Informatics Engineering, An International Journal (IEIJ)
Informatics Engineering, An International Journal (IEIJ)
Informatics Engineering, An International Journal (IEIJ)
3, September 2016
Big data is a prominent term which characterizes the improvement and availability of data in all three
formats like structure, unstructured and semi formats. Structure data is located in a fixed field of a record
or file and it is present in the relational data bases and spreadsheets whereas an unstructured data file
includes text and multimedia contents. The primary objective of this big data concept is to describe the
extreme volume of data sets i.e. both structured and unstructured. It is further defined with three V
dimensions namely Volume, Velocity and Variety, and two more V also added i.e. Value and Veracity.
Volume denotes the size of data, Velocity depends upon the speed of the data processing, Variety is
described with the types of the data, Value which derives the business value and Veracity describes about
the quality of the data and data understandability. Nowadays, big data has become unique and preferred
research areas in the field of computer science. Many open research problems are available in big data
and good solutions also been proposed by the researchers even though there is a need for development of
many new techniques and algorithms for big data analysis in order to get optimal solutions. In this paper,
a detailed study about big data, its basic concepts, history, applications, technique, research issues and
tools are discussed.
Big data, Technologies, Visualization, Classification, Clustering
Big data is associated with large data sets and the size is above the flexibility of common
database software tools to capture, store, handle and evaluate [1][2]. Big data analysis is essential
for analysts, researchers and business people to make better decisions that were previously not
attained. Figure 1 explains the structure of big data which contains five dimensions namely
volume, velocity, variety, value and veracity [2][3]. Volume refers the size of the data which
mainly shows how to handle large scalability databases and high dimensional databases and its
processing needs. Velocity defines the continuous arrival of data streams from this useful
informations are obtained. Furthermore big data has enhanced improved through-put,
connectivity and computing speed of digital devices which has fastened the retrieval, process and
production of the data.
Veracity determines the quality of information from various places. Variety describes how to
deliver the different types of data, for example source data includes not only structured traditional
relational data but it also includes quasi-structured, semi-structured and unstructured data such as
text, sensor data, audio, video, graph and many more type. Value is essential to get the economic
DOI : 10.5121/ieij.2016.4301
value of different data which varies significantly. The primary challenge is to identify which are
valuable and the way to perform transformation and the technique to be applied to perform data
analysis [1].
Big data has three types of knowledge discovery; they are novelty discovery, class discovery and
association discovery. Novelty discovery is used to find a new, rare one, previously undiscovered
and unknown from a billion or trillion objects or events [2]. Class discovery finds new classes of
objects and behavior and association discovery is used to find an unusual co-occurring
association. This data by its innovative method is changing our world. This innovative concept is
being driven by various aspects: A proliferation of sensors, creation of almost all information in
digital form, dramatic cost reductions in storage, remarkable increase in network bandwidth,
impressive cost reductions and scalability improvements in computation, efficient algorithmic
breakthroughs in machine learning and other areas [2]. Analysis of big data is used to reduce
fraud, helps to improve scientific research and field development. Figure 1 illustrates the structure
of big data [1].
Few typical characteristics of big data are the integration of structured data, semi-structured data
and unstructured data. Big data addresses speed and measurability, quality and security,
flexibility and stability. Another important advantage of big data is data analytic. Big data
analytics refers to the process of collecting, organizing and analyzing large sets of data to
discover patterns and other useful information. Table 1 shows the comparative study of different
types of data based on its size, characteristic, tools and methods [1] [3].
The remaining portion of the paper is systematized as follows. Section 2 gives the need for big
data, applications, advantages and characteristics. Big data tools and technologies are discussed in
Section 3. Section 4 provides the detailed description about big data. Section 5 presents big data
challenges. Finally Section 6 concludes and discussed about recent trends
Schema-less databases
Schema-less databases are otherwise called as NoSQL databases. Database provides a mechanism
for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in
relational databases. There are two types of database such as document stores and key value
stores that stores and retrieves massive amount of structured, unstructured and semi structured
data [3].
Hadoop is a popular open source tool for handling big data and implementated in MapReduce. It
is java-based programming framework which supports large data sets in distributing computing.
