240} 020 | 040 20x25 | 450] 375 | 350] 500] 025 | 050 20x30 | S40} 480 | 420] 360] 030 | 060 20x35 | 630] 525 | 490] 420] 035 | 070 zox40 | 720] .00| 500} 480] 040 | 080 25x25 | sea} soo] 43a] .275| 031 | 069 25x30 | (675 | 563) ‘525| 450] 038 | 075 25x35 | 708} 656) 613| (525| 044 | ose 25x40 | ‘900] 750) 700] 600} 050 | 100 25x45 | 1013] ea4| 7e8| 575] (058 | 113, 25x80 | 1125] 998 | e75| 750) 053 | ‘125 soxso0 | sro] 675 | 520] 540} 048 | 000 goxas | ‘9s | 783] 735] 630] 052 | 105 30x40 | 1080} 00] e40| 720) 060 | ‘120 20x45 | 1125] 1013] 945] ‘st0| 08 | 138 30x80 | 1.350 | 1.525 | 11050] 900] (078 | (150 3x35 | 1103] 10] e568 |° 735} 06: | 123 35x40 | 1260] 1050 | 960] 840] ‘970 | 140 35x45 | 1418 | 4181 | 1.103] 9451 079 | 158 5x50 | 1575 | 1313 | 1225] 1.050] 088 | 175 38x85 | 11890 | 1575 | 1.470| 1260] 105 | 20 40x40 | 1.440 | 1200 | 1.120] 960} 080 | 160 40x45 | 11620 | 1350 | 1.260] 1080} 090 | 180 40x50 | 1.800 | 1500 | 1.400| 1.200] .t00 | 200 40x55 | 1.980 | 1650 | 1.540] 1.320] ‘110 | 220 oxo | 2160] 1800 | 1.680] 1.440] 120 | 240 45x45 | 1823] 1510 | 1.418] 1215] tor | 208 45x50 | 2025 | 1688 | 1575] 1350] 113 | 226 45x55 | 2228 | 1.956 | 1.733| 1495] 124 | 248 45x60 | 2430 | 2025 | 1.890] 1620] 135 | 270 23SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONCRETE 1-9 POST AND FOOTING Structurally, post is always supported by slab called footing or foundation. Estimating the quantity of materials for these types of structures could be done by: 4, The Volume Method or 2. The Area and Linear Meter Method combined for Post and footing. s0xs0 | 2250] 1.875} 1.750] 1.600] 125 50x55 | 2475 | 2083 | 1.9925] 1.650] “138 50x60 | 2700] 2250} 2100) 1.800] ‘160 ssxe0 | 2970| 2475) 2310] 1.980| 165 55x70 | 3485 | 2088 608] 2310| ‘te 55x80 | 3960 | 3200 | s080) 2640] 220 55x00 | 4455| 3713 | 3405] 2970] ‘248 85x10 | 4950] 4125 | 3850 3300] 275 60x60 | 3240 | 2700} 2520) 2160] 120 60x70 | 3780 | 3150] 2940] 2520] “210 60x80 | 4320 | 3.800 | 3360] 2880] 240 60x20 | 4860 | 4050 | 3780] 3240] 270 60x 100 | 5.400 | 4500 | 4200] 3600] “200 ILLUSTRATION 1-10 A concrete post 4.00 meters high with cross sectional di- mensions of 40 cm. x 40 cm. is supported by a footing slab 20 ccm. thick by 1.20 m. square. Using class "A" concrete, find the quantity of cement, sand and gravel if there are 12 posts of the 65x60 | 2510 | 2925 | 2730] 2340] 195 6x70 | 4095 | 3413 | 3185] 2730| ‘ze 5x80 | 4680 | 3900] 3640] 3120] 260 5x90 | 5265 | 4388 | 4095] 3510| ‘203 65x 100 | 5.850 | 4875 | 4550] 3900] 325 70x70 | 4410 | 3675 | 3.430) 2940] 245 7oxa0 | 5040 | 4200] 3920| 3360] 200 70x90 | 5670) 4725 | 4.410] 3780| ‘215 3883 BESRE BESRE BREE BSE roxi00 | 6300 | 5250 | 4200| 4200| 350 He=A0 7x70 | 4725 | 3958 | 675] 3150] 253] 25 120m, 75x80 | 5400 | 4500 | 4200] 3000) 300 | 720 75x90 | cars| S0ss | 4725| 4050 | ss8| es 75x10 | 6750 8625 | 5250] 4500| ‘37s | ‘760 80x80 | s760| 4000} 4460) 3240] 20] 640 ELEVATION 20x90 | 6480 | 5400 | S040| 4320| 360| 720 eoxt00 | 7650 | 6375 | ses0| s.100| sos | +050 FIGURE 1-14 POST AND FOOTING ssxe0 | s120| 5100} 4760] 4080| 340] 900 85x50 | cass| s7se | sass] 4580 S05] feo e5x100 | 7950] 6375 | 5050] S100) 425 | 0 SOLUTION 2x80 | 7290] 607s | se70| 4860) 405 ‘210 ecxe Meth sox100 | 8100 6750 | 6300} S400 | 450 | ‘S00 fh) pen ene Meda, 9x90 | 7605] e419 | 5005] 5130) 420 | 255 1. Find the volume of the 12 posts e5x100. | ass0| 7125| s65p| 5700) 475 | 980 100x100 | “800 | 7500 | 7.000| 6.000 | _‘s00'| 1.000 Volume = Sectional area x Height x No. of post 24 2SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, Volume = 12 posts x (.40 x .40) x 4,00 m. nt. V_ = 7.68 cubic meters Solve for the volume of 12 footing slab a V = 12(.20x1.20x1.20) V = 3.456 cubic meters Find the total volume. Add 1 and 2 Total Volume = 7.68 + 3.456 V_ = 11.136 cu. m Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class concrete, multiply : Cement: 11.136 x 9.0 = 100.2 bags Sand: 11.136 x .50 = 5.56 cu. m. Gravel: 11.136 x 1.0 = 11.136 cu. m. B. Solution by the Linear Meter and Area Method 1 Find the total length of 12 posts L L 42 posts x 4.00 m. ht. 48 meters Refer to Table 1-4. Along the 40 x 40 cm. column size class "A" mixture; multiply. Cement: 48 x 1.440 = 69.12 bags Sand: 48 x .080 = m. Gravel: 48 x .160 = 7.68 cu. m. Find the area of the footing slab, Area = 12 pos. (1.2 x12) = 17.28 sq.m. CONCRETE 4, Refer to Table 1-3, using 40 kg. cement class "A" mix: ture for 20 cm. thick stab; multiply: Cement: 17.28 x 1.80 = 31.1 bags Sand: 17.28 x 100 = 1.72cu.m Gravel: 17.28 x .200 = 5. Add results of step 2 and step 4. Cement: 69.12 + 31.1 = 100.2 bags Sand: 3.84 + 1.72 = 5.56 cu.m. Gravel: 7.68 + 3.45 = 11.13 cu. m, ILLUSTRATION 1-11 From Figure 1-15, determine the number of 40 kg. cement, ‘sand and a gravel required using class “A concrete for the foot- ing and class *C* concrete for the flooring 4” thick. 20 490m. 4 floor 7 ‘concrete for sab |3.00m, Pp |90 45 0 PLAN ELEVATION FIGURE 1-15 SOLUTION A. Footing Slab 1. Solve forthe volume of F Volume = .15 x .80x.80 = ,096 cu. m. 2. Total volume of 4 pieces footing slabSIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, V = 096 x 4 f00tINgS ose er seene 0.384 B. Pedestal 1. Solve for the volume of P 30.x.30 x90 1081 cu. m. x 4 pieces... 0.324 Total volume........0.708 ou. m. 2.. Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class "A" con- crete; multiply: 708 x 9.0 = 6.37 bags 708 x .50 = .354 cum. Gravel: .708 x 1.0 = .708 cu. m. C. Concrete Floor Slab 1. Solve for the volume of concrete floor slab. Volume = .10 x 3.00 x 4.00 V= 1.2cu.m. 2. Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class °C” con- crete; mi 3. Summary of the materials B and C. Cement: 6.37 + 7.2 = 13.57 say 14 bags 354 +06 = .95cu.m. Gravel: 708 + 1.2 = 1.90 cu. m. Comment: To a meticulous estimator, the area occupied by the posts will be subtracted from the gross area of the floor although the result is an insignificant amount. 28 CONCRETE 1-10 RECTANGULAR COLUMN ‘The procedure in estimating rectangular column is practically the saine as that of the square column. It-could be either by. ° volume method or by the linear meter method as previously explained. The choice of the method however, depends upon the convenience and preference of the estimator. ILLUSTRATION 1-12 A series of 8 rectangular concrete columns with typical cross sectional dimensions of 40 x 60 cm. is supporting a beam. ‘The column has a clear height of §.00 meters from the floor line to the bottom line of the beam. Specifying class *A* concrete, determine the quantity of cement sand and gravel required, FIGURE 1-18 RECTANGULAR COLUMN, SOLUTION (By Linear Meter Method) 1. , Find the total length of the 8 columns, Length: 8.00 x 5.00 m. = 40 meters 20‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 2. Refer to Table 1-4. Along the 40 x column size under 40 kg. cement class “A” concrete, multiply: Cement: 40 x 2.16 = 86.4 bags ‘Sand > 40 x .120 = 4.8 cu.m. Gravel: 40 x .240 = 9.6 cu. m. SOLUTION (By Volume Method ) 4, Find the volume of the eight columns: * v= 40x60 x 5.00ht. x 8 V = 9.6 cubic meters 2. Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class crete, multiply: Cement: 9.6 x 9.0 = 86.4 bags Sand: 9.6 x 60 = 4.80u.m. el: 9.6 x 1.0 = 9.6. cu.m. * Comparing the result of the two methods, the answers are ‘the same. As to which method to use is now your choice. Plastering Ifthe post will be plastered with class “A” mortar mixture, the solution will be as follows: 4. Find the total surface area of the 8 columns. Perimeter = 2 (40) +2 (.60) P = 2.00m. 2. Solve for the surface area of the 8 columns. ‘Area = Px height x Number of posts ‘A = 2.00 x 5.00 x 8 A = 8089. m. 30 CONCRETE 3. Find the volunre of the plaster at 12 mm thick. V = Area x thickness of the plaster V = 80 x 012m. = .96 cu. m. 4. Refer to Table 2-1. Using 40 kg. cement class "A’ mix: ture, multiply: Cement: .96 x 18.0 = 17.2 bags Fine Sand: .96 x 1.0°= .96 cu. m. Plastering is a separate subject matter to be discussed thoroughly in Chapter - 2. 1-11 RECTANGULAR BEAM AND GIRDER ‘ABeam is defined as a strong horizontal piece of reinforced ‘concrete for spanning and supporting weights. On the other fond. a beam that is carrying or supporting another beam is Called girder. Similarly, estimating the materials for these types Gf structures is either by the volume or the linear meter methodSIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, SLLUSTRATION 1-13 From Figure 1-17, using class “A” concrete, list down the materials required. SOLUTION (By Volume Method) 1. Find the volume of the beam Volume = 5 pes. x .25x.40 x 8.00 m. span V = 4-cubic meters 2. Solve for the volume of the girder Volume = 2 pes. x .40 x .60 x 16.00 m. span V = 7.68 cu. m. 3, Total volume of beam and girder Total V = 4+ 7.68 V = 11,68 cu. m. 4. Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class “A” con- crete; muitiply: Cement: 11.68 x 9.0 = 105.12 bags Sand: 11.68 x .50 = 5.84 cu. m. Gravel: 11.68 x 1.0 = 11.68 cu. m SOLUTION (By The Linear Meter Method ) 1. Find the total length of the Beam 5 pes. x 800m. = 40 meters 2. Refer to Table 1-4. Along column size 25 x 40 om. under 40 kg. class A concrete, multiply: Cement: 40 m.x.900 = 36 bags Sand: 40m. x .050 = 2cu.m. Gravel: 40m.x.100 = 4cu.m. 32 CONCRETE 3. Find the total length of the Girder 16m. x 2 pes. = 32 meters 4. Refer to Table 1-4 along column size 40 x 60 under ‘column 40 kg class A mixture, muttiply: Cement: 32 x 2.160 = 69.12 bags Sand: 32x 120 = 3.84 cu. m. Gravel: 32x 240 = 7.68 cu. m. 5. Summarized results of 2 and 4. Cement: 36 + 69.12 = 105.12 say 106 bags Sand: 2+ 3.84 = 5.84 cu.m. Gravel: 4+ 7.68 = 11.68cu.m. 1-12 CIRCULAR COLUMN Estimating the materials for circular column is typically the ‘same as the volume method for the square and rectangular col- umns with the aid of Table 1-2. However, Table 1-5 was also prepared for circular column problems to avail of the linear me- ter method of estimating ILLUSTRATION 1-14 AA circular concrete column has a diameter of 60 cm. by 6,00 meters high. Find the concrete materials required if there are 5 columns of the same size in a row, SOLUTION 1 ( By the Volume Method ) 1. Solve for the cross sectional area of the column, A= Tr? or A = 0,7854xd? (Formula) 0.7854 x 607) = .283 sq. m. : N 33{| SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ELEVATION SECTION A-A FIGURE 1-18 CIRCULAR COLUMN 2. Find the volume of one column, V = 283 x 6m. ht. = 1,698 cu. m. 3. Solve for the volume of 5 columns. Total volume: (1.698 x5) = 8.49 cu. m. ‘TABLE 1-6 QUANTITY OF CEMENT, SAND AND GRAVEL PER METER LENGTH OF CIRCULAR COLUMN MOXTURE CLASS cot | 409. coment 50 kg, cement Sand | Gravel Dia, om | A B A 8 foum|oum / 2 | 42 | 368 | see 295 | 1025 | 050 30 530 | 495 424 | 035 | 070 lt 35 | ‘ses | 722 | 73 S77 | 048 | 096 4 | 1131 | 942 | 880 754 | 063 | 126 so | 1767 | 1473 | 1374 | 1178 | 096 | ‘106 6 | 2198 | 1782 | 1663 | 1425 | 119 | 238 ! eo | 2545 | 2121 | 1970 | 1696 | 141 | 262 i 65 | 2986 | 2498 | 2923 | 1991 | 168 | 332 } 70 | 3464 | 2886 | 2604 | 2300 | ‘102 | ‘e4 75 | 3s7e | 3313 | 3003 | 2651 | za | 442 0 | 4524 | a770 | aste | sore | 251 | ‘soa 85 | 5107 | 4256 | s972 | 3405 | 24 | 508 90 | 5726 | 4771 | 4453 | 3at7 | 318 100 | 7.069 | 5800 | sass | 4712 | ‘200 | 706 34 CONCRETE 4. Refer to Table 1:2. Using 40 kg. cement class “AY con- crete; multiply: Cement: 8.49 x 9.0.= 76.4 bags Sand: 8.49 x .50 = 4.24 cu. m. Gravel: 8.49 x 1.0 = m. SOLUTION - 2 ( By Linear Meter Method ) 1. Determine the total length of the 5 circular columns. L = (5 x 6.00mht) = 30,00 meters 2. Refer to Table 1-5. Along the 60 cm. column diameter under 40 kg. cement, class “A” mixture, multiply: Cement: 30.00 x 2.545 = 76.4 bags Sand: 30.00 x .141 = 4.23cu.m. Gravel: 30.00 x .282 = 8.46 cu. m. Problem Exercise 1. From the following figure, List down the concrete materials by any method using class “A” concrete. a la.00m. ae | 26 4 20m. 7 Ea o PLAN ELEVATION. FIGURE 1.19 POST AND FOOTING‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE From the following figures, solve for the concrete materials of slab, beams and girders using class “A* concrete. (Cross Section of Beam Cross Section of Girer CONCRETE 3. From the following figure, find the concrete materials re- quired for the columns 9.00 meters high each using class A concrete, 10 pos. Hexagonal Column FIGURE 1.22 4. From the following Figure 1-23, find the cement, sand and gravel if there are 8 columns, using class “A” mixture, PLAN ELEVATION FIGURE 1-2 CROSS SECTION OF ELIPTICAL COLUMN, 5. A building design has spiral reinforced concrete column 9 meters high with a general cross sectional diameter of 45 inches. Determine the required materials by the volume ‘method and the linear meter method using class A concrete ! if there are 6 columns in the plan. 1-13 CONCRETE PIPE Concrete pipe is much in demand for smell’ and medium drainage construction. The use of concrete pipe as drainage structure materially save cost of forms, time and labor costs as well 37SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, Procedures in Estimating the Materials for Concrete Pipe. 1. Find the net volume of the concrete pipe. That is, by sub- tracting the volume occupied by the hole from the gross volume of the pipe. 2. Knowing the net volume of the concrete, Table 1- 2, under 40 kg. cement and class of mixture specified, multiply by the net volume found for cement, sand and gravel or 3, Use Table 1-6 for final result Tongue d 1,00 Meter Pipe Where: D = Diameter of the Pipe d = diameter of the pipe hole L= Length of the pipe 1.00 m. FIGURE 1.24 CONCRETE PIPE ILLUSTRATION 1-15 ‘A road construction requires 12 pieces of 90 em. diameter concrete pipes for drainage purposes. Determine the quantity of ‘cement, sand and gravel needed to manufacture said pipes using class “A” concrete. (excluding reinforcement which will be discussed later in chapter 3). SOLUTION (By Volume Method ) 1, Solve for the gross volume of the concrete pipe. CONCRETE Formula: . Volume = 0.7854D7h Formula V = 0.7854 x 1.10? x 100m. V = .950 cu. m, 90cm, Diameter Concrete Pipe FGURE 1.25 CONCRETE PIPE 2. Solve for the volume of the hole. V = 0.7854 x d7h V = (0.7854 x .907 x 1.00 length) = .636 cu. m. 3. Subtract result of step 2 from step 1 to get the net volume ‘of the conorete pipe. Ve = 950-636 = 314 4. Total volume of the 12 pipes. M = 314 x 12 Vi = 3.768 cubic meters 5, Refer to Table 1-2. Using 40 kg. cement class crete; multiply: Cement: 3.768 x 9.0 = 33.912 say 34 bags Sand: 3.768 x .50 = 1.88 say 2.0 cu. m. Gravel: 3.768 x 1.0 = 3.7 say 30SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, ‘TABLE 1-6 QUANTITY OF CEMENT, SAND AND GRAVEL PER CONCRETE PIPE. Diameterin |__CEMENTINEAGS _ —Centipeter ‘lass of ae eee o | a a [enreecremn mea a8 | as wa | co | ote ead lea {95 163 ont oz els | 38 zm | oe | car alae 30s | 025 | 060 50} 40 635 530 038 ee 60 | 50 779 850 084 eal ge | 0 | 1795 | 1483 | 098 | 105 go | 7 | 2200 | teas | 126 | 22 soo | oo | 258 | 215 | 14 | 2m tio | s | 2020 | 2355 | 157 | ste 420 | 100 3.110 2595 473 346 faa [120 | aaez | 3705 | 200 | 8 ta |iso | S500 | 45e3 | 306 | o1z SOLUTION -2 (Per Pipe Using Table 1-6) 1 To say 90 centimeters concrete pipe, it refers to the hole diameter. And for the purpose of estimating the volume of concrete, we consider the inside diameter of the pipe {35 presented in the second column d of Table 1-6. Refer to Table 1-6. Under d = 90 pipe diameter, class *A" mixture, multiply Cement: 12 x 2.826 = 33.9 say 34 bags Sand: 12 x 187 = 1.88 say 2.0cu.m, Gravel: 12 x 314 = 3.77 say MASONRY -1 CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKS Concrete Hollow Block is popularly known as CHB. It is classified as load bearing and non-bearing blocks. Load bearing blocks are those whose thickness ranges from 15 to 20 centi- meters and are used to camry load aside from its own weight. Non-bearing blocks on the other hand, are blocks intended for walls, partitions, fences, dividers and the like carrying its ‘own weight whose thickness ranges from 7 to 10 centimeters, FIGURE 2-1 CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCK The standard hollow blocks has three void cells and two half cells at both ends having a total of four. These hollow cells vary In sizes as there are different manufacturers using different types of mold. Hence, it is recommended that concrete hollow blocks with bigger cells be considered in estimating for a more realistic result. In this study, what we want to know is the quantity of the ma- terials needed fora certain masonry work made of concrete. a‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE hollow blo:! vhich generally comprises of the following items. Concrete hollow blocks. Cement and sand for block laying. ‘Gement, sand and gravel filer for the hollow core or cell. Cement and fine sand for plastering ‘Cement sand and gravel for foundation or footing, Reinforcing steel bars and Tie wires. NOREEN Item 4 to 5 will be discussed in this chapter. The reinforcing steel bars and Tie wires will be presented in Chapter 3 -Metal Reinforcement. Estimating the materials for masonry work using hollow looks, could be done in either of the following methods: ay Fundamental methods By the Area methods ILLUSTRATION 2-1 ‘A concrete hollow block wall has a general dimension of 3.00 meters high by 4.00 meters long. Determine the number of CHB, cement and sand required to construct the wall. ELEVATION eig"@" > CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKS WALL 2 MASONRY SOLUTION - 1 (By Fundamental Method ) 1. Divide the height of the fence by the height of one block. 