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Definition of Prestress

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Definition of Prestress:

A prestressed concrete structure is different from a conventional reinforced concrete structure

due to the application of an initial load on the structure prior to its use.
Prestress is defined as a method of applying pre-compression to control the stresses resulting
due to external loads. The initial load or prestress is applied to enable the structure to
counteract the stresses arising during its service period.
Basic Concept
Prestressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal stresses of a suitable magnitude and
distribution are introduced so that the stresses resulting from the external loads are counteracted
to a desired degree.
For concrete, internal stresses are induced (usually, by means of tensioned steel) for the
following reasons.
The tensile strength of concrete is only about 8% to 14% of its compressive strength.
Cracks tend to develop at early stages of loading in flexural members such as beams
and slabs.
To prevent such cracks, compressive force can be suitably applied in the perpendicular
Prestressing enhances the bending, shear and torsional capacities of the flexural
In pipes and liquid storage tanks, the hoop tensile stresses can be effectively
counteracted by circular prestressing.

Tendon: A stretched element used in a concrete member of structure to impart

prestress to the concrete.
Anchorage: A device generally used to enable the tendon to impart and maintain
prestress in concrete.
Pretensioning: A method of prestressing concrete in which the tendons are
tensioned before the concrete is placed. In this method, the concrete is
introduced by bond between steel & concrete.
Post-tensioning: A method of prestressing concrete by tensioning the tendons
against hardened concrete. In this method, the prestress is imparted to concrete
by bearing.

Application of prestress:
The following sketch explains the application of prestress.

Mild steel rods are stretched and concrete is poured around them. After hardening of concrete,
the tension in the rods is released. The rods will try to regain their original length, but this is
prevented by the surrounding concrete to which the steel is bonded.
Thus, the concrete is now effectively in a state of pre-compression. It is capable of
counteracting tensile stress, such as arising from the load shown in the following sketch.

But, the early attempts of prestressing were not completely successful. It was observed that the
effect of prestress reduced with time. The load resisting capacities of the members were limited.
Under sustained loads, the members were found to fail.
This was due to the following reason:

Concrete shrinks with time.

Moreover, under sustained load, the strain in concrete increases with increase in time.
This is known as creep strain.
The reduction in length due to creep and shrinkage is also applicable to the embedded
steel, resulting in significant loss in the tensile strain.

The terms commonly used in prestressed concrete are explained.
Forms of Prestressing Steel

Wires : Prestressing wire is a single unit made of steel.

Strands: Two, three or seven wires are wound to form a prestressing strand.
Tendon: A group of strands or wires are wound to form a prestressing tendon.
Cable : A group of tendons form a prestressing cable.
Bars : A tendon can be made up of a single steel bar. The diameter of a bar is much
larger than that of a wire.

Prestressing Steel:
Nature of Concrete-Steel Interface:
Bonded tendon:
When there is adequate bond between the prestressing tendon and concrete, it is called a bonded
tendon. Pre-tensioned and grouted post-tensioned tendons are bonded tendons.
Unbonded tendon:
When there is no bond between the prestressing tendon and concrete, it is called unbonded
tendon. When grout is not applied after post-tensioning, the tendon is an unbonded tendon.
Advantages of Prestressing:
The prestressing of concrete has several advantages as compared to traditional reinforced
concrete (RC) without prestressing. A fully prestressed concrete member is usually subjected
to compression during service life. This rectifies several deficiencies of concrete.
The following text broadly mentions the advantages of a prestressed concrete member with an
equivalent RC member. For each effect, the benefits are listed.
1) Section remains uncracked under service loads

Reduction of steel corrosion

Increase in durability.
Full section is utilised
Higher moment of inertia (higher stiffness)
Less deformations (improved serviceability).
Increase in shear capacity.
Suitable for use in pressure vessels, liquid retaining structures.
Improved performance under dynamic and fatigue loading.

2) High span-to-depth ratios:

Larger spans possible with prestressing (bridges, buildings with large column-free spaces)
Typical values of span-to-depth ratios in slabs are given below.
. Non-prestressed slab


Prestressed slab


For the same span, less depth compared to RC member.

