1st Annual Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest: From 9:30 A.M. To 12:00 Noon, November 10, 1979
1st Annual Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest: From 9:30 A.M. To 12:00 Noon, November 10, 1979
1st Annual Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest: From 9:30 A.M. To 12:00 Noon, November 10, 1979
6. Suppose an > 0 and
n=1 an diverges. Determine whether n=1 an /Sn converges, where Sn = a1 + a2 + + an .
(c) Calculate the least upper bound over all such sets of lim n
2nd Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, November 8, 1980
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Let * denote a binary operation on a set S with the property that
(w x) (y z) = w z for all w, x, y, z S.
(a) If a b = c, then c c = c.
(b) If a b = c, then a x = c x for all x S.
2. The sum of the first n terms of the sequence
(1 + 2),
(1 + 2 + 22), . . . , (1 + 2 + + 2k1 ), . . .
1 3 5 (2n 1)
2 4 6 2n
4. Let P(x) be any polynomial of degree at most 3. It can be shown that there
are numbers x1 and x2 such that 1
P(x) dx = P(x1 ) + P(x2 ), where x1 and
x2 are independent of the polynomial P.
(a) Show that x1 = x2 .
(b) Find x1 and x2 .
5. For x > 0, show that ex < (1 + x)1+x .
6. Given the linear fractional transformation of x into f 1 (x) = (2x 1)/(x +1),
define fn+1 (x) = f1 ( fn (x)) for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. It can be shown that f 35 = f5 .
Determine A, B,C, and D so that f 28 (x) = (Ax + B)/(Cx + D).
7. Let S be the set of all ordered pairs of integers (m, n) satisfying m > 0 and
n < 0. Let be a partial ordering on S defined by the statement: (m, n)
(m , n ) if and only if m m and n n . An example is (5, 10) (8, 2).
Now let O be a completely ordered subset of S, i.e. if (a, b) O and (c, d)
O, then (a, b) (c, d) or (c, d) (a, b). Also let O denote the collection of
all such completely ordered sets.
(a) Determine whether an arbitrary O O is finite.
(b) Determine whether the cardinality O of O is bounded for O O .
(c) Determine whether O can be countably infinite for any O O .
8. Let z = x + iy be a complex number with x And y rational and with |z| = 1.
(a) Find two such complex numbers.
(b) Show that |z2n 1| = 2| sin n|, where z = ei .
(c) Show that |z2n 1| is rational for every n.
3rd Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, November 7, 1981
Fill out the individual registration form
1. The number 248 1 is exactly divisible by what two numbers between 60
and 70?
2. For which real numbers b does the function f (x), defined by the conditions
f (0) = b and f = 2 f x, satisfy f (x) > 0 for all x 0?
3. Let A be non-zero square matrix with the property that A 3 = 0, where 0 is
the zero matrix, but with A being otherwise arbitrary.
(a) Express (I A)1 as a polynomial in A, where I is the identity matrix.
(b) Find a 3 3 matrix satisfying B2 = 0, B3 = 0.
4. Define F(x) by F(x) =
n=0 Fn x (wherever the series converges), where
Fn is the nth Fibonacci number defined by F0 = F1 = 1, Fn = Fn1 + Fn2 ,
n > 1. Find an explicit closed form for F(x).
If bn =
lim bn = 0.
ank Mk , prove that n
4th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, November 6, 1982
Fill out the individual registration form
1. What is the remainder when X 1982 + 1 is divided by X 1? Verify your
2. A box contains marbles, each of which is red, white or blue. The number
of blue marbles is a least half the number of white marbles and at most onthird the number of red marbles. The number which are white or blue is at
least 55. Find the minimum possible number of red marbles.
3. Let a, b, and c be vectors such
a a
b a
c a
f (x) + f (x) + .
k2 .
5th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, November 5, 1983
Fill out the individual registration form
1. In the expansion of (a + b)n , where n is a natural number, there are n + 1
dissimilar terms. Find the number of dissimilar terms in the expansion of
(a + b + c)n .