3.00 = 15 layers :20 2. Divide the length of the fence by the length of one block 4.00 = 10 pieces 40 3. Multiply the result of step 1 by step 2 15x10 = 150 pieces SOLUTION -2 (By the Area Method ) Let us examine first how many pieces of ( cover one square meter area. ee Spee He 7s [3 Le | 10m. [4 fe] pe Lao is) FIGURE 23 NUMBER OF CHB PER SQUARE METER From the above figure it appears, that one 1 s r sre reques 125 neces cones halon las Thora, by iplying the entire area of the wall by 12.5, 0 number of CHB required. Thus, ie menrator 1, Area ofthe fence; 3.00 x 4.00m = 12sq.m. 2. Multiply: 12,00 sq.m. x 12.6 = 150 pieces. 4a:D CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, SIMPLIFIE ANONtiEy? ILLUSTRATION 2-2 From the following Figure 2-4, find the number of 4” x 8° x 16" concrete hollow blocks to construct the fence, 2. If there are 12.5 blocks in one square meter then, ‘muttiply by the area. 156 x 12.5 = 1,950 pieces. Comments 400m 1. Comparing the results obtained by the two methods, the 260m. answers are practically the same, but for convenience, the solution by the area method is much favored for be- ing simple and direct to the answer. 400m. 400m. 2. Take note that in the above example, we computed the N eo Soe ‘number of hollow blocks without posts, Suppose that eieee es cae Figure 2-4 was provided with the necessary posts as in- dleated In Figure 2, in this case, the area covered by : thod ost will be subtracted from the total area of the wail, SOLUTION: I By Baadamestal Hethod ) then solve for the CHB adopting the area method for simplicity of the process. 1. Find the Perimeter of the Fence P= 444412420420 = 60,00 meters. 20.00m. 20% 20 post | 2. Divide this perimeter by the length of one biock 26 60,00 = 150 pieces 1200 40 | 40 3. Divide the height of the wail by the height of one block x [x | 2.60 = 13 layers PLAN at 20 60 Section XX 4, Multiply 2 and 3: 150 x 13 = 1,950 pieces. nialine ech ienes SOLUTION - 2 ( By the Area Method ) ILLUSTRATION 2-3 te ee From Figure 2-5, using class B mixture find the nuniver of: ARO RO oe he Ham Ata 8) 10x20 x 40 om. conerete hollow blocks ae : 45‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE b)_Gement and sand. | ©) Concrete for the posts and footings. SOLUTION ~1 (Finding the CHB ) | 1, Find the perimeter of the wei. P= 20420+12+8 P = 60.00 meters 2. Find the space length occupied by the posts ‘Along 20m. (.20x6)2 = 2.40 ‘Along 12m. (.20x4)2 = 1.60 j Total space occupied by posts = 4.00 3, Subtract: 60.00 m.~ 4,00 m. = 56.00 m. net length for CHB: 5. Multiply by the height of fence to get the Net Area. Net Area = 56.00 x 2.60ht. A= 145.6 square meters i 6. Multiply by 12.5 to get the total number of concrete hot 4 ow blocks required. } 14566 x 12.5 = 1,820 pieces. I 7. Comparing this result to that of illustration 2-2, with 1,950 I pieces hollow blocks, there is a material difference of 130 pieces because we subtracted the space occupied by the concrete posts. SOLUTION- 2 (Concrete Posts and its Footing ) 1. Find the volume of one concrete footing slab. 46 ‘MASONRY Volume = Thickness x Width x Length V = 15 x 60 x .60 V = .054 cu. m. 20m.x.20m. fom. 260 r a8 = “00 ey ELEVATION PLAN FIGURE 2-4 POST AND FOOTING 2. Find the volume of 16 footings V'=(.084 x 16)= 864 cu. m. 3. Find the volume of 16 concrete posts V = (.20 x .20 x 2.60 x 16) = 1.67 0u.m. 4. Total volume of concrete posts and its footing: ‘Add results of step 2.and 3: _ Vi; 864 + 1.67 = 253cu.m. 5. Refer to Table 1-2. Using class "B" concrete under co- ‘umn 40 kg. cement, multiply: i Cement : 2.53 x 7.5 = 19.0 bags Sand: 2.53'x .60 = m. Gravel: 2.53 x 1.0 = 2.53 cu. m. * Note: Concrete was thoroughly discussed in Chapter - 1 47SIMPLIFTED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE MASONRY ILLUSTRATION 2-4 7. Fndthe CHB at Area C: S00 = 1250 From the following Figure, determine the number of 15 x 20 Peele x 40 cm, CHB required to construct the building firewall 8. Height of C divided by height of one biootc 190 = 950 20 {1.00 9. Multiply (7) and (8) 12.50 x 9.50 = 118.75 pieces ‘Add Total CHB for Area A, B and C. 170 + 603.75 + 118.75 = 893 pieces Comment: ELEVATION. ‘Take note that in the preceding example solution, fundamen- tal methods of determining the number of blocks were used. ‘The methods had undergone a very long process of finding the quantity by area one at a time. The process must be simplified with the aid of Table 2-2, presented as follows: FIGURE 27 16 CHB FIREWALL SOLUTION ( By Direct Counting ) 1. Find the CHB at AreaA: 4.00 = 10 pieces AO of one block SOLUTION - 2 ( By the Area Method ) 1. Find the Area of A: 3.40x4.00 = 13.60 sq. m. 2, Find the Area of B: 7.00x6.90 = 48.30 sq. m. 2. Height of wall A divided by he 3:40 = 17 pieces 20 3. Find the Area of C: 5.00% 1.90 = _0.50'sa. m. 3 a =1 Multiply: (1) and (2): 10x17.= 170 pieces meh Sel eros, 4. Find the CHB at AreaB: 7,00 = 175 bs 40 4. Refero Table 2-2. Along 15 x 20 x 40 CHB under column ‘umber per square meter; multiply: 5. Average Height of Area B divided by .20 ht. of one block 71.40 x 12.50 = 893 pieces, 690 = 34.50 20 Reminder Before estimating the quantity of concrete hollow blocks, be . Multiply (4) and (6): 17.5 x 34.50 = 603.75 pieces 48 40SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE sure to verify the plan specially the clear height of the wall which is very Important in the process. The following questions should be given due consideration for these might affect the result of the estimate. 1 Does the elevation as indicated in the plan specify the height from the first floor to the second floor line, or is it from floor to ceiling? In either case, the depth of the beam has to be considered in the estimate, either added or subtracted Have you considered the CHB to be installed from the underground foundation to the floor line? This particular portion of the wall is often overlook in the process of es- timating especially when there is no detailed plan or ‘cross section detail. Don't ever commit the same mis- take experienced by most estimators. See to it that the concrete hollow blocks to be installed are uniform in sizes and in thickness. Have it ordered from one manufacturer or supplier only. Installing differ- ent sizes of CHB means additional expenses for cement plaster and labor. If several suppliers cannot be avoided, have their respective blocks installed in a par- ticular phase of work. 2-2: ESTIMATING CEMENT MORTAR After knowing the number of blocks needed for a particular masonry work, the next step is to find its work partner called ‘cement mortar. Cement mortar is a mixture of cement, sand and water, It is used as bonding materials in installing masonry blocks and other various plastering work. In estimating cement ‘mortar, one has to consider the following items. a b. ‘The mortar to be used in between the layer of CHB. ‘The mortar filler for the hollow core or cell of the blocks. This filler could be pure mortar or mortar with gravel for economy. Fine screened sand for plastering. MASONRY ILLUSTRATION 2-5 _ Continuing the problem of Illustration 2-1 Figure 2-2, deter- mine how many bags of cement and sand needed to install the 10 pieces 10 x 20 x 40 cm. CHB using class *B" mortar. ‘There are three solutions offered in finding the cement mortar for cencrete hollow blocks installation. 4. By volume method. 2. By the Area Method. 3. Per Hundred Block method. SOLUTION - 1 (By Volume Method ) 1. Determine the volume of mortar in between the layer of the blocks, adopting the 12 mm ( %') or 012 meters uni- form thickness of the mortar. Volume = Thickness x Width of CHB x Length v v 012 x .10 x 4.00 m. (0048 cubic meter 2. Take note that 3.00 meters high wall divided by .20 m. height of one block is = 15 layers. Thus, multiply v v 15 layers x .0048 072 cu. m. This is the total volume of the mortar in between the 15 layers of concrete hollow blocks. 3. Aside from the cement mortar used in between block, layers, there are 4 hollow cores or cells per block to be filled up with mortar. Find the volume per block. Volume = .05 x .075 x .20 x 4 cores V = .003 cu. m. 51MASONRY ‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Area: (3.00 x 4.00) = 42 square meters. 05m. 2. Refer to Table 2-2. Along 10 x 20 x 40 CHB under Be Glass “B* mixture; multiply: Cement : 12 x .522 = 6.26 bags Sand : 12 x .0435 = .522 cu.m. 075m. ‘TABLE 22 QUANTITY OF CENENT AND SAND FOR CHB MORTAR FIGURE 2-8 HOLLOW CELL.OF 48x 16 CHB PER SQUARE METER 4. Find the total volume of hollow core for the 150 CHB. Se iees V = 150 x .003 = .45cu.m. Fast Leects oa eel te sel gaan 5. Total volume; add the results of step 2 and step 4 tox20x40 | 125 | 792 | .522 | 204 | .228 | o«ss Total Volume: .072 + .45 = 522 cu. m. Se anglais see ene hee 20x20x40 | 125 |2.260 | 1.500 | 1.125 | 998 | 1250 6. Referto Table 2-1. Using class “B" mixture, multiply: Cement: 522 x 12.0 = 6.26 bags SOLUTION - 3 ( By the Hundred Block Method ) Sand: 622 x 1.0 = 622 ‘The Hundred Block Method is the third solution offered for a ‘TABLE 2-1 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND FOR MORTAR ‘more simpler approach with the aid of Table 2-3. ‘AND PLASTER IN CUBIC METER. Class | Proportion | Cement inbage | Sana 41. Find the number of conorete hollow blocks, eae some AOS Sec Area: 3.00x 4.00 = 12sq.m. a [4:2 | 0 | ms | 10 42.sq. m. x 12.5 = 150 pieces CHB B | 1:3 | 120 | 95 | to Ee oo teal seo ros ts tg us Oe Miaealaenad cee tadeant 2 Convrttount of 100: 160 = 1.5 ; 3. Refer to Table 2-3. Under class “B* mixture for a Another way of finding the mortar for block laying is by the ; ‘Area Method with the aid of Table 2-2. 50x 40,.GH8 rumen Cement: 1.5 x 4.176 = 6.26 bags SOLUTION ~2 ( By the Arca Method ) Sand: 15 x 348 = 1. Find the area of the wail. 62SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ‘TABLE 2-3 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND PER ONE MaRS ee Cement in Bags 40 kg.. mines seeetons [7s sant 10x20x40 | 6336 | 4176 | 3.162 | 2624 | 0.248 16x 20x40 | 12.150 | 8.104 | 6.072 | 5.064 | 0675 20x20x40 | 18.072 | 12.000 | 9,000 | 7.604 | 4.000 Comment: ‘Comparing the answers of the three methods in finding the materials for cement mortar, the results are practically the same. The estimator now has the choice which method to use, but before using Table 2-2 and 2-3, know first the kind of mix- ture and the size of CHB to be used because this is where most. errors are being committed, ILLUSTRATION 2-6 Going back to the problem of llustration 2-2, Figure 2-4, find the quantity of hollow blocks, cement and sand, for mortar using the area method of estimating, SOLUTION: 1. Find the area of the wall, Area = Perimeter x Height A = 60.00 m. x 2.60 m, A = 158 square meters 2. Find the number of CHB. Refer to Table 2-2, under co ‘umn number per sq. m. multiply: 186 x 12.5 = 1,950 pieces MASONRY 3. Find the cement and sand. Refer again to Table 2-2, us- ing class B mortar; Multiply: Cement: 156 x 22 = 81.43 say 62 bags Sand: 156 x .0435 = 6.78 say 7 cu. m. 4, Summary of the materials: 1,950 pieces CHB 82 bags cement 7 cubic meters sand, ‘Take note that the above materials found does not include the cement, sand and gravel for the footing. For this item, refer to Chapter 1 where it was thoroughly discussed. 2-3 CEMENT MORTAR FOR PLASTERING Aside from the cement mortar for block laying, plastering is another item to consider. Most estimators however, make their estimate of mortar for block laying and plastering through sim- pple guessing and calculation, assuming the quantity of cement {and sand without the pain of computation. The reason is simple, they are justin a hurry and has no time to do it. And for this rea- ‘sons, we offer the following methods accompanied by a simpli- fied tables of equivalent values. Estimating the cement mortar for plastering oan be done by: 1. The Volume Method and 2. The Area Method ILLUSTRATION 2-7 Continuing the problem of illustration 2-1, find the cement ‘and sand necessary to plaster two sides of the 3.00 x 4.00 me- ters wall.SIMPLIFIED.CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE | MASONRY SOLUTION (By Volume Method ) 2. Solve for the cement and sand. Refer to Table 2-4, Under 16 mm thick plaster class “B" mixture, multiply: 1. Find the two sides area of the wall. Cement: 24 x .192 = 4.6 say5 bags A = 3.00x 4.0. x 2sides Sand: 24 x .016 = m. A = 24 sq.m. ‘Comparing the answers of the two methods, the results are 2. Assuming that the plaster is 18 mm (016 m) average thickness, determine the volume of the plaster. V = 24sq.m. x 016 V = .384 cu. m. Practically the same. As to what method to use depends on your choice and convenience. ILLUSTRATION 2-8 3. Solve for the cement and sand. Refer to Table 2-1. Us- From the following Figure 2-9, list down the cement and ing 40 kg. cement class “B* mixture; multiply: ‘sand necessary to plaster the two faces of the fence at an av- ‘erage thickness of 20 mm. class “C* mixture. Cement : 384 x 12.0 = 4.6 say 5 bags Sand : 384 x 1.0 = 384 say fine sand. 200. 15006, ‘TABLE 2-4 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND FOR PLASTER PER SQUARE METER AREA 270m 270m i eetapieaesicaatag eee ep nse at ee Sac Cement in Bags Thickness of Plaster Misture 18x20x40 CHB Gless_| &mm_| 12mm | t¢mm | 20mm | 25mm A | 144 | 216 | 200 | 360 | 450 B 096 =} 144 192 240 300 c o72 | 108 | 1144 | eo | ‘a5 FIGURE 2.9 PLASTERING D | 060 | 00 | 120 | 150 | 08 send [008 | 012 | .016,51.0020, | es SOLUTION (By the Area Method ) 1. Find the surface area of the fence. SOLUTION —2 ( By Area Method using Table 2-4) ‘Area = Perimeter x Height x 2 faces A= 55m. x 2.70m. x 2 faces 1. Find the area of the wall (two sides ) A = 297 sq.m papper i pd) 2. Solve for the area of the front and the top surface of the ‘A = 245q.m. neSIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. A.