EML2322L Design Report Template
EML2322L Design Report Template
EML2322L Design Report Template
Table of Contents
(for this report template, not for the submitted design reports)
NOTE: All instructions in red (and hyperlinks) should be deleted from this template
after reading and prior to printing the report for submission.
Team Number
Team Member Name (1) (i.e. Mike Braddock (1))
Team Member Name (2)
Team Member Name (3)
Team Member Name (4)
Team Member Name (5)
(List in alphabetic order by last name and retain number in parenthesis)
NOTE: do not change formatting on this page or in any part of the template
Typed written description referencing each sketch by figure number to explain the concepts and
material selections for each part of the design. Include the maximum robot velocity for the selected
motor speed and wheel size using this reference chart (these components can be changed in the future
after performing calculations to decide which combination will work best for your conceptual design)
MINIMUM of five pages of hand sketches; each on its own page, drawn as large as possible with
unique and sequential figure numbers(i.e. 1A, 1B, etc. for team member 1)
Three orthographic views (front, side, top) of the entire conceptual design
One isometric view of the entire conceptual design
Separate detailed sketches of each mechanism / subunit (i.e. ball manipulator, hopper, dispenser)
including at least two orthographic views and an isometric view of each.
Explicit dimensions showing overall size of robot, frame, control box, motors, wheels, hubs,
object manipulator(s), hopper, release mechanism(s), and attachment brackets (note: some
designs will not have all of these components and may include others)
Draw all parts true scale. Use leaders to clearly label all components and materials. Ensure design satisfies
all project constraints. Place your name on each sketch and in each report section, as shown in this template.
Key points about this assignment:
This is NOT a rough draft, but rather a detailed presentation of the best and most complete solution
you can come up with based on your research
This is the only opportunity you will have individually to generate a real solution to the design
problem, so take this assignment seriously, as it sets the stage for the rest of the project
Do not submit stick drawings lacking detail that show you invested no serious effort synthesizing a
real solution, but rather sketch real components that will be used on the project
If your conceptual design incorporates components not stocked in lab, you must provide a data sheet
and/or catalog page to validate specifications and cost
The first two weeks of the semester are the time to research and compare different ideas; this
assignment presents the idea you conclude is best after doing so
Design Report Examples can be found on the course webpage under the Design Project menu. Do
NOT copy the examples. The instructions in this template are the final authority for design reports.
After taking EML2023 you know what proper sketches looks like, so invest time to create them. Unclear,
messy, small, incomplete, and improperly scaled sketches lacking significant detail will be harshly
graded. Hand drawn sketches are an important communication skill that only improves through practice, so
leverage this opportunity to improve your drawing ability. Hand drawings take a significant amount of
time, so plan to spend 12-15 hours on this assignment. It typically helps to begin drawing using light line
weights that are easy to erase or ignore, and after the sketch contains all desired components, darken line
segments as appropriate to show depth, detail, and contrast.
At the conclusion of this report, each group should have as many possible solutions as it has members,
giving the team a variety of ideas to evaluate when selecting the final design to refine and prototype during
the remainder of the course. The following checklist details everything required for each students
Conceptual Design Generation submitted in Design Report 1.
1. Is the description typed and placed at the beginning of your Conceptual Design Generation
report section?
2. Does the description clearly explain how each part of the design works while referencing
each sketch by figure number? If you have nothing meaningful to say about a sketch, do not
include it in the report.
3. Does the description clearly justify each and every design choice made in your conceptual
design drawings based on the background research or physical testing? For example, why
was a certain type of mobile platform or steering mechanism selected, from what material is each
part of your design made, and why was each material selected? If you are unsure about the
reasons for any of your choices, return to the background research and then speak with course
TAs. Statements lacking logical justifications are conjecture and will be ignored.
4. Does the description include the maximum robot velocity estimation for your selected drive
wheels and motors? Pay attention to the units noted on the robot velocity chart and make sure
your wheel and motor combination offer an appropriate balance of controllability and speed by
testing the example mobile platforms found in lab during office hours.
