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Foundations of Special Education, Michael Farrel

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Foundations of Special Education

Foundations of Special Education: An Introduction Michael Farrell

2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-75396-5
Foundations of
Special Education: An
Michael Farrell
A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication
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1 2009
Preface vii
Acknowledgements xi
The Author xiii
1 Components of Special Education 1
2 Legal/Typological 13
3 Terminological 39
4 Social 59
5 Medical 81
6 Neuropsychological 103
7 Psychotherapeutic 127
8 Behavioural/Observational 149
9 Developmental 169
10 Psycholinguistic 191
11 Technological 213
12 Pedagogical 235
13 Conclusion 259
Bibliography 271
Index 303
I hope this book will help readers seeking an introduction to the underpinning
disciplines and perspectives that informmodern-day special education. It seeks
to illustrate the wide-ranging contributions of these disciplines and howspecial
education draws on them. This book aims to:
help understanding special education by identifying its underpinning
stimulate a reconsideration of training and support for special educators
and others by indicating the complexity of the eld of special education;
encourage multi-disciplinary perspectives and working by indicating the
range of disciplines involved in special education and how they contribute.
The rst aim of the book is to aid the understanding of special edu-
cation by identifying a wide range of underpinning aspects (e.g. medical,
social, psychotherapeutic and pedagogical) that contribute to the eld. These
contributions include helping dene special education, contributing to under-
stand disability/disorder, informing educational approaches and contributing
to provision directly. Legal underpinnings may help dene special education.
Developmental aspects such as research into typical child development may
contribute to ways of understanding the development of children with cog-
nitive impairment. Psycholinguistics can inform the classroom teaching of
communication. Psychotherapeutic knowledge and skills are used in cognitive-
behavioural therapy for conduct disorder. Consequently, to understand special
education and make sense of its approaches and practice, an understanding of
the contribution of its foundations is necessary.
The second aimis to encourage a reconsideration of training and support for
special educators and others contributing to special education by indicating the
complexity of special education. The book, it is hoped, demonstrates that special
education is a somewhat complex and broad applied area of study and practice.
This in turn suggests that teachers and others involved might benet from
extensive specialist study and training to ensure pupils with disability/disorder
receive the best education and care. The book will not explicitly suggest a
viii Preface
programme for such training and professional development. However, the
contents of the book, it is hoped, will indicate some of the areas of study,
knowledge and skills the special educator might need. It should also indicate
the understandings of special education that those from different disciplines to
education (speech pathologists, medical doctors, psychotherapists and others)
might require if they are to have a broad view of special education.
A third purpose of this book, by indicating the contributions of various
perspectives in a single volume, is to encourage all those concerned with
special education to take a wider perspective than is sometimes the case.
This applies to academics and professionals carrying out research as well as
professionals connected with schools and clinics working with children with
disability/disorder from day to day. It can be difcult for specialists in a single
eld related to special education such as neuropsychology or psycholinguistics
to maintain an awareness of the value and contribution of other areas. Yet
this is important. It can help place in context a particular area of specialist
professional knowledge and skill so that one can see its contribution to the
wider picture. This can indicate the strengths of a particular contribution as well
as its limitations. Taking a wider perspective can also highlight the contribution
of other disciplines and areas so that the perspectives of others can be better
appreciated. Relatedly, it can help those involved with special education to
develop more meaningful professional understandings, relationships and ways
of working to benet special children.
Accordingly, the book does the following:
proposes various underpinning aspects of special education, such as legal,
psychological and medical;
explains how each underpinning aspect relates to special education;
indicates the scope of each aspect to special education giving brief examples;
explores fuller examples of the application of each underpinning aspect to
special education generally or to a particular disability/disorder.
Intended readers include teachers and other professionals working with
children and young people with disorders/disabilities and those who support
them including university lecturers and researchers. The book will be suitable
for those working in ordinary/mainstream and special schools or in clinics. It
is hoped that readers will include those in Australia, New Zealand, the region
of Southern Africa, the United States of America, Canada and the United
Kingdom as well as those in China (Hong Kong) and Scandinavian countries.
The book could form a course textbook for students studying special
educationor teachers andother professionals following continuing professional
Preface ix
development. School teachers, university lecturers, researchers, social workers,
psychotherapists, psychologists, speech and language pathologists, medical and
nursing personnel, physical therapists, technicians and related professionals
should nd the book a useful indication of the breadth of special education.