2. A positive integer N (in base 10) is called special if the operation C of
replacing each digit d of N by its nines-complement 9 d, followed by
the operation R of reversing the order of the digits, results in the original
number. (For example, 3456 is a special number because R[(C3456)] =
3456.) Find the sum of all special positive integers less than one million
which do not end in zero or nine.
3. Let a triangle have vertices at O(0, 0), A(a, 0), and B(b, c) in the (x, y)-plane.
(a) Find the coordinates of a point P(x, y) in the exterior of OAB satisfying area(OAP) = area(OBP) = area(ABP).
(b) Find a point Q(x, y) in the interior of OAQ satisfying area(OAQ) =
area(OBQ) = area(ABQ).
4. A finite set of roads connect n towns T1 , T2 , . . ., Tn where n 2. We say
that towns Ti and T j (i = j) are directly connected if there is a road segment
connecting Ti and T j which does not pass through any other town. Let f (Tk )
be the number of other towns directly connected to Tk . Prove that f is not
5. Find the function f (x) such that for all L 0, the area under the graph of
y = f (x) and above the x-axis from x = 0 to x = L equals the arclength of
the graph from x = 0 to x = L. (Hint: recall that dx
cosh1 x = 1/ x2 1.)
6. Let f (x) = 1/x and g(x) = 1 x for x (0, 1). List all distinct functions
that can be written in the form f g f g f g f where represents
ax + b
composition. Write each function in the form
, and prove that your
cx + d
list is exhaustive.
7. If a and b are real, prove that x4 + ax + b = 0 cannot have only real roots.
8. A sequence fn is generated by the recurrence formula
fn+1 =
fn fn1 + 1
6th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to noon November 3, 1984
Fill out the individual registration form
2. Consider any three consecutive positive integers. Prove that the cube of the
largest cannot be the sum of the cubes of the other two.
3. A sequence {un }, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , is defined by u0 = 5, un+1 = un + n2 +
3n + 3, for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . If un is expressed as a polynomial un = dk=0 ck nk ,
where d is the degree of the polynomial, find the sum dk=0 ck .
4. Let the (x, y)-plane be divided into regions by n lines, any two of which may
or may not intersect. Describe a procedure whereby these regions may be
colored using only two colors so that regions with a common line segment
as part of their boundaries have different colors.
5. Let f (x) satisfy the conditions for Rolles theorem on [a, b] with f (a) =
f (b) = 0. Prove that for each real number k the function g(x) = f (x) +
k f (x) has at least one zero in (a, b).
6. A matrix is called excellent if it is square and the sum of its elements in
each row and column equals the sum of its elements in every other row and
column. Let Vn denote the collection of excellent n n matrices.
(a) Show that Vn is a vector space under addition and scalar multiplication
(by real numbers).
(b) Find the dimensions of V2 , V3 , and V4 .
(c) If A Vn and B Vn , show that AB Vn .
7. Find the greatest real r such that some normal line to the graph of y = x3 +rx
passes through the origin, where the point of normality is not the origin.
8. Let f = f (x) be an arbitrary differentiable
function on I = [x0 h, x0 + h]
with | f (x)| M on I where M 3. Let f (x0 h) f (x0 ) and f (x0 +h)
f (x0 ). Find the smallest positive number r such that at least one local maximum of f lies inside or on the circle of radius r centered at (x0 , f (x0 )). Express your answer in terms of h, M and d = min{ f (x0 ) f (x0 h), f (x0 )
f (x0 + h)}.
7th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to noon November 2, 1985
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Prove that
0 0
I + c1 M + c2 M =
0 0
1 3
where M =
and I is the identity matrix.
0 2
4. Consider an infinite sequence {ck }
k=0 of circles. The largest, C0 , is centered
at (1, 1) and is tangent to both the x and y-axes. Each smaller circle Cn
is centered on the line through (1, 1) and (2, 0) and is tangent to the next
larger circle Cn1 and to the x-axis. Denote the diameter of Cn by dn for
n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Find
(a) d1
7. Let f = f (x) be a real function of a real variable which has continuous third
derivative and which satisfies, for a given c and all real x, x = c,
f (x) f (c)
= ( f (x) + f (c))/2.
