Sig-Scan Chapter1
Sig-Scan Chapter1
Sig-Scan Chapter1
Image Acquisition
Image Processing
Image Acquisition: You may load image files with a wide variety of
image formats or capture the images directly through a TWAINcompliant device.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Menu Bar
Beneath the Main Title Bar is the Menu Bar. Click on any one of these
menus to access SigmaScan Pro's commands. For example if you click
on Edit, eight commands will appear below it (Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste,
Clear, Find, Replace and Again). Complete descriptions of each menu
and its commands are given in the Reference chapter.
Standard Toolbar
The Standard Toolbar is one of SigmaScan Pros seven toolbars. (These
include the Annotation, Image Processing, Macro, Measurement,
Recording, Standard and User Toolbars) You may customize all of the
Chapter 1 - Introduction
toolbars to include any or all of the tools associated with that particular
bar. The User Toolbar can display any or all of SigmaScan Pros tools.
Once visible a toolbar may be dragged anywhere on the screen. When a
toolbar is dragged to the edge of the main window then the toolbar will
attach to that edge. When the toolbar is floating its shape may be
Image Window
Image windows contain images. Remember that the only restriction on
the number of loaded images is the systems memory. A loaded image
takes up workspace memory amounting to about three times the original
images size. Thus, a one-megabyte image will require about three
megabytes to load. More memory will be required to create image
Graph Window
The graph window gives you a graphical view of the data in your
worksheet. You can plot up to three sets of data on a single graph. Click
on the graph to specify options such as regression lines and grids or to
select the data columns that will be plotted.
Status Bar
The Status Bar, located at the bottom of the main window, displays
calibrated image coordinates and gray scale or RGB intensity when the
pointer is over an image. It also displays menu command summaries
when the menu is active and the pointer is over a command. Choose
View/Status Bar to display or hide this portion of the main window.
Chapter 1 - Introduction