Aspen PIMS Details
Aspen PIMS Details
Aspen PIMS Details
Make fast, accurate, and profitable decisions about plant operations, feedstock
selection, market responses, and production decisions
Aspen PIMS is the worlds leading petroleum and petrochemical planning system featuring cuttingedge optimization technology. An intuitive interface with enhanced reporting and parametric analysis
make it easy to view, analyze, and report alternatives, guiding users to the optimum solution. Since
1984, Aspen PIMS has facilitated better feedstock selection, downtime planning, and risk and
inventory management to optimize profitability. Now Aspen PIMS includes assay management,
making it easier than ever to add, modify and re-cut assays, helping refinery planners deliver more
accurate plans to yield greater profitability.
Aspen PIMS Advanced Optimization (PIMS-AO) empowers users with state-of-the-art non-linear
functionality and enhanced modeling capabilities. The PIMS-AO model offers the best balance
between available feedstocks, product requirements, and process unit capacity, while evaluating a
more complete set of input parameters and optimization objectives.
Aspen PIMS
Aspen PIMS delivers a competitive advantage with optimization
features that enable both professional and less-skilled planners
to perform at an expert level, providing short response times
with reliable, well-vetted solutions. The unparalleled visibility
and reporting with hot links enables the development of new
work processes that take full advantage of the wealth of
information available.
Aspen PIMS
Global Optimization
Finds global optimum while identifying potential
locally optimal answers
Solution Ranging
Provides unique visibility into the entire solution
space and the range of its validity for feedstocks, unit
capacities, and product slates
Identifies the optimal range of values for each
analyzed variable
Describes deviations from the base optimal slate
Goal Programming
Defines secondary and tertiary objectives in addition
to the primary objective for a solution
Enhanced Analytics
Powerful output to Microsoft SQL Server allows for
sharing of enterprise data and leverages Microsoft
SQL Servers reporting capabilities
Worldwide Headquarters
Aspen Technology, Inc.
200 Wheeler Road
Burlington, MA 01803
United States
phone: +17812216400
fax: +17812216410
Regional Headquarters
About AspenTech
AspenTech is a leading supplier of software that optimizes process manufacturingfor energy,
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and
produce products from a chemical process. With integrated aspenONE solutions, process
manufacturers can implement best practices for optimizing their engineering, manufacturing, and supply
chain operations. As a result, AspenTech customers are better able to increase capacity, improve
margins, reduce costs, and become more energy efficient. To see how the worlds leading process
manufacturers rely on AspenTech to achieve their operational excellence goals, visit
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