Domingo V Sps Molina
Domingo V Sps Molina
Domingo V Sps Molina
Whether or not the sale of a conjugal property to the spouses Molina without Floras consent is
valid and legal.
Yes. Anastacio, as a co-owner, he had the right to freely sell and dispose of his undivided interest.
The OCT annotation of the sale to the spouses Molina reads that "only the rights, interests and
participation of Anastacio Domingo, married to Flora Dela Cruz, is hereby sold, transferred, and
conveyed unto the said vendees for the sum of ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00) which pertains to
an undivided one-half (1/2) portion and subject to all other conditions specified in the document.
Anastacio, as a co-owner, had the right to freely sell and dispose of his undivided interest, but not
the interest of his co-owners. Consequently, Anastactios sale to the spouses Molina without the consent
of the other co-owners was not totally void, for Anastacios rights or a portion thereof were thereby
effectively transferred, making the spouses Molina a co-owner of the subject property to the extent of
Anastacios interest. This result conforms with the well-established principle that the binding force of a
contract must be recognized as far as it is legally possible to do so (quando res non valet ut ago, valeat
quantum valere potest).
The spouses Molina would be a trustee for the benefit of the co-heirs of Anastacio in respect of
any portion that might belong to the co-heirs after liquidation and partition. The observations of Justice
Paras cited in the case ofHeirs of Protacio Go, Sr. V. Servacio are instructive:
x x x [I]f it turns out that the property alienated or mortgaged really would pertain to the share of
the surviving spouse, then said transaction is valid. If it turns out that there really would be, after
liquidation, no more conjugal assets then the whole transaction is null and void. But if it turns out
that half of the property thus alienated or mortgaged belongs to the husband as his share in the
conjugal partnership, and half should go to the estate of the wife, then that corresponding to the
husband is valid, and that corresponding to the other is not. Since all these can be determined
only at the time the liquidation is over, it follows logically that a disposal made by the surviving
spouse is not void ab initio. Thus, it has been held that the sale of conjugal properties cannot be
made by the surviving spouse without the legal requirements. The sale is void as to the share of
the deceased spouse (except of course as to that portion of the husbands share inherited by her as
the surviving spouse). The buyers of the property that could not be validly sold become trustees
of said portion for the benefit of the husbands other heirs, the cestui que trust ent. Said heirs shall
not be barred by prescription or by laches.