Specialists will of course be familiar with the content of the chapter that
concerns their specialism, although if new to special education, they may not
always be completely aware of its application. Also, they may not be as familiar
with other areas covered by the book. It is hoped therefore that specialists
will consult other chapters as an aid to multi-professional understanding and
If even a fraction of the knowledge and understanding to which the book
points is required by special educators, it suggests an intensive, probably full
time, post graduate training for them. It also brings into question whether it is
reasonable to expect teachers in mainstream schools to develop the specialist
knowledge and skills necessary for even one or two types of disability/disorder
without such training and support.
It is important that special children receive education and support that
enables them to progress and develop fully. Educators specializing in particular
types of disability/disorder may best provide this education and support. They
would also need to work corporately with colleagues with similar specialist
understanding. Whether this requires a special school education will ultimately
be determined, I believe, not by ideology fromeither supporters of mainstream-
ing or believers in some intrinsic value of special schools but by evidence of
progress and development in different settings and using different approaches.
My own recent contributions to this debate includes, Educating Special
Children: An Introduction to Provision for Pupils with Disabilities and Disorders
(Routledge, 2008), Key Issues in Special Education: Raising Pupils Achievement
and Attainment (Routledge, 2005) and Celebrating the Special School (Routldge,
2006) (chapter on optimal education) which interested readers may also wish
to consult.
Michael Farrell
Consultant in Special Education
United Kingdom
The author is most grateful to the following colleagues who commented on
earlier drafts of the various chapters.
Chapter 2: Legal/Typological
Dr Tony Lingard, Director AWLED Consultancy, United Kingdom
Chapter 3: Terminological
Professor Lyndal Bullock, University of North Texas, United States of America
Chapter 4: Social
Professor Simo Vehmas, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Chapter 5: Medical
Dr Sally Stucke, Consultant Paediatrician, Herefordshire Primary Care Trust,
United Kingdom
Chapter 6: Neuropsychological
Dr Andy Butterll, Paediatric Consultant, Herefordshire County Hospital
NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Chapter 7: Psychotherapeutic
Professor Peter Fonagy, University College London, United Kingdom
Chapter 8: Behavioural/Observational
Dr Michael Arthur-Kelly, University of Newcastle, New South
Wales, Australia
Chapter 9: Developmental
Dr Kerry Dally, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Chapter 10: Psycholinguistic
Professor Lisa Schoenbrodt, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology,
Loyola College, Maryland, United States of America
xii Acknowledgements
Chapter 11: Technological
Professor Trevor Kerry, Professor of Education and Leadership in the Centre
for Educational Research and Development, and Emeritus Professor,
University of Lincoln, United Kingdom
While the comments of these colleagues certainly strengthened the book, any
shortcomings are entirely the authors responsibility. The author would also
like to thank all the team at Wiley for their support.
The Author
Michael Farrell was educated in the United Kingdom. After training as a teacher
at Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln, and obtaining an honours degree from
Nottingham University, he obtained his masters degree in Education and
Psychology from the Institute of Education, London University. Subsequently,
he carried out research for his master of philosophy degree at the Institute of
Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, London, andfor his doctor of philosophy degree
under the auspices of the Medical Research Council Cognitive Development
Unit and London University.
Professionally, Michael Farrell worked as a head teacher, a lecturer at
London University and as a local authority inspector. He managed a national
psychometric project for City University, London, and directed a national
project developing course structures and training materials for initial teacher
training for the United Kingdom Government Department of Education.
His present work as a special education consultant includes policy devel-
opment and training with local authorities, work with voluntary organizations
and universities, support to schools in the private and maintained sectors and
advice to government ministries.
Following are his books that are translated into European and Asian
Standards and Special Educational Needs (Continuum, 2001)
The Special Education Handbook (3rd edition) (David Fulton, 2002)
Understanding Special Educational Needs: A Guide for Student Teachers
(Routledge, 2003)
Special Educational Needs: A Resource for Practitioners (Sage, 2004)
Inclusion at the Crossroads: Concepts and Values in Special Education (David
Fulton, 2004)
Key Issues in Special Education: Raising Pupils Achievement and Attainment
(Routledge, 2005)
The Effective Teachers Guide to Dyslexia and Other Specic Learning Difculties
(Routledge, 2005)
xiv The Author
The Effective Teachers Guide to Moderate, Severe and Profound Learning Dif-
culties (Routledge, 2005)
The Effective Teachers Guide to Autism and Communication Difculties (Rout-
ledge, 2005)
The Effective Teachers Guide to Sensory Impairment and Physical Disabilities
(Routledge, 2005)
The Effective Teachers Guide to Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difculties
(Routledge, 2005)
Celebrating the Special School (David Fulton, 2006)
The Special Schools Handbook: Key Issues for All (Routledge/NASEN, 2007)
Educating Special Children: Anintroductionto provisionfor pupils withdisabilities
and disorders (Routledge, 2008).

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