= 15 x (2.70+2.70+ 40.00 + 15.00) A= 8.06 sq. m, 3. Total Area to be plastered add 1 and 2 Total Area = 297+9,06 = 306.06 sq. m, 4. Find the cement and sand. Refer to Table 2-4. Under 20 mm thick along class °C” mixture; multiply Cement: 306.08 x .180 Sand: 306.06 x .020 55 bags 644 ou, m. ILLUSTRATION 2-9 ‘The owner of a commercial lot wants to fence the frontage of his lot with 15 x 20 x 40 cm. concrete hollow blocks. The fence is 3.50 meters high and 40 meters long provided with a 25 x 25 om. reinforced concrete posts spaced at 4.00 meters distance. Using class B mixture list down the materials required. exevenon 2s i a core Po 250m 250m sem or rune 230 SOLUTION 1. Solve for the gross area of the fence. 58 MASONRY Gross Area = (3.50 x 40.00) = 140:sq. m. 2. Subtract the area occupied by the posts. Net Area = 140 sq. m.—(.25 x 3.50 ht. x 11 posts.) A = (140-8625) = 130.459, m. 3. Find the number of CHB. Refer to Table 2-2, multiply: 130.4.5q.m. x 12.5 = 1,630 pieces. 4, Find the cement mortar. Refer to Table 2-2. Using class “B" mixture for a 15 x 20 x 40. CHB; multiply: Cement : 130.4 x 1.018 = 132.75 bags Sand : 130.4 x .0844= 11.0 cu.m. 5. Solve for the cement plaster. Refer to Table 2-4. Using 46 mm thick plaster, class *B* mixture, multiply: 130.4 sq.m. x 2 sides = 261 sq. m. Cement : 261 x .192 = 50 bags Sand : 261 x .016 = 4.2 cum. ‘Summary of the Materials 1,630 pes. 15 x 20x 40 om. CHB 183 bags cement 46 cu. m. sand Comment: 1, Take note that in finding the wall area, the height should be measured from the top of the fence down to the foundation line not just to the floor line only. 2. In the preceding example, two sides of the wall were ‘considered for plastering. The area occupied by the posts was subtracted from the gross wall area. For practical purposes it should not be subtracted because by computing back to determine its area and the plaster required is considerably a waste of time‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. 3. The area to be plastered is 140 x 2 sides or 280 square ‘meters including the space occupied by the posts. 2-4 CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCK FOOTING. Concrete hollow block wall, is supported by a continuous wall footing of various thickness and width, depending upon the size of the blocks and the load it has to carry of as indicated in the plan. Table 2-5 was prepared for easy reference in estimat- ing the materials for concrete hollow blocks footing, ‘TABLE 2-5 QUANTITY OF CEMENT, SAND AND GRAVEL FOR (CHS FOOTING PER METER LENGTH Dimension ‘Cement in Bags Aggregates Centimeters Class Miture and | Gravel txw [a 8 c [um | cum toxs0 | '20 | 2s | 190 | os 030 toxas | ais | 23 | 20 | ov 935 wox4o | 360 | 300 | 240 | 020 40 toxso | aso | 37s | 200 | os 050 15x40 | 540 | 450 | 380 | 020 080 x45 | 612 | sto | ow | 034 068 15x50 | 675 | 563 | 550 | ow o76 15x60 | sto | 67s | sao | os 00 che L T w FIGURE 2-11 CROSS SECTION OF CHB FOOTING MASONRY ILLUSTRATION 2-10 Continuing the problem of iitustration 2-9, Figure 2-10, if the wall footing is 15 centimeters thick and 50 centimeters wide, determine the quantity of cement, sand and gravel necessary using class “A concrete, Footing = 37.25 meters long FIGURE 2-12 CHB FOOTING SOLUTION -1 ( By Volume Method ) 1, Find the volume of the wall footing. Length minus the ‘space occupied by the posts to get the net length, 40.00 m.— (25 x 11 posts) 40.00 - 2.75 = 37.25 length Volume = 15 x 60 x 37.25m.= 279cu.m. 2. Refer to Table 1-2. Using class "A" concrete; multiply: Cement: 2.79 x 9.0 = 25 bags Sand: 2.79 x .50 = 1.4cu.m. 2.8 cu, m, SOLUTION ~ 2 ( By the Linear Meter Method ) 1. Solve for the Net Length of the CHB wall. Net length = 40.00 m. ~ (25 x 11 posts) = 37.25 m. 2. Refer to Table 2-5. Along 15 x 50 om. footing dimension class “A" mixture, multiply: 61SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. MASONRY Cement: 37.25 x .675 = 25.14 bags 3. Find the net length of CHB wall Sand: 37.25 x .038 = 1.42 cu. m. Gravel; 37.25 x .078 = 2.83 cu. m, L = 95,00-4.00 = 91.00m. ILLUSTRATION 2-11 4, Find the net area of the CHB wall fence. Area = 91.00 x 2.5m. ht. = 228 sq.m. From the following figure, prepare the bill of materials using class “B" mixture for concrete and mortar. 5. Find the number of 10 om, CHB. Refer to Table 2-2, multiply: 250M 20 28 x 12.5 = 2,850 pieces 2B temens 7 B. Cement Mortar for Block Laying s.00 | 1. Find the cement and sand for block laying. Refer to 7500 280 Table 2-2. Using class °B" mixture, multiply: ra ne 2. Cement: 228 x 522 = 119 bag +. 4 7 Sand: 228 x .0435 = 9.92 say 10 cu, m 500 500 "soo "son a0 © “ C. Cement Mortar for Plastering PLAN Post e 1. If two sides of the wall will be plastered, then: ence ‘Area = 95.00 m, x x 2 sides Sona ‘A = 380 sq. m. (includifig the posts) “Take note thatthe height of the wal is only 2.00 meters be- A. Solving for CHB cause we donot plaster the wall below the ground tne. 1. Find the Perimeter of the hollow block fence. 2 eek Tee ae Using 16 mm thick P = 3(25.00)+ 4(51 q : Banco re eae) Cement: 380 x .192 = 73 bags ‘ Sand: 380 x /.016 = 6.1 cu.m. rs. Suparn te enoth Seeepted by te postas D. Solving for Concrete Post and Footing Length = .20 width peepee epee lem ain) 1. Materials for CHB footing. The net length of the CHB 62 63i | | SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE | wall is 91.00 meters. Refer to Table 2-5, Using @ 10 x 40 footing class * B* mixture; multiply Cement: 91.00 x .300 Sand: 91.00 x .020 Gravel: 91.00 x 040 27.3 say 28 bags 1.8 say 3.64 say 4.0 cu, m. 2, Find the volume of the concrete posts. Volume = 20 posts x (.20x.20) x 3,00 m. ht. V = 24cu. m. 3. Find the volume of the footing. V = 20footings x (.15 x .60x.60) V = 1,08 cu. m, 4. Total Volume of posts and footing. Add step 2 and 3 V = 2.4 + 1.08 = 3.48 cu. m. 5. Refer to Table 1-2. Using class “B" mixture; multiply: 2 3.48 x 7.5 = 26.0 bags 3.48 x 50 = 1.74 cu. m. Gravel: 3.48 x 1.0 = 3.48 cum 2 Summary: 2,850 pieces 10 x 20x 40 cm. CHB 246 bags cement 20 cubic meter sand 7.5 cubic meter gravel Problem Exercise 1. From the following figures, find the following materials re- quired for its construction. a) 18x 20x 40 cm. concrete hollow blocks. b) Cement, and sand for mortar and plastering, 18x20x40 CHB Pastered on two ses FIGURE 2-14 FIRE WALL ELEVATION FIGURE 2-18SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 2-5 OTHER TYPES OF CONCRETE BLOCKS The standard common types of conerete hollow blocks are those with three hollow cores as explained in Section 2-1. There ‘are however various type of blocks especially designed for ar- chitectural and structural purposes such as; the stretcher block, the L-comer block, the single end block, the half block and the beam block. ‘The purpose of making these types of blocks is to create a wider core to accommodate concrete and steel reinforcement. The estimating method is similar with the standard type of blocks using the constant value of 12.5 places per square meter and 25 pieces for the half block although this type is usually determined by direct counting. In estimating the quantity of concrete hollow blocks, what is, considered is the side portion of the block. The thickness is only used in computing the cement mortar for block laying. The introduction of these special types of concrete hollow blocks facilitated the use of posts and beams for housing pro- jects avoiding the much used of form lumber. The wall is de- Signed as a continuous interlocking support of the roof framing. ‘Comer blocks combined with stretcher blocks are used on cor- ners provided with reinforcement instead of reinforced concrete Post. With this method, the costs of forms and labor were felt as a substantial savings. In block laying work, concrete being a mixture of cement, sand and gravel should be used to fill the hollow core of the blocks for economical reasons. If cement mortar will be used to fill the core, cost will be substantially high because of the.higher ‘cement content in proportion with sand without gravel Remember that cost is the primary consideration in any type of construction, and to use pure mortar to fill the hollow core of the blocks is costlier than to use a reinforced concrete walls even if forms are used. One can prove this by applying the prin- ciples as explained in chapter-1 2.Core L- Comer Block (5 ais ry & 1” 2 x ae oem Beam Block Halt Block “ ° ey ot 186m i ll Beam Block ‘Single End Block FIGURE 2-18 SPECIAL TYPES OF CHB 67SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ‘TABLE 2.6 QUANTITY OF CEMENT, SAND AND GRAVEL PER BLOCK 40 kg. Cement in bag Size in Class Mixture Centimeters 8 c Sand_| Gravel ‘Stretcher Block 2-core 20 cm. 0720 0067 | 0085 2-core 15m. 0488 0030 | 0045 L=- Comer Block 2-core 20 em. .ose7 | 0687 0060 | .0096 2-core 15cm. ‘0590 | 0467 | .0041 | .0070 Single End Block 2-core 20 em. oss | 0698 | .0063 | 0090 2-core 15em. 0612 | 0482 | .0044 | 0075 2-core 10 em, 0420 | 0315 ‘0038 | 0086 Half Block 20x20 em. 0400 | 0320 .9030. | .0050 15x 15 om. 0270 | ‘0215 ‘0020 | 0035 Beam Block A B 2- core 20 om. 0878 | 0732 .0050 | .0098 2: core 15 om. 585 | 0488 10040 | .0070 ‘The mortar for block laying is a mixture of cement and sand laid in between the layer of the blocks at approximately % of an inch or 12 mm as bonding materials. The hollow core is filled with concrete, a mixture of mortar and gravel. And to fill he core with pure mortar alone is a very costly construction undertaking to the advantage of cement manufacturer at the expense of the contactor: How t,use the table, the following example is pre- sented. ILLUSTRATION 2-12 ‘A masonry wall 1 cm. thick requires 1,500 pieces of 2-core stretcher blocks, 100 pieces single end block, 120 half block, 200 comer blocks and 80 pieces beam block. Find the cement sand and gravel using class "8" mortar mixture. ‘MASONRY SOLUTION 4. Itemized the blocks according to its category and indicate the number of pieces. ‘2-core1$ em. Stretcher block 1,500 pieces Single end block 100 Half biock. 120 L-Comer Block 200 Beam Block 80 2. Refer to Table 2-8. Under column class “B" mixture, mult ply the number of blocks to each corresponding value in the table to get the cement, sand and gravel required. a.) 1,500 - Stretcher Blocks Cement: 1,00 x 0623 = 93.45 bags ‘Sand: 1,500 x .0030 = 4.50 cum Gravel: 1,500 x .0045 = 6.75 cu. m b)) 100 Single End Block Cement: 100 x 0612 = 6.12 bags ‘Sand: 100 x .0044 = 0.45 cu. m. Gravel: 100 x .0075 = 0.75 cum ©.) 120- Half Block Cement: 120 x 0270 = 3.24 bags Sand: 120 x 0020 = 0.24 cu.m. Gravel: 120 x .0035 = 0.42 cu. m. 4.) 200- L Comer Block Cement: 200 x .0590 = 11.80 bags ‘Sand: 200 x 0041 = 0.82 cu. m. Gravel: 200 x .0070 = 1.40 cu. m. {80 - Beam Block ‘Cement: 80 x .0488 = 3.90 bags ‘Sand: 80 x .0040 = 0.32 cum. Gravel: 80 x..0070 = 0.56 cum.SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 3. Summary of the Materials 4,500 stretcher locks 100 single end lock SO 420 half block 200 L-eomer block Ceo ae beamblock 119. age cement 6.33 cu. m. sand ¥.88 cu. m. gravel FTALIAN 56 x 215 x 125mm 2-6 DECORATIVE BLOCKS Decorative hollow blocks are manufactured from either ce OOO ment mortar or clay. These types of construction materials had ssn widely used for ventilation and decorative purposes COO BOLVIAN TABLE 2-7 QUANTITY OF CECORATIVE BLOCKS CEMENT ‘AND SAND PER 100 BLOCKS. 400 x 180 x 180mm ‘Cement in Bag at 40 kg. Size Number |_Class Micure Sand per em. | persam| A 8 400 blocks Sx 10 | 200 a0 | 120 010 Bx15 | 133 270 | 180 015 5x20 | 100 360 | 240 020 aos ed en a00; ee wz 100 x 140 x 240 mm 40 x 20 50 720 | 480 040. 10x 40 ‘900 | 600. | 050 Beal aealsee 10 x 30 33_| 11080 | 720 060, 10,0.a||5.0.3/000 Cas |Gats) crab, ome as ‘TABLE 2-8 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND FOR VARIOUS TYPES (OF BRICKS PER 100 BLOCKS 0F size in Cement in Bag 40kg | Sand per : Ney Centimeters | Number Midture Class 400 TH t_|persam[ A 5 blocks exizxt9 | 305 | 346 230 019 yur. | ao | oe 408 034 40% 14x23 | 278 | 984 456 038 40x 24x24 | 160 | 882 588 049 Yoxt4x a9 | 167 | 972 648 054 peor fools acne N48 88 [EBs] PE te = FIGURE 2-17 DECORATIVE BLOCKS. 70 n2 ‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE SU ie JOSEPHINE EGYPTIAN oe 5G PERSIAN FIGURE 2-18 DECORATIVE BLOCKS MASONRY 2-7 SDOBE STONE Adobe Stone is commonly used for fencing materials as ‘substitute to concrete hollow blocks for economic reasons. Lately however, the used of adobe stone was no longer limited {o the orsnary zocalo and fencing work but also extensively used as finishing and decorative materials for exterior and iffle- rior of buildings and other related structures. The use of adobe stone for fences, buttresses, cross- foot ings, and stairs minimizes the use of mortar filler unlike in work- ing with concrete hollow blocks. Plastering is sometimes not applied specially when the design calls for exposure of the natural texture of the stone. 8 FIGURE 2-19 ADOBE STONE. ‘Three tables were prepared to simplify the process of obtain: ing the quantity of adobe stone and cement mortar for ston> laying and plastering.SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. ‘TABLE29 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND FOR ADOBE MORTAR PER SQUARE METER. 40 kg. Cement in Bags Commercial |No. per Class of Mi Sand Sizeinem | sqm. [6 c BD | cum. 15x15x45 | 148 | 173° | 130 -| 108 | .o15 15x20x45 | 11.0 | 132 | 099 | 083 | 017 15x30x30 | 11.0 | ‘088 | ‘06s | ‘055 | 07 1x30x40 | 83 | .089 | .067 | 056 | .008 15x30x45 | 74 | 1091 | ‘068 | 057 | .008 * Mortar at an average thickness of 16 mm. ‘TABLE 2-10 QUANTITY OF ADOBE STONE CEMENT AND SAND FOR BUTRESSES AND FOOTINGS Buttress and Footing Cement per Meter Ht. Buttress | No. | Number | Class of Mixture Sand Cross of | ofstone Section | course |per. M.nt| A Bi}c | cum 30x45 | 2 12 [2a | 156 [117 | 013 45x45 | 3 18 |.350 | 233 | 175 | 019 45x60 | 4 24 | 468 | 312 | 234 | 026 45x75 | 5 30 | 1583 | ‘389 | 292 | 032 45x95 | 6 36 |:702_| 468 | 351 | 039 * Mortar at an average thickness of 16 mm. ILLUSTRATION 2-13 From Figure 2-20, find the quantity of adobe stone, cement ‘and sand using class “B" mortar. SOLUTION ‘A. Solving for Adobe Stone Wall 1. Determine the length of the fence minus the space oc- cupied by the buttresses. 74 Tx tox 45 Fy utes. 19 Gondtne AF} 1s kaeg s secon FIGURE 2.20 ADOBE FENCE Length = 15.00 - (30x33 posts) (2 post plus the two 1/2 side posts = 3) L = 14.10 meters 2. Solve for the net area of the wall. Area A 14.10 x 2.00 m. 28.205.m:* 3. Refer to Table 2-9. Using a 15 x 15 x 45 cm. adobe stone, multiply: 28.20 x 14.8 = 418 pieces B. Solving for Buttresses 1. Find the total length of the post 200 m. x 4 posts = 8.00 meters 2. Referto Table 2-10. Using a 30x 45 buttress, multiply 5‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE MASONRY ina fie 11 Se center 3. Mortar for wall footing = 82 pieces. Refer to Table . om 3 e 2-0, using class "B" mixture; multiply 3. Fora 45 x 60 buttress footing refer to Table 2-10, the iComantiw ants toa vee oitcs ber 4, Multi x i umber of course is 4. Multiply Sand: 82 x .0023 = 19 cu. m. 4 x 4 footings = 16 pieces fs ‘TABLE 2-11 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND FOR PLASTERING 4, Add the results of 2 and 3. ‘ADOBE STONE PER SQUARE METER" ci 96 + 16 = 112 pieces es enact in Bag 40 Ka che 5 cc Do] cum. C. Solving for Wall Footing ‘One Face 240 180 150, 020 1. Length of the fence minus the space occupied by the Two Faces 480, 360, 300 040 buttress footing. * Cement Plaster at an average thickness of 20 mm 18,00 m. (45 x3) = 13.65 m. D. Solving for Cement Plaster 2) Is the 2 ‘center posts phis the two 1/2 at the sides, 1. Find the total surface area of the wall and the but- 2. Multiply by 6 stones ‘per meter length. The adobe cert dks Meloy stones are laid crosswise the wall, see figure 2-19. Length = 15.00 + 2(15) +(15x6)= 162m ‘Area = 16.2 x 1.50 ht, = 24.3 sq. m. 13.65 m. x 6 = 82 pieces. 