Reduction in self-weight.
More aesthetic appeal due to slender sections.
More economical sections.
3) Suitable for precast construction The advantages of precast construction are as follows.
Rapid construction
Better quality control
Reduced maintenance
Suitable for repetitive construction
Multiple use of formwork
Reduction of formwork
Availability of standard shapes.
Limitations of Prestressing:
Although prestressing has advantages, some aspects need to be carefully addressed.
Prestressing needs skilled technology. Hence, it is not as common as reinforced
The use of high strength materials is costly.
There is additional cost in auxiliary equipments.
There is need for quality control and inspection.
Differnces of Prestressed Concrte Over Reinforced Concrete:

In prestress concrete member, steel plays active role. The stress in steel prevails
whether external load is there or not. But in R.C.C., steel plays a passive role. The
stress in steel in R.C.C members depends upon the external loads. i.e., no external
load, no stress in steel.
In prestress concrete the stresses in steel is almost constant where as in R.C.C the
stress in steel is variable with the lever arm.

Prestress concrete has more shear resistance, where as shear resistance of R.C.C is
In prestress concrete members, deflections are less because the eccentric prestressing
force will induce couple which will cause upward deflections, where as in R.C.C.,
deflections are more.
In prestress concrete fatigue resistance is more compare to R.C.C. because in R.C.C.
stress in steel is external load dependent where as in P.S.C member it is load
Prestress concrete is more durable as high grade of concrete is used which are more
dense in nature. R.C.C. is less durable.
In prestress concrete dimensions are less because external stresses are counterbalance
by the internal stress induced by prestress. Therefore reactions on column & footing
are less as a whole the quantity of concrete is reduced by 30% and steel reduced by
about 60 to 70%. R.C.C. is uneconomical for long span because in R.C.C. dimension
of sections are large requiring more concrete & steel. Moreover, as self-weight
increases more reactions acted on columns & footings, which requires higher sizes.

Precast Concrete:
Precast concrete consists of concrete (a mixture of cement, water, aggregates and
admixtures) that is cast into a specific shape at a location other than its inservice position.

The concrete is placed into a form, typically wood or steel, and cured before being
stripped from the form, usually the following day. These components are then
transported to the construction site for erection into place.
Precast concrete can be plant-cast or site-cast.
Precast concrete components are reinforced with either conventional reinforcing bars,
strands with high tensile strength, or a combination of both.

The strands are pretensioned in the form before the concrete is poured. Once the concrete
has cured to a specific strength, the strands are cut (detensioned). As the strands, having bonded
to the concrete, attempt to regain their original untensioned length, they bond to the concrete
and apply a compressive force. This precompression increases load-carrying capacity of the
components and helps control cracking to specified limits allowed by building codes.
Precast components are used in various applications and projects of all types.
Key components include:
Wall panels : which can include an inner layer of insulation and be load supporting
if desired.

: which generally span between columns and are used with window
systems in office buildings or in parking structures.

Double tees : They are so named due to the two extending stems perpendicular to
the flat horizontal deck. These tees are often used for parking structures
and buildings where long open spans are desired.
Hollow-core slabs: which are long panels in which voids run the length of the pieces,
reducing weight while maintaining structural strength.

Columns and beams: including columns and a variety of beam shapes.

Bridge components: for both substructure and superstructure designs, including
girders in a variety of shapes, box beams, and deck panels.
The following figure shows the common types of precast sections:

The benefits precast include:

Speed of construction:
the casting of superstructure components can be strated while foundation work is in
progress. Precast concrete components can also be cast and erected year-round, without
delays caused by harsh weather.
Aesthetic flexibility:
Due to the variety of textures, colors, finishes and inset options that can be provided.
Precast can mimic granite, limestone, brick, and other masonry products. This allows it
to blend economically with nearby buildings finished with more expensive materials.
which allows the material to show minimal wear over time and resist impacts of all
types without indicating stress.
Energy efficiency:
due to the materials high thermal mass. This is enhanced by the use of insulated panels,
which include an insulated core.
High quality:
resulting from the quality control achieved by casting the products in the plant.


The word system refers to a particular method of construction of buildings using the
prefabricated components which are inter-related in functions and are produced to a set of
instructions. With certain constraints, several plans are possible, using the same set of
components. The degree of flexibility varies from system to system. However, in all the
systems there is a certain order and discipline.
The following aspects, among others, are to be considered in devising a system:

Effective utilization of spaces.

Straight and simple walling
Limited sizes and numbers of
Limited opening in bearing walls.
Regulated locations of partitions.
Standardized service and stair

Limited sizes of doors and

windows with regulated positions.
Structural clarity and efficiency.
Suitability for adoption in low rise
and high rise building.
Ease of manufacturing, storing and
Speed and ease of erection; and
Simple jointing system.

