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Rajah 3.1 Menunjukkan Keratan Rentas Satu Organ Deria Manusia

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3. Figure 3 .1 showsa crosss section of the humans sensory organ.

Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan keratan rentas satu organ deria manusia.

Figure 3.1
Rajah 3.1
a) State the main function of the sensory organ in Figure 3 .1.
Nyatakan fungsi utama organ deria dalam Rajah 3.1.
(1 m)
b) i) Name structure X .
Namakan struktur X.
(l m)
ii) State the function of stucture X.
Nyatakan fungsi struktur X.

(1 m)

(c) Figure 3 .2 shows an activity done in the laboratory T. The electric bell is now switched on.
Then the vacuum pump is switched on to pump out the air in the bell jar.
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan satu aktiviti yang dijalankan di makmal. Loceng elektrik dihidupkan.
Pam vakum dipasang untuk mengepam keluar udara daripoda serkup kaca.

Figure 3.2
Rajah 3.2
(i) What happen s to the sound of the bell as the air is pumped out?
Apakah yang berlaku kepada bunyi loceng apabila udara disedut keluar?
(1 m)
(ii) The vacuum pump is then switched off and the air flows slowly back into the bell
jar. Pam vakum dimatikan dan udara memasuki semula ke dalam serkup kaca.
What happens to the sound of the bell?
Apakah yang berlaku kepada bunyi loceng?
(1 m)
iii) What can we conclude about sound from activity 3 .2?
Apakah yang dapat disimpulkan tentang bunyi daripada akiviti 3.2?
(1 m)




Garam mineral




The above chart shows the classification of food classes.

Carta di atas menunjukkan pengkelasan makanan


What is food class X.

Apakah kelas makanan X
(1 markah)




State a function of food class X.

Nyatakan fungsi makanan X

(1 markah)
Give an example of carbohydrates.
Berikan satu contoh karbohidrat
(1 markah)
Which of the food classes is the main energy supplier for us?
Makanan manakah pembekal tenaga utama untuk kita?
(1 markah)



What food should a person suffering from constipation eat more of?
Apakah makanan yang perlu diambil oleh seseorang yang mengalami sembelit?
(1 markah)


How does the food class in d(i) help to relieve constipation?

Bagaimanakah makanan d(i) membantu mengurangkan sembelit?

(1mark/1 markah)

Diagram 4 shows an experiment to study the combustion of carbon in air.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji pembakaran karbon dalam udara.

Diagram 4


What is the gas produced during the combustion process?

Namakan gas yang terhasil semasa proses pembakaran?

[1 mark]

(b)) What is the observation at lime water?

Apakah pemerhatian yang boleh dibuat ke atas air kapur?

[1 mark]

Complete the word equation below for the combustion of carbon in air.
Lengkapkan persamaan perkataan di bawah bagi pembakaran karbon dalam udara.

[2 marks]

Circle the substance that has the same combustion product as charcoal.
Bulatkan bahan yang mempunyai hasil pembakaran yang sama seperti arang.
Arang batu


[1 mark]


What is the conclusion of this experiment.

Apakah kesimpulan eksperimen ini.

[1 mark]

8 (a) Diagram 8.1 shows two set of apparatus M and N placed in different situation for two hours.
Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan dua set radas M dan N yang diletakkan pada dua situasi yang berbeza
selama dua jam.

What inference can be made based on Diagram 8.1?

Apakah inferens yang dapat dibuat berdasarkan Rajah 8.1?
(1mark/ 1 markah)

(b) A student carried out an experiment to study the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.
Diagram 8.2 shoes the arrangement of apparatus for the experiment.

Seorang pelajar menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan keamatan cahaya ke atas kadar
fotosintesis. Rajah 8.2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk eksperimen itu.

(i) Record the volume of oxygen gas in the space provided.

Catatkan isipadu gas oksigen pada ruang yang disediakan.

(2 marks/ 2markah)

(ii) Complete Table 8.1 by recording the volume of oxygen produced based on different distance of bulb.
Lengkapkan Jadual 8.1 dengan mencatatkan isipadu gas oksigen yang terhasil berdasarkan jarak
mentol yang berbeza.

Distance of bulb (cm)

Jarak mentol (cm)




Volume of oxygen (cm3)

Isipadu oksigen (cm3)


Table 8.1/ Jadual 8.1

(iii) Based on Table 8.1, draw a graph of volume of oxygen against distance of bulb.
Berdasarkan Jadual 8.1, lukis graf isipadu oksigen melawan jarak mentol.
(2marks/ 2markah)

(c) Based on the graph drawn in 8(b)(iii), state the relationship between the volume of oxygen and the
distance of the bulb.
Berdasarkan graf yang dilukis pada 8(b)(iii), nyatakan hubungan antara isipadu oksigen dengan
jarak mentol.

(1 mark/ 1 markah)
(d) State the responding variable on this experiment.
Nyatakan pembolehubah bergerakbalas dalam eksperimen ini.
(1 mark/ 1 markah)
(e) State the constant variable on this experiment.
Nyatakan satu pembolehubah yang dimalarkan dalam eksperimen ini.
(1 mark/ 1 markah)

(f) Based on the graph drawn in 8(b)(iii), predict the volume of oxygen collected if the distance of the
bulb is 25 cm.
Berdasarkan graf yang dilukis pada 8(b)(iii), ramalkan isipadu oksigen yang terkumpul jika jarak
mentol itu 25 cm.
(1 mark/ 1 markah)
(g) State the operational definition for the rate of photosynthesis.
Nyatakan definisi secara operasi untuk kadar fotosintesis.

(1 mark/ 1 markah)


Marking Scheme


c) ( i)

(Ear) ossicles


(b) ( ii)

Magnify the (sound) vibration


(a) ( i)

Becomes softer /fainter (until no sound is heard)

(c ) ( ii)

Becomes louder

(c) ( iii)

Sound cannot travel through vacuum //

Sound can only travel through a medium //
Sound needs medium to travel

a i)
d i)

builds new cells; repairs damaged tissues
Rice and bread/potatoes
Food rich in fibre
Fibres help the movement and elimination of faeces from
the anus

Total = 6

Total = 6
6 (a)

Carbon dioxide


Lime water turns cloudy


Carbon + Oxygen = Carbon dioxide + Heat + Light



Total = 6

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