Show that f (x) = f (x f (c))/(x c).
8th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, November 1, 1986
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Let x1 = 1, x2 = 3, and
xn+1 =
1 n
n + 1 i=1
for n = 2, 3, . . ..
1 n
0 t p(t) dt =
lim (
( f (x))r dx)1/r = e
ln f (x) dx
= .
j( j + 1) 10
9th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, October 31, 1987
Fill out the individual registration form
1. A path zig-zags from (1, 0) to (0, 0) along line segments Pn Pn+1 , where P0
is (1, 0) and Pn is (2n , (2)n ), for n > 0. Find the length of the path.
2. A triangle with sides of lengths a, b, and c is partitioned into two smaller
triangles by the line which is perpendicular to the side of length c and passes
through the vertex opposite that side. Find integers a < b < c such that each
of the two smaller triangles is similar to the original triangle and has sides
of integer lengths.
3. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be an arbitrary rearrangement of 1, 2, . . . , n. Prove that if n
is odd, then (a1 1)(a2 2) . . . (an n) is even.
4. Let p(x) be given by p(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + + an xn and let |p(x)| |x|
on [1, 1].
(a) Evaluate a0 .
nk =
z(n j ),
where z(n) is the number of 0s in the binary representation of n (each representation should have a leading digit of 1 except for zero which has the
representation 0). An example, with n1 = 9, is {9, 2, 3, 3, 3, . . . }, or in binary, {1001, 10, 11, 11, 11, . . . }.
(a) Find n1 so hat limk nk = 31, and calculate n2 , n3 , . . . , n10 .
(b) Prove that, for every choice of n1 , the sequence {nk } converges.
6. A sequence of polynomials is given by pn (x) = an+2 x2 + an+1 x an , for
n 0, where a0 = a1 = 1 and, for n 0, an+2 = an+1 + an . Denote by rn
and sn the roots of pn (x) = 0, with rn sn . Find limn rn and limn sn .
10th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, October 22, 1988
Fill out the individual registration form
1. A circle C of radius r is circumscribed by a parallelogram S. Let denote
one of the interior angles of S, with 0 < /2. Calculate the area of S as
a function of r and .
2. A man goes into a bank to cash a check. The teller mistakenly reverses the
amounts and gives the man cents for dollars and dollars for cents. (Example:
if the check was for $5.10, the man was given $10.05.). After spending five
cents, the man finds that he still has twice as much as the original check
amount. What was the original check amount? Find all possible solutions.
y(t) dt = x2 .
11th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to noon October 21, 1989
Fill out the individual registration form
1. A square of side a is inscribed in a triangle of base b and height h as shown.
Prove that the area of the square cannot exceed one-half the area of the
(ii) Prove that, for every integer n 0, fn (x) = 1+2n x+3n x2 +4n x3 +
5n x4 has no real zero. (Hint: consider (d/dx)(x fn (x)).)
6. Let g be defined on (1, ) by g(x) = x/(x 1), and let f k (x) be defined by
2k f k (x) in the
ax2 + bx + c
dx + e
7. Three farmers sell chickens at a market. One has 10 chickens, another has
16, and the third has 26. Each farmer sells at least one, but not all, of
his chickens before noon, all farmers selling at the same price per chicken.
Later in the day each sells his remaining chickens, all again selling at the
same reduced price. If each farmer received a total of $35 from the sale of
his chickens, what was the selling price before noon and the selling price
after noon? (From Math Can Be Fun by Ya Perelman.)
8. The integer sequence {a0 , a1 , . . . , an1 } is such that, for each i (0 i
n 1), ai is the number of is in the sequence. (Thus for n = 4 we might
have the sequence {1, 2, 1, 0}.)
(a) Prove that, if n 7, such a sequence is a unique.
(b) Find such a sequence for n = 7.
