Antam Consolidated v. CA
Antam Consolidated v. CA
Antam Consolidated v. CA
On 9 April 1981, Stokely Van Camp. Inc. filed a complaint against
Banahaw Milling Corporation, Antam Consolidated, Inc., Tambunting
Trading Corporation, Aurora Consolidated Securities and Investment
Corporation, and United Coconut Oil Mills, Inc. (Unicom) for
collection of sum of money alleging:
1. That it is a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of the state of Indiana, U.S.A. and has its principal office at
941 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A., and
one of its subdivisions "Capital City Product Company"
(Capital City) has its office in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.;
2. that Stokely and Capital City were not engaged in business
in the Philippines prior to the commencement of the suit so
that Stokely is not licensed to do business in this country and
is not required to secure such license;
3. that on 21 August 1978, Capital City and Coconut Oil
Manufacturing (Phil.) Inc. (Comphil) with the latter acting
through its broker Rothschild Brokerage Company, entered
into a contract (RBS 3655) wherein Comphil undertook to
sell and deliver and Capital City agreed to buy 500 long tons
of crude coconut oil to be delivered in October/November
1978 at the c.i.f price of US$0.30/lb. but Comphil failed to
deliver the coconut oil so that Capital City covered its
coconut oil needs in the open market at a price substantially
in excess of the contract and sustained a loss of
US$103,600; that to settle Capital City's loss under the
contract, the parties entered into a second contract (RBS
3738) on 3 November 1978 wherein Comphil undertook to
buy and Capital City agreed to sell 500 long tons of coconut
crude oil under the same terms and conditions but at an
increased c.i.f. price of US$0.3925/lb.;
4. that the second contract states that "it is a wash out
Commercial Law - Corporation Law, 2005 ( 107 ) Narratives
(Berne Guerrero) against RBS 3655" so that Comphil was
supposed to repurchase the undelivered coconut oil at US
$0.3925 from Capital City by paying the latter the sum of
US$103,600.00 which is the same amount of loss that
Capital City sustained under the first contract; that Comphil
again failed to pay said amount, so to settle Capital City's
loss, it entered into a third contract with Comphil on 24
January 1979 wherein the latter undertook to sell and deliver
and Capital City agreed to buy the same quantity of crude
coconut oil to be delivered in April/May 1979 at the c.i.f. price
of US$0.3425/lb.;
5. that the latter price was 9.25 cents/lb. or US$103,600 for 500
long tons below the then current market price of 43.2
cents/lb. and by delivering said quantity of coconut oil to
Capital City at the discounted price, Comphil was to have
settled its US$103,600 liability to Capital City;
6. that Comphil failed to deliver the coconut oil so Capital City
notified the former that it was in default;
7. that Capital City sustained damages in the amount of
US$175,000; and
8. that after repeated demands from Comphil to pay the said
amount, the latter still refuses to pay the same. Stokely
further prayed that a writ of attachment be issued against
any and all the properties of Antam, et al. in an amount
sufficient to satisfy any lien of judgment that Stokely may
obtain in its action.
In support of this provisional remedy and of its cause of action
against Antam, et al., other than Comphil, Stokely alleged that: 1)
After demands were made by respondent on Comphil, the
Tambuntings ceased to be directors and officers of Comphil and
were replaced by their five employees, who were managers of
Tambunting's pawnshops and said employees caused the name of
Comphil to be changed to "Banahaw Milling Corporation" and
authorized one of the Tambuntings, Antonio P. Tambunting, Jr., who
was at that time neither a director nor officer of Banahaw to sell its oil
mill; 2) Unicom has taken over the entire operations and assets of
Banahaw because the entire and outstanding capital stock of the
latter was sold to the former; 3) All of the issued and outstanding
capital stock of Comphil are owned by the Tambuntings who were
the directors and officers of Comphil and who were the ones who
benefited from the sale of Banahaw's assets or shares to Unicom; 4)
All of the petitioners evaded their obligation to respondent by the
devious scheme of using Tambunting employees to replace the
Tambuntings in the management of Banahaw and disposing of the oil
mill of Banahaw or their entire interests to Unicom; and 5)
Respondent has reasonable cause to believe and does believe that
the coconut oil mill, which is the only substantial asset of Banahaw is
about to be sold or removed so that unless prevented by the Court
there will probably be no assets of Banahaw to satisfy its claim.
On 10 April 1981, the trial court ordered the issuance of a writ of
attachment in favor of Stokely upon the latter's deposit of a bond in
the amount of P1,285,000.00. On 3 June 1981, Stokely filed a motion
for reconsideration to reduce the attachment bond. On 11 June 1981,
Antam, et al. filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground
that Stokely, being a foreign corporation not licensed to do business
in the Philippines, has no personality to maintain the suit.
Whether Stokely Van Camp, Inc. has the capacity to sue, in light
of three transactions it entered into with Comphil, Antam, etc.
without license.