Prefabrication Systems:
The system of prefabricated construction depends on the extent of the use of prefabricated
components, their materials, sizes and the technique adopted for their manufacture and use in
The design of precast, prestressed concrete structures depends on the integration of the
structural system as a whole, the connections, and the individual components. Each aspect must
consider the others as well as the functional requirements imposed by the building use. It is
essential that design loads follow a load path from their point of origin to the final support or
Shear Walls system:
Buildings that use shear walls as the lateral force-resisting system can be designed to provide
a safe, serviceable, and economical solution for wind and earthquake resistance. Shear walls
make up most common lateral force-resisting systems in the precast, prestressed concrete
industry. The excellent performance of shear-wall buildings throughout the world that have
been subjected to earthquakes and high winds can testify to their effectiveness.
Basic Principles
Shear walls act as vertical cantilever beams, transferring the lateral forces acting parallel to the
face of the wall, from the superstructure to the foundation. Shear walls should be oriented to
resist lateral loads applied to the building along both of the structures principal axes.
Shear walls should be designed as loadbearing panels whenever possible. The increased dead
load acting on the panel is an advantage because it increases the panels resistance to uplift and
overturning. The distribution of the total lateral force acting on a building to each individual

shear wall is influenced by four factors:

1. The supporting soil and footings.
2. The stiffness of the floor and roof diaphragms.
3. The relative flexural and shear stiffness of the shear walls and of connections.
4. The eccentricity of the lateral loads to the centre of rigidity of the shear walls.
Loadbearing Wall Panels:
Often the most economical application of architectural precast concrete is as a loadbearing
component, which resists and transfers loads applied from other components.
Concrete components normally used for cladding applications, such as solid-wall panels,
window walls, or spandrel panels, have an impressive structural capability. With few
modifications, many cladding panels can function as loadbearing members.
The reinforcement required to physically handle and erect a unit is often more than necessary
for in-service loads.
Moment-Resisting Building Frames
Moment-resisting frames are those in which a degree of rotational restraint is provided between
vertical components (usually columns) and horizontal components (usually beams and/or
spandrels). This system then resists lateral loads imposed on the structure. Precast, prestressed
concrete beams and deck members are usually more economical when they are designed and
connected into a structure as simple-span members.
There are three reasons why this works most effectively:
1. Positive moment-resisting capacity is much easier and less expensive to achieve
with pretensioned members than negative-moment capacity at supports.
2. Connections that achieve continuity at the supports are usually complex.
Their cost is proportional to the complexity that makes moment-resistant frames less
attractive for designers.
3. The restraint-to-volume changes that occur in rigid connections require serious
consideration in the design of moment-resisting connections. It is desirable to design
precast, prestressed concrete structures with connections that allow lateral
movement and rotation and to design the structure to achieve lateral stability through
the use of floor and roof diaphragms and shear walls.
When moment connections between beams and columns are required to resist lateral loads, it
is desirable to make the moment connections after most of the dead loads have been applied.
This requires careful detailing, specification of the construction process, and inspection. If such
details are possible, the moment connections should be designed to resist only the negative
moments from live loads, additional dead loads imposed after construction, lateral loads, and
volume changes. They will thus be less costly.

Types of Prefabrication Components

The prefabricated concrete components such as those given below may be used which shall be
in accordance with relevant Indian Standards, where available:

Reinforced/prestressed concrete
channel unit.
slab unit.
hollow core slab,
waffle slab/shells.
wall elements.
blocks and battens.
Precast planks and joists for
flooring and roofing.
Precast joists and trussed girders.
Light-weight/cellular concrete
slabs/wall panels.

Precast lintel and CHAJJAS.

Large panel prefabricates.
Reinforced/prestressed roof purlins,
Precast concrete L-panel unit.
Precast concrete double-T unit.
Prefabricated brick panel unit.
Prefabricated sandwich concrete
Precast concrete foundation, and
Precast concrete staircase.

Horizontal members that support deck components such as double tees and hollow-core slabs,
beams typically are considered structural components.
They can be reinforced with either prestressing strand or conventional reinforcing bars. This
will depend on the spans, loading conditions, and the producers preferred production methods.
Casting process:
Prestressed beams are typically pretensioned and cast in a long-line set up similar to that used
for double tees. Beams that are reinforced with conventional reinforcing bars can be cast as
individual components, in shorter forms made specifically for the size of the beam. They are
typically cast in the same orientation as used in the final structure.
Three types cover the majority of uses:
rectangular beams, inverted tee beams, and L-beams.