Hint: show that the sum of all the terms is n, and that there are n a0 1
nonzero terms other than a0 which sum to n a0 . (This problem is slightly
modified from one on the Cambridge Mens Colleges Joint Awards and Entrance Examination, 24 November 1970.)
12th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, October 20, 1990
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Three pasture fields have areas of 10/3, 10 and 24 acres, respectively. The
fields initially are covered with grass of the same thickness and new grass
grows on each at the same rate per acre. If 12 cows eat the first field bare in
4 weeks and 21 cows eat the second field bare in 9 weeks, how many cows
will eat the third field bare in 18 weeks? Assume that all cows eat at the
same rate. (From Math Can be Fun by Ya Perelman.)
2. A person is engaged in working a jigsaw puzzle that contains 1000 pieces.
It is found that it takes 3 minutes to put the first two pieces together and
3(1000 x)
minutes to
that when x pieces have been connected it takes
1000 + x
connect the next piece. Determine an accurate estimate of the time it takes
to complete the puzzle. Give both a formula and an approximate numerical
value in hours. (You may find useful the approximate value ln 2 = .69.)
3. Let f be defined on the natural numbers as follows: f (1) = 1 and for n > 1,
f (n) = f ( f (n 1)) + f (n f (n 1)). Find, with proof, a simple explicit
expression for f (n) which is valid for all n = 1, 2, . . . .
4. Suppose that P(x) is a polynomial of degree 3 with integer coefficients and
that P(1) = 0, P(2) = 0. Prove that at least one of its four coefficients is
equal to or less than 2.
5. Determine all real values of p for which the following series converge.
(sin n ) p
| sin n| p
is a continuous function
f (x) + B
on [0, 1] satisfying max F(x) = u, and prove that your function has the
Find constants A and B such that F(x) =
required properties.
8. Ten points in space, no three of which are collinear, are connected, each one
to all the others, by a total of 45 line segments. The resulting framework
F will be disconnected into two disjoint nonempty parts by the removal
of one point from the interior of each of the 9 segments emanating from
any one vertex of f . Prove that F cannot be similarly disconnected by the
removal of only 8 points from the interiors of the 45 segments.
13th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, October 19, 1991
Fill out the individual registration form
1. An isosceles triangle with an inscribed circle is labeled as shown in the
figure. Find an expression, in terms of the angle and the length a, for the
area of the curvilinear triangle bounded by sides AB and AC and the arc BC.
................. ......................
f (x)3
Z x
real x.
(x + 1)n+1 (n + 1)n+1
5. Let f (x) = x5 5x3 + 4x. In each part (i)(iv), prove or disprove that there
exists a real number c for which f (x) c = 0 has a root of multiplicity
(i) one,
(ii) two,
(iii) three,
(iv) four.
k=1 k!
an =
7. A and B play the following money game, where an and bn denote the amount
of holdings of A and B, respectively, after the n th round. At each round a
player pays one-half his holdings to the bank, then receives one dollar from
the bank if the other player had less than c dollars at the end of the previous
round. If a0 = .5 and b0 = 0, describe the behavior of an and bn when n is
large, for
(i) c = 1.24
(ii) c = 1.26.
14th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, October 31, 1992
Fill out the individual registration form
et dt, for x R .
2. Assume that x1 > y1 > 0 and y2 > x2 > 0. Find a formula for the shortest
length l of a planar path that goes from (x1 , y1 ) to (x2 , y2 ) and that touches
both the x-axis and the y-axis. Justify your answer.
3. Let fn (x) be defined recursively by
f0 (x) = x,
f1 (x) = f (x),
n 0,
(ii) Find
fn (x0 )
with the above x0 .
4. Let {tn }
n=1 be a sequence of positive numbers such that t 1 = 1 and tn+1 =
1 + tn, for n 1. Show that tn is increasing in n and find limn tn.
0 2
5. Let A =
. Find A100 . You have to find all four entries.
1 3
7. Find lim
15th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., October 30, 1993
Fill out the individual registration form
1 1
1. Prove that
dydx =
2e 2
3. Let f1 (x) = x and fn+1 (x) = x fn (x) , for n = 1, 2 . . .. Prove that f n (1) = 1 and
fn (1) = 2, for all n 2.