Hadoop cluster uses a master/slave structure. Distributed file system in hadoop helps to transfer
data in rapid rates. In case of some node failure a distributed file system allows the system to
continue the normal operation. Hadoop has two main sub projects namely Map Reduce and
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) [4].
Map Reduce
This is a programming paradigm which allows execution scalability against thousands of servers
and server clusters for large task. Map reduce implementation consists of two tasks such as map
task and reduce task. In the map task the input dataset is converted into different key/value pairs
or tuples where as in reduced tasks several forms of output of map task is combined to form a
reduced set of tuples.
Hadoop distributed file system is a file system which extends all nodes in hadoop clusters for data
storage. It links all the file system together on local node to make into a large file system. To
overcome the node failures HDFS enhances the security by depicting data across multiple sources
Hive is a data warehousing infrastructure which is built on hadoop.It has different storage types
such as plain text, RC file, Hbase, ORC etc. Built-in user-defined functions are used to handle
dates, strings and other data mining tools It is SQL-like Bridge that allows BI application to run
queries against Hadoop clusters [4].
Storage Technologies
To store huge volume of data, efficient and effective techniques are required. The main focus of
storage technologies are data compression and storage virtualization [5].
HBase is a scalable distributive database which uses Hadoop distributed file system for storage. It
supports column-oriented database and structure data [5].
Chukwa analysis monitors large distributed system and it adds required semantics for log
collections and it uses end to end delivery model [5] .
Some sources belonging to this class may fall into the category of "Administrative data", i.e. data
produced by Public Agencies, Medical and health records [5]. Data produced by businesses are
Commercial transaction data, Banking/stock records, E-commerce, Credit cards, etc. The last
classification is Internet of Things (machine-generated data): derived from the phenomenal
growth in the number of sensors and machines used to measure and record the events and
situations in the physical world. The output of these sensors is machine-generated data, and from
simple sensor records to complex computer logs, it is well structured [6]. As sensors proliferate
and data volumes grow, it is becoming an increasingly important component of the information
stored and processed by many businesses. Its well-structured nature is suitable for computer
processing, but its size and speed beyond traditional approaches. Data from sensors are divided
into fixed sensors, home automation, weather/pollution sensors, traffic sensors/webcam, scientific
sensors, videos, mobile sensors (tracking) like mobile phone location, cars, satellite images and
data from computer system logs and web logs [5][6].
Big data are classified into different categories to understand their characteristics. The
classification is based on five aspects: data sources, content format, data stores, data staging and
data processing. This is represented in Figure 2 [5]. Each classification requires new algorithms
and techniques for performing classification tasks efficiently in big data domain.
Data source is nothing but data is collected from different sources. Some of the important data
sources are web and social media, machine generated data, sensor data, transaction data and
internet of things (IoT). Social media contains volume of information which is generated using
URL (Uniform resource language) to share or exchange information in virtual communities and
network for example face book, twitter, and blogs. In Machine generated data information are
automatically generated from both hardware and software, for example computers and medical
devices. Sensor data are collected from various sensing devices and these are used to measure
physical quantities [7]. Transaction data involves a time dimension to illustrate the data, for
example, financial and business data. Finally IoT represents set of objects they are identified
uniquely as a part of internet i.e. smart phones and digital cameras.
Content format has three formats namely structured, unstructured and semi-structured. Structured
format is often managed by SQL and data resides in affixed field within a record or a file.
Unstructured format is often includes text and multimedia content, it is opposite to structured
data. Semi-structure format does not reside in a relational database [7]; it might include XML
documents and NOSQL database. Data stores classified into four categories such as documentoriented, key-value, column-based and graph based. Document-oriented data are designed to store
and collect information and supports complex data whereas column based data stores data in
row and column format. Key-value data store is an alternative to relational database which is
designed to scale very large data set and it can be accessed and stored easily. Finally graph based
data stores are designed to represent the graph model with edges, nodes and properties and these
are related to one another [8].
Data staging is classified into three forms; cleaning, transforming and normalization. Cleaning
identifies the incomplete data. Normalization is a method which minimizes redundancy.
Transform data staging which transfers data into suitable form. Finally data processing is based
on two types namely batch and real-time [9]. From the above analysis it is observed that content
format is suitable for all types of data like structure ,un structure and semi structured
The Clustering algorithm deals with a large amount of data. It is the most distinct feature that
demands specific requirements to all classical technologies and tools used. To guide the selection
of a suitable clustering algorithm with respect to the Volume property, the following criteria are
considered: size of the dataset, handling high dimensionality and handling outliers/noisy data.