Column Covers:
Column covers are thin, convex, or three-sided pieces that essentially do what their name
implies. They provide an architecturally finished exterior for a structural column. Typically,
two similar pieces are joined on either side to provide a complete cover for the column,
providing whatever shape is required for the finished look.
They typically are supported by the structural column or the floor and are designed to transfer
no vertical load other than their own weight. The vertical load of each length of column-cover
section is usually supported at one elevation and tied back at the top and bottom to the floors
for lateral load transfer and stability.
Casting process:
Column covers typically are cast as single-story units, although units that are two or more
stories in height can be cast to minimize erection costs and horizontal joints. They are cast in a
horizontal position and rotated to their final position at the jobsite by the erection crew.
Typical shapes: C or U shaped (matching halves cover a structural column).

Columns typically support cross members such as beams, spandrels, or panels. Traditionally
square or rectangular in profile, they are usually cast as multilevel components ranging in
length from a single story to six or more levels.
Casting process:
They can be made in a long-line pretensioning facility and reinforced with prestressing strand
or cast in individual forms with either prestressing strand or conventional reinforcing bars.
They are cast in a horizontal position and rotated to their final position at the jobsite by the
erection crew.
Sizes and shapes can vary to satisfy both architectural and structural requirements.

Double Tees:
These components are used primarily as deck, floor, and roof components, contributing in large
part to precast concretes ability to create long spans and open interior plans. They can be used
for any type of building but most often are used in parking structures, office buildings, and
industrial facilities.
Casting process:
Double tees typically are cast in 300- to 500-ft-long prestressing beds (forms) that are subdivided into specific length tees for a particular project.
The general production method consists of:
laying out forms
stressing the strand
installing other embedded material and flange reinforcing
making a pre-pour quality-control check
pouring and finishing the concrete
allowing about 12-16 hours of curing
detensioning (cutting) the strands at the ends of each piece
stripping from the form
making a post-pour quality-control check
moving the tee to the storage area awaiting shipment to the site.
Double tees can be pretopped in the factory to create a flange thickness of 4 in. They also can
be field-topped by creating a 2 in. flange and applying a cast-inplace concrete composite
topping of 2 to 4 in. at the job site. Roof tees usually have a 2 in. flange and receive roofing
materials directly.

Hollow-core Slabs:
Hollow-core slabs, also known as planks, are used in a wide range of buildings as floor/wall
components. These include multifamily and single-family housing, schools, hotels, health-care
centers, offices, manufacturing facilities, and other structures.
Hollow-core slabs typically measure 8 to 12 in. thick, but they can be made as thin as 4 in. or
as thick as 16 in. Long hollow cores, or voids, run the entire length of each piece, giving the
material its name. In some applications, the cores can be used to run mechanical and electrical
Casting process: Hollow-core slabs typically are cast using a long line method with 300- to
500-ft-long prestressing beds in which a proprietary machine specific to the brand, which
extrudes the concrete and creates the voids by means of either a rotating auger or by placement
of aggregate filler that is later removed. One system produces the hollow-core pieces in 60-ftlong, self-stressing forms that circulate through a series of production phases ending with
cutting to specific lengths.
The general production method consists of:
preparing the form
pulling strands from abutment to abutment
stressing the strands to proper tension
installing embeds and material to form openings if they occur
making a pre-pour quality-control check
running the casting machine from end to end
creating a 300- to 500-ft-long slab
curing for 12 16 hours
marking the lengths of specific pieces based on requirements for a particular project
saw-cutting the individual pieces to length
stripping the pieces
making a post-pour quality-control check
moving the pieces to storage awaiting shipment to the site.

Insulated Sandwich Wall Panels:

Insulated sandwich wall panels typically include 2 in. or more of high-performance insulation
between two thickness of concrete. This configuration provides high energy efficiency. Precast
concretes high thermal mass also minimizes energy consumption naturally.
Casting process:
The panels can be made in a long-line pretensioning facility and reinforced with prestressing
strand or cast in individual forms with either prestressing strand or conventional reinforcing
bars. They are cast in a horizontal position, with one wythe of concrete poured, the insulation
placed, and the second layer poured. They are then rotated to their final position at the jobsite
by the erection crew.

Used primarily in parking structures, litewalls are shear walls with central openings through
the panel that lessen the weight and allow light to pass through. This added visual space in the
structural walls allows daylight to penetrate more deeply into the structure, provides a visual
connection for visitors to better orient themselves to their destination, and eliminates visual
blocks that can be a security concern.
Casting process:
They are cast in individual forms with either prestressing strand or conventional reinforcing
bars. They are cast in a horizontal position and rotated to their final position at the jobsite by
the erection crew.

