Role of Piping Engineer
Role of Piping Engineer
Role of Piping Engineer
This document shall reflect the various utilities consumed by each equipments with duty
conditions like pressure, temperate, flow, state of fluid, critical data like freezing point etc.
2) Conceptual equipment layouts:
This document gives the general arrangement of the Equipments considering the process
requirements like Inter-distances & approximate elevations of the equipments;
3) Piping material specification:
Basic material for piping items, valve specifications, special, flanges & gaskets required, any
other specific requirement.
4) Type of storage required: This document shall mention the state of the fluid & type of
equipment to be used for the storage like API Tank, silo, dehumidified atmosphere (warehouse),
bullet horizontal / vertical) etc.
Plot plan
Plot plan shows overall areas & locating co-ordinates of:
1. Process unit
2. Raw material storages
3. Finished product storage
4. Utility generation areas
5. Pipe racks
6. Electrical receiving and distribution substation
7. Facility blocks e.g. Work shop, Weigh Bridge, canteen,
8. Administration lock, security, car/lorry park etc.
9. Flare system,
10.Effluent treatment,
11.Green belt,
12. Future requirements etc.
Equipment layout
Equipment layout must show the following:
All equipments including tanks, vessels, process Pumps and other rotating machinery giving
three locating Co-ordinates.
1) Package items
2) Pipe racks
3) Electrical & instrument cable trays.
Piping Layouts
Document required to develop piping layout:
1) Equipment layouts
2) Process P&IDs
3) Utility P&IDS
4) Line designation list
5) Piping specification
6) Equipment data sheets /vendor drawings
7) Civil drawings
8) Inline instrument details
9) Insulation requirements