5. Is the description well written? Does the content of each sentence flow logically with the next?
Are paragraphs used to clearly organize thoughts? Is the description clear and concise, like all
good technical writing? No one is going to give your ideas the consideration they might deserve
if you cant explain them effectively. If your opening paragraph is difficult to read or full of
errors, we arent going to waste our time reading the rest.
D.R.2 GRADING NOTE: the ideal number of group members is four. To compensate individual effort,
report submissions by groups with five members which are not of excellent quality will be penalized, and
reports submitted by groups with three members will be graded more leniently.
Detailed Design
Only one submission of this section is required for each group; however all work should be distributed
equally among team members and computer-generated.
1. Provide a detailed written description of how the final design accomplishes the project goals.
a. Explain the function and selection of each subsystem based on research, analysis, and testing.
b. Explain the material selection for each part of the design.
2. Present complete CAD generated part and assembly drawings.
a. Use required drawing templates for all drawings.
b. Include detail drawings of all components used on the project (manufactured and OTS).
The only exception to this requirement is fasteners, which are specified completely in the BOM.
c. Include dimensions, tolerances, units, material specifications, surface finish specifications,
appropriate hole & thread notes, part quantities, unique part names & numbers, designer
and drawer names, and part deburring notes.
d. Use the provided detail drawings for OTS parts (e.g. motors, wheels, and 80/20 accessories).
e. Assembly drawings must contain a BOM clearly labeling all parts of the assembly with
sequential and uniquely numbered leaders and balloons; this typically requires multiple
views/pages for clarity. If a part is present in multiple assemblies, it maintains the same balloon
number; therefore, each BOM containing a subsequent appearance of this part will have a jump
in the number sequence.
f. Include subassembly drawings of each subsystem/mechanism that show necessary assembly
dimensions (in the proper orthographic views). For clarity, it is often necessary to break a
subsystem into multiple subassembly drawings.
3. Provide a project schedule showing intermediate deadlines and responsibilities.
a. Schedule each manufactured part and include time for assembly of each subsystem,
preliminary testing, design changes, final testing, and competition.
b. Assign group member responsibilities and completion deadlines for each task based on the
time estimates compiled for the concept selection matrices (update times if necessary).
c. Do not pair up group members on tasks; this is not an efficient use of resources. Everyone
receives the same training and should be capable of performing the same manufacturing tasks. If
anyone needs additional help, that group member should seek additional training in TA office hours.
4. Provide a project budget showing the costs for all materials and components used on the project.
a. Budget should include all items in the final BOM.
b. Purchased items must not exceed the project budget.
c. Items provided free of charge (e.g. wheels, motors, and fasteners) must be noted as such.
5. Include your team number on both sides of the robot using characters which are at least 3 inches
high. Color, font, and background shade is at the teams discretion, but ensure the team number can be
easily seen for identification purposes.
[section length is typically 35-50 pages depending on the complexity of the design]
TA: _____________________
The design reports are the hardest part of this course, requiring by far the largest amount of effort. If any
member(s) in your group does NOT do an equal amount of work on any of the design reports, this is
your opportunity to inform me so the proper corrective action can be taken. Examples include students
who repeatedly fail to complete their weekly project assignments, dont show up for scheduled team
meetings (or arent prepared when they do), repeatedly make excuses why he/she cant do their work, dont
have the proper software installed on their computer, claim they arent good at CAD (or writing, or
calculations, or ), submit work that is subpar and requires other members to redo it, wait until last minute
to submit their work to the rest of team for feedback and editing, etcetera. Realize everyone occasionally has
a bad week, so Im not asking to hear about the one time someone doesnt show up prepared or doesnt
complete an assignment; but rather Im asking to hear about the member(s) who offer more excuses than
results while working on this challenging project.
Please be specific in explaining why you feel the following member(s) did not contribute their part to one (or
more) of the design reports. Attach additional pages as necessary, as well as your group meeting summaries I
asked all groups to use. I will assume any group not submitting peer evaluation sheets was completely
satisfied with their teammates performance on the design reports. Submission of this evaluation is
NOT a requirement for any of design reports.