Modular Units:
Complete precast concrete modular units have traditionally been used for prison construction,
but their uses are expanding to include schoolrooms and other applications where a large
quantity of similarly sized and outfitted rooms are needed to meet tight deadlines.
These modules can be designed for structures from one to twelve levels. The modules are cast
as single or multi-cell units, with as many as four cells in one monolithic component. The
configuration of a double-cell module typically includes a vertical chase between the two cells
for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing accommodation. The utilities are stubbed into the
chase for final hook-up at the site. Exterior walls are typically insulated with 2 in. of rigid
insulation and nonconductive carbon fiber ties, which increase the thermal performance of the

As the name implies, mullions are support pieces inside a larger void space that typically
produce a decorative, geometric appearance. These pieces can create right-angle designs, as in
a divided-lite window, or they can be cast at angles, producing a decorative grille effect. These
thinner pieces are cast into the overall panel, reducing the number of pieces and providing
faster installation than if a different material is used for the dividers or grille work.
Casting process:
They can be made in a long-line pretensioning facility and reinforced with prestressing strand
or cast in individual forms with either prestressing strand or conventional reinforcing bars.
They are cast in a horizontal position and rotated to their final position at the jobsite by the
erection crew.

Pilings are used to support structures in poor soil conditions, especially in marine
environments, due to their excellent adaptability and resistance to corrosion. Smaller pile sizes,
10 to 14 in., are typically used for building projects such as convention centers, hotels, and
other large facilities.
Most piles are square, octagonal, or round (cylindrical) in cross-section. Square piles are the
simplest to manufacture. Octagonal piles are gaining popularity due to code changes that make
ductility more of a governing requirement for seismic design. Cylinder piles are most often
used with bridges where foundation members require exceptionally large axial buckling, or
bending capacities.
Precast concrete piles can be spliced to create longer piles. Spliced piles are used primarily
where longer piles are required but transportation needs make the longer lengths more difficult
or costly to handle, due to escort needs and the need for specialized rigs. In some areas, piles
as large as 115 ft 12 in. can be transported with no difficulty.
Casting process: They are cast in a long-line pre-tensioning facility and reinforced with prestressing strand. They are cast in a horizontal position and rotated to their final position at the
jobsite by the erection crew.

Shear Walls:
Shear walls provide a solid concrete, standalone structural brace that is typically used in total
precast concrete and parking structures. It provides support throughout interior spaces to handle
overhead spanning components and to counter lateral loads on the structure. These components
are designed to withstand wind and seismic loads. In some cases, they are designed with central
voids and are known as litewalls.
Casting process:
Shear walls typically are cast flat in an individual form and reinforced with conventional
reinforcing bars. They are cast in a horizontal position and rotated to their final position at the
jobsite by the erection crew.

Solid Slabs:
Solid slabs are used as structural deck components similar to hollow-core slabs. Their sizes can
vary to meet the structural requirements of the design.

Precast concrete stairs can be used in any application where a stair tower or individual steps
are required.
Casting process:
They are typically made as open-Z stair components, in which the upper and lower landings
are cast monolithically with the tread/riser section. They can also be cast as shorter
components, consisting of only the tread/riser section, which is supported by separate landing
components that span transversely to the stair section.
Stair components are typically cast either on edge or upside down. The format will depend
on the size and the producers preferred production method.
Abrasive nosing pieces are often cast into the treads to create a non-slip surface.

Design Considerations: As per clause; 8.1 (IS 15946:2010)

The precast structure should be analysed as a monolithic one and the joints in them
designed to take the forces of an equivalent discrete system.
Resistance to horizontal loading shall be provided by having appropriate moment and
shear resisting joints or placing shear walls (in diaphragm braced frame type of
construction) in two directions at right angles or otherwise.
No account is to be taken of rotational stiffness, if any, of the floor-wall joint in case of
precast bearing wall buildings.
The individual components shall be designed, taking into consideration the appropriate
end conditions and loads at various stages of construction.
The components of the structure shall be designed for loads in accordance with IS 875
(Parts 1 to 5) and IS 1893 (Part 1). In addition, members shall be designed for handling,
erection and impact loads that might be expected during handling and erection.
Adequate buttressing of external wall panels is important since these elements are not
fully restrained on both sides by floor panels. External wall panel connections are the
weakest points of a precast panel building.
In prefabricated construction, the possibility of gas or other explosions can cause
progressive collapse of the structure. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the
possibility of progressive collapse in which the failure or displacement of one element
of a structure causes the failure or displacement of another element and results in the
partial or total collapse of the building.
Provision in the design to reduce the probability of progressive collapse is essential in
buildings of over six storeys and is of relatively higher priority than for buildings of
lower height.
Additional protection may be required in respect of damage from vehicles; further, it is
necessary to consider the effect of damage to or displacement of a load-bearing member
by an uncontrolled vehicle. It is strongly recommended that important structural
members are adequately protected by concrete kerbs or similar method.
It is essential that the designer should maintain an interaction with the
builder/contractor regarding the erection procedures to be followed.