2, The height is only 1.50 because we do not plaster the D. Solving for the Cement Mortar wall below the ground line, Refer to. Table 2-11. Using class *B” mixture, multiply: 1. The area of the fence is 28.20. Refer to Table 2-9. Us- Cement: 24.3 x .240 ing class "8" mortar, multiply: Sand: 24.3 x .020 5.83 say 6 bags 49 cu. m, Cement: 28.20 x 281 8.0 bags 3 ‘Sand: 28.20 x 024 = This is for one side plaster only. If two sides will be .88 cu. m. plastered, double the quantity. °2. For buttresses and footing = 112 pieces stone. Refer ‘Summary of the Material: to Table 2-10. Along 30 x 45 buttress class "B" mixture a a 612 pieces. 15 x 15 x 45 cm. adobe stone 20 bags Portland cement Cement: 112 x .027 = 3.0 bags i 2.0 cubic meters sand. San¢': 112 x .0023 = .26 cum. 7 76‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. Problem Exercise From the following figure, find the number of 15 x 20 x 45 ‘em. adobe stone, the cement and sand required to construct the fence using (a) Class A mixture; (b) Class C mixture. The plan specify plastering both sides of the wall using class B mix- ture. 350m. 15x20 x45 one | SECTION FIGURE 2.21 MASONRY 2-8 RETAINING WALL. The practical use of gravity retaining wall is controlled by height limitations. Indeed, the required wall cross section in- creases with heights due to the effect of the triangular soil pres- If the ground water level rises into the backfill behind a re- taining wall due to either changing ground water condition or percolating water surface, the lateral pressure against the wall is also changed. The combined effect of soil and water pressure ‘causes overtuming moments and sliding forces. This is greater than the condition where there is no water. To avoid the rise of water that is building up behind the re- taining wall, a weep hole or collector drainage system or both are provided as part of the design construction. Weep holes ‘should be at least 3 inches in diameter provided with a granular soil filter fabric at the wall to prevent backfill erosion, The hort- zontal spacing ranges from 120 to 300 centimeters apart For taller walls, two or more rows of weep noles may be pro- vided with a typical vertical spacing of 150 centimeters. A Satisfactory Retaining Wall Design must Satisfy the Following Criteria 1. The base and stem of the retaining wall must be capa- ble of resisting the intemal shear and bending moments developing as a result of soil and other joadings, The wall must be safe against overturning. The wall structure must be safe against sliding The bearing capacity of the foundation material support- ing the wali must not be exceeded. sen 2-9 RIP-RAP AND GROUTED RIP-RAP Rip-Rap is either with or without grout, with or without filter backing. Stones intended for rip-raping shall consist of rocks 79| ‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE which are nearly rectangular in section as possible, The stone shall be tough, durable and dense. It shall be resistance to the action of air and water and suitable in all aspects for the pur- pose intended. Adobe stone shall not be used unless specified. TH+ 08 Dry Rubble Cement Rubble FIGURE 2-22 CROSS SECTION OF RUBBLE RETAINING WALL Class of Stone for Rip Raping Glass A Stone ranging from 15 to 25 kilograms with at least 50% of the stones weighing more than 20 kilograms. Class B - Stone ranging from 30 to 70 kg. With at least 50% of the stones weighing more than 50 kilograms. Cless C- Stones ranging from 60 to 100 kg. With at least 50% Of the stones weighing more than 80 kilograms. less D - Stones weighing from 100 kg. to 200 kg. with at least 50% of the stones weighing more than 150 kgs. e0 MASONRY Excavation and Placing ‘The bed for rip-rap is excavated down 0 the required depth ‘and properly compacted, trimmed and shaped. The rip-rap foundation is laid below the depth of the scour filling the toe trench with sione of the same class as specified. Ench stone is laid with its longest axis perpendicular to the slope in close contact with adjacent stone. The rip-rap is thor- oughly rammed into place and the finished stones aro laid to an even tight surface. Intersections between stones are filled with small broken fragments firmly rammed into place. The stones are placed by hand or individually laid by ma- chine. Spaces between stones are then filled with cement mor- tar sufficient enough to completely fill all the voids except the face surface of the stones left exposed. ‘Cement grout is placed starting from the bottom to the top of the surface and then swept with a stiff broom. After grouting, the surface is cured like structural concrete for a period of at least 3 days after the installation. ‘TABLE 2-12 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND ON A STONE RIP-RAP PER CUBIC METER ‘Cement in Bags ‘Stone Grout Midure Sand Class A 8 cc cu m. ‘Class-A asa | ine | 1267 443 Class B 2448 | 1620 | 1214 135 Class az | 148 | 1316 $24 Glass -D tou | 1298 | os7e “108 ILLUSTRATION 2-14 A stone rip-rap retaining wall 50 meters long as shown in Figure 2-23 specify the use of Class B stone with class C grout 8SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE mixture. List down the materials required including the weep hole drain pipe and the gravel backfill as granular soil filter. 60 me a I 400m. height a hc} 50 meters long rp-ap 140 leo FIGURE 223 SOLUTION 1. Solve for the volume of the proposed riprap. Volume = Width x Height x Length Vy = 60 x 4.00m x 50m. = 120 cu.m. Va = (140%400) x 50m. = 149 cum Total volume. = m. 2. Refer to Table 2-12, Using Class B stone and Class C grout mixture, multiply Cement : 260x 1.214 Sand: 260x .135 315.64 say 316 bags, 35.1 cubic meters 3. Length of the riprap divided by the weep holes at 2.00 meters spacing distance; 50.00. m. = 25 pieces 3° dia. pipe at 2.00 m. spacing 2.00 82 MASONRY 4. For 2 layers weep hole, add 25 pieces 3° at 1.00 m. ‘Total: 25 pos. 3° diameter at 1.50 m. long. 25 pes. 3" diameter at 1.00 m. long 5. Find the volume of the granular soil (gravel) filter. V = 30x .30x.50.00 m. V = 45 say § cubic 1 6. Summary of the materials 260 cubic meters Class B stone 316 bags Portland cement 35 cubic meters sand 5 cubic meters gravel 21 pieces 3° x 3.00 m. PVc pipe 7. For back filling, add 20% to volume for compaction. 2-10 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ‘An-existing stable earth slope can experience significant movement called slope failure or landslide due to changes in its ‘natural condition or man-induced changes. There are instances where the materials in cut banks slip.down to the roadway or carrying portion of the shoulder of the road. This pattem of fail- ture is common in fills or cut slopes of homogenous non- ‘granular materials, ILLUSTRATION 2-15 A gravity wall 50 meters long has the following dimensions ‘as shown in figure 2-24, list down the materials required using, class A concrete, SOLUTION 1. Find the volume of stem. 83SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE V = (15 +.30) x 4.00 x 60.00 = 90 cu. m. FIGURE 2-24 CROSS SECTION OF RETAINING WALL Find the volume of the footing. V = 50x 1.50x 50.00 = 37.5cu.m, Total volume of 4 and 2. V = 904375 = 127.5 cubic meters Refer to Table 1-2. Using class A mixture, multiply: Cement: 127.5 x 9.0 = 1,148 bags Sand: 127.5 x 50 64-cu, m. Gravel: 127.5 x 1.0 = 128 cu. m. For Reinforcement, see plan and refer to Chapter-3 For Weep Hole pipe, divide length by 2.00 mete: san = 25 pieces at .60 m. 1 layer MASONRY 25 pieces at .50 m. 2" layer 2S pieces at 40m. 3" layer 7. Find the volume of Gravel Fitter Filler: V = 80x.30x 60m. x3 layers = 13.5 cubic meters 8, Find the volume of backfill materials. V = .60 x 4.00 x 50.00 = 120 cubic meters 8. Add 20% for compaction; 120+ 24 = 144 cu. m 10. Summary of the Materials 4148 bags cement 64 cu. m. sand 428 cu. m. gravel 7 pes. 3° x 6.00 Pvc pipe 14 cu. m. gravel 144 cu. m. back fill materials. 2-11 GABIONS AND MATTRESS Gabions and Mattresses are used to give permanent protec- tion and support to sea walls, river banks, culverts, reservoirs, road bridges and many other structures in civil engineering works. Gabions are box shaped containers made of tough woven hexagonal netting strengthened by selvedges of heavier wires. To further strengthen the container, diaphragms are ‘added to divide the gabion into 1 m compartments Recommended Uses When filled with quarried stone on site, Gabions and Mat- tresses prove to be excellent materials for ccnstruction of ‘retaining and anti-erosion structures. Major applicztions include: 4. Slope stabilization for embankment and cutting 2. Prevention of erosion in river embankments.‘SIMPLIFIED CQNSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, ‘TABLE 3-1 STANDARD WEIGHT OF PLAIN OR DEFORMED ROUND “~~ STEEL BARS IN KILOGRAM H Length of Steel Bars in Meters i Dam | 500} 600 | 750 | 900] 1050] 1200 | 1360 amm| 198| 237 | 206 | 356] 418] 474] 533 tomm | 308} 370 | 462} sss| 647] 730] az 12mm | 444] 833 | 666 | 799] 932] toes | 1190 tamm | S21} 625 | 793 | 938| 1094] 1250 | 1407 1omm | 790} 947 | 1104 | 1421 | 1658] 1895 | 12 2mm | 1233 | 1480 | 1850 | 2219| 2560 | 2050 | 3329 25mm | 1927 | 23.12 | 2890 | 3468 | 4048 | 46.24 | s202 28mm | 2417 | 29.00 | 2625 | 4380 | 50.75 | 58.00 | 6525 30mm | 27.75 | 33.29 | 4162 | 4094] 58.26 | osso | 7401 Samm | 3187 | 37.88 | 4795 | seez| 66.20] 75.76 | e529 26mm | 3998 | 4795 | 5093 | 71.92] 391 | 95.0 | 10750 TABLE 3.2 DEFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Nominal | MexAverage | Height | Tolerance | Max. Vaie Diameter | Spacing of Lugs | Minkmum | Maximum | Summation Ot vgs 9p 8 70 03 08 55 10 70 o4 os 78 12 a4 os 10 a4 13 aa os 12 102 18 12 o7 14 126 2» 140 10 20 187 B 175 12 24 16 2B 198 14 28 20 ~ 21.0 15 30 136 2 m4 18 32 24 % 245 18 36 25 88 METAL REINFORCEMENT ‘TABLE 3-3 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF STEEL BARS yt | ronnie — ime onde | hne” | “tee” [ren Paces” | ge” |e me | me woe | ore | Surat Berea eee HarRoned 230 | 200 | aco | o
2| 16 “ Non vi aatieaet|275 | 275 | 420 | 0<25] 10 | 100 | a toe bar o>as| 8 60 as | as pes] 8 | 10 | 50 ona] 7 od HarRoted 220 | 290 | 300 |
| 19 | Wlste p>as| te “s Detomed| 275 | 480 | 420 |
jena reeled tng (ees as ioral Hook Length = L+n for Bend HOOK PEND: FIGURE 3.3 HOOK AND BEND ALLOWNCE 92, . METAL REINFORCEMENT A Ca (eer Leare L = 2h+96 +204 = 2(A¢B)+ 204 Total Length = A+B+C+0 Total Length = ASB 121-4 ee FIGURE 3-4 LENGTH OF HOOK AND BEND 93‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Tek Conga: Total Length = A+h a L Gr t -——e—— (Gao) Total Length =A+B- 121-4 Total Length = A+2h a (a rym * =") Beer el Total Length = A+h Total Length = A+ 2h fotal Length = A+B+C-r-24 FIGURE 3-8 LENGTH OF HOOK AND BEND 94 METAL REINFORCEMENT To those who have not yet been exposed to detailed drafting ‘work or actual field construction of reinforced concrete, will find Itdifficult to make a detailed estimate of the various types of re- inforcement required. The various type of metal reinforcement that an estimator should be familiarized with ar A. Concrete Hollow Block Reinforcement. This is the simplest type of vertical and horizontal reinforce- ment placed in between’the layers and the hollow core of the blocks. This type of reinforcement is installed and spliced pro- Gressively with the rise of the concrete blocks. B. Focting Reinforcements 1. Footing slab reinforcement for small and medium size footings, Dowels, cut bars, anchor, and bend bars Beam reinforcement for medium construction Beam and slab for large construction Stiups gaen C. Post and Column Reinforcements 1. Main vertical reinforcement a. Single or b. Bundled bars 2. Lateral Ties ‘a. Outer ties bj Inner ties c. Straight ties / 3, Spiral Ties for circular column 4, Dowels for partitions and other future attachments. 95SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE D. Beam and Girder Reinforcements 1. Main Reinforcement a, Straight bars b. Bend bars ©. Additional cut bars for tension and compression d, Dowel bars for future attachment 2, Stirrups: ‘a. Open stirups b. Closed stirups ©. Straight stirrups or ties 3. Cut Bars ‘a, Over and across the support b. Between supports ¢. Dowels and hangers for celling and partition E. Floor Slab Reinforcement 1. Main reinforcements ‘Straight main reinforcing bars extending from one beam to the other b. Altemate main reinforcing bars with bend between ‘and over the beam support. (seé figure floor slab reinforcement) ©. Main alternate bars over support (beam or girder) 2. Temperature bars tied perpendicular to the main rein- forcement. 3. Additional alternate cut bars over the support (beam). 4. Dowels and hangers for ceiling and other attachment. E. Other Types of Reinforcement Other special types of reinforcement designed for a particu- lar structure which may be presented in details. Not until after familiarizing with these different parts and types of reinforce- ‘ment could one make a sound and reliable estimate. 96 METAL REINFORCEMENT ‘Suggested Procedures in Estimating Stee! Bar Reinforcement 1. The main reinforcement of post, column, beam, girder and the like structures, are determined by the simple Direct ‘Counting Method, that is, by counting the number of main vertical reinforcement on one structure then multiplied by the total number of the same type or category in the plan. 2. Do not forget to include the additional length for hook, bend ‘and splices for end lapping joints. The additional length is the one most often overlooked in ordering length of stee! bars. In ordering stee! bars, always think of minimizing the splices if it cannot be totally avoided. 3. For other reinforcement parts such as lateral ties, stirrups, spirals, dowels, cut bars and the like should be treated or estimated separately one at a time taking into consideration the additional length for the hook, bend, and splicing length. 4, After knowing the length of the lateral ties, stirrups and + other similar parts, select the steel bars from the various ‘commercial length of 6.00 to 13.50 meters long where these cut bars could be obtained avoiding or minimizing unnecessary extra cuts. Extra cuts are waste when classi- fied as junk materials, 5. Considering its cost, Tie Wire for reinforcement joints is a big item in large construction work. The length of each tie ‘wire should be cut to the minimum required length based on the diameter of the bars to be tied on. indiscriminate cut- ting of tie wire should not be permitted. 3-4 REINFORCEMENT OF CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKS Steel bar as reinforcement is a requirement for all types of concrete and masonry works. The National Building Code has promulgated guidelines on how and what kind of reinforcement 7‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE is appropriate for a certain type of work depending upon the purpose for which it is to serve, The size and spacing require- ments for concrete hollow block reinforcement must be indi- cated on the pian or specifications. ‘Concrete hollow block reinforcement could be determined in three different ways: 1, By the Direct Counting Method 2. By the Area Method 3. By the Unit Block Method ‘The Direct Counting Method Under the direct counting method, the vertical and horizontal reinforcements are counted individually in the plan. The length \s also determined from the elevation. The hook, bend and lap- ping splices are imeginebly calculated and added to its length because it Is very rare (o See a plan in a large scale drawing showing this particular raquirements of reinforcing steel bars. Thus, estimators must be familiar with the hook, the bend and splicing requirements to be able to work effectively even if the plan Is not accompenied with such details In the event that estimating by the Direct Counting Method is, somewhat difficult, one can use the Area Method with the aid of Table 3-5 prepared for this purpose. Estimating by the Aren Method ‘The Area Method is the simplest approach in computing the steel bar reinforcement for CHB with the aid of Table 3-8, The values presented in the table include the allowances required for standard bend, hook and lapping splices. ILLUSTRATION 3-2 From Figure 3-6, determine the number of: (@) 10x 20 x 40. cm CHB (b) Vertical reinforcement spaced at 80 cm. (©) Horizontal reinforcement at every 3 layers, METAL REINFORCEMENT CHE, 7 CHB Votcal Rent. @ 80 en. oc & ar en 200m Natural ground oem = Fectna «00m FIGURE 36 ‘TABLE 3.6 LENGTH OF REINFORCING BARS FOR CHB IN METERS \Vatical Reinforcement Horizontal Reinforcement spacing | Length of bars in meter _| Spacing |_Length of bars in metor vam. | Per Block | PerSq.M. | Layer | PerBlook | PerSq.M. 40 | 0295 | 293 | 2 | 0264 3.30 eo | om | 219 | 3 | 0172 218 eo | o128 | 160 | 4 .