Illustration For Your HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Plus
Illustration For Your HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Plus
Illustration For Your HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Plus
This is the sample illustration issued by HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited.
Your details
Nam e: Jagan Bose
Age last Birthday: 35
Gender: Male
In the event of the unfortunate deathT&C5 of the life assured during the policy term and if all due premiums have been paid, the above mentioned Death
Benefit will be paid to the nominee in the form of a lump sum.
In case this death is due to an accidentT&C5 and if all due premiums have been paid, an additional Sum Assured will be paid to the nominee in the form
of a lump sum.Upon this payment, the policy terminates and no further benefit is payable.
Death Benefit is payable only on Base policy.
Indirect Taxes: Service tax and other levies shall be charged as applicable. Any taxes, statutory levy becoming applicable in future may become
payable by you by any method including by levy of an additional monetary amount in addition to premium and or charges.
Direct Taxes: Tax will be deducted at the applicable rate from the payments made under the policy, as per the prevailing provisions of the Income Tax
Act, 1961.
I____________________________________ , (Name) have explained the above illustration and the terms and conditions of this product to the
policyholder. I____________________________________ , (Name) having received the information with respect to the above, have understood the
above illustration before entering the contract.
Intermediary's Signature : Proposer's Signature / Thumb Impression :
Date :
Place :