Design Requirements for Safety Against:

Progressive Collapse:
Prefabricated buildings shall be designed with proper structural integrity to avoid situations
where damage to small areas of a structure or failure of single elements may lead to collapse
of major parts of the structure.
The following precaution may generally provide adequate structural integrity:
a) All buildings should be capable of safely resisting the minimum horizontal load of
1.5 percent of characteristic dead load applied at each floor or roof level

b) All buildings shall be provided with effective horizontal ties,

around the periphery;

internally (in both directions); and
to columns and walls.

c) All buildings of five or more storeys shall be provided with vertical ties. In
proportioning the ties, it may be assumed that no other forces are acting and the
reinforcement is acting at its characteristic strength. Normal procedure may be to design
the structure for the usual loads and then carry out a check for the tie forces.
The design of joints shall be made in the light of their assessment with respect to the following
a) Feasibility : The feasibility of a joint shall be determined by its load carrying
capacity in the particular situation in which the joint is to function.
b) Practicability: Practicability of joint shall be determined by the amount and type of
material required in construction; cost of material, fabrication and
erection and the time for fabrication and erection.
c) Serviceability: Serviceability shall be determined by the joints/expected behaviour
to repeated or possible overloading and exposure to climatic or
chemical conditions.
d) Fire rating : The fire rating for joints of precast components shall be higher or at
least equal to connecting members.
e) Appearance : The appearance of precast components joint shall merge with
architectural aesthetic appearance and shall not be physically
prominent compared to other parts of structural components.
The following are the requirements of a structural joint:

It shall be capable of being designed to transfer the imposed load and moments
with a known margin of safety.
It shall occur at logical locations in the structure and at points which may be
most readily analysed and easily reinforced.
It shall accept the loads without marked displacement or rotation and avoid high
local stresses.
It shall accommodate tolerances in elements.
It shall require little temporary support, permit adjustment and demand only a
few distinct operation to make.
It shall permit effective inspection and rectification.
It shall be reliable in service with other parts of the building.
It shall enable the structure to absorb sufficient energy during earthquakes so as
to avoid sudden failure of the structure.

Precast structures may have continuous or hinged connections subject to providing sufficient
rigidity to withstand horizontal loading. When only compressive forces are to be taken, hinged
joints may be adopted.
In case of prefabricated concrete elements, load is transmitted via the concrete. When both
compressive force and bending moment are to be taken, rigid or welded joints may be adopted;
the shearing force is usually small in the column and can be taken up by the friction resistance
of the joint. Here load transmission is accomplished by steel inserted parts together with
When considering thermal shrinkage and heat effects, provision of freedom of movement or
introduction of restraint may be considered.
Following connections and jointing techniques/ materials may be employed:

Welding of cleats or projecting steel,

Overlapping reinforcement, loops and linking steel grouted by concrete,
Reinforced concrete ties all round a slab,
Epoxy grouting,
Cement/Lime grout with non-shrink additive,
Polymer slurry grouting at dowel cast joint bolts and nuts connection,
Rebar fastener, chemical fastener and expansion fastener,
Reinforcement coupler.


Tips for Successful Connection Design:

bearing pads should be used for support of beams, spandrels, double tees, and other
structural components.
Consider deflection behavior of a member that is supporting a precast component.
Design for support using only 2 points.
Provide at least four tie back connections for a cladding panel. If designing a cladding
panel for seismic loads, use an in-plane seismic connection close to the panels centre
of gravity.
Account for eccentric loading and the effect it may have on the rotation of supporting
members, particularly if they are steel beams.
Consider the horizontal forces resulting from an eccentrically loaded component and
the effect this has on the support.
Provide points of support only at one level for multilevel cladding panels.
Design connections so that the component can move as a result of temperature
variations and volume changes.
Consider the allowable tolerances of the precast concrete component and the supporting
Consider intermediate connections of long spandrel panels to avoid bowing due to
temperature variations.

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