| 0198 172 SOLUTION ( By the Area Method ) 4, Solve for the Area of the fence ‘Area = Length x Height ‘A= 4,00 x 3,00 m. A= 128q.m. 2. For vertical reinforcement spaced at 80 centimeters, re- fer to Table 3-5. Under column length per sq. m. muitiply: 12.89. m. x 1.60 = 19.20 m. long 90SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 3. Solve for the horizontal bars at every 3 layers. From Ta ble 3-5 under Horizontal Reinforcement per square me- ter, multiply: 12 sq, m.x 2.15 = 25.80 meters long 4, Add the results of 2 and 3 19.20 + 25.80 = 45.00 meters 5. Convert this value to the commercial length of steel! bar, Say 6.00 meters long, divide: 45,00 m, = 7.8 order 8 pes, 10mm x 6.00 m. long. 6.00 SOLUTION (By the Unit Block Method) Solving the same problem of illustration 3-2, by the Unit Block Method, we have the following solution: 1. Find the area of the wall. ‘Area: = 4,00x3.00m. = 128q.m. 2. Determine the number of hollow blocks. Refer to Table 2-2. Multiply; CHB: = 12sq.m.x12.5 = 150 pieces 3. Refer to Table 3-5. a.) Vertical reinforcement at 80 cm. spacing, length of steel bar per block; multiply: 180 x 0.128 = 19.2 meters long. b)) Horizontal bars at every after 3 layers, refer again to Table 3-5. length of steel bar per block; multiply: 150 x 0.172 = 25.80 meters long. 400 METAL REINFORCEMENT 4, Add the results of (a) and (b) 19.2 + 25.80 = 45.00 meters long 8. Convert this length to the commercial size of steel bars, Say 6,00 meters long. Divid ~45.00.m, = 7.5 order 8 pieces 10 mm x6.00 m. 3-5 TIE WIRE FOR CHB REINFORCEMENT Tie wire refers to gauge No.16 galvanized iron wire popularly known as G.I, tie wire. Tie wire is used to secure the steel bars into its designed position. Ordering tie wire is not by feet nor by ‘meter length but in kilograms or roll. One roll is equivalent to 45 kilograms, or approximately 2,385 meters at 53 meters per kilo- gram. The length of each tie wire depends upon the size of the bars to be tied on. Tie wire is cut into length ranging from 20 to 40 centimeters for small and medium size steel bars. For larger stee! bars, the length of ties varies depending upon the conven- ience of the steel man, This particular item of construction material is always in- cluded in the bill of materials but never been computed. The quantity is determined through a more or less calculation. In shor, itis a quantity with uncertainty of its accuracy. The only thing that is certain is either it is over estimated or under est mated which is as bad as the other. Length of Tie Wire Reinforcement The common size of steel bar reinforcement specified for concrete hollow block work is either, 10 mm, 12 mm or 16 mm diameter depending upon the plan and specifications. For this Particular size of reinforcement, a 25 to 40 centimeters long tie wire folded at the center is satisfactory. 101SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE TABLE 3-4 No, 16 Gi, TIE WIRE FOR CHB REINFORCEMENT PER SQUARE METER co NEC ee eee eee Kilograms per Square Mater Vertical | Horizontal Spacing | Layer Specing | 250m. ce | S00m.Te | Adem. Te 0 2 | SC “086 0 3 036 07 053 0 4 ‘924 28 ‘038 ey 2 036 on 057 © 3 028 02 042 ©. 4 020 024 032 0 2 027 033 0M 50 a 20 024 os2 Cy 4 ots 018 024 ILLUSTRATION 3-3 Continuing the solution of illustration 3-2, find the required Tie Wire in kilograms if the reinforcements are spaced at: 4. Vertical bars spaced at 80 centimeters and one horizontal bars ai every after 3 layers of the block. 2. Vertical hars at 0 centimeters and one horizontal bar at every after 2 layers of the block 3. Tie wire in kilograms. SOLUTION - I 4. Solve for the wall area. Area = 4,003.00 A = 125q.m. 2. Refer to Table 3-6, Along 80 om. vertical spacing and 3 layers horizontal spacing of reinforcement at 30 cm. tong tie wire, multiply 42sq. m. x .024 = .29 kgs. # 16- G.1. wire 102 METAL REINFORCEMENT SOLUTION - 2 4. Find the wall area. ‘Area = 4.00x 3.00 = 1259. m. 3. Refer to Table 3-6. Along 60 cm. vertical spacing with ‘one horizontal bar at 12.sq.m. x .044 = 0.53 kilograms # 16 G.I. wire. More of this Tie Wire will be presented in the succeeding examples on stee! reinforcement. 3-6 INDEPENDENT FOOTING REINFORCEMENT Independent column footing is also referred to as individual or isolated footing. The ACI Code provides that the minimum underground protective covering of concrete to steel reinforce ‘ment shall not be less than 7.5 centimeters. The reinforcement {or this type of structure is determined by direct counting from the detailed plan under the following procedures: fn Bar Length = L Bar Length =1.+4(75em) FIGURE 3-7 INDIVIDUAL FOOTING REINFOMCENENT 41. Know the actual dimensions of the footing as to ils length and width. 103SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 2. Consider the 7.5 om. minimum underground protective covering of concrete to the steel reinforcement. 3. If the plan does not specify hook or bend of the footing reinforcement, the length af the bar is equal to the length (oF width of the footing minus the 7.8 protective covering at both ends. 4. If the plan indicate hook or bend of the reinforcement, the bar cut should include the allowances for the hook and band as presented in Figure 3-4 and 2-8. 5. Know the spacing distance of the stee! bars both ways to determnine the exact number required. As much as pos- sible, select the appropriate commercial length of ste bar which is divisible by the required cut length to avoid ‘unwanted cuts. One important consideration in estimating steel bar rein- forcement is to find the required length and quantity of @ particular reinforcement then choose a commercial length bars ‘which when cut into the required sizes will minimize unwanted cuts. For instance, if 5 pieces at 1.20 meters long is needed, the most ideal order is 6.00 meters long steel bar. Likewise, if the ‘work requires 2.50 meters cut length, the order will not be 6.00 ‘meters but 7.50 meters long steel bars. 150m, 2 PLAN CROSS SECTION FIGURE 3.8 INDEPENDENT FOOTING REINFORCEMENT 104 METAL REINFORCEMENT ILLUSTRATION 3-4 From Figure 3-8, find the number of 12 mm steel bars re- Quired if there are 24 footings having a general dimensions of 1,50 x 1.50 meters, SOLUTION 1. Find the net length of one cut reinforcing bar. Net Length is = 1.50 m. - 2.075) L = 1.35 meters. 2. Find the total number of these cut bars in one footing, 10 x 2 = 20 pieces of 12mm at 1.35 m. long. 3. Find the total number of cut bars in 24 footings. Total cut bars: 24x20 = 480 pieces 4. If 6.00 meters long steel bar will be used, we obtain the following cuts. 8,00m. = 4.44 pieces ~ 1.35 m. 5. The result simply mean that in one 6 metérs long steel barwe could get 4.44 pieces at 1.35 meters long. We will Not consider the fractional value of .44 because itis less, than 1.35 meters length of one cut bar. Instead, we will ‘only use the whole value 4.0, ©. Divide the result of step 3 by 4.0 to get the number of 6 meters stee! bars required. 480 = 120 pieces steel bars at 6 meters long. 40 105SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE N= 6x2 (crosswise) = 12 pieces per footing 3. Find the total cut bars for 30 footings. 12 cut bars x30 footings = 360 pieces. 4. Find the total length of 360 pes. cut bars at 1.20 m. long, 360x 1.20 = 432 meters 5. Divide by 6.00 m. length of one commercial steel bar 492m. = 72pieces 12 mm x 6,00 m. ste! bars. Comment : 1. The above solution is correct because in dividing 6.00 m. by 1.20 (length of one cut bar), we got an exact amount of 5.0. Meaning, there is no extra cut in one 6.0 meters. steel bar. 2, In step 5, dividing 432 by 6.00 meters, yield an exact number of 72 pieces at 6.00 meters steel bar. Therefore, all cuts are exactly the same without excesses, Solving the Same Problem by the First Method 1. The net length of one cut bar is 1.20 meters and the total ‘umber of bars in 30 footings is 360 pieces, 2. Select a commercial length of steel bar which is divisible by 1.20 without extra cut. Try 6.00 meters jong steel bars. $.00m_ = Spieces 1.20, 3. This simply mean that in a 6.00 meter long steel bar, we ‘obtain exactly 5 pieces at 1.20 m. long out bar. Divide the total cut bars for 30 footings by 5 108 _METAL REINFORCEMENT 360. = 72 pieces 12 mm x 6.00 meters steel bars 5 ‘The question now is, when to use the first method and when to use the second. The following rules will help in making the 1. Determine the net length of one reinforcing cut bar 2. Divide 6.00 meters or any chosen commercial length of Stee! bar by the result of step 1. 3. If the result in dividing the length of one steel bar by the {ength of one cut bar is a whole number (exact value) use the second procedure. 4. Ifthe result has a fractional value, use the first method, Estimating The Footing Tie Wire Estimating the Tie Wire was initially discussed in Section 3-5 under the reinforcement for CHB. Applying the same principles {in ilustration 3-4 and 3-6, we have the following examples. A) Solving the Tie Wire for Iustrat 34 1. Looking at the plan of Figure 3-8 there are: 10x10 = 100 intersections of.steel bars to be tied er footing 2. Solve for the total ties of the 24 footings: 100 x 24 = 2,400 ties. 3. Using a 30 centimeters long ties, multiply: 2,400x.30m. = 720 meters G.!. wire. 4. Convert this length to kilograms. (One kilogram of No. 16 te wire is appruximately 53 meters long.) Divide ; ‘720m. = 13.58 say 14 kilograms # 16 G.}. wire, 53 109SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, B) Solving the Tie Wire ror Dlustration 3-6 1. Looking at the plan of Figure 3-9. There are 36 steel bar intersections to be tied with G.1 wire 6x6 = 36 ties per footing 2. Solve for the total ties of 30 footings. 36 x 30 = 1,080 ties. 3 If one tie is 30 cm. long, find the total length of 1,080 ties; .30 m. x 1,080 = 324 meters long. 4. Convert this length to kilograms. Using the value of 53 meters per kilogram, divide: 324m. = 6.1 kilograms # 16 G.l. wire. 53. 3-7 POST AND COLUMN REINFORCEMMENT ‘The reinforcement of post and column to be considered in this study are: (a.) The main or vertical reinforcement, (b.) The lateral ties or (¢.) Spiral ties for circular column, FIGURE 3-10 POST AND COLUMN REINFORCEMENT 110 ‘METAL REINFORCEMENT ‘The quantity and length of the main reinforcement is deter- mined by the "Direct Counting Method” giving special attention to the additional length for: Lap joints of end splices Allowance for bending and or hook ‘Additional length for beam depth and floor thickness if the height indicated in the plan is from floor to ceiling. Distance from floor to footing slab. Provisions for splices of succeeding floors. 9a psp ILLUSTRATION 3-7 From the following figure, list down the main reinforcement {rom the footing to the second floor using 20 mm if there are 10, ‘columns in the plan. 8- 20mm 40 m Dowel for 2 Foor — 18 Concrete slab FIGURE 3-11 LENGTH OF MAIN REINFORCEMENT 111‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE SOLUTION 1, Determine the total length of the main steel bar reinforce- ments. a, Bend at the base footing 4 20 . Length from footing to ground floor 20 ©. Height from ground line to beam. 50 d. Depth of beam....... 50 ©. Thickness of the floor slab .. 15 1. Dowel for second floor (20x 20 mm) ....._40__ Total Length of the Reinforcement... 5.95 M. 2. Select a 6.00 meters long steel bar 3, Multiply by number of bars in one post x 10 post. 8x 10 = 80 pieces 4. Onder, 80 pes. 20 m™ x 6.00 meters long steel bars. 3-8 BEAM AND GIRDER REINFORCEMENT The Direct Counting so ‘er js the best ethod in determining the number of main reinforc=ment of beain and girder. The length however, is determined by the physical condition of the structures in relation wit their support 4. Verify the plan if the span or distance of the column where the beam is resting indicates the following condi- tions: ‘) Center to center of the column b) Outer to center of the column ©) Outer to outer side of the column 0) Inside to inside span 2. Verity the splicing position of the reinforcement if itis ad- justed to the commercial length of steel bars, Take note ‘that “the lesser the splice the lessor Is the cost”. 412 METAL REINFORCEMENT 3. Identify the bars with hook and bend for adjustment of their order length. Sk Slab cot i Bear Beam rc |} com ‘Center te Center ‘Center Outer side Slab ‘stb ———— asian a Bear = L-com. Inside to Inide (Outer to Outer side FIGURE 3-12 * 3-9 LATERAL TIES Tied column has reinforcement consisting of vertical bars held in a position by lateral reinforcement called tateral ties. ‘The ACI Code provides that: “All non fire-stressed bars for tied column shail be enclosed by lateral ties of at least No. 3 in ‘size for longitudinal bars No. 10 or smaller and at least No. 4 in size for No. 11 to 18 and bundled longitudinal bars". The Code Provisions Simply Mean that: a.) If the main fongitudinal reinforcement of a tied column is 113SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. 10 bars or smaller in size (lower than 30 mm), the Lat- eral Ties should not be smaller than No. 3 bar or 10 mm. diameter. | b.) If the main reinforcement of a tied colin is No. 11 to No. 18 (35 mm to 68 mm) and bundled bars, the Lateral i Ties should not be less than No. 4 or 12 mm diameter. | The Code further provides that Lateral Ties Spacing shall not exceed the following: 1, 16x the longitudinal bar diameter 2. 48x the lateral tie bar diameter or 3. The least dimension of the column ILLUSTRATION 3-8 Determine the spacing distance of the lateral ties for a tied column as shown in the following figure. co Retramt20 soem me Late Th San ia uaviron stern chose seérion FIGURE 3-13. SPACING DISTANCE OF LATERAL TIES 114 -METAL REINFORCEMENT SOLUTION 4. Determine the spacing distance of the lateral ties. a) 18x20mm = 320mm b) 48x10 mm = 480 mm or 48 cm. ©) The least side of the column is = 30cm. 2. The lowest value is 30. Therefore, adopt 30 centimeters, spacing of the lateral ties ‘TABLE 3-7 NUMBER AND DIAMETER OF STEEL BARS Bat No, Designation inches mm. 2 % 6 5 38 10 4 ip 12 5 58 6 6 % a 7 78 2 8 40 2 8 118 B 10 4 31 cit 138 3s 2 112 38 3 158 a 14 134 “ 16 20 50 18 aia 6 ILLUSTRATION 3-9 A building has 26 square columns 7.00 m. high with cross sectional dimensions of .50 x .50 m. with 8 pieces 20 mm main reinforcement. Find the lateral ties required using 10 mm and the corresponding tie wire. SOLUTION 1. Determine the spacing of the lateral ties. 16x 20 mm, = 320 mm or 32 om 18SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. 48x10 mm. = 480 mm or 48 cm. ‘The least dimension of the column is 50 cm. 2. Adopt 32 cm. spacing of the lateral ties being the small- est value. 