Variety: refers to the ability of a clustering algorithm to handle different types of data (numerical,
categorical and hierarchical). It deals with the complexity of big data [7]. To guide the selection
of a suitable clustering algorithm with respect to the Variety property, the following criteria are
considered: Type of dataset and clusters shape. Velocity: refers to the speed of a clustering
algorithm on big data. Big Data are generated at high speed. To guide the selection of a suitable
clustering algorithm with respect to the Velocity property shows the criteria and Complexity of
algorithm. Many clustering algorithms are available few are listed below. [5][6][7].
Gaussian mixture models
Kernel K-means
Spectral Clustering
Nearest neighbor
Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
5.2. ZingChart
ZingChart is a powerful charting library and they have ability to create charts dashboards and
infographics. It is featured with -rich API set that allow user to built interactive Flash or HTML5
charts. It provide hundreds of chart variation and many methods For Example Bar, Scatter,
Radar, Piano, Gauge, Sparkline, Mixed, Rank flow and word cloud. Figure shows Zing chart.[22]
5.3. Polymaps
Polymaps is a free java script charting library for image and vector- tiled maps using Scable
Vector Graphics (SVG).They provide dynamic and interactive maps in web browsers. Complex
data sets can be visualized using polymaps and offers multi-zoom functionality. The
characteristics of polymaps are it uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and the Basic CSS rules
are used and its imagery in spherical Mercator tile format. Figure 4 shows the layout of
Polymaps. [22]
Figure.4. Polymaps
5.4. Timeline
Timeline is a different tool which delivers an effective and interactive timeline that responds to
the user's mouse, it delivers lot of information in a compressed space. Each element can be
clicked to reveal more in-depth information; it gives a big-picture view with full detail. Timeline
is demonstrated in figure 5.[22]
Figure.5. Timeline
5.5. Exhibit
Exhibit is an open-source data visualization and it is developed by MIT, and Exhibit makes it
easy to create interactive maps, and other data-based visualizations measure oriented towards
teaching or static/historical based mostly knowledge sets like birth-places of notable persons.
Sample model is shown in figure 6.[22]
5.7. Leaflet
Leaflet is an open source java script tool developed for interactive data visualization in an
HTML5/CSS3.Leaflet tool is designed with clarity, performance and mobilization. Few
visualizing features are given zooming and planning animation such as multi touch and double
tap zoom, hardware acceleration on IOS and utilizing CSS3 features. Figure 8 shows Leaflet
structure [22].
5.8. is a combined gallery and infographic generation tool. It provides simple toolset for
building data representations and platform to share creations. This goes above pure data
visualisation, representation of is displayed in figure 9[22].
5.11. JqPlot
JqPlot is a good tool for line and point charts. Features of JqPlot provide different style options,
customized formatting, and automatic line computation, highlighting tooltips and data points. It
has the ability to generate automatic trend lines and interactive points according to dataset. Figure
12 represents JqPlot [22].
Figure.12 jqPlot
Figure.14 jqPlot
5.14. JpGraph
JpGraph is an object-oriented graph creating library for PHP-based data visualization tool. It
Generates drill down graphs and large range of charts like pie, bar, line, scatter point and impulse
. Some features of JpGraph are web friendly; automatically generates client-side image maps. It
supports alpha blending, flexible scale, support integer, linear, logarithms and multiple Y- axes.
Figure 15 shows the JpGraph representation [22].
5.15. Highcharts
Highcharts is an open source JavaScript charting library and has a massive range of chart options.
The output is performed using SVG and VML. The charts are animated, displayed automatically
and live data streams are supported by framework. Figure 16 displays Highcharts [22].
5.16. R
R is an effective free software tool for statistical computing and graphics and integrated with data
handling, Calculation and graphical display. R is similar to S language which handles effective
data and storage. R has its own documentation like LaTeX format. Figure 17 shows the layout of
R [22]
Figure.17 Layout of R
5.17. WEKA
WEKA is an open source software and collection of machine-learning algorithms assigned for
data-mining, Weka is a excellent tool for classifying and clustering data using many attributes. It
explores data and generates simple plots in a powerful way. Figure 18 explains the representation
of WEKA [22].