4. Prove that a triangle in the plane whose vertices have integer coordinates
cannot be equilateral.
5. Find
n=1 n
Suppose that wire-frame copies of this logo are constructed of 5 equal pieces
of wire welded at three places as shown:
If bending is allowed, but no re-welding, show clearly how to cut the maximum possible number of ready-made copies of such a logo from the piece
of welded wire mesh shown. Also, prove that no larger number is possible.
16th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., October 29, 1994
Fill out the individual registration form
1 x 1x2
1. Evaluate
e(1z) dzdydx.
f (t) dt +
g(t) dt.
f (x) =
f (t)2 f (t)4 + ( f (t))2 dt + 100
f (n)2 + n for n 1. If N 1 is an
for n 0. Find n .
and xn+2 =
n=0 2
17th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., October 28, 1995
Fill out the individual registration form
3 2
1. Evaluate
1 + (max(3x, 2y))2 dxdy
18th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., October 26, 1996
Fill out the individual registration form
1 1y2
1. Evaluate
4 +2x2 y2 +y4 )
2. For each rational number r, define f (r) to be the smallest positive integer
n such that r = m/n for some integer m, and denote by P(r) the point in
the (x, y) plane with coordinates P(r) = (r, 1/ f (r)). Find a necessary and
sufficient condition that, given two rational numbers r 1 and r2 such that
0 < r1 < r2 < 1,
r f (r ) + r f (r )
f (r1 ) + f (r2 )
will be the point of intersection of the line joining (r 1 , 0) and P(r2) with the
line joining P(r1 ) and (r2 , 0).
3. Solve the differential equation yy = edy/dx with the initial condition y = e
when x = 1.
4. Let f (x) be a twice continuously differentiable in the interval (0, ). If
lim (x2 f (x) + 4x f (x) + 2 f (x)) = 1,
find limx f (x) and limx x f (x). Do not assume any special form of
f (x). Hint: use lHopitals rule.
5. Let ai , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, be real numbers such that a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = 0. Show
that for arbitrary real numbers bi , i = 1, 2, 3, the equation
a1 + b1 x + 3a2 x2 + b2 x3 + 5a3 x4 + b3 x5 + 7a4 x6 = 0
has at least one real root which is on the interval 1 x 1.
6. There are 2n balls in the plane such that no three balls are on the same line
and such that no two balls touch each other. n balls are red and the other n
balls are green. Show that there is at least one way to draw n line segments
by connecting each ball to a unique different colored ball so that no two line
segments intersect.
7. Let us define
fn,0 (x) = x +
fn, j+1 (x) = fn,0 ( fn, j (x)),
Find limn fn,n (x) for x > 0.
for x > 0, n 1,
j = 0, 1, . . ., n 1.
19th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., November 1, 1997
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Evaluate
1, y 0.
dA, where D is the half disk given by (x 1) 2 + y2
D x +y
one can take a nonstop VTRC bus to at least two different other cities B and
C in S (though there is not necessarily a nonstop VTRC bus from B to A or
from C to A ). Suppose there is a well-served subset S . Prove that there is a
well-served subset T such that for any two cities A , B in T , one can travel
by VTRC bus from A to B , stopping only at cities in T .
6. A disk of radius 1 cm. has a small hole at a point half way between the center
and the circumference. The disk is lying inside a circle of radius 2 cm. A
pen is put through the hole in the disk, and then the disk is moved once
round the inside of the circle, keeping the disk in contact with the circle
without slipping, so the pen draws a curve. What is the area enclosed by the
7. Let J be the set of all sequences of real numbers, and let A, L and P be three
mappings from J to J defined as follows. If x = {xn } = {x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . } J ,
Ax = {xn + 1} = {x0 + 1, x1 + 1, x2 + 1, . . . },
Lx = {1, x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . },
Px = { xk }.
