Quadri Group Mobile Sim Policy: Limitations and Conditions of Use
Quadri Group Mobile Sim Policy: Limitations and Conditions of Use
Quadri Group Mobile Sim Policy: Limitations and Conditions of Use
The QUADRI GROUP recognises that to ensure the most effective running of
services, communications and business activities it is necessary for some staff to
have access to mobile communication devices. These guidelines and related
procedures should be applied consistently to ensure the correct use of QG funds in
relation to procurement, maintenance and payment for these facilities.
At QUADRI GROUP, we provide employees a mobile sim and a plan to enable you to do your job. This
generally means that we need you to be contactable or require mobile applications to enable you to
perform your role.
This policy is intended to protect the security and integrity of QUADRI GROUP data and technology
QUADRI GROUP employees must agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy.
These guidelines are intended both to control current and future use and so reduce
the substantial cost to the QUADRI GROUP, and to indicate ways in which mobile
technology could assist in more flexible working in the future.
Employees understand that the company mobile sim are property of the company, and are
therefore revocable at any time.
The mobile Sim will be logged and registered against any other employee.
Under no circumstances will the ownership of the mobile Sim be transferred to
another empoleyee.
Use of premium services or chargeable downloads such as third party software, ring tone
services, TV or film downloads, competitions or adult chat lines for personal use are strictly
As with any QG equipment misuse of the mobile device is a disciplinary offence.
Scope and Eligibility
The need for a QG sim for a staff must be justified according to the role and responsibilities of
that member of staff.
Mobile Sim will only be issued to staff that have the approval of their Head of Department. An
employee is eligible to have a mobile Sim if it is necessary to their position or one of the
Employee engaged in business during unsocial hours i.e. before 9.00 am and after 6.30 pm and
where there are lone working considerations.
Employees who regularly work at remote sites/locations.
Employees who are required to work outside of a Head office/market environment as part of
their duties and responsibility and have only intermittent access to landlines.
Staff where there is a clear and proportionate benefit to the QG.
The mobile Sim must be returned to QUADRI GROUP when a member of staff leaves the QG,
or there is a change in the job role which does not require the use of a mobile device.
The SIM must not be passed to another member of staff for use without prior consultation with
the Head of Department . (except in an emergency).
Generally, The QG will only fund corporate contracts entered into with the approved Service
Providers under the relevant government, national or locally tendered framework agreement. All
mobile Sims and associated contracts must be purchased through PTA.
In exceptional circumstances permission can be granted to purchase outside our contracted
arrangements, before the purchase has been made by the Human Resource Manager,
reimbursement will not be approved unless the HR process has been fully completed and
approved in advance.
The purchase of any device outside these arrangements will be considered as a personal purchase
and will remain the sole liability of the purchaser. No reimbursements whatsoever will be made
in relation to the purchase, maintenance or billing against such a Sim.
Using Call Tagging to Identify Personal Call
Users can, if the contract allows, request access to their account where they can tag their popular
personal numbers for easier identification when reviewing their bills.
IF HR receives itemized billing for any mobile sim and this is monitored on a monthly basis. The
billing system identifies all calls, texts and data usage (if appropriate) and the costs related to
this, by user, destination, duration, frequency, etc. High or clear personal usage will be reported
to line management for investigation (high usage is defined as usage which falls outside of the
normal usage pattern for the individual, or outside of the usage pattern in comparison to other
similar users).
This monitoring will allow the HR to identify any areas of potential misuse or training that may
be required, or to negotiate with suppliers any necessary changes in tariffs to ensure cost
If it is found the mobile has been misused, the Company may, after formal investigation, take
action under the Disciplinary Procedure.