3. Determine the number of lateral ties in one column, ‘Spacing = 700m. ht. = 21.875 say 22 32em. 10mm, Lateral Ties ELEVATION SECTION CROSS SECTION FIGURE 3-14 4, Take note that this 22 is the spacing distance between lateral ties. What we are after is the number of ties in one column height. Add one to get the number of lateral ties, No, of Lateral Ties: 22+! = 23 places. 5. Solve for the total lateral ties in the 26 columns, Total ties: 23 x 26 columns = §98 ties 6. Determine the length of one Lateral Tie. By Inspection, the tie is 180 om. or 1.80 meters long. 116 METAL REINFORCEMENT 7. Find how many 1.80 meters could be derived from a ‘commercial lenath of steel! bars ranging from 6.00; 7.50 (or 9.00 meters long. By trial division we have: 600-333 7250-416 900 = 50 1.80 1.80 1.80 8. From the above results, select 5 for having exact value which means exactly 5 pieces could be detived from a 9.00 meters long stee! bar. 8. Divide the total number of ties in step § by the values found in step 7 to get the number of steel bars required. 598 = 1196 say 120 50 10. Order: 120 pes. 10 mm x 9.00 meters long steei bars. Comments: 4. Step 7 is very important because without these trial div- sions, cutting could be done on a 6.00 m. or 7.5m. steel bars making so many extra cuts to be classified later as surplus or junks. ‘an exact quotient, it becomes the estimator’s choice to decide which length to use that will not produce exces- sive waste. 3. In this example, we have leamed how to program the buying and cutting of steei bars for lateral ties minimiz~ ing if not totally avoiding unwanted cuts. Solving for the Tie Wire 1. Find the number of main reinforcement in one column multiplied by the number of intersections with the lateral ties. 47‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 8 bars x 23 lateral ties = 184 i lersections per column 2. Find the total intersections in the 26 columns: 184 x 26 = 4,784 ties 3. This 4,784 is the total nuniber of Tie Wires. If each tie is, 40 cm. long, multiply to get the total length in meters. 40 x 4,784 = 1,914 meters G.L. wire 4, One kilogram of No. 16 G.I. wire is approximately 53 me- ters, divide: 1,914 m. = 36.1 say 37 kilograms 53 ILLUSTRATION 3-10 From the following figure, find the number of 10 mm. lateral ties if there are 30 columns at 8 meters high each including the tie wire in |_ 8-20mm inner Ties main rent s2em. ELEVATION SECTION (CROSS SECTION FIGURE 3-15 118 METAL REINFORCEMENT SOLUTION 1, Determine the spacing of the lateral ties 16x 20mm = 320mm, Or 32cm 48x 40mm = 480 mm. Or 48 cm, The least dimension of the column is 40 cm, Adopt 32 om. spacing, the smallest value found, Determine the number of lateral ties in one column Spacing = 8,00m ht = 25 pieces+1 = 26 32m. Find the total lateral ties in the 30 columns. a) Inner Ties: 26x30 = 780 pieces b) Outer Ties: 26x30 = 780 pieces By Inspection, the length of the lateral ties are: a) Innerties = 100 cm. or 1.00 meter b.) Outer ties = 140 cm. or 1.40 meters Find how many 1.00 meter and 1.40 meters could be de- rived from a commercial length of stee! bars. By trial divi- sion we have: a) 6.00 m. = 6.0 pes. the result has no fraction. 1.00 b) ot m f 3 B 3B 3 1 & m. = 6.42 pcs. still with fraction, 4.28 pes. with fraction, try another length 5.35 pes. with fraction, try another length 7. The results dictate that we use 6.00 meters steel bars. } 119i SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE METAL REINFORCEMENT | @) Forinner Ties: 780 = 130 pieces No. of Ties: 8x 26x30 columns = 6,240 ties | 6 | 2. Using .40m, long Tie Wire, find the total tength of the ») ForouterTies: 730 = 195 wire, 28 (disregarding 28) 8. Add (a) and (6) = 325 pcs. 10 mmx 6 m. steel bars. 40 x 6,240 m. = 2,496 meters. 3. Convert to kilograms. 2.498. = 47 kilograms 53. ‘TABLE 3-8 NUMBER OF LATERAL TIES IN ONE STEEL BAR AND QUANTITY PER METER LENGTH OF COLUM are ‘Table 3-8 was prepared to simplify further the estimate of sete eee ree ete eee eo column lateral ties and stivups for beam and girder. The x -en- Spacing | perMt mt | Hook & Bena tty simply mean’that such length of steel bars, is not recom. SMjemirsulom| im mended for economical reasons. ees The table wil guide the estimator in selecting reinforcing Ctl ca tin fated ha tS a bars whose commercial length when divided by the length of 20 5.18 80 Beil ieea leer | ae each Lateral Tie or Stirrups will minimize extra cut of unwanted (ids evel eel eee and length. To use the table, consider the folowing example: 28 .4sae ete done of eel Be [tea fiay. (ite BS Uats 8 Linehan we a,x TRA’ 20; il ccaagn econ Heeaiiaale ge kites ILLUSTRATION 3-11 HBS ex la(er [ox | 36 | oO ito Re nepal aad ak AA building has 20 columns with cross sectional «mensions m5, 2h Seer wl | of 30x40 em, each with a clear height of 7.00 meters, Find the Roa fl Wad feel ‘umber of 10 mm steel bars for iateral ties using Table 2-2. 120i |che| ae |i few ol ce AE] Rt cota cl etliweb eg teeal e - 15 o [aah m, leet oes BO aad (tao © | eclea | dee ae ms {xla}sie| x s | 19 | 1 |xlalsfte| & 4001 3E[eeslex [ee] x Lf 80; Abit e ely ele | x Col. Rein. —] wo fxfxfals| x A 40m 400 1 x(a] alae be au meets Ply |S [10mm aera X ~ Not advisabe length for economical reasons. f Soiving for the Tie Wire ELEVATION SECTION cross secrion 1. Find the number of intersections be ; lumber of intersections between the main rein ese forcement and the lateral ties, 2 121 120 iSIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE SOLUTION i, 122 By Inspection, there are two types of lateral ties, a.) Outer ties = 125 cm. with hook b) Innerties = 80cm. with hook Find the total length of the 20 columns. 7.00 x 20 column = 140 meters. Refer to Table 3-8. Under spacing of lateral ties at 20 om. distance, there are 3.43 pieces per meter height. Multiply 140 m.x 3.43 = 480 pes. outer ties 480 pes. of Inner ties, Refer again to Table 3-8. Under length of ties along 125, centimeters, 4 and 6 pieces could be derived from a 5.0 and 7.50 meters steel bars respectively. If 6 cuts is cho- sen, divide! 480 = 80 pes-10 mm x 7.50 m. steel bars 6 For the 80 cm. long lateral ties, 6; 11 and 15 cuts can be obtainied from a 5.0 m., 9.0 m. and 12 meters steel bars respectively. If 11 is chosen, divide: 480 = 43.6 say 44 pes.-10 mm x 9.00 m. steel bars 1 Order: 80 pes. 10 mm x 7.50 m. steel bars 44 pcs. 10 mm x 9.00 m. steel bars Finding the Tie Wire we have: 480 lateral ties x 8 main reinforcement = 3,840 ties METAL REINFORCEMENT 8. Ifthe length of each tie is 40 om. find the total length: 3,840 x.40 = 1,536 meters 9. Convert to kilograms, divide by §3 m. 1,536 m. = 28.9 say 29 kilograms. 53 Problem Exercise From the following figure, find the number of 10 mm lateral ties and tie wire if there are 36 columns with cross sectional di- ‘mensions of 60 x 90 cm. at 12.00 meters long per column. -— 10 -25 mm main reinforcement— 90m 60m, Ross SECTION FIGURE 3.17 3-10 STIRRUPS FOR BEAM AND GIRDER Stimup is the structural reinforcing member that. holds or binds together the main reinforcement of a beam or girder to a designed position. The two types of stirrup commonly used are the open stimups and the closed stimups. 123SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, ‘The procedures adopted in estimating the number of stirrups. for beam and girder is the same as that of the lateral ties as ex- lained using Table 3-8. However, the spacing distance of the stimip requires special consideration because they are gradu- ally becoming closer towards the support. Hence, itis important to get the average number of stirups per span or by direct Counting from the detailed plan. EE FIGURE 3-18 OPEN AND CLOSED STIRRUPS 230m. FIGURE 3-19 STIRRUPS ONBEAM ILLUSTRATION 3-12 A.reinforced concrete beam with a cross-sectional dimen- sions as shown aLove specify the use of 10 mm open stimups 124 METAL REINFORCEMENT ‘spaced as shown in Figure 3-19. If there are 16 beams of the ‘same design, find the materials required for the stirrups. SOLUTION 4, By‘direct counting, there are 17 stimups at 99 om. long say 1.00 meter, 2. Find the total number of stirrups 17x 16 beams = 272 pieces. 3. Refer to Table 3-8. For a 1.00 m. jong stimup the choice is either 6.0 m.; 9.0 m.; or 12 meters long steel bar. For easy handling use 6.0 meters long. Divide 212 = 45.3 say 46 pes. - 10 mm x 6.00 meters 6 FIGURE 3.20 STIRUPS ON GIRDER 128| ‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE | ILLUSTRATION 3-13 From Figure 3-20, compute the number of 12 mm stirrups required if there are 12 girder of the same design. SOLUTION 4. By direct counting, there are 15 stirrups per span, ifthere are 12 girders; multiply = 15x12 girders = 180 stirups 2. ‘By inspection the length of one stimup is 150 cm. Refer to Table 3-8, along 150 om. length of ties, 4, 5, 6 and 8 ‘cuts could be derived from 6.00; 7.50; 9.00 and 12 me- ters steel bars respectively. If we chose 6.00 m. long. 180 = 45 piece 12 mm x 6.00 m. steel bars. 4 3, Ifwe chose 7.50 meters long steel bars we get: 480 = 36 pieces 12 mm x 7.50 m. = 3-11 SPIRAL AND COLUMN TIES ‘The spiral reinforcement consist of evenly spaced continu- ous spirals held firmly in piace by at least three vertical bar ‘spacers under the following considerations 4. ‘That the center to center spacing of the spiral should not + exceed 6th part of the diameter core. 2. That, the clear spacing between the spirals should not ‘exceed 7.5 centimeters nor less than 5.0 centimeters. 3, That the clear spacing between the spirals be less than 4-1/2 times the biggest size of the coarse aggregate. 126 METAL REINFORCEMENT ILLUSTRATION 3-14 A spiral column with a cross sectional diameter of 50 om. re- quires spiral reinforcement as shown in the following figure. If there are 14 columns at 7.00 meters high, find the number of 10 mm steel bars needed for a 5 cm. pitch spirals. FIGURE 3.21 SPIRAL COLUMN SOLUTION A. Solving the Spiral Reinforcement - 4. Total length of 14 columns: 7.00 m. x14 = 98 meters. 2. Find the number of 10 mm bar spirals. Refer to Table 3- 9. For a 50 cm. column diameter, 5.0 cm. pitch using a 6.00 meters steel bars, multiply 98 m.x 4,919 = 482.1 say 483 x 10 mm x 6.00 m. 3, If 9.00 meters will be used as spiral, from Table 3-9. along 50 om column diameter, 5 cm. pitch under 9m. steel bars the entry is 3.223. Multiply 98 m. x 3.223 = 316 pieces. 10 mmx 9.00 m. ‘ sarSIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. -METAL REINFORCEMENT . ‘TABLE 3.9 NUMBER OF SPIRAL. BARS PEK meen iT eee 210 au | ara | ss04 709 170 s8s6 | aes7 | 2883 Geran [Pach | No.of Tum | Number of Stel Bars oma 143 496 | 32s | 2408 oi im aa paver etom Tt ooom Tiz00m— . \| mo aor | saat | ove 500 210 2606 | 1700 | 1260 0 A707) 8 apes Sa) 74ers ase wo | 625 170 2108 | tae | ica aes Sra eehysaTea oI 2700 750 : 143 7 | 1465 | oes Alrigity, eat tse el aad 5.00 210 2808 | 1896 | 1410 0 0 ec eeliere sas | 625 i79 23a | i535 | sta 143 ese et ete ae 750 ue ger lige len 5.00 zo, | 176 | 704 | sae a eetst | ateee ltr sooo | 625 170 667 | 5873 | 4222 wo |] ae | as | ae | se Ma |S ee |e 780 143 |. are | taza | 1.088 5.00 210 sar | 2275 | 1602 ee sms | 625 i10 zen | tae | 1303 B. Finding the Tie Wire 780» | 143 23m | ism | 1464 s Ph das a aiescc| aaah 41. Find the number of vertical bars per column = 12 pieces so | 625 7 ‘ : er aS ear eee aloe 2. Referto Table 3-9. Under 50 cm. column diameter, § cm i, pitch, the number of tum per meter height is 21. = 5.00 20 .| 40st | 205¢ | 1574 Multiply as |" 625 ito sz | 2100 | 1500 yen Sea leona lies abated, : 12x21 = 252 Ties per meter height 5.00 20 ‘40 }- 204 | 2115 : : meat \ese 10 aaiae soap ans 3. Total Ties for 14 oplumn at 7.00 m. high i 750 143 2902 "| 1940 | 1443 : 252 x 7.00 x 14 ‘500 210 asso J a033 | 2256 eet 475 625 170. 3748) 2455 | 1.828 = 24,696 ties 750 143 3159 | 2070 | t's30 500. 210 Mois uiltees | Casey ; 4. Total length of the wire at .30 m. long per tie: soo | 625 iro *| 3002 | 2600 | 190 au 2 750 143 [+3357 | 2109 | 1.635 ~_24,696x.30, . 500 210 sae | 3602 | 2678 + =, 7,409 meters. sso | 625 170 45 | 3017 | 2253 xe : : 750 143 3762 | 2526 | ja6e . . : 5. Convert to kilograms. Divide by 53, woo | 32 Zio som | asst | 2960 ‘ A 625 170 asia | 3220 | 2306 cgi 30 nes dinis| Sears ieee, 7.409 = 139.8 say 140 kilograms 53 4 128 ‘ F 129SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, 3-12 ONE WAY REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB ‘One of the most commonly used concrete floor systems is the solid stab that is continuous over parallel supports. The sup- ports may consist of bearing walls of masonry or a set of evenly ‘spaced concrete beams. The principal reinforcement runs in cone direction parallel to the slab span and perpendicular to the supports. One method used in finding the number of steel bars for a one-way reinforced concrete slab is either by the direct, counting or by the area method. Sedoem 20mm dew 4 i FIGURE 3- 22 ONE WAY SLAB REINFORCEMENT 130 : METAL REINFORCEMENT ILLUSTRATION 3-15 From Figure 3-22 of a one-way reinforced concrete slab, de- termine the number of 12 mm. steel bars including the tie wire required, ‘A. SOLUTION ( By Direct Counting ) Given Data: ‘Spacing of main reinforcement = 15 cm. ‘Temperature bar spacing 30 cm, Size of the reinforcement 12mm diameter Type of reinforcement = One way 1. Find the number of main reinforcements at 15 m. spacing 5.70 = 38 pieces 15 2. This 38 is the spacing between bars, and to get the number of steel bars add 1 38+ 1 = 39 pieces x 6.00 m. main reinforcement. This 39 bars are the alternate straight and bend bars. 3, Find the number of cut bars in between the bent bars. 5.10+1 =(20 x 2sides) = 40 pcs. at 1.40 m. 30 4, Using a 6.00 meters stee! bar, divide by 1.40 to get the number of cut in one steel bar. 6.00 m. = 4.28 cuts (use 4 disregarding .28 ) 1.40 5. Divide the result of step 3 by is 4 cuts 40. = 10 pieces at 6.00 m. steel bars 4 431i SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE | 6. Find the main reinforcement; add step 2 and step 5. 38+ 10 = 49 pieces 12mm x 6,00 m. Finding the Shrinkage and Témperature Bars 1. Across the main reinforcement, divide by .30 spacing 5,50 + 1 = 19.33 say 20 pieces x 6.00 m. 30 2. Along the 1.40 m. spari top bars. 1.40 + 1 = 5.6 say 6 pieces at 6.00 meters. 30 3. Since there are 2 sides at 1.40 m. multiply: 6x2 sides = 12 pieces at 6.00 meters long 4, Add the results of step | and step 3. 20+ 12 = 32 pieces 5, Summary: Main reinforcement: 39 + 10 = 49 pcs. 12 mm x6.00 m. Temperature bars: 20 + 12 =_32_pcs, 12 mm x 6.00 m. Total 81 pes. 12mm x6,00™m. tt will be noted that the preceding, solution by Direct Count- ing Method is some what complicated considering that there are three different items of reinforcement involved: a)_The main reinforcement composed of straight and bend bars; ) The cut altemate bars between the bend bars and ©) The shrinkage and temperature bars. Table 3-10 was prepared for a more simplified solution in finding the reinforcement of a one way slab by the so called ‘Square Meter Area Method. » 132 t: METAL REINFORCEMENT ‘TABLE 3-10 QUANTITY OF REINFORCING STEEL BARS IN A ONEAWAY REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB Bar Number of Stee! Bars per Square Meter Spacing , soom. | 750m | 900m | 1200m, 100 3764 | 2937 2.421 1.789 125 3.062 | 2381 11934 1.427 15.0 2584 | 2004 tess | 1.197 475 2.232 1.728 1.407 1.033 20.0 1-980 1.528 1258 | 0914 2s 4.786 11360 1109 | 0810 25.0 1.627 11250 1014 | 0.736 * The ACI Code provides thatthe cenier io center bar spacing must not be ‘greater than five tes the slab thickness. Barspacing |_6oom |" 750m | 900m | 200M in TABLE 3-11 QUANTITY OF TIE WIRE ON A ONE WAY REINFORCED ‘CONCRETE SLAB IN KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER Length of Stee! ‘Bars Centimeters | 20} 40 | 20| 40 | 30 | 0 | 30 | «0 100 }.474 |.622| 462] 616 | .460| 614) .448 | 598 425 |.318 1.422 | .307| 409 | ‘295 | 304 | \293 | (391 15.0 |.228 |.303 | 217] 280 |-214| '285| 207 | 276 175-468 | 224 | “162|.216 | 158 | 210! 