5.18. Flot
Flot is a specially designed for plotting library for jQuery, it works with all common web
browsers and has many handy features. Data is animated and fully controlled in all the aspects of
animation, presentation and user interaction. Interactive charts can be created using Flot tool.
Figure 19 shows the demonstration of Flot [22].
RAPHAEL is a tool which provides a wide range of data visualization options rendered using
SVG.It works with vector graph on web. RAPHAEL tool can be easily integrated with own web
site and codes. The supporting web browsers for RAPHAEL tools are Internet Explorer6.0+,
firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome 5.0+ and Opera 9.5.Model of RAPHAEL is shown in figure 20
5.20. Crossfilter
Crossfilter is an interactive GUI tool for massive volume of data and it reduces the input range on
any one chart. This is a powerful tool for dashboards or other interactive tools with large volumes
of data .It displays data, but at the same time, it restricts the range of the data and displays the
other linked charts. Representation of Crossfilter is shown in figure 21 [22].
Tool Name
Exploring large multivariate
Extremely fast
Interactions are
Can easily sort
out data and
present them
any way we
Uses high
graphics for data analysis
Supports lines,
plots, filled
areas in any
It supports
with IE8
Unique chart
types Ability to
interact with
animated charts
and graphs
Supports alpha
It is the
extension of
JQuery which
meets all data
Restricts the range of the
data and displays the
other linked charts
Supports only limited
web browsers
Newcomers unused to
coding visualizations, it
takes time to get familiar
with coding and library
Not applicable for large
10. Leaflet
13. Polymaps
R is a general statistical
analysis platform
Multi-chart capabilities
16. Timeline
19. WEKA
Developers can
separates java
script code
from HTML.
Works on all
major desktop
and mobile
Upload data
sets for public
Designed to
provide basic
controls and
mapping tools
Uses Scalable
Vector Graphic
R also results
in graphs,
charts and plots
Create a
variety of
charts, graphs
and other data
Embed audio
and video in
timelines from
3rd-party apps
It is specially
designed to
simple toolset
components to
Sandboxes for
data analysis
collection of
and modeling
It is difficult to use in
large dataset
Support only limited
It uses more
than 100 types
charts to fit the
Difficult to customize
Digital data are visualized in digital form with the help of visualization concept. There are various
data source to display the digital data with the help of equipment for example Antennas.
Visualization has issues in digital signal to overcome this problem algorithms are applied to raw
data, digital 3D data and various digital equipments produces digital dataset [19]. Data should be
represented in discrete form; data objects are classified into two categories organizing structure
and data attribute whereas organizing structure determines the spatial location of the data and
describes the topology and geometry on which data is illustrated and they are specified as cells
and points. Cell is defined as an ordered sequences of points and the type of cells namely vertex,
poly vertex, triangle, line, poly line, pixel, voxel and tetraheder which characterizes the sequence
of points and number of points which specifies the size of the cell. Data attributes determines the
format of the data [20]. Data attributes are commonly described as scalar, vector and texture
coordinates etc. The Visualization algorithm has two sets of transformations. In Figure 3
visualization algorithm is explained. First set of transformation converts the data or sub data into
virtual scene. These transformations are applied to structure and data type of the data. The second
transformation is done when the virtual scene is created it consists of geometrical objects,
textures and computer graphics. Transformations are applied to form images [21].
The main objectives of visualization are understanding data clearly which Is recorded, Graphical
representation, Placing the search query to find the location of the data, Discovering hidden
patterns, perceptibility of data items [22].The characteristics of transformation algorithm are
explained in Figure 4, transformation algorithms are characterized by structure and type. The
Structure transformation has two formats such as topology and geometric. Topology represent
changes in topology for example conversion of polygon data into unstructured format.Geometric
format represent changes in coordinate , scaling,rotation,translation and geomentry[22]. Few
examples for transformations are scalar algorithm, vector algorithm, and modeling algorithm.
Big data visualization has overcome the five massive challenges of Big Data:
1. Increasing data acceleration.
2. Understanding the data
3. Delivering the data quality
4. Significant results are displayed
5. Handling outliers
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