Example: Michael did not perform an equal amount of work on the second or third design reports. He rarely
attended our groups design meetings and when he did, he always arrived late, would only stay for about 30
minutes and rarely contributed anything helpful. He refused to work on CAD drawings because he claimed
he wasnt good at SolidWorks, that he learned AutoCAD at the last school he attended and that he would do
more of the groups manufacturing during that phase of the project (which was not helpful for this part of the
project and only an empty excuse, since logically one person can only do the work of one person once
manufacturing commences).
The work Michael did on the decision matrices showed little effort, did not follow the guidelines or
formatting in the design report template and had to be redone by the rest of the group. Specifically,
objectives were not clearly defined, magnitudes were computed incorrectly and magnitude justifications
were poorly explained, if at all and did not use the provided cost or time estimation templates.
Michael repeatedly failed to submit his assignments to the rest of the team in time for proofreading, and
consequently those sections show low effort and will now reflect poorly on the rest of our team. Michael
was asked to complete the illustration of the robots trajectory, but claimed he didnt know how to make it
the day before it was due. Michael was also asked to create the teams budget but failed to use the provided
template for material costs, didnt include all necessary items, and once again did not complete it in time for
anyone to proof it.
As a group we feel Michael only contributed about 20% of what he should have as an equal member of this
group. Each week he was assigned clear tasks, but acted helpless, offered excuse after excuse, and refused to
attend the TA hours for assistance on his assignments.
To explain how the work was divided for the second report we are including a breakdown of what
tasks were performed by which team members:
Selection of Matrix Objectives: Josh 40%, Sam 30%, Robert 30%, Michael 0%
Definition of Matrix Objectives: Sam 60%, Robert 40%, Michael 0%
Weighting Factor Justifications: Josh 80%, Michael 20%
Magnitude Assignments / Justifications: Josh 30%, Sam 30%, Robert 30%, Michael 10%
Robot Speed Calculations: Josh 50%, Robert 50%
Robot Path Illustration: Sam 80%, Michael 20%
Wheel & Lifting Motor Torque Calculations: Josh 50%, Robert 50%
Detailed Written Description: Sam 10%, Robert 90%
CAD Models (Custom Designed Parts): Josh 20%, Sam 60%, Robert 20%, Michael 0%
Main Assembly Model: Josh 20%, Sam 60%, Robert 20%, Michael 0%
Subassembly Models: Josh 20%, Sam 60%, Robert 20%, Michael 0%
Detail Drawings (Off the Shelf Parts): Josh 20%, Sam 20%, Robert 60%, Michael 0%
Detail Drawings (Custom Designed Parts): Josh 20%, Sam 20%, Robert 60%, Michael 0%
Assembly Drawings: Josh 20%, Sam 20%, Robert 60%, Michael 0%
Subassembly Drawings: Josh 20%, Sam 20%, Robert 60%, Michael 0%
Bill of Materials: Sam 75%, Josh 25%
Project Schedule: Josh 80%, Michael 20%
Project Budget: Robert 80%, Michael 20%
Final Report Assembly & Printing: Josh 20%, Sam 60%, Robert 20%
Note: estimations accurate to approx. 10%
All the members who sign below agree to these statements and hope you can have a talk with Michael
so he will be more helpful during the prototyping phase of this project.
Josh X
Josh X
Sam Y
Robert Z
Sam Y
Robert Z
Please submit this page to the course instructor personally the day your group submits their associated
design report in lab.
Discussion / Conclusion
Only one submission of this section is required for each group.
1. Discuss how well the design solved the problem and what you would do differently if you tackled
this problem again. Objectively review the strengths and weaknesses of your design. Pointing out
weaknesses will help you learn what to do differently next time and can help your final grade.