153} 204 200 |.432 [178 | 426) 168 | (125 | 167 | 120| ‘160 228 {410 | 147 | 102] .135 | ‘099 | -132| 095 | 126 25.0 |.089'} 118 | (086) 114 | .081 | 108 | 077 | 103 . SOLUTION ( By the Area Method ) 1 Determine the floor area, Area: 5.70 x 5.50 = 31.35 square meters 2. Refer to Table 3-10. Using a 6.00 meter iong steel bars at 15 cm. spacing distance, multiply: 133| SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 31.35 x 2.584 = 81 pieces 12 mm x 6,00 meters. Solving the Tie Wires at . 30 cm. long Refer to Table 3-11, along bar spacing at 18 cm. using a 30 cm. tie wire, multiply: 91.35 x .228 = 7.18 say Bkg. #16 G.I. wire. ILLUSTRATION 3-16 From the following floor plan, find the quantity of steel! bars ‘and the tie wire required using 12 mm x 7,50 meters steel bars. FIGURE 3.23 REINFORCED CONCRETE FLOOR PLAN SOLUTION 1. Solve for the Area of the floor: 7.20 x 7.00 = 50.40 sq. m. 2. Refer to Table 3-10 along 12.5 spacing, under 7.50 m. steel bars, multiply 50.40 x 2.381 = 120 pieces 12mm x 7.50 m. 3. Fortie wire, refer to Table 3-11. using a .30 m. long multiply ‘50.40 x .307 = 15.5 kilograms 134 METAL REINFORCEMENT 3-13 TWO-WAY REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB A two-way reinforced concrete slab consists of a multiple bays of sold twpzway spanning-slab supported by beams or girders. 1 rT Temp. Bar Spee ac fs Sa aly 4 LAN 187 cut bare Concrete Siab 187 cut bars Temperathre Bars 2 layers, SECTION FIGURE 3.24 REINFORCEMENT OF TWO WAY CONCRETE SLAB 195SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ILLUSTRATION 3-17 From Figure 3-24, determine the number of 12 mm stee! bars spaced at 10 cm. on center including the tie wire required. SOLUTION ( By Direct Counting Method ) 1. Solve for the number of main reinforcement. 360+ | = 37 pioces 40 2. There are two cross run of main re:nforcement, multiply: 37x2 = 74 pieces 3. For additional cut bars at 1.80 m. long, 4 cuts can be ob- tained from a 7.50 m. steel bars. Divide 18.5 say 19 pos 12 mm x 7.50 m. steel bars 4, Find the Temperature bars across the 1.80 m. span spaced at .20 m. on center. 180 + 1 = 10 pieces 20 5. Multiply by 4 sides at 2 layers, one at the bottom and one at the bend bars. (see figure 3-24) 10x 8 = 80 pieces bars at 7.50 m. long 6. Summary of steel bars from step 2, 3 and 5. 74+ 19+ 80 = 173 pieces 12 mm x 7.50 m. SOLUTION ( By the Area Method ) 4. Find the area of floor stab 196 METAL REINFORCEMENT Floor Area = 7.20 x 7.20 = 51.84 sq. m. 2. Refer to Table 3-12. Using a 7.50 m. steel bars at 10 cm spacing of main reinforcement, multiply 51.84 x 3.337 = 173 pieces 12mm x 7.50 meters ‘TABLE 3-12 QUANTITY OF STEEL BARS IN A TWO WAY REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB PER SQUARE METER Bar Spacing| Number of Steel Bars per Square Meter in Centimeters [600m | 750M | 900M 12000 10.0 ase | 33397 | 2772 2022 125 3e03 | 2662 | 2245 4.635 15.0 3221 229 | 1921 4.382 175 2647 | 2025 | 1.050 4.196 20.0 2.360 41775 | 1.461 1.086 25 2.168 1.601 4.312 0.907 25.0 4.977. 1486 | 1.217 0.862 * The ACI Code provides that the center to center spacing of temperature bars ‘must not be greater than five times the slab thickness. ‘TABLE 3-13 TIE WIRE IN A TWO-WAY REINFORCED CONCRETE ‘SLAB IN KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER ‘Length of Steel Bars BarSpacing | _6com | 750m | 00m | 1200M in centimeters | 20 | 40 | 30 | 40 | 20 | 40 | 20 | 40 70.0 | 502 |.e06 | 648 | 063 | 648) 264) soo] 704 125 |.416 | 554 | .420| 560 | .431| 574] 421] 561 46.0 _ |.350 | 466 | 307) 409 | '257| 343 297| 396 475 | 247 |.330 | 231 | 308 | ‘223 | 208) 206| 275 20.0 |.474 |232 | ‘171 297 | 173] 231 | 163] 217 225 |.168 |.224 | 160] 200 | 148] 198) .130| 173 25.0 |.142 | 180 | 134] 178 | 114] 152) 116] 155 137‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Solving for the Tie Wire 1. Refer to Table 3-13, along 10 cm bar spacing and 30 cm. Jong tie wire, muttiply by the area: 51.84 x.648 = 33.6 2. Order 37 kilograms of No.16 G.l. wire. 3-14 CONCRETE PIPE REINFORCEMENT ILLUSTRATION 3-18 From the following Figure, determine the quantity of 10 mm steel bars and the tie wire required. Sonate Fe Reint.Ring | SOLUTION 1. Solve for the circumference of the circle at midpoint of the concrete thickness “t* c= C= 3.1416 x (.90 +10) = 2.1416 m. 138 + METAL REINFORCEMENT 2. Total length of one ring plus .15 m. splice. 3.1416+.15 = 3.29 meters 3. Find the total number of ring at 15 cm. spacing distance 1.00 m.= 6.7 number of spacing distance 15 4, Add one to get the number of ring: 6.7 +1= 7.7 say 8 pieces at 3.29 meters. 5. Find the number of shrinkage and temperature bars at say .20 m. on center. 3.28 = 16.45 say 17 pieces 20 6. Summary of the Reinforcements 8 pes. 10 mm. x 3.29 m. long 17 pes. 10 mm. x 1.00 m. long Solve for the Tie Wire 1. Total numberof ring multiplied by the number of shrinkage ‘and temperature bars. ‘8x17 = 136 ties x.30 cm. long pertie = 41 meters 2. Convert this length to kilograms. Divide by 53. 44 = .77 say 1.0 kilograms # 16.1. wire 53 Problem Exercise 1. A road construction requires 75 pieces concrete pipe at 60 centimeters diameter. Compute the number of 8 mm steel bars, tie wires and the concrete required using class A mixture, 139‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. 2.) A flood control project requires 80 and 50 pieces con- crete pipes with 120 and 90 centimeters diameter respectively. ‘Compute for the following: 8) 10 mm reinforcement for the 120 cm. pipe b) 8 mm reinforcement for the 90 cm. pipe ©) Tie wire ) Concrete using class A mixture 3.) From the following figure, find the main and lateral ties steel reinforcement for 20-columns each with a height of 15 me- ters. le coLuMN A COLUMN B FIOURE 328, Main Reinforcement = 16mm Main Reinforcement = 20 mm Lateral Ties= 10mm Lateral Tee = 10 mm Number of column ="29. Number of column = 20 Height = 16 meters Height = 24 meters ‘Suggested Estimating Procedures ‘a. For accuracy of the lateral ties cut length make a full scale drawing then measure the actual length. b. Check the length of your tie wire from the actual size of main steel bars and the lateral ties, c. Remember the additional length for hook and bend. METAL REINFORCEMENT _3. From the following circular column, determine the spiral reinforcement and the tie wires required under the following: specifications: ? Spiral reinforcement = 10 mm Pitch of spiral = 5 om. Number of columns = 12 Height of each column = 5,00 m. Diameter of the column = 55 centimeters Number of main reinforcement 16 ~ 16 mm meas FIGURE 3-27 SPIRAL COLUMN 4. Determine the required reinforcement and tie wire of a one way reinforced concrete slab using 12 mm steel bars de- signed as follows: a.) Main reinforcement 12 mm at 5 inches on center. b.) Temperature bars 12 mm at 10 inches on center. FIGURE 3.28 ONE WAY CONCRETE SLAB “t‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 5. A two way reinforced concrete slab will be reinforced by 42 mim steel bars space at 7 inches and the temperature bars at 44 inches on center. List down the metal reinforcement required 870m. FIGURE 3-29 REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB CHAPTER LUMBER 4-1 WOOD ‘Wood Is that fibrous substance which composes the trunk land the branches of a tree that lies between the pith and the bark. The versatility of using wood in every construction has lifted itto its present importance and high demand in almost all types of construction. Even with the introduction of new materials and methods of construction, wood is evidently much in use. Wood, because of its strength, light in weight, durability and ease of fastening be- ‘come one of the most important building materials. 4-2 DEFINITION OF TERMS Lumber - is the term applied to wood after it has been ‘sawed or sliced into boards, planks, timber etc. Rough Lumber - is the term applied to unplaned or un- dressed lumber. in short, those lumber with rough ‘surfaces. ‘S2s and S4g - are dressed lumber wherein the number con- notes the smooth sides. For instance, S28 means lumber hav- ing two smooth sides and S4s with four sides, Slab - is a kind of rough lumber cut tangent to the anriual ‘ings running through the full length of the 1og containing at least one flat surface. Surface or Dressed Lumber - is a planed lumber having at least one smooth side. 143SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Timber - is a piece of lumber five inches or larger in its ‘smallest dimension. Plank - is a wide piece of lumber from 4 to § inches thick. Board - is a piece of lumber less than 4 centimeters thick with at least 10 centimeters wide. Fitch a thick piece of lumber. Fine Grained - when the annual rings are small, the grain or marking which separates the adjacent rings is said to be fine grained. When large, itis called Coarse Grained. Straight Grained - Is a term used when the direction of the fibers are nearly parallel with the side and edges of the board. Crooked or Cross Grained - is a lumber taken from a crooked tree. 4-3 CLASSIFICATION OF WOOD Wood that are used in building constructions are those which grows larger by addition of a layer on the outer surface each year known to botanists as EXOGENS, Wood is Classified According to: 1. Mode of Growth a, Indigenous - are those trees that grows from the inside. These kind of trees has a soft center core and are not preferred for lumbering. 'b, Exogenous - are those outward growing trees pre- ferred for lumbering. 2. With Respect to Density - It is either: a. Soft b. Hard 144 LUMBER 3. With Respect to Leaves - is either: ‘a, Needle shape b. Broad shape 4. With Respect to Shades or Colors White b. Yellow c. Red d. Brown e. Black, etc. Modular Rays Outer Bark Cambium Inner Bark 5. With Respect to the Grain a. Straight b. Cross. ©. Fine d. Coarse 6. With Respect to the Nature of Surface when Sawed 148SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. a. Plain b. Grained . Figured or Marked Rei! * 1 2! ve b a a ie Tangential pian of Bastard Sewing FIGURE 4.2 METHODS OF LOG SAWING 4-4 METHODS OF LOG SAWING Lumbering is the term applied to the operations performed in preparing the wood for commercial purposes. Logging is the process or operations from cutting of trees, hauling and delivery to the sawmill for sawing. Sawing on the other hand is the op- eration of cutting logs into commercial sizes of lumber. 148. LUMBER ‘The Methods and Manner of Log Sawing 1. Ph or Bastard Sawing 2. Quarter or Rift Sawing a. Radial b.-Tangential ©. Quarter Tangential d. Combined Ra and Tangential 4-5 DEFECTS IN WOOD ‘The term defect refers to irregularities found in wood. And the most common defects in wood are: 1, Caused by Abnormal Growth Such as: Heart Shakes are radical cracks in wood orig nating from the heart of the logs. Heart shake is. ‘commonly found in old trees. Wind Shakes or Cup Shakes are cracks or breaks across the annual rings of the wood dur- ing its growth caused by excessive bending of the tree due to strong wind, ‘Star Shakes are composed of several heart shakes radiating from the center of the log in a star like manner. Knots - occurs at the starting point of a limb or branch of the tree 2. Due To Deterioration a b. Dry Rot - is caused by fungi in a seasoned lum- ber due to the presence of moisture. Wet Rot - takes place sometime in the growth of the tree caused by water saturation, 147SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 4-6 SEASONING OF LUMBER ‘mersed in water immediately after cutting is less subject to split- ting and decay. It reduces warping but become brittle and less elastic. Soaking of wood in liquid is the oldest method of sea- soning lumber introduced and practiced by the ancient Roman builders. Methods of Seasoning Lumber 4. The Natural Sunlight or Air- Seasoning Process is considered as one of the best method used in seasoning ‘of wood although the period involved is relatively. longer. 2. The Artificial Seasoning is a process where lumbers are stacked in a drying kiln and then exposed to steam and hhot air. Under this method, lumber undergoes @ quick ‘drying process. ‘The Artificial Methods of Seasoning Wood are: 4. By Forced Air Drying 2. By kiln Drying 3. By Radio Frequency Dielectric Drying Good seasoning is the primary consideration for successful preservation of wood. Wood does not decay naturally through ‘age, nor will it decay if it is kept constantly dry or continuously submerged in water. ‘The Common Causes of Decay in Wood are: 1. Altemate moisture and dryness 2. Fungi or molds 3, Insects and worms 4. Heat and confined air 148 LUMBER ‘The Process of Preserving Wood are: 4. Extemal Process. The wood is coated with preserva tive applied as paint to penetrate the fibers of the wood, 2. intemal process. A chemical compound is impreg- nated at a prescribed pressure to permeate the wood thoroughly 4-7 THE UNIT MEASURE OF LUMBER Board Foot is the unit of measure used in computing the volume of lumber. Despite the adoption of the Metric System {G)), board foot for lumber is still in use for convenience and practical use. One board foot simply mean, one square foot by Gne-inch thick lumber or an equivalent of 144 cubic inches. The width and thickness of commercial lumber are expressed in inches while the length is in feet of even numbers. Board foot is found by dividing the product of the thickness, ‘the width and the length by 12. ILLUSTRATION 41 Find the total board feet of 5 pieces 2° x 6° x 14” ft. lumber, SOLUTION Board foot = 5x2x6x 14f.= 70bd. ft : 12 Finding the board foot of a commercial size lumber is as simple as the above illustration. But the question is how to find the net board foot of a round log or a standing tree knowing its diameter and height? This question can be answered using the following formula: Bd. Ft. Volume = (D-4)7 x 16 149‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Where: D = The smaller diameter of the log L = The length of the log 4 = Constant as reduction factor ILLUSTRATION 4-2 Determine the total board foot lumber which could be derived from a round log 28 inches diameter by 6.00 meters (20°) long ‘as shown in Figure 4-3. pa ate op eA FIGURE 43 NET BOARD FOOT IN ALO SOLUTION 4, Substitute given data in the formula: 28-4)" x 208 = 720bd. ft. 16 In solving board foot of 1umber, convert first all measure- ‘ments from Metric to English. Take note that the thickness and width are in inches and length in feet. : Manner of Payment in Sawing or Slicing Lumber" ‘There are two methads of computing payment for slicing or ‘sawing lumber. 