Lesson Foundation: Title and # Within Unit Grade Level
Lesson Foundation: Title and # Within Unit Grade Level
Lesson Foundation: Title and # Within Unit Grade Level
Lesson Foundation
Central Focus The class will be reading a high interest low level novel aimed towards
What is the focus/outlook for the
unit or lesson segment? captivating the interest of struggling readers.
Common Core State
What CCSS are most relevant to
the learning objectives and IEP
Lesson Objective(s) (LOs) Students will be able to create character maps as well as show their
What are the specific learning
goals for student(s) in this understanding of literary devices, and also be able to map the exposition, rising
lesson? Lesson objectives should
have students demonstrate skills, action, climax, falling action as well as resolution of the story.
procedures, concepts, reasoning,
problem solving, or
demonstrating thinking or
Must be observable and
Individual Learning Students will increase their reading fluency as well as keep a vocabulary
Targets (ILT) or IEP goals
What are specific IEP goals or journal of words they did not previously know.
ILTs for students within your
1. Describe each assessment used in this lesson plan to collect evidence of learning.
Lesson Assessments (LA)
2. Describe what the assessment will be specifically collecting what will students
(Formal or Informal) demonstrate?
Formal Students will write a character map of all of the main characters. By the end
of the second day of the book they should have at least three main characters
added to their book.
Formal Students will keep a vocabulary journal of previously unknown words.
Informal Students will read in small group settings. I will monitor their progress while
reading independently and in small group settings.
Prior Academic Knowledge and
Students will practice their decoding skills as well as phonetic knowledge to
1. What knowledge, skills, and concepts read unfamiliar text. Students will write predictions at this point in the book
must students already know to be
successful? about what sort of conflict the story will contain.
2. What gaps in knowledge do these
students have that are necessary to
support in meeting LOs and ILTs?
3. How will you connect to prior
knowledge, skills or concept in your
lesson and how will you provide gap
support for students, who need the
necessary information.
Considering Students
How have you incorporated the
student(s) strengths within the lesson?
How have you incorporated the
student(s) cultural background/identity
into the lesson?
Describe how you accommodated for
students in need of additional
supports? Describe how you altered
materials and lesson.
Describe how you modified for
students in need of additional
supports? Describe how you altered
materials in the lesson.