2. Include a group photo showing all team members with names in the caption.
[section length is typically 1-2 pages]
Appendices organize your reports by placing related material in one centralized location. Group required
items in the sequential appendices listed below:
Appendix A: Decision Matrix Calculations & Justification Data
Appendix B: Robot Path Illustration, Speed & Time Calculations
Appendix C: Wheel and Lifting Motor Torque Calculations
Appendix D: Estimated Project Budget
Appendix E: Final Budget & Purchase Orders
Appendix F: Engineering Change Notice Forms
Appendix G: Robot Wiring Schematic
Appendix H: Final Assembly Drawings & BOM
Appendix I: Meeting Minutes
1. Place appendices at the back of the report. Each appendix should have its own cover page using the
template included on the following page. Separate each appendix with a labeled page divider.
2. Explain the analyses and calculations documented in appendices A, B, and C. Include all notes,
calculations, and units necessary to reproduce the logic behind the decisions made during the project.
Present notes and calculations in a neat and logical manner and use proper grammar. Use complete
sentences. For example, The torque on the lifting arm motor was calculated by ....
3. Appendix A must contain a table of contents directly after the title page.
9. Organization. Take time to clearly organize your thoughts. Sections should be well written so the
content of each sentence flows logically with the next. Dont throw disconnected sentences together.
Write to the point, using as few words as necessary. Use paragraphs to separate your thoughts or points.
Youve received a lot of education to get to this point and you are expected to use it in this course. If
your writing isnt easy to read, dont complain about the low grade you receive on it.
10. Grammar / Style. Your writing, spelling, and grammar will be evaluated to ensure they are at a
collegiate level. Every sentence in the design reports should apply to this particular project, as opposed
to just being a generality. Write in third person without exception. Insert two spaces between sentences
and a blank line between paragraphs to reduce eye fatigue. Final drafts should be well proofed because
writing mistakes will be harshly penalized.
11. Examples of Common Grammar Problems. Never use trite words or phrases such as: usage, utilize,
in order to, or very. Check homonyms. Ensure subject / verb agreement. Understand what a proper
noun is and isnt. Understand the difference between commas, colons, and semicolons, and use each
appropriately. Review the difference between apostrophes used to make nouns possessive and to form
contractions. Do you know the difference between affect (a verb) and effect (a noun)? What about
farther and further? Watch out for comma splices, run-on sentences and dangling participles. Always
include a referent with this, such as this type of steering; with no referent, this only confuses the
reader. The same applies for it, so use it sparingly. Very is an unspecific determinate. If you ask ten
people how big very large is, you would get nine different answers. As engineers, we must do a better
job quantifying something than by using very. Finally, never end a sentence with a preposition.
These points might seem overly picky; however, covering the basics will greatly improve your
ability to communicate effectively, which is a key element of a good engineer. Solid grammar and
spelling skills will also keep us from quickly losing credibility with a customer who might not be
capable of understanding what we do technically, but who can understand our inability to write at
an eighth grade level. In short, avoid these ignorant mistakes.
Drive Wheel Motor Torque Calculations (use this example to compute the drive wheel torque required to
move your robot and compare to the actual torque values published in the Motor Specifications)
Lifting Motor Torque Calculations (use this example to compute the torque required for any motors used to
lift or rotate a load and then compare to the actual torque values published in the Motor Specifications)
Useful Motor Torque Equations (useful equations for calculating the necessary motor torque for performing
various functions.)
Time Estimation Guide for Parts Manufacturing (since manufacturing time should be an objective in each of
your matrices, this document provides time estimates for the assigned parts manufactured earlier in the
semester, as well as typical motor mounts, sheetmetal parts, and most any other operation performed during
robot prototyping; you should provide similar estimates for your different conceptual designs)
Material Price List (prices for common materials found in the lab; since cost is likely to be an objective in
your evaluation matrices, these prices allow you to easily create cost summaries for your groups different
conceptual designs)
Concept Selection Checklist / Grade Sheet (used by your TA to evaluate your conceptual selection; this is
an excellent checklist for your team to use as well)
Purchase Order Template (submit to purchase parts once construction commences)
Engineering Change Notice Form (use to track changes / corrections after D.R.3 is resubmitted)
Wiring Schematic Template (use to document how to properly wire your groups robot)
Competition Paperwork Checklist (list of items to be submitted for grading the day of class competition)