20th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., October 31, 1998
Fill out the individual registration form
with domain D = {(x, y) | x = y, x2 +
(y x)2
y2 < 1}. Find the maximum value M of f (x, y) over D . You have to show
that M f (x, y) for every (x, y) D . Here ln() is the natural logarithm
2. The radius of the base of a right circular cone is 1. The vertex of the cone is
V , and P is a point on the circumference of the base. The length of PV is 6
and the midpoint of PV is M. A piece of string is attached to M and wound
tightly twice round the cone finishing at P. What is the length of the string?
3. Find the volume of the region which is common to the interiors of the three
circular cylinders y2 + z2 = 1, z2 + x2 = 1 and x2 + y2 = 1.
is a convergent series. Prove that
is also a convergent
6. Ten cats are sitting on ten fence posts, numbered 1 through 10 in clockwise
order and encircling a pumpkin patch. The cat on post #1 is white and the
other nine cats are black. At 9:45 p.m. the cats begin a strange sort of dance.
They jump from post to post according to the following two rules, applied
in alternation at one second intervals. Rule 1: each cat jumps clockwise to
the next post. Rule 2: all pairs of cats whose post numbers have a product
that is 1 greater than a multiple of 11 exchange places. At 10 p.m., just as
the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch, the dance stops abruptly
and the cats look on in awe. If the first jump takes place according to Rule 1
at 9:45:01, and the last jump occurs at 10:00:00, on which post is the white
cat sitting when the dance stops? (The first few jumps take the white cat
from post 1 to posts 2,6,7, . . . )
21st Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., October 30, 1999
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Let G be the set of all continuous functions f : R R , satisfying the following properties.
(i) f (x) = f (x + 1) for all x,
f (x) dx = 1999.
1 x
22nd Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., October 28, 2000
Fill out the individual registration form
(your answer will involve inverse trig functions;
0 5 4 cos
you may assume that 0 < ). Use your answer to show that
= .
5 4 cos
1. Evaluate
cos((x)) dx.
Example A(2) = 5, since the following five chains of length two, and no
others, are allowed.
23rd Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., November 3, 2001
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Three infinitely long circular cylinders each with unit radius have their axes
along the x, y and z-axes. Determine the volume of the region common to
all three cylinders. (Thus one needs the volume common to {y2 + z2 1},
{z2 + x2 1}, {x2 + y2 1}.)
2. Two circles with radii 1 and 2 are placed so that they are tangent to each
other and a straight line. A third circle is nestled between them so that it
is tangent to the first two circles and the line. Find the radius of the third
.......... ...
..... ..
.. ...
.. .
... ...
.. ......
... .................
...... ...
................................ ....................
3. For each positive integer n, let Sn denote the total number of squares in an
n n square grid. Thus S1 = 1 and S2 = 5, because a 2 2 square grid
has four 1 1 squares and one 2 2 square. Find a recurrence relation for
Sn , and use it to calculate the total number of squares on a chess board (i.e.
determine S8 ).
4. Let
an be the nth positive integer k such that the greatest integer not exceeding k divides k, so the first few terms of {an } are {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, . . .}.
Find a10000 and give reasons to substantiate your answer.
nn xn
. (That is,
n=1 n!
determine the real numbers x for which the above power series converges;
you must determine correctly whether the series is convergent at the end
points of the interval.)
3x + 1
for all positive
real numbers x (here R+ denotes the positive (nonzero) real numbers).
7. Let G denote a set of invertible 2 2 matrices (matrices with complex numbers as entries and determinant nonzero) with the property that if a, b are
in G, then so are ab and a1 . Suppose there exists a function f : G R
with the property that either f (ga) > f (a) or f (g1 a) > f (a) for all a, g in
G with g = I (here I denotes the identity matrix, R denotes the real numbers, and the inequality signs are strict inequality). Prove that given finite
nonempty subsets A, B of G, there is a matrix in G which can be written in
exactly one way in the form xy with x in A and y in B.
24th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., October 26, 2002
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Let a, b be positive constants. Find the volume (in the first octant) which
above the region in the xy-plane bounded by x = 0, x = /2, y = 0,
y b2 cos2 x + a2 sin2 x = 1, and below the plane z = y.
