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Tara Feminism

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Feminism in Mahesh Dattani's 'Tara'

Tara gives us a glimpse into the modern society which claims to be liberal and advanced
and action .It speaks about male chauvinism prevalent in the present
form and brings about the stark reality of the woman playing fiddle to man.Homosexuality
is the
significant subject matter chosen by Dattani.In Seven steps round the
fire, the most popular
day, dwells on the theme of eunuch, their identity, their constitution and their connotation.
In Where there is a will Dattani portrays complicated modern urban family where the old
patriarchal code finds a formidable foe in the feminist ideas. He says change does not
happen overnight, we grow liberal after not because we want to, but have to.5 He has
an array of themes to offer us his plays and issues he chooses to project are the most
topical but also the most controversial. A deep study of his plays lead us to an interesting
study of stagecraft in Indian theatre using innovations introduced by Mahesh Dattani.
There are multilevel sets so that whole interior of the house is visible to the audience. John
McKee, Italian director, says, Mahesh Dattani is always adventurous in his way of using
the theatrical space at his disposal: multiple levels, breaking the bounds of proscenium,
wondrously inventive use of lighting to give height, breadth and depth.6
Tara was first performed at Bangalore, Dattani himself directed it, and later on in
Mumbai, it was directed by Alaque Padamsee. In Tara Dattani reflects the
predicament of women in the past, comments on their status in the present
dramatizes his understanding of whole considers responsible for their predicament
and exhorts us to shed our age-old prejudices in order to have peace and harmony in
family and society. There was a time when women accepted unhesitatingly the dos
and donts men decided for them but refuse to accept that that somebody else
should decide and wants to shape her life and priorities the way she considers
proper: CHANDAN: If daddy wants to stop her from saying something to us, maybeit
is not good for us to hear it. TARA: And who decides whats good for us to hear and
what isnt.7 The voice of the new woman Dattani captures in TARA. He reflects in its
wake on the status of women in society and the attitudes women operating the
kitchen the existing dowry system that spells doom for girls and the difference in the
attitudes of girls belonging to two different classes. Dattani talks of the concerns and
perceptions of the new woman and shows how they are not satisfied with the status
of a homemaker bestowed on them by the male dominated society. He shows how
those stood discrimination in the past, want their daughters not to do what they had
to do. He also delineates their aspirations when he shows how Bharti insists that Tara
and not the members of her family must decide what she wants for herself. She tells
Chandan what she expects to do these days: Bharti: It is time Tara decided what she
wants to be women have to do that as well these days. She must have career.
CHANDAN: She can do whatever she wants. Grandfathers trust will leave us both
with money, isnt it? BHARTI: Yes, But she must have something to do! She cant be
aimless all her life.8

The women of Bharati s generation were eulogized by men for their beauty and they
also loved to bask in their appreciation of their charms but the new woman gives
importance to her intelligence because this is what she thinks she requires now to live
meaningfully. Dattani talks of female infanticide, shows how new born girls are killed,
how insensitive we have become .Roopa and Tara belong to two different classes, and
hence their perceptions differ .Roopa accepts the predicament of girls in society and
hence she narrates what the Patel's did matter-of-factly without sounding concerned or
alarmed but Tara is surprised when she learns from Roopa the fate that waits a new
born girl child. ROOPA: Since you insist, I will tell you. It may not be true. However, this
is what I have heard. The Patels in the old days were unhappy with getting girl babies.
You know dowry and things like that .So they used to drown them in milk. TARA: In
milk? ROOPA: So when people asked about how the baby died they could say that she
choked while drinking her milk.9 Men think that there are certain activities, which are
meant only for women and hence if a boy is seen doing a work earmarked for girls,
they are ridiculed for doing what they are not supposed to do. Chandan helps her
mother knit but her father does not like his son doing what he considers a girls
activity.Chandan believes in co-operation and equality but Patel does not share the
enthusiasm and vision of his sons generations. He represents the attitude of his
generation that believe in blatant discrimination and ridicules the advocates of equality
for women in society. Patel thinks that Chandan would rot if stays home, but he
refuses to go to office without Tara. His father desires does not share each others
perceptions, hence the son does not consider his decisionunusual but his father does;
one wants him to come without her and other refuses to go. Chandan and her father
are poles apart when Patel tells Chandan that his grandfather has left him a lot of
money, his immediate query is how much has left for Tara to which he replies
nothing .Chandans father does not find the decision wrong but he finds it unpalatable:
Patel: And Tara? Pate: Nothing. Chandan: Why? Patel: It was his money. He could what
he wanted with it. 10
Dattanis dialogues are so simple and facts so common that viewers are likely to miss the
gravity of what he says. Patel gives bag to Tara and ask her to wash it Tara repents her
fathers instruction. She feels hurt and this feeling of hers that Dattani projects through an
incident that too common to catch the attention of viewers and critics. Chandan
appreciates Taras perception that there is no difference between a boy and girl. He listen
her because he treats her as his equal
and talks of her qualities but her father does not. This discrimination has been subtly
interwoven in the story. Dattani reflect on the difference in the attitude of mother and
father to a girl child and shows how a woman feels when she finds her husband
neglecting, ignoring, undermining or belittling their daughter. However, woman status is
that of a homemaker does not protest to make her husband realise that he does that what
he should not do. Bharti does the same when she tells her son that his father does not pay
attention to his sister. Bharti: I wish your father would pay more attention to Tara.
Chandan: He does. He does not like to show his affection. Bharti: Do not tell me about your
father. Heis more worried about your career than hers is.11 As Mahesh Dattani in one of
his interviews with Laxmi Subramanian: Isee Tara as a play about the male self and
female self.The male self is being preferred in all cultures. The play is about the separation
of self and the resultant angst.12 Bharti tries to shed her burden of guilt by showing
maternal love and concern for her daughter and to assert her moral superiority over her
husband. She also tries to expatiate by the act of donating kidney to her daughter, which
was ultimately futile. Dattani establishes that mother and daughter relationship is
ultimately subordinated to the directives of patriarchy. All cultures and all countries by
establishing values, gender perception and prescribe unequal means to achieve. Tara and
Chandan conjoined, Siamese twins who must be separated to survive. The dichotomy
between the twin-gendered selves is recognised and a physical separation is made

through surgery. Like we have always been inseparable. The way we started in life two
lives and one body in one comfortable womb, until we were forced out ---And
CONCLUSION Being a 19th century Indian writer ,Mahesh Dattanis plays have different
issues that Indian society had faced time to time and in the same way this play too is a
collection of miscellaneous indifferent chapters. Tara, as daughter experiences
maltreatment and partiality from her mother as compared to her brother Chandan. As if
his other plays addresses the misdial class .Mahesh Dattani in this play has also presented
the bizarre reality of the woman playing a secondary role to man. Mahesh Dattani has very
skilfully revealed the theme of gender discrimination in this play. The purpose of this play
is to illuminate the minds of female gender for not to give preference to a male child over
a female child. He stresses women to look back at their journey of life. They were like Tara,
before they became women in real sense. This play also suggests many things to the
mothers.Asfor instance, not to feel upset at girls birth not to treat girl contemptuously
and not to stop them from scaling newer heights in their life to come.

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