MIR Notes
MIR Notes
MIR Notes
it is continuous relationship.
d. welfare benefits.
According to prof. Jucius- grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction whether
expressed or not whether valid or not arising out of anything connected with the
company that an employee thinks believe or even feels is unfair unjust or inequitable.
According to Keith Davis.-grievance is any real or imagined feeling of personal
injustice which an employee has concerning his employment relationship.
According to beach- grievance is any dissatisfaction or feeling of injustices in
connection with ones employment situation that is brought to the notice of the
According to dale Yoder- grievance is a written complaint field by an employee and
claming unfair contract.
Characteristics of Employee Grievances :
a) Past practice
b) Company rules
c) Central or state laws.
1 Industrial conