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New Magicks For A New Age

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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

email: polaris93@aol.com 16,600 words


Volume III: Beyond Ritual: Historical, Philosophical,
and Scientific Considerations
-- Essays on the Cutting Edge of Esoteric Science
Book 10: Additional Topics
Part 12: Shake, Rattle, and Roll:
The Goddess, Lady Liberty, and the Coming Times

It is no accident that the symbols of the United States of America have tremendous esoteric
significance, particularly for Pagans, Feminists, occultists, and followers of the Western Ceremonial
Tradition. From the beginning the founders of our nation, almost all of whom were Masons and many of
whom were Master Masons, chose those symbols with the deliberate intention of founding a nation
whose government would be based squarely on principles of individual liberty and states’ rights, and
which would be likely to last for at least several centuries. Because many of the founders were familiar
with astrology and understood the relationship between astrology and Magick, it’s even possible that they
picked the times of the signing of the Declaration of Independence* and, later, the inception of
America’s Constitution** such that the astrological portents thereof would help to carry out those goals.
Certainly much of the symbolism of the first American flags, the Great Seal of the United States, and
other basic American symbols were selected by the founders for those reasons; and it is clear that insofar
as it was possible, they shaped the nation’s beginnings by means of an enormous Magickal ritual whose
aim was to bring to birth a long-lived republican democracy, founded solidly on the ideals of Deism,
Reason, and Liberty, the greatest of the children of the Age of Enlightenment by Masonry. By means of
that ritual America’s founders hoped to build into the newborn nation and its governance living
manifestations of the principles of Deism, thereby ensuring that a nation of free people, guided by the
light of Reason, would survive the ages, keeping alive the torch of Enlightenment for all the world, that
finally, because of America’s example, that world would fully embrace those same triple ideals, the
ideals upon which America was founded.
*For the full text of the Declaration of Independence, see Appendix 4, below.

**For the text of selected portions of the Constitution of the United States of America, including the Bill
of Rights, see Appendix 5, below.

But unfortunately, the Ideal and the Real are not necessarily the same thing. However carefully and
correctly a Magickal ritual of any kind is enacted, it may take a great long while for the intentions behind
it to manifest in the mundane world. Below is a discussion of the Magick of America, the Magick
behind its founding; the divergence of the Intent behind that Magick from actuality; and the possibility
that that Intent may manifest in full in the future.

§ 1. The Book of the Law, the Aeon of Horus, and Women

The astrological signs, as opposed to the constellations, refer to the seasons, or rather, to thirds of
seasons, and the celestial longitude of the Sun during each twelfth of a year. Aries is the first third of
spring, Taurus the second third, Gemini the third third of Spring, Cancer the first third of Summer, and so
on. The constellations, on the other hand, are patterns of stars in the sky lying along the Zodiac, a belt
of stars which intersects the celestial equator at two points about 180° across the sky from each other.
The twelve patterns of stars, or constellations, lying along this belt, which have been known in the West
for more than two millennia, are also named, in order from west to east, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
and so on through Pisces. Two thousand years ago, on the first moment of Spring each year the Sun
stood in the first degree of the constellation Aries, so at that time that constellation corresponded to the
sign Aries, and the other constellations likewise corresponded, more or less, to the signs now bearing
their names, as well.*

*Geometrically speaking, this correspondence couldn’t be exact, since the signs are all exactly 30° of
celestial longitude wide – so that it takes the Sun 30 and a small fraction of days to transit each sign
– whereas, as previously mentioned, the constellations are of varying widths.

But due to the precession of the Equinoxes, the Vernal Coleur (the Sun’s celestial longitude on the
first moment of Spring each year) advances five-sixths of a minute of arc westward every year. This
translates into an apparent westward motion relative to the backdrop of the starry heavens of about one
degree of celestial longitude every 72 years or so, moving backwards through the constellations from
Aries to Pisces to Aquarius to Capricorn and so on westward through the Zodiac until it comes to Aries
again. In this way, over a period of about 2,160 years, on the average it moves completely through one
constellation.* Over 25,290 years, which astrologers refer to as a Great Year, it goes all the way around
the Zodiac, returning to the place at which it began.

*Again, this is an average. Some constellations are far larger than others. For example, the
constellation Cancer is smaller than average, spanning around 27 degrees of celestial longitude. The
constellation Leo, on the other hand, spans about 40 degrees of celestial longitude, much larger than

So with the passage of centuries and the precession of the Equinoxes, the signs have moved
westward relative to the constellations bearing their names. The separation between the two is now
more than 30°, so that the Vernal Coleur – the point at which the astrological sign Aries begins – is now
in the last few degrees of the constellation Aquarius. Some esoteric schools of thought disagree on this,
their argument turning on the question of the width of constellation of Aquarius vs. that of Pisces. If
Aquarius is very much wider and Pisces very much smaller than the average of 30°, then the Vernal
Coleur falls in Aquarius; otherwise it is still in Pisces and will be so for some years yet. In fact,
according to Vivian Robson,* the stars in the constellation Aquarius span an arc of sky from 9° of the
sign Aquarius (corresponding to around January 29th) to 26° of the sign Pisces (around March 16 th), some
47°. The stars in the constellation Pisces, on the other hand, span from 15° of the sign Pisces to 26° of
the sign Aries, around 41°. By this reckoning the Vernal Point should still be in Pisces, and remain
therein until sometime in the 30th century.

*Vivian E. Robson, B. Sc., The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology (York Beach, ME: Samuel
Weiser, 1984), pp. 28-29, 57.

But as far as their astrological influence is felt, the constellations are fields of action, and the
boundaries of which don’t necessarily correspond exactly to the patterns of stars with which they are
associated. So if the boundaries of the field of the constellation Aquarius are very wide, whether or not
they fall within the patterns of stars making up that constellation, while the reverse is true of the field of
the constellation Pisces, then the Vernal Coleur will fall within the former, in which case we have
therefore entered “the Age of Aquarius.”
Astrologically speaking, both the sign and the constellation Aquarius are ruled by the planets Saturn
and Uranus. Both are associated with Sephirah 3 on the Tree of Life, which is in turn associated with
the Great Hags, Kali/Chandi/Parvati, Hekate, Pele, Baba Yaga, Medusa, St. Michael, and other Aspects
of the Power of the Goddess. Also, the Egyptians associated Saturn with the God Horus, the Sword of
God, hence these are the sign and constellation of the Battle-Goddesses, such as Venus Venetrix, Pallas
Athena Medusa, and Sekhmet. Thus the beginnings of the Age of Aquarius also constitute the inception
of the Kali Yuga, more on which below, and the beginning of the end of the world-wide oppression of
women. Ultimately, this last will come about when women themselves take up the means of liberation,
whatever these must be, and cast off their chains without thereby becoming beholden to still another form
of tyranny.
Over a three-day interval in April 1904, beginning on April 8 and ending on April 10th of that year,
Aleister Crowley wrote Liber Al vel Legis or The Book of the Law, also known as Liber XXXI and Liber
CCXX. According to Crowley, the book was dictated to him, word-for-word, by the entity Aiwass, who
claimed to be Crowley’s Holy Guardian Angel. Supposedly the book predicts the course of the Age of
Aquarius/Aeon of Horus, which began with the Cairo Working, a Magickal ritual performed by Crowley
in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh at Cairo, which took place beginning at 12 a.m. on March 20th, 1904.
The Book of the Law predicted a number of things, among which was the liberation of women from
the oppression that had shackled them for so long, and their social and legal equality with men. It also
predicted a long, long struggle through which humanity in general would finally liberate itself from all
forms of tyranny, but only after a great deal of warfare, suffering, and bloodshed. In fact, so far, since
1904 history seems to support the claims of the book; whether or not it will continue to do so remains to
be seen.
This is one more omen of the beginning of an historical process which will ultimately, over the next
couple of millennia or so, bring about, as a result of their own efforts, the liberation of humanity in
general and of women in particular from all forms of oppression. Its peculiar symbolism focuses on
Trump 0, The Fool, of the Tarot, which is associated with the Element Air, the planet Uranus, and the
“woman girt with a sword.” The Egyptian Gods Horus and Sekhet are also associated with this Trump,
as are the planets Saturn, Mars, and Pluto. Numerologically speaking, the numbers 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 27,
37, 31, 40, 80, 93, 111, 300, and 418 are all associated with this book and the Aeon of Horus/Aquarius.

§ 2. The Meaning of the Kali Yuga

The horrors of are due not to the Goddess Kali, but instead to the final and worst stages of the
oppression under which women and children everywhere have suffered for so long. Ultimately that
oppression will precipitate a collective reaction from women that will impel them to bring about their –
and everyone’s liberation from all forms of tyranny. Kali is the Archangel. Michael of India, She Who
Destroys Demons. She doesn’t bring horror, but rather battles it. Rather than being the problem, Kali
is the remedy for it. The Kali Yuga is the last stage of a festering sociobiological sickness from which
all humanity has suffered for thousands of years. Kali, as a force present in all women, will finally rise
up in response to this and, in reaction to that sickness, free this world from it for good and all.

§ 3. The Esoteric and Historic Roles of America in the Emancipation of Women

The astrological natal chart of the United States of America, founded by means of a successful
revolution, is dominated by Uranus, which rules (among other things) revolution – and the power of
Woman.* In addition, Native America, whose discovery caused such a profound upheaval in European
consciousness and life (which European-derived cultures in this country and elsewhere are still dealing
with even now, centuries later), is ruled by Uranus, the planet of free peoples. In critically important
ways, prior to the invasion of the Americas by Europeans, American Indian cultures in North America
were probably the freest on Earth; in those cultures women had status, political power, and political
influence unheard of in Europe up until the late 19 th and the 20th centuries, when Suffragism and then
Feminism began to sweep the world.
All of America’s symbolism is either Uranian, Martial, Plutonian, and/or Lunar in nature. For
example, the symbolism inherent in the Statue of Liberty, the ultimate symbol of liberty, is both Uranian
and Lunar. The repetition of the “13” motif in so much of our national symbolism – for example, the
sheaf of 13 arrows in the claws of the eagle in the Great Shield of the United States; the 13 original
English colonies out of which the nation was born; the 13 stripes and stars of the “Betsy Ross” flag that
figured so prominently in the affairs of the colonies and the new nation around the time of the
Revolutionary War, and countless other examples – is obviously Lunar. From time out of mind, the
number 13 has been associated with the Moon, with women and their menstrual cycles, and with the
Magickal Powers of women, and in the Key Scale of the Qaballah, Key 13 is associated with the letter
Gimel and Trump II, The High Priestess, of the Tarot, associated with the Moon.
Historically, there is Paul Revere, that glorious archetype of patriotic courage, the man who set out
to warn the colonies that the British armed forces were on their way to attack them. In his private life,
Revere was a silversmith, and a damned good one, too, judging from the quality of his wares, which
today fetch kings’ ransoms in price due to their values as heirlooms, museum pieces, and authentic pieces
of early American history. Silver is the metal which, from time immemorial, has been associated with
the Moon – yet another signature of Luna, hence of Woman, in the founding of this nation.
The number 5, Qaballistically associated with Mars, is represented by the Pentagrams – 5-pointed
stars – in the flag of the United States. It is also embodied in the shape of the Pentagon, the gigantic
office building in Washington D.C. that houses the headquarters of the Armed Services of the United
It was the United States of America that first developed, tested, and deployed the atomic bomb.
This nation was also the first to develop and test thermonuclear bombs. Such devices are archetypically
Uranian and Plutonian, heralds and agents of primordial destruction and death. And in fact, the first
atomic bomb used in war, the “Thin Man,” was a neutron-gun style device made of uranium-235; the
second was made of a core of sub-critical masses of plutonium-239 surrounded by shaped explosive
charges designed to bring all the sub-critical masses together at the same moment to form of perfect
critical mass. The metal of Uranus is uranium, regardless of what isotope* it is; that of Pluto is
plutonium, again regardless of isotope; and all explosives of any kind are generally ruled by Uranus,
regardless of what other planets may share Uranus’ rulership over them.

*The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in its nucleus; its mass number is the sum
of the number of neutrons and protons together in its nucleus. The neutrons add nothing as far as
the chemical properties of an atom go; they are electronically neutral (hence their name), and it is
the way in which atoms share, donate, or acquire electrons that determines their chemical properties.
But, since each weighs slightly more than a proton, they do add weight to an atom. Additions of
neutrons to an atom can also make it more or less stable, in terms of its tendency to undergo
radioactive fission, depending upon where it lies in the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements and
hence the stability of the “shells” or probabilities of position of the protons and neutrons in its
nucleus. An isotope is any of two or more forms of a chemical element having the same or very
closely related chemical properties, and the same atomic number but different atomic weights or
mass numbers. E.g., the atomic number of uranium is 92; U235, U238, and U239 are three isotopes of
Uranium, the numbers 235, 238, and 239 signifying different mass numbers (respectively, 143, 146,
and 147 neutrons and 92 protons per isotope). Uranus rules all these isotopes of uranium, but does
not rule such elements as, say, mercury metal, which is ruled by Mercury, or nitrogen, ruled by
Venus. Similarly, Pluto rules all isotopes of plutonium, which has an atomic number of 94,
regardless of how many neutrons are in the nucleus of any of those isotopes. And so on.

At 4:30 a.m. Mountain War Time, July 16, 1945, at Trinity, New Mexico, the first official test of the
atomic bomb took place. J. Robert Oppenheimer, head of the Manhattan Project and the team that
developed the Bomb, looking upon the fury rising from the desert floor, the incandescent mushroom
cloud that would become the dreaded hallmark of the Atomic Age, quoted the God Shiva, Who said, in
the Vedas: “I am become as Death, the Shatterer of Worlds.” Shiva is both Lunar and Uranian, the Full
Moon, Whose consort is Kali, the Plutonian Avatar of Death, the Demon-Slayer. He is the Destroyer of
Boundaries, the Uranian Power that breaks down all obstructions and destroys every oppression; She is
the Mistress of Battles, the Protectress, the Battle-Hag Who stands guardian over the heart of Her people,
protecting them from evil. That these two Gods should be represented by the Bomb, which threatens to
destroy this world with all its life, seems cruel irony. But like so many others, this particular Sword of
Damocles has two edges: the lowering threat of the Bomb has, over the decades since it was first used in
war, made the whole world aware that war is insanity, that those running the world are, more often than
not, just as crazy, and that the alternative to changing everything is to lose it all, forever. The Bomb has
primed the world for the ultimate revolution – the revolution of the heart, the one that must occur before
external change can be anything more than changes of the signatures at the bottoms of the documents.
By means of the Bomb, Shiva has destroyed almost all the illusions that have kept this world from seeing
that the road we’ve been on for so long is on a collision course with Armageddon; through the Bomb,
Kali has made not only women, but men, as well, see that a Man’s World, as it has been for far too many
years, really isn’t a world worth having. So They are death – but death in the service of life, and rebirth,
and the hope of life to come.
Thus on a Magickal level – the heart of Power and Reality, where actions count more than anywhere
else – America is all about two things: Liberty, and the Power of Women. In particular, America is the
Cauldron of Female Liberty, where the planet-wide liberation which the struggle of the Kali Yuga will
bring about has been gestating for the last 213 years and now slouches round to a New World Bethlehem
to be born.
So let’s take a closer, more detailed looked, at America’s symbolism.

§ 4. The Esoteric Meaning of America’s Symbols

First, let’s consider the natal chart of the United States of America.
In his excellent Interpreting the Eclipses,* astrologer Robert Carl Jansky makes an excellent case for
a natal chart for the USA erected for 2:14:55 a.m. local time, July 4, 1776, at Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Tradition has it that it was at this moment, in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, that the
first of the signatures of the founders of this nation was affixed to the Declaration of Independence,
analogous to the moment when the umbilical cord connecting mother and newborn child is cut. Jansky
isn’t the only one using these data for the founding of this country; most Western astrologers have
likewise accepted this as our country’s natal chart. Two other charts, the first for later the same day,
when the vote on whether to let the Declaration of Independence as written stand or not, and the second
for an alternate time and date for the signing of the Declaration,** have been proposed by a number of
scholars in this area. But the traditional natal chart of our country, the one preferred by Jansky, stands
up best of the three to the historical tests of its validity, and it is also the one which historically has been
accepted as the U.S. chart by nearly all astrologers since 1776. So because the traditional chart seems
to work best, I accept that as the natal chart of the U.S.

*Robert Carl Jansky, Interpreting the Eclipses (San Diego, CA: Astro-Computing Services, 1979), p.

**Ibid., pp. 77 and 82.

Figure 1: Natal chart of United States of America
(For a full analysis of this chart, see Appendix 3, below)

In that chart, Gemini is rising, and the Sun, which is in the second house of the chart, stands at
12°44’ Cancer – the 13th degree of that sign. Uranus is rising in the first house, at 8°53’ Gemini, within
a degree and a half of conjunction with the Ascendant, which is at 7°35’ Gemini; while Luna, in
Aquarius – the sign ruled by Uranus – is in the 10th house, at 18°10’ Aquarius, within 4½ degrees of
conjunction with the Midheaven, which is at 13°57’ Aquarius (another signature of 13), so that Luna
dominates the chart. Like the Sun, Jupiter and Venus are both in the sign Cancer in the second house,
Jupiter’s position being 5°48’ Cancer, within 8°of conjunction with the Sun, and Venus at 2°21’ Cancer.
Mercury, ruler of the chart,* is also in Cancer, but in the third house, at 24°28’ Cancer, and retrograde.

*In any astrological chart, the ruler of the sign on the Ascendant is also the ruler of that chart. In this
case, the Ascendant is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, so Mercury rules the chart.

Additionally, Mars is in the chart’s first house, at 20°58’ Gemini, making Him, like Uranus, one of
the chart’s co-rulers;* the Moon’s North Node stands at 6°36’ Leo, in the chart’s third house; Neptune
occupies the fifth house, at 22°24’ Virgo, sharing that house with Saturn, whose position is 14°47’ Libra;
the Part of Fortune occupies the eighth house, at 13°2’ Capricorn (another signature of 13); and Pluto in
the ninth house, at 27°23’ Capricorn, retrograde.

*Any planet in the first house of a chart is a secondary or co-ruler of that chart, its importance for
delineation of the chart only exceeded by that of the primary ruler, the one ruling the sign on the
chart’s Ascendant. In this case, since both Mars and Uranus are in the first house of the chart, they
are co-rulers of that chart. In addition, the Moon is considered to be the co-ruler of all charts, since
in any chart the Moon rules the timing of events predicted by that chart.

This chart is dominated by a triple permutative reception involving the planets (Mercury, ruler of the
chart, Uranus, and Luna. Luna is in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus; Uranus is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury;
Who is in Cancer, ruled by Luna. All other planets in this chart are ultimately disposited by these three:
Mars is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury; Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun are in Cancer, ruled by Luna;
Neptune is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury; Saturn is in Libra, ruled by Venus, which is in Cancer, ruled by
Luna;* Pluto, astrologically functioning as one of the higher octaves of Luna,** is in Capricorn, ruled by
Saturn; the Part of Fortune, a benefic whose astrological influence resembles that of Jupiter, is in
Scorpio, traditionally ruled by Mars, Who is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, and also by Pluto, Who is in
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn; and the Moon’s North Node is in Leo, ruled by the Sun, Who is in Cancer,
ruled by the Moon.

*Thus there is a second triple permutative reception in this chart, involving Saturn, Venus, and Luna;
Saturn occupies Libra, ruled by Venus; Venus occupies Cancer, ruled by Luna; and Luna occupies
Aquarius, traditionally ruled by Saturn.

**Saturn and Neptune also function as Luna’s higher octave. See Volume 1, Book 2, Part 2 and Volume
2, Book 2, Part 9 of New Magicks for a New Age for detailed discussion and explanation of this.

Uranus’ prominence in this chart, due to his placement in it, is reflected in the fact that the United
States of America was founded on revolution. In addition, this country was established on lands
originally peopled by Native Americans. Both revolution and American Indians are ruled by Uranus.
Luna’s prominence in the chart, due to the Sun’s placement in Cancer, Luna’s home sign, Luna’s
placement in the chart’s 10th house, conjunct the Midheaven, and the numerous occurrences of the
number 13 – Luna’s archetypal number in this chart, is manifest in the fact that it has been here, in
America, where Suffragism and its modern daughter, Feminism, have had their greatest power and
And Mercury, Whose influence is interwoven in this chart with that of Luna and Uranus, is manifest
in several ways. Of all the nations, it is America which has produced the most inventors and inventions,
where three technological revolutions have come into their own, regardless of where they began:
Thomas Edison (electricity – Mercury and Uranus);* Nikola Tesla (electromagnetism – Uranus and
Mercury); the Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur (flight – Mercury and Uranus); Henry Hollerith,
founder of IBM, maker of business machines and computers (Mercury and Uranus); Bill Gates, founder
of Microsoft (computer software – Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune); Henry Ford (the automobile, the
assembly line, and, eventually the great system of highways built to serve our automotive nation –
Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter) – the list of the men and women who are our world today, who laid the
foundations for what the world has become in just a few decades since they first gave us their inventions,
goes on and on and on. And every one of them is ruled simultaneously by Mercury and Uranus. In
some cases, they are also ruled by planets which, in the U.S. natal chart, are disposited by Mercury,
Uranus, and Luna.
*Mercury’s higher octave, His collective expression, as opposed to His expression on the level of the
individual, is Uranus. Thus the prominence in this chart of Mercury and Uranus together is
redundant, reinforcing the power of both. In addition, the ancient Egyptian analog of Mercury was
Djehuti (Thoth), God of Wisdom, Speech, Utterance, Writing, and Justice Who was, however, Lord
of the Moon rather than of Mercury. So Mercury, Uranus, and Luna are, in a sense, different aspects
of one underlying astrological unity, and the fact that all three of Them are bound together here in
permutative reception raises Their influence by several orders of magnitude each.

But Mars is also prominent in this chart, due to His placement along with Uranus in Gemini in the
chart’s first house. This is reflected by the fact that by law, all our national elections, by which we elect
our presidents and federal legislators, take place on the second Tuesday of November. That day is
always in the astrological month of Scorpio, ruled by Mars, and Tuesday’s traditional ruler is Mars, as
well. The pentagrammatic symbolism of our flag and the Great Seal also shows Mars’ influence, as does
the Pentagon, the building in which is housed our War Department. So does America’s involvement in
numerous wars, from its founding in the Revolutionary War, through the American Civil War in the
1860s, the theft of its lands from American Indians in the Indian Wars, and its involvement in foreign
wars, including the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam.
America’s extensive covert involvement in foreign wars and political intrigue also reflect Mars’
placement in the nation’s natal chart. In Gemini, the sign of cleverness, intrigue, information, and ideas,
Mars is astrologically “weak,” expressed covertly rather than overtly, for example, via undercover
espionage and intrigue, industrial espionage, biowarfare and chemical warfare, and so on, many of which
activities are carried out by agencies such as our CIA. Mars rules the military and Gemini intelligence,
so that Mars in Gemini can also mean “military intelligence,” and our CIA, one of whose tasks is to
gather military intelligence which the Pentagon and the president can use to decide how best to deal with
nations that might present a threat to us, is a good example of both the gathering and dissemination of
military intelligence.
On the other hand, Mars in Gemini can be expressed in terms of neurotic aggression mechanisms
typical of passive-aggressive personalities. Gemini also rules kindergartens, elementary schools, and
junior high schools. Over the last several decades, our public school systems have worked hard to
inculcate a passive-aggressive character in their pupils, a national shame that is one of the possible
downsides of this placement of Mars.
From the earliest beginnings of human history and before, Luna has been the best-known heavenly
embodiment of the Great Goddess, the feminine side of God. Astrologically speaking, She symbolizes
women, gestation, pregnancy, and the mother – all aspects of the Goddess. Uranus is the Hag, as
mentioned above. Mars is Horus, ruling the Age of Aquarius, which supposedly will be an age when the
equality before the law and establishment as hallowed custom of gender equality finally become
permanent fact; Mars is also Sekhet, the Female Warrior, Protector of the Home and Guardian of the
People, an analog of the Hindu Goddess Kali. Mercury is the Hermaphrodite, the mediator between the
sexes. All these are, in one way or another, astrological rulers of women and female power – and all of
them are extremely prominent in the chart of the United States of America.
Then there is the Great Seal of the United States.
“The Great Seal of the United States,” a booklet by the United States Department of State available
through the U.S. Government Printing Office for only a dollar and a half, goes into the history and
symbolism of the Great Seal in great detail. It shows both sides of the Great Seal as a color centerfold.
Another book, Joseph Goodavage’s Astrology: The Space-Age Science,* describes the Great Seal as well
as discussing its history and symbolism in great detail. While the latter isn’t as well-researched in other
matters as it could be, and depends far too much on mystical wish-fulfillment and too little on objective
evidence for “proofs” of its theories, its descriptions of American symbolism are accurate and very clear.
What follows, below, draws heavily on both sources for the information it gives on the Great Seal of the
United States.

*Joseph Goodavage, Astrology: The Space-Age Science (New York: The New American Library, 1967).
On the face (obverse) of the Great Seal is an Eagle, facing sinister.* In his beak he holds a banner
on which is written “E. Pluribus Unum.” Above his head is a blue field of 13 stars, surrounded by rays
of solar yellow and 19 puffy cloudlets. The Eagle’s body is covered by a shield which is blue at the top,
with 13 vertical stripes – six red and seven white – below. In his right claw he holds an olive branch
with 13 leaves and 13 olive fruits.** His tail has nine feathers – and 9 is another traditional number of
the Moon. Finally, in his left claw the Eagle holds 13 arrows.

*That is, with his head turned to the observer’s left.

** Robert Anton Wilson, et al., have proposed that, at least originally, this was a branch from a
marijuana bush, with 13 leaves and 13 buds. However, I have not seen anywhere proof of this, and
therefore can’t comment as to its veracity.

On the back (reverse) of the Great Seal is an unfinished pyramid, 13 layers high, capped by the Eye
of Horus. The legend above it, Annuit Coeptis, “He (God) Approves of the Undertakings,” contains 13
letters. There are 9 Roman letters in the date at its base, “MDCCLXXVI” (1776). The motto below the
pyramid, Novus Ordo Seclorum, “A New Order of the Ages,” contains 17 letters, so that altogether there
are 39 (3 x 13) letters on the reverse of the Seal.
According to Joseph Goodavage:

The face . . . of the seal at the top signifies the Congress. The stripes on the
Eagle’s shield (the chief executive) represent the states of the Union [in 1776]. Blue is
the color of the planet Earth, . . . as red is the color of Mars; the latter represents
courage, strength, and aggressiveness, while blue symbolizes peace, vigilance,
perseverance and justice. White equates to the highest aspirations and to temperance
[purity]. All these qualities were decreed by law in the act of 1782 and are
incorporated in the colors of the American seal and the American flag.*

*The founders of this country were all Masons, hence students of Qaballah. In Qaballah, blue is
associated with Sephirah 4, Chesed, Mercy, whose planet is Jupiter, the Great Benefic; red with
Sephirah 5, Geburah, Strength or Power, whose planet is Mars; and white with Sephirah 1, Kether,
at the top of the Tree of Life, associated with the highest aspects of God. White is also associated
with the Moon, because of the Moon’s color. Many of the founders were knowledgeable about
astrology, and would have been aware of the prominence of the Moon and Mars in the U.S. natal
chart, as well as the fortunate placement of Jupiter in Cancer in the chart’s second house, signifying
great wealth accumulated as a result of the natural resources of our land. Goodavage doesn’t seem
to be aware of these factors, which should also be taken into account here.

Each state is drawn toward the Chief (central Union) and helps to support it [i.e.,
the vertical stripes, representing the states, bear up the blue shield, which represents the
Chief Executive). The Eagle alone (representing the American government) supports
the shield; therefore, America was meant to be self-supporting and to assist less
fortunate nations of the world . . .
E Pluribus Unum [“Out of many, one”], the legend on the ribbon in the Eagle’s
beak, refers to the single nation formed by the 13 colonies. The face of the Seal is
dominated by the Eagle, ready for war because the left talon holds a bunch of arrows
pointed upward. This face signifies aim, purpose, and aspiration; the arrows are
prepared for flight, thus indicating how swiftly America can gird for combat . . . But
the Eagle’s head is turned away from the arrows; it faces the right talon, which holds
forth the olive branch of peace. . . .
Above the Eagle’s head is a shining cloud encircled by 13 stars [this has since been
replaced by the 19 cloudlets surrounding the blue shield and sunburst, containing 13
stars]. The glow represents the Sun as the source of all life; the rays of light are
symbols of glory, hope, and power. The (rain) cloud indicates the sustenance of
Earthly life, and also stateliness and sublimity. The stars show universality and divine
protection. This is the ‘Crown of Countless Ages,’ the reincarnation of an eternal ideal
that once characterized Egypt . . .
. . . The face of the American Seal shows 13 stripes on the shield, 13 stars in the
circle of glory, 13 branches [sic.; he means “leaves”] and 13 berries on the olive
branch on the Eagle’s right talon, 13 arrows in the left talon, and 13 letters in the
legend, E Pluribus Unum.
. . . It was decreed by law that there must be a repetition of the number 13 in the
seal’s composition . . . . Thus the date (at the pyramid’s base) was ordered to be
engraved in Roman numerals (a total of nine) rather than Arabic [only 4].
“Saeclorum” was made “Seclorum” on the scroll beneath the unfinished pyramid. This
motto consisted of 17 letters. Altogether there are 39 letters and numerals on the
reverse of the Great Seal [3 x 13] . . . .
Also, on the reverse side you will find 13 layers of stone in the unfinished pyramid.
The legend, “Annuit Coeptis,” contains 13 letters, corresponding to the 13 stripes in the
American flag. . . . Thirteen . . . refers to Christ and His 12 disciples; to Buddha
and his 12 apostles; and to Quetzalcoatl, god-king of the Aztecs and his 12
followers . . . .
During our Civil War, even though the Confederacy had only 11 states, their flag
had 13 stars. General George Washington and 12 of his generals were Freemasons,
and thus numbered 13. There are all kinds of odd, seemingly unrelated correlations in
American history connected with the number 13. During the First World War, the first
convoy to France was composed of 13 ships that sailed on June 13 (1917) and took 13
days to cross the Atlantic. Even President Woodrow Wilson’s name had 13 letters.
At the exact time the Declaration of Independence was signed, the Sun was 13° in
the Sign of Cancer [which is ruled by the Moon, whose number is 13].
. . . The Eagle (or Phoenix of ancient Egypt) both call for regeneration and
. . . [T]he Eagle is the highest form of the threefold nature of Scorpio; it is the
only creature able to look directly into the Sun’s dazzling brilliance. This triune nature
of Scorpio is, at its lowest, the deadly scorpion, then the serpent (which represents
wisdom), and finally the soaring Eagle, or Phoenix.
Scorpio in astrology and 13 in numerology have basically the same significance.
Yet 13 is still considered bad luck because of backward, simple superstition, . . . It is
so much a part of our culture that businesses kowtow to it; there are numerous hotels
and office buildings in major American and European cities that have no 13 th floor
numbered as such – they actually skip from 12 to 14.
The Phoenix is that mythical firebird which represents the highest symbolic
manifestation of our Earthly existence. In modern symbology, the Eagle is often
pictured with a flame rising from . . . or . . . over its head; this is merely our
modern version of the ancient Egyptian Phoenix, the bird that rises anew out of its own
ashes. It represents the endless continuity and eternal nature of the Life Force. . . .
Aspiring to heights far beyond the physical or grossly material, the Eagle
symbolizes the upward flight of Man’s evolution, just as, in actual fact, the Eagle soars
to tremendous heights far beyond the range of human vision, even as “space birds” are
now doing.*

*Goodavage, op. cit., pp. 179-182

As previously discussed, 9 and 13 are the archetypal numbers of Luna; they are also the Qaballistic
Key Numbers associated with Her.. In addition, the number 19 also has Feminist significance, and is
therefore also associated with the Moon. In Aleister Crowley’s Magickal system of Thelema, the correct
design of the Tarot Trump corresponding to Key Number 19 is “A smiling woman [who is holding] the
open jaws of a fierce and powerful lion.” This Tarot card is associated with the astrological sign Leo,
and its title is “The Daughter of the Flaming Sword.” This is “the Woman girt with a Sword” or “Scarlet
Woman” of Crowley’s Book of the Law. Crowley, whose own natal Ascendant was in Leo, says of her
in his The Book of Thoth, wherein she is assigned to Trump XI, Lust:

The seers in the early days of the Aeon of Osiris [Age of Pisces] foresaw the
Manifestation of this coming Aeon in which we now live [the Aeon of Horus, or
Aquarius], and they regarded it with intense horror and fear, not understanding the
precession of the Aeons, and regarding every change as catastrophe. This is the real
interpretation of, and the reason for, the diatribes against the Beast and the Scarlet
Woman in the XIII, XVII and XVIII-th chapters of the Apocalypse [of St. John, the last
book of the New Testament]; but on the Tree of Life, the path of Gimel, the Moon,
descending from the highest, cuts the path of Teth, Leo, the house of the Sun, so that
the Woman in the card may be regarded as a form of the Moon, very fully illuminated
by the Sun, and intimately united with him in such wise as to produce, incarnate in
human form, the representative or representatives of the Lord of the Aeon.**

*See Aleister Crowley, 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley (York Beach, ME:
Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1973, 1994) , Book 2, Column CLXXXI, “Correct Design of Tarot Trumps,”
Key 19.

**Aleister Crowley, The Book of Thoth (New York: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1973), pp. 93-94. (Curiously,
according to The Book of the Law, 93 is the number of this new Aeon of Horus.)

This woman may also be seen as Sekhet and Kali, and clearly she is nothing like the idea of Woman
commonly held during the Aeon of Pisces/Osiris, whose female Avatar is either Virgin or Whore, never a
person in her own right, only a Dangerous Thing – albeit a valuable Dangerous Thing – to be controlled
by one or another group of men.
The arrows in the Eagle’s left talon are representative of Jupiter. Jupiter, Who, as we have seen, is
in Cancer and conjunct the Sun in our nation’s chart, is an astrological ruler of the horse, Black Africans
and Afro-Americans, railroads, aspiration, achievement, expansion, higher education, and many aspects
of astrology, the exploration of space, esoteric studies, science fiction, and anything else of an upward-
seeking, expansive nature,* all of which are strongly associated with America.

*He shares many of these with either Luna, Neptune, or Uranus.

Jupiter’s color is blue, one of the three colors of the American flag and the Shield on the Great Seal
of the United States of America. Jupiter’s primary numbers are 4, 20, and 21; as an example of their
expression, every four years a general election is held in this country to elect the nation’s president.* As
Hera, Jupiter is the Matron, the Second Aspect of the Triune Goddess, Whose other Aspects are the
Maiden, Whose color is white, for purity; and the Hag, or War-Hag, the Battle-Master and Protector,
Whose color is red, for bloodshed.
*The presidential term is now restricted to a maximum of eight years. 8 is the number of mercury, the
ruler of Gemini and hence the chart of the United States, which has that sign on its Ascendant.

According to another school, the color of the Maiden or Virgin is blue, the Virgin Mary’s traditional
color, likewise signifying purity, because it signifies a clear sky after a rain; that of the Matron is red, for
the onset of menstruation and the fertility that comes with it; and that of the Hag white, for the ending of
menstruation and fertility, and also because it is the color of bone, the symbol of aging and death. In the
Qaballah, red is the Queen Scale color associated with Mars, blue is that of Jupiter, and white is a color
of both the Moon and Pluto. On the Tree of Life (see Figure 2, below), Sephirah 5, Geburah, “Power”
or “Strength,” on the Left-Hand Pillar of severity, is associated with Mars. Sephirah 4, Chesed,
“Mercy,” occupying the same place on the Right-Hand Pillar of Mercy that Geburah occupies on the
Left-Hand Pillar, is associated with Jupiter. Finally, Sephirah 9, Yesod, “Foundation,” associated with
the Moon, occupies the next-to-lowest position on the Central Pillar of Consciousness, on a plane below
that occupied by Geburah and Chesed. These three points define an isosceles triangle, point down, with
base determined by Chesed and Geburah and the apex, which is Yesod/Luna, occupying a point directly
below the midpoint between Geburah/Mars and Chesed/Jupiter. Thus these three points define a
primordial symbol of Woman, the Great Goddess, the downward-pointing isosceles triangle representing
the delta of pubic hair covering Her mons. In any event, the colors of the Great Triple Goddess are red,
white, and blue, which are also those of America.

Figure 2: The Tree of Life

The rain-clouds on the face of the Great Seal are also Jovian, specifically associated with Jupiter in
Cancer, which, as discussed previously, is the sign occupied by Jupiter in the U.S. natal chart. In the
Tarot, Jupiter’s Trump is X, The Wheel of Fortune, whose title is “The Lord of the Forces of Life.”
According to the Golden Dawn, the great fin de siècle English Magickal order, this Trump and the
Hebrew letter Kaph associated with it present the female reproductive system and the fertility of the
White is a color of both Luna and Pluto, one of Luna’s higher octave (see Volume 1, Book 2, Part 2
and Volume 2, Book 2, Part 9 of New Magicks for a New Age for more on this). In the West, white is
associated with purity, hence with the Virgin* Goddess Diana. In the Far East, white represents death,
hence Pluto, and the Hag, some of Whose avatars are Kali, Hekate, Sekhet, and Pele. The Hag’s number
is 3. Qaballistically, 31 – 13 reversed – is the Key Scale Number of Trump XX, The Aeon or The Last
Judgment, associated with the Element Primordial Fire and the planet Pluto, while 3 x 31 = 93, the
number of the Aeon of Horus/Aquarius. 39, the reverse of 93, can be considered to be a form of code for
the latter.

*In the sense of never having borne a child rather than of absolute celibacy. This is the meaning of the
term when it is applied to the Goddess Pallas Athena, as well.

Red is a color of Mars, Whose numbers are 5, 27, and 80. Not only is the Pentagram, or five-
pointed star, found only on the Great Seal and the American flag in the form of white, five-pointed stars,
and implicitly, in the shape of the massive Washington, D.C. office building of the American military,
the Pentagon, but it is also the symbol of Neo-Paganism, Wicca, and Earth Religions in general.
Wiccans worship the Goddess, as do most Neo-Pagans, while Earth-religion cultures, such as those of
most native peoples, are either sexually egalitarian or matrifocal in nature.
Further, Mars rules Scorpio. Let’s look again at what Goodavage has to say about the Eagle and

. . . [T]he Eagle is the highest form of the threefold nature of Scorpio; it is the
only creature able to look directly into the Sun’s dazzling brilliance. This triune nature
of Scorpio is, at its lowest, the deadly scorpion, then the serpent (which represents
wisdom), and finally the soaring Eagle, or Phoenix.
Scorpio in astrology and 13 in numerology have basically the same significance.
Yet 13 is still considered bad luck because of backward, simple superstition, . . . It is
so much a part of our culture that businesses kowtow to it; there are numerous hotels
and office buildings in major American and European cities that have no 13 th floor
numbered as such – they actually skip from 12 to 14.
The Phoenix is that mythical firebird which represents the highest symbolic
manifestation of our Earthly existence. In modern symbology, the Eagle is often
pictured with a flame rising from . . . or . . . over its head; this is merely our
modern version of the ancient Egyptian Phoenix, the bird that rises anew out of its own
ashes. It represents the endless continuity and eternal nature of the Life Force. . . .
Aspiring to heights far beyond the physical or grossly material, the Eagle
symbolizes the upward flight of Man’s evolution, just as, in actual fact, the Eagle soars
to tremendous heights far beyond the range of human vision, even as “space birds” are
now doing.

Ibid., pp. 181-182

Since 13 is the number of Luna, hence of the Goddess, this implies that Scorpio must be one of Her
signs. In fact, Scorpio and Pluto, Who, like Mars, rules this sign, are associated with Kali and Hekate,
two Avatars of the Crone aspect of the Goddess. And just as modern urban civilization is gynophobic,
shunning the number 13, so also it isn’t all that happy about Scorpio, which it associates with death,
birth, and, even more, with sex, in its rawest, most primordial forms.
American culture is extremely thanatophobic. Consider Forest Lawn, a Disneyland for stiffs and the
perfect expression of denial of death.* Americans also have problems with birth. Up until recently, only
those too poor to afford it missed having their babies in hospitals, and pregnancy and birth have been
treated as sicknesses, ones which, without the aid of a highly trained male physician, would end in
disaster to both mother and baby, the just deserts of those guilty of uncontrolled birthing.

*Jessica Mitford’s The American Way of Death (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1963) and The American
Way of Death Revisited (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998) provide delightful insights on this
syndrome, which amounts to a national neurosis.

Also, the West in general has long harbored deep-rooted erotophobia, probably as a result of
epidemics of deadly STDs such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and others and the resultant terror they evoked
from people over many centuries. Like so many other revolutions, all that the so-called Sexual
Revolution of the 1960s – whose most numerous beneficiaries were, by far, sexually-transmissable
pathogens – really accomplished was a change of signatures at the bottom of the documents.
All these – sex, death, and birth – are ruled by Scorpio. They are also in the dominion of the Triple
Goddess, Who is born a Maiden, is sexually initiated and gives birth, thereby becoming the Matron, and
supervises the care of the dead as well as acting as midwife for those giving birth as the Crone or Hag: as
She rules the beginnings of life, so She also rules its end. The repression of women and the denial of the
Great Goddess, so entrenched in urban Western culture, is well-represented in the Western phobias over
Scorpio and the number 13.
Consider also the three-fold nature of Scorpio, like that of Luna – waxing, full, waning – and the
three Aspects of the Goddess: the Scorpion is of course Kali,/Hekate/Pele, the Great Hag; the Serpent is
the Kundalini Force, strongest in the Maiden, or Diana; and the Eagle is the Matron, the Full Moon
during which Magickal power is at its peak, and all one’s aspirations may be realized. The Eagle is also
the Messenger of Jupiter, whose symbolism we have discussed above, and as such it is also associated
with Mercury, Who rules the U.S. natal chart.
In particular, as symbol of flight the bald or American eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, is both
Mercurial and Uranian – Mercurial, since Mercury rules all flying creatures in general and the American
eagle in particular, and Uranian because Uranus rules the sky and is so prominent in the U.S. chart. But
the Eagle is also the Cherub of Water, a symbol of Scorpio, in which Uranus is exalted. As previously
discussed, the number 5, the number of Mars, traditional ruler of Scorpio, comes up repeatedly in
American symbolism. Washington, D.C., the capitol of the United States, originally built in swampy
lowlands, is an extremely Scorpio city. Washington State, and its crown-jewel port city, Seattle, are
both extremely Scorpionic, as well, resonating with and reinforcing the U.S. capitol’s esoteric influence
due to the name that Washington State shares with the latter.* The event charts for every U.S. general
election have both Sun in Scorpio and Scorpio as Ascendant.**

*When the state of Washington became part of the Union, there was a good deal of contention over how
it should be named. The name originally proposed for it was “Columbia,” but many argued that if it
were named that, it would be too easy to confused it with the District of Columbia. So, to get
around the problem, the federal government decided to name it Washington . . .

**This is due to the fact that the Calais, Maine, is the location where the first recorded votes in any
general election are cast. Calais is located at 67°30’ west longitude, 45°15’ north latitude, and the
polls open there at 7 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. All other votes in such a national election are
cast at a later time, since all other points are more westerly than Calais. So the event chart for any
general election is computed using Calais, Maine and 7 a.m. Eastern Standard Time the place and
time. Because each general election takes place on the second Tuesday of November, Scorpio on
the Ascendant at that time and place, something which can be confirmed by erecting a chart for those
coordinates and time of day for any day between the 8th and the 14th of November, regardless of the

Therefore the bald eagle is an excellent symbol for our country, since he simultaneously represents
the strong influences of Mercury, Mars, and Uranus in the natal chart of the United States. Further, as
Jupiter’s special messenger, he also represents Him. All in all, esoterically speaking, he is truly
representative of our nation.*

*Benjamin Franklin was one of the few dissenters over the question of using the bald eagle as our
national symbol. Instead, he believed that the wild turkey would have been the perfect symbol of
the new nation. As he said, the wild turkey is courageous but not general belligerent; intelligent;
and a pleasant sort of animal. The bald eagle, on the other hand, typical of the eagle family, tends
to be somewhat stupid (or so Franklin believed; Franklin was an extremely intelligent man and a
brilliant scientist, but he is by no means the last world when it comes to birds of prey, especially the
bald eagle, and evidence has been accumulating over the last many decades that the bald eagle is one
hell of a lot more intelligent than Franklin thought it was); has an extremely foul-smelling and nasty
nest; and has all the negative traits we normally associate with raptors, with few of the positive ones.
However, the bald eagle is also the New World version of Horus Hawk, a mighty king of the
upper airs, and thus an excellent symbol of Aquarius, the power or Cherubic sign of the Element Air.
So as a national symbol, he is thus a highly appropriate representative of the Uranian and Aquarian
aspects of our nation. If those are good things, then certainly the bald eagle is a very good choice
for our national symbol.

As Goodavage says, there were 11 states in the Southern Confederacy. 11 is also the number of
sides on the Susan B. Anthony dollar. It is as well the Key Number of Trump 0, The Fool, which is
associated with the planet Uranus, the Element Air, Magick, and radical or revolutionary changes of any
kind.* The letter of the Hebrew alphabet that is associated with Key 11, a (Aleph), is 1, while the total

of the numerical values of the Hebrew letters that spell out the name of the letter a, pla (ALePh), is
80 + 30 + 1 = 111 = 3 x 37, numbers also associated with Key 11.**

*Benjamin Franklin collaborated with Thomas Jefferson on a draft of a seal for the Continental Congress.
It was never struck, for the following reasons: it was felt to be far too complex to be a good seal;
and it was also objected that it used too much symbolism that was strictly Judeo-Christian for a
design that should represent only Enlightenment and Deism. This was unfortunate, for it would
have been a very interesting seal. It showed Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea, with
Pharaoh’s warriors in their chariots in the distance, drowning in the waters returning waters of the
sea; between Moses and the enemy was a gigantic pillar of fire and smoke. It’s motto, in English,
said, “Rebellion against tyranny is obedience to God.” (Quotations of Thomas Jefferson’s written
work may be found in Appendix 6, below.)

**This article was originally written in 1989. Since then, a number of things of enormous importance to
the nation and the world have happened, among which were the virtually simultaneous attacks on the
World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon that took place on September 11, 2001.
There were an astounding number of Numerologically significant “coincidences” associated with
that day. At 8:45 a.m. EDT, A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston,
Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center, tearing a gaping hole in the
building and setting it afire. A few minutes later, at 9:03 a.m. EDT, a second hijacked airliner,
United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center and
explodes. Both buildings are burning. At 9:43 a.m. EDT, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into
the Pentagon, sending up a huge plume of smoke. Evacuation began immediately. Finally, at 10:10
a.m. EDT, United Airlines Flight 93, also hijacked, crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania,
southeast of Pittsburgh – it was brought down short of its ultimate goal, the White House, because of
the heroic counter-attack by passengers on the doomed flight against the hijackers that had
commandeered the plane. The plane was destroyed, with all aboard killed, but because it crashed in
an isolated area, no one else was even hurt.
These numbers – 11, 77, 93, and 175 = 52 x 7 – all have tremendous esoteric significance. 11
we have already discussed. 77 = 7 x 11; 7 is the number of completion, and many consider it to
signify holiness. 93 is the number of the Aeon of Horus, as previously discussed. Sum of the digits
of 175 – 1 + 7 + 5 = 13, another number of great significance to this country.
Finally, it was on United Airlines Flight 93 that the passengers acted to keep that plane from
successfully completing its mission, which apparently was to destroy the White House. During the
last minutes before the plane crashed, passengers on board the doomed plane used their the cell
phones to contact their loved ones and let them know what was happening. Among the final words
heard by their friends and families was Todd Beamer’s “Let’s roll!”, rallying the other passengers
with him to move with him against the hijackers. That phrase has since become a watchword for
courage under fire. Because of its association with the Aeon of Horus, among other things 93
signifies courage and a determination to “live free or die” (the motto of the state of Maine) –
attributes clearly shared by Todd Beamer and his fellow passengers.
For more on the numerology of 9-11-01, see appendix 2, below.

Because Uranus is also associated with Sephirah 3, Binah, whose Key Number is 3, 11 is thus also
associated with Shiva and the great War-Hags, the third and most potent Aspect of the Triple Goddess.

§ 5. The United States Flag

In the upper left-hand corner of our national flag is a field of dark blue* on which are a number of
solid-white Pentagrams, the number of which corresponds to the number of states in the Union at the time
the flag is commissioned. The rest of the flag is occupied by seven red and six white horizontal stripes,
symbolizing the original 13 colonies which eventually became the first 13 of the United States. The
symbolism of the three colors of the flag, the Pentagram, and the number 13 have already been discussed,
above. (And see also appendix 10, “Symbols of the USA,” by Gary Csillaghegyi, to this article, in file
NM3JLB.doc/html or its partitions.)

*Or, “night-sky” blue, one of the traditional colors of Key 12 of the Qaballah, associated with the
Hebrew letter b (Beth) and Mercury, astrological ruler of this nation.

(For the rest of this document, see NM3JLAB.doc/html)

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