4. By board foot or 2. By meter length 150 LOMB ‘The board foot method is simply computing the total board foot of sawed lumber then multiplied by the agreed price per board foot. On the other hand, the meter length method is mu- tiplying the width in inches by the fength in meter times the agreed unit price per meter run, ILLUSTRATION 4-3 How much will it cost to slice a 6” x 6 x 3.00 meters wood to produce a 2 x 6 lumber if the unit price'is P2.00 per board ft. Line of euting FIOURE 4-t SOLUTION ( By Board Foot Method ) 1. Find the total board foot of lumber” SxS x10 = 30 bd. ft. 12 2. Multiply by the unit price say P 2.00 30x 2.00 = P60.00 SOLUTION ( By Inch-Méter Method ) 1. Multiply the width by the length 6 x 3.00 = 1 151SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 2, Multiply by number of cut 18x2 = 36 Inch- Meter 3. Multiply by the unit cost 36 x 1.85 = P5940 4-8 WOOD POST In estimating wooden post for building structure, there are only three things to consider: 41. The size of the post 2. The quantity or number of posts 3. The length or height of the posts The size of the post is already indicated in the plan. The ‘quantity is directly counted in the plan and the length is deter- mined through the following considerations: 1. For one story building, verify if the elevation height indi- cates from floor to ceiling. ifthe ceiling is below the girts, ‘add the depth of the girts including the bottom chord or the rafters to the height of post. 152 LUMBER 2. For a two story building, verify if the height indicates from floor to floor. If so then consider the additional depth of the girder, the floor joist and the flooring. And for the second floor, add the depth of the girts, bottom chord or rafters to the height of the post. 3. Take note that the commercial length of lumber is al ‘ways of even number. If the computed length is odd number adjust the order to the next even number length. ILLUSTRATION 4-4 From Figure 4-5, determine the length and boarc'foot of the posts required if there are 8 pieces 6” x 6" wood posts. SOLUTION 1. Find the total height of the post from floor to ceiling 2704270 = 540m. 2. Determine the depth of the girder, floor joist, flooring and the girts. Girder = 20 Floorjoist = 15 Flooring = .025 Gits = 20 ‘575m. 3. Add resutts of 1 and 2 to get the total Jength. L = 540+.575 = 5.975 meters 4. Converttofeet: 5.975 = 20ft 30 5, Order: 8- 6"x6"x20' = 480 board fi 453SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 4-9 GIRDER and the flooring. It is determine by Direct Counting Method based on the framing plan of the building. The length however, is subject to the following considerations: ah is indicated from cen- ler is equal to the span lus one side width of the post (Figure 4-6). 5 ee) = Span + 2(1/2 side of post) Le FIGURE <6 CENTER TO CENTER SPAN 2. I the span of the post indicates from outer to outer side Of the post, the girder length is equal to the span of the L= Span of post FIGURE 4.7 OUTER SPAN 3. Ifthe span of the post indicates from center to outer side Of the posts, the length of the girder is equal tc Plus one half the width of one oe ae 184 L= Span + ( 1/2 side of post ) FIGURE 4-8 CENTER TO OUTER SPAN 4. Ifthe span or distance of the post indicates inside meas- urement, the length of the girder is equal to the span plus two width of the post. (Figure 4-9). i l L_= Span + Overhang |. San SAAR FIGURE 4.9 5. Ifthe second floor has overhang, wherein the girder has to carry the floor joist, the girder length is equal to the span plus the overhang (Figure 4-8). _ 4-10 FLOOR JOIST AND WOOD FLOORING Floor Joist is the structural member of a building that sup- Ports the wood flooring. Floor joist is estimated by direct count- ing method based on the floor framing plan. However, in the absence of a detailed plan, estimating could also be done if the spacing and length of the 155‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE FIGURE 4 10 FLOOR JOIST AND T & G FLOORING T & Gis the popular name for Tongue and Groove wood board used for flooring, ceiling, paneling, forms etc. The ness of the board varies from 16 to 20 mm. Its width also varies from 7.5 to 15 centimeters. Other sizes Yor Architectural pur- poses are obtained through special order. ‘There are two methods presented how to determine the re- quired number of pieces and board foot of T&G for a known floor area. 4. By Direct Counting method or 2. By Board Foot per square meter ILLUSTRATION 4-5 From the floor framing plan as shown in Figure 4-11, deter- mine the number and board foot of floor joist and the T & G flooring required 156 Post Post Post Wood flooring [solid Bridging 3 2x 6X12 toor bist Gider, 5.00. 500M. FIGURE 4-11 FLOOR JOIST AND WOOD FLOORING SOLUTION A. Finding the Floor Joist 4. Determine the length of the girder. ide by the spacing Of the floor joists. 5.00 = 16.6 30 2. This number represents the spacing of the joist. Add one to get the exact number of floor joist. 166+1 = 7.6 say 18 pieces 3. Fortwo span, multiply: 18 x 2 = 36 pieces 4. Determine the length ofthe floor joist in feet 3.50 = 11.66 say 12 feet. 30 Order, 36 pieces 2°x 6"x 12'= 432 board foot B. Solid Bridging 4. Find the length of the girder in feet: 187SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 5.00 = 16.66 ft. 30 1. Find the total number and thickness of the joist 2. Subtract from step - 1 4, Order: 2 pos. 2°x6"x 14 ft. = 18 x2 inches thickness = 36" or 3 ft. 16. 66-3 ft. = 13.66 or 14 foot 28 bd. ft. ‘TABLE 4-1 QUANTITY OF WOOD FLOORING AND SIDING BOARD PER SQUARE METER AREA Size of Board | Effective Width Board Foot " In Inches in Meter per Sq. M. xo 0625 14.400 xa 0875 13.714 xe 1128 13.333 xe 1975 13.091 0875 188 41. Find the length of the floor joist = ©. Finding T&G Flooring By Direct Count 3.50m. 2. Using 4" T&G, divide by the effective width, 3.50 = 40 pieces x 2 span= 80 pieces. 3. Length of girder is 5.00 m. or 18 feet. 4. Order: 80-1" x 4"x 18 ft = 480 board foot, 5. If18 ft isnot available: order 120 - 1" x 4" x 12 ft. LUMBER Finding T&G Flooring by the Area Method 1. Find the floor area, 3.50 x 10.00 m. = 35.0 square meters 2. Refer to Table 4-1,Using 10 mm. wood board muttply: 35.0 x 13.714 = 480 bd. ft. 3. Onder 480 board foot 1" x 4" T & G. orto be specific con- vert the board foot to number of boards. 1'x4"x12" = 4bd. fl. Divide: 480 = 120 pieces 4 4-11 SIDING WOOD BOARD ‘The common types of commercial siding wood boards are: 1. Stone cut 4. BCB Cut 2. Double Stone Cut 5. Weather cut a. V-Cut —ae es Single Cut Double Cut vou FIGURE 4-12 SIDING WOOD BOARD The thickness of siding wood board varies from 16, to 20 mm. Likewise, the width ranges from 15 mm (6°) to 20 mm (6°) of even length from 8 to 16 feet. The quantity is estimated un- der the following consideration: 159‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 1. The area of the opening such as windows, doors and the like are subtracted from the gross area of the wall to be covered by the siding wood boards. 2. Consider the additional depth length for the girts, floor- ing, floor joist and the girder. 3. The length of the siding wood board must be specified to avoid joints in between the heights. ILLUSTRATION 4-6 From the following Figure, find the number of 8 inches Dou- ble Stone Cut siding wood board. a 300] sil FIGURE 4.13 ‘TABLE 4-2 QUANTITY OF SIDING WOOD BOARD Size of Wood Board ‘Number per Approx. Board Ft Inches Center Meter Run per Sq. Meter 6 8 121 1740 8 2 833 1278 160 LUMBER SOLUTION 41. Determine the total length of the wall board Floor to ceiling 3.18 Depth of girts 25 Flooring and joist 17 Depth of girder _.30 3.0m. ‘Order length 2. Length of the wall = 5.00 — 2.00 window = 3.00 m. 3. Refer to Table 4-2 for an 8" or 20 cm. wood board, matty: 3.00x 5.33 = 16 pieces. 4. Onder: 16 pes. 1" x8" x14" = 149.3 board ft. 12 SOLUTION - 2 ( By Board Foot per Square Meter ) 1. Solve for the wail area: 3.90 x 300m. = 11.7sq.m. 2. Refer to Table 4-2. Using 8 wood board, ‘multiply: 117 x 12.76 = 149.3 3. If 6 wood board will be used then from Table 4-2, multiply: 11.7 x 17.40 = 203.58 board ft. 4, Order: 204 board f. 1"x8"x 14 ft. 161‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE, 4-12 ROOF FRAMING Roof framing comprises the girts, bottom chord, rafters, purlins collar plate, center post, strut and blocks are computed by direct counting method. Shorter parts like collar plates, king post, strut and wood blocks are determined according to their sizes combined together and adjusted to the commercial length of lumber. For accuracy of estimating these items, a detailed drawing indicating their sizes and length should be made as basis in finding the unit length of every parts. 4-13 STUD ‘Stud is the structural member in building construction wherein the sidings or partition boards are fastened: It is some- times referred to as the ribs of wooden walls or partitions. Lum- ‘ber intended for studs should be straight and uniform in width of either S2s or S4s for uniformity of wall thickness. Advantage of Using S2s and S4s Lumber 1. Good quality, straight and uniform in thickness. 2. It is economical in terms of labor cost. 3. The work progress is not affected or delayed. There are two methods presented on how to find the quan tity of studs at a given vertical and horizontal spacing. 162 LUMBER 4. By Direct Counting Method 2. By the Square Meter Method By Direct Counting Method is simply counting the number Of vertical and horizontal member from a detailed plan. In the absence of a detailed drawing plan, an imaginary counting through arithmetical calculation will do. By the Area or Square Meter Method is simply finding the wall area multiplied by the values given in Table 4-2 corre- ‘sponding to the size and spacing of the studs. ‘TABLE 4-3 NUMBER OF BOARD FOOT OF STUDS AND NAILING JOIST PER SQUARE METER Lumber ‘Spacing in Centimeters (Center to Center) size in Inches_| 30x30 | 30x60] 40x40 | 40x60] 60x60 1x2 | 4103 [3147 | 349 | 2606 | 2268 2x2 | e198 | 6293 | 6370 | 6373 | 4504 2x3 | 12284 | 9.440 | 9560 | e060 | 6298 2x4 | 16414 | 12592 | 12758 | 10.746 | 9.195 ILLUSTRATION 4-7 ‘Awall partition 5.80 meters long and 3.40 meters high spec- ify the use 2° x 3° studs spaced at 60 centimeters on center both ways. Find the total board foot required. 163‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE SOLUTION -1 ( By Direct Counting) 1. Find the number of Vertical Studs ‘i 5.80 = 10 (rounded) Number of spacing 60 | 2. Add 4 to get the number of studs. 1041 = 11 at3.40mor(i2f) | 3. Find the number of Horizontal Studs. i 3.40. +1 = 7 at 580m, or(20f.) 60 4. Order: Vertical Studs 11 - 2"x 3"x12' = 68 Horizontal Studs 7 - 2"x 3"x20' = 70 Total...... 136 bd. f. SOLUTION -2 ( By The Area Method ) 1. Find the area of the wall partition. Area: 5.80x 9.40 = 19.7259. m 2. Referto Table 4-2 Using 2° x3" at {60 x.60 m. spacing ‘multiply 19.72x 6.898 = 136 bd. ft. 2° x 3" lumber. Comment 1. Computation by the Area Method give results in board foot unlike the direct Counting Method where the-number, of pieces and length of the lumber were known outright ahead of the board foot. As to which method will be used depends upon the choice and purpose of the estimator. 2, There are instances where small discrepancies arise be- tween the results of the two methods. This is due to the ‘adjustment of lumber from odd to even length. 164 ILLUSTRATION 4-8 A wall partition of Figure 4-16 measures 5.80 meters long by 4.00 meters high specify 2° x 3° wood studs spaced at 60 cen- timeters for vertical and 40 centimeters for horizontal center to center distance. Find the number of board foot required, SOLUTION -1 (By Direct Counting) 1. Find the number of vertical studs 5,80 = 9.7 say 10 spacing _ 60 2. Add 1 to get the number of vertical studs: 1041 = 11 pos. 2x3x5.80m. or (14 ft) 3. Find the number of Horizontal studs. 4.00 = 10 40 4. Add 1 to get the number of Horizontal studs. 10+ 1 = 11 pieces 2° x 3" x 5.80 m. or (20 ft) 165i | i I SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE $8. Onder 14—2°x3"x 14" = 77 bd. ft 11-2"x3"x20' = 110 bd. ft. 187 bd. ft. SOLUTION - 2. (By the Area Method ) 4. Find the area of the wall partition Area: 5.80 x 4.00 = 23.2 sq. m. 2. Refer to Table 4-2. Using 2° x 3° at 40 x 60 cm. multiply 23.2 x 8.060 = 187 bd. ft. 4-14 CEILING JOIST Ceiling joist is the structural member in building construction ‘where the ceiling board is fastened. It is otherwise known as the nailing strip. The common size used for ceiling joist are 1 x 2; 1%x2; 2x2 and 2 x 3 lumber spaced to suit the size of the ceiling board. In short, the ceiling board dimensions govern the \ist for economical reasons. Vertcat 2x2@ 40M, 400M. FIGURE 4-17 CEILING JOIST 168 LUMBER ILLUSTRATION 4-9 __, Find the total board foot required for a 4.00 x 5.80 meters living room using 2° x 2° ceiling joist spaced at 40 x 40 centime- ters on center. (See figure 4-17) SOLUTION -1 ( By direct counting ) 1. Find the number of joist perpendicular to 5.80 meters. 580 = 145 say 16 spacing of joist 2, Add 1 to get the exact number of joists. 15+1 = 16 pieces at 4.00 m. or (14) 3. Find the number of joist perpendicular to 4.00 m. span. 400.= 10spacing + 1 = 11 pes. at 5.80 or (20) 4, Onder: 16 pes. 2x 2x 148. = 74.66 11 pes. 2x 2 x 20f. = 73.33 Total 147.99 bd. f. 5. If 20 feet isnot available, the order could be: 16 pos. 2x 2x 141, 22 pos. 2x 2x 10ft. Total .. SOLUTION - 2 ( By the Area Method ) 1. Find the area of the ceiling. 4.00 x 5.80= 23.24. m. 2. Refer to Table 43 Using 2° x2" a 40 x 40 em. multiply: 23.2x 6.379 = 147.99 bd. ft 167‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 4-15 CEILING BOARD ling board of different brand, le for building construction. However, the simplest way of fr ding the number of boards re- quired is to divide the total ceiling area by the effective covering ‘of one ceiling board chosen or by the square meter method with the aid of Table 4-3. ILLUSTRATION 4-10 ‘A bedroom with a general dimensions of 4.00 x 5.00 meters ‘specify the use of 1/4” x 4" x 8" plywood ceiling on a 2" x 2" cell- Ing joist spaced at 40 x 60 centimeters. Find the number of ply- ‘wood and the ceiling joist required if there are 5 rooms of the same size. SOLUTION (By the effective coverage method ) A. Ceiling Joist 168 LUMBER, 1. Find the area of the ceiling; 4.00 x 5.00 = 20 sq. m. 2, See Table 4-3 Using 2 x 2 at .40 x .60 spacing, multiply: 205g. m.x 5.373 = 107.48 bd. 3. For Srooms 10746x 5 = 537.3 bd. R. of 2°x2" 8. Ceiling Board 41. Find the area of ceiling: Area: 4.00x 5.00 = 20 sq.m 2, Refer fo Table 44, Using a 1.20x2.40-m.pywood,,m. = 7>pieces per room 2.88 3. For§ rooms, order 35 - ¥%4" x4’ x 8’ plywood TABLE 44 QUANTITY OF CEILING BOARD PER SQUARE METER Bow Size | Effective Covering ‘Number of pieces tn Conia per board ee Square Meter 30x30 0.09 W411 40x40 0.16 6.250 40x60 024 : 4.167 60x60 0.96 2778 60x 120 072 11389 90x 180 1.62 0617 120x240 2.88 0.347 ILLUSTRATION 4-11 ‘An office room measures 6.00 x 9.60 meters long specify a 60 x 120 cm. ceiling board, List down the materials required. SOLUTION-1 ( By Effective Area Coverage Method ) 1. Find the area of the ceiling. 169‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Area: 6.00 x 9.60 57.6 sq. m. 2. Refer to Table 4-3. Using a 60 x 120 ceiling board, divide the area by its effective covering. 57.6 = 80 pieces 60 x 120 ceiling board. 72 600m ES eet FIGURE 4-19 CEILING PLAN SOLUTION- 2 (By Direct Counting Method) 1. Find the number of boards along the 6.00 meters. £.00m. = 10pieces 60 2. Find the number of board along the 9.60 meters span. 260m. = 8 pieces 4.20 3. Multiply the results of 1 and 2 10x 8 = 80 pieces 60 x 120 ceiling board. ‘Comment: ‘The resutt of the two methods as presented are correct if the ceiling area falls under the following conditions: 170 LUMBER 1. That the quotient in dividing the area of the ceiling by the effective area covering of one board yields an exact num- ber or value (no fraction). 2. That the celling design is plain and not interrupted by beams, girders, rafters and the 3. That the ceiling has no intricate design or decorations that requires more cutting of the ceiling board. 4. When cutting of the board could not be avoided, wastage is also inevitable but could be replenished by an allow- ance factor of about 2 to 5% depending upon the design. ILLUSTRATION 4-12 An elementary classroom building has a general dimensions of 6.80 x 8.00 meters specify the use of a 90 x 180 centimeters. 19 board. Find the number of ceiling boards required for a 12 classrooms. 800m. 680m. : + FIGURE 4-20 CEILING PLAN SOLUTION -1 ( By the Effective Area Coverage Method) 1. Find the area of the ceiling. 6.80 x 8.00 = 54.40 square meters ”
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