2. Find rational numbers a, b, c, d, e such that
7 + 40 = a + b 2 + c 5 + d 7 + e 10.
3. Let A and B be nonempty subsets of S = {1, 2, . . . , 99} (integers from 1
to 99 inclusive). Let a and b denote the number of elements in A and B
respectively, and suppose a + b = 100. Prove that for each integer s in S,
there are integers x in A and y in B such that x + y = s or s + 99.
4. Let {1,2,3,4} be a set of abstract symbols on which the associative binary
operation is defined by the following operation table (associative means
(a b) c = a (b c)):
25th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., November 1, 2003
Fill out the individual registration form
1. An investor buys stock worth $10,000 and holds it for n business days. Each
day he has an equal chance of either gaining 20% or losing 10%. However
in the case he gains every day (i.e. n gains of 20%), he is deemed to have
lost all his money, because he must have been involved with insider trading.
Find a (simple) formula, with proof, of the amount of money he will have
on average at the end of the n days.
2. Find
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26th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., October 23, 2004
Fill out the individual registration form
1 0
1. Let I denote the 2 2 identity matrix
and let
0 1
, N=
where A, B,C are arbitrary 2 2 matrices which entries in R, the real numbers. Thus M and N are 4 4 matrices with entries in R. Is it true that M is
invertible (i.e. there is a 4 4 matrix X such that MX = XM = the identity
matrix) implies N is invertible? Justify your answer.
2. A sequence of integers { f (n)} for
f (0) = 0 and for n > 0,
f (n 1) + 3,
f (n) = f (n 1) + 1,
f (n 1) + 2,
n = 0, 1, 2, . . . is defined as follows:
if n = 0 or 1 (mod 6),
if n = 2 or 5 (mod 6),
if n = 3 or 4 (mod 6).
Derive an explicit formula for f (n) when n = 0 (mod 6), showing all necessary details in your derivation.
3. A computer is programmed to randomly generate a string of six symbols
using only the letters A, B,C. What is the probability that the string will not
contain three consecutive As?
4. A 9 9 chess board has two squares from opposite corners and its central
square removed (so 3 squares on the same diagonal are removed, leaving
78 squares). Is it possible to cover the remaining squares using dominoes,
where each domino covers two adjacent squares? Justify your answer.
5. Let f (x) =
6. An enormous party has an infinite number of people. Each two people either
know or dont know each other. Given a positive integer n, prove there are
n people in the party such that either they all know each other, or nobody
knows each other (so the first possibility means that if A and B are any two
of the n people, then A knows B, whereas the second possibility means that
if A and B are any two of the n people, then A does not know B).
7. Let {an } be a sequence of positive real numbers such that lim an = 0. Prove
that 1
is divergent.
27th Annual
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., October 29, 2005
Fill out the individual registration form
1. Find the largest positive integer n with the property that n + 6(p3 + 1) is
prime whenever p is a prime number such that 2 p < n. Justify your
2. Find, and write out explicitly, a permutation (p(1), p(2), . . . , p(20)) of
(1, 2, . . . , 20) such that k + p(k) is a power of 2 for k = 1, 2, . . . , 20, and
prove that only one such permutation exists. (To illustrate, a permutation of
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) such that k + p(k) is a power of 2 for k = 1, 2, . . . , 5 is clearly
(1, 2, 5, 4, 3), because 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4, 3 + 5 = 8, 4 + 4 = 8, and 5 + 3 =
3. We wish to tile a strip of n 1-inch by 1-inch squares. We can use dominos
which are made up of two tiles which cover two adjacent squares, or 1-inch
square tiles which cover one square. We may cover each square with one
or two tiles and a tile can be above or below a domino on a square, but no
part of a domino can be placed on any part of a different domino. We do
not distinguish whether a domino is above or below a tile on a given square.
Let t(n) denote the number of ways the strip can be tiled according to the
above rules. Thus for example, t(1) = 2 and t(2) = 8. Find a recurrence
relation for t(n), and use it to compute t(6).
4. A cubical box with sides of length 7 has vertices at (0, 0, 0), (7, 0, 0), (0, 7, 0),
(7, 7, 0), (0, 0, 7), (7, 0, 7), (0, 7, 7), (7, 7, 7). The inside of the box is lined
with mirrors and from the point (0, 1, 2), a beam of light is directed to the
point (1, 3, 4). The light then reflects repeatedly off the mirrors on the inside
of the box. Determine how far the beam of light travels before it first returns
to its starting point at (0, 1, 2).
if x = 0, and f (0, y) = 0 if y = 0. Deter5. Define f (x, y) = 2
x + (y ln(x2 ))2
mine whether lim(x,y)(0,0) f (x, y) exists, and what its value is if the limit
does exist.
(Please turn over)
6. Compute
(e 1) ln(1 + ex x) + e(x ) dx.
7. Let A be a 5 10 matrix with real entries, and let A denote its transpose (so
A is a 10 5 matrix, and the i jth entry of A is the jith entry of A). Suppose
every 5 1 matrix with real entries (i.e. column vector in 5 dimensions) can
be written in the form Au where u is a 10 1 matrix with real entries. Prove
that every 5 1 matrix with real entries can be written in the form AA v
where v is a 5 1 matrix with real entries.
6. In the diagram below BP bisects ABC, CP bisects BCA, and PQ is perpendicular to BC. If BQ.QC = 2PQ2 , prove that AB + AC = 3BC.
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7. Three spheres each of unit radius have centers P, Q, R with the property that
the center of each sphere lies on the surface of the other two spheres. Let
C denote the cylinder with cross-section PQR (the triangular lamina with
vertices P, Q, R) and axis perpendicular to PQR. Let M denote the space
which is common to the three spheres and the cylinder C, and suppose the
mass density of M at a given point is the distance of the point from PQR.
Determine the mass of M.
, where 0 x /2. Use your result to show that
+ ln(9/8)
2 + tan
1. Evaluate
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(Please turn over)
(2 + 5)100 (1 + 2)100 + (1 + 2)100 .
For example, the third digit after the decimal point of = 3.14159 . . . is 1.
6. Let n be a positive integer, let A, B be square symmetric n n matrices
with real entries (so if ai j are the entries of A, the ai j are real numbers and
ai j = a ji ). Suppose there are n n matrices X,Y (with complex entries)
such that det(AX + BY ) = 0. Prove that det(A2 + B2 ) = 0 (det indicates the
2 )
n(1+(ln(ln n))
divergent (ln denotes natural log).
is convergent or
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5. Let a1 , a2 , . . . be a sequence of nonnegative real numbers and let , be
permutations of the positive integers N (thus , : N N are one-to-one
and onto maps). Suppose that
n=1 an = 1 and is a real number such that
n=1 |an a n | + n=1 |an a n | < . Prove that there exists a finite subset
X of N such that |X X|, |X X| > (1 )|X| (here |X| indicates the
number of elements in X; also the inequalities <, > are strict).
(Please turn over)
3. Define f (x) =
d f /dx).
2 v2
5. Let C denote the complex numbers and let M3 (C) denote the 3 by 3 matrices
with entries in C. Suppose A, B M3 (C), B 6= 0, and AB = 0 (where 0
denotes the 3 by 3 matrix with all entries zero). Prove that there exists
0 6= D M3 (C) such that AD = DA = 0.
6. Let n be a nonzero integer. Prove that n4 7n2 + 1 can never be a perfect
square (i.e. of the form m2 for some integer m).
7. Does there exist a twice differentiable function f : R R such that f 0 (x) =
f (x + 1) f (x) for all x and f 00 (0) 6= 0? Justify your answer. (Here R
denotes the real numbers and f 0 denotes the derivative of f .)
an an+1
for n a
7. Let
n=1 an be a convergent series of positive terms (so ai > 0 for all i) and
set bn = 2 for n 1. Prove that
is convergent.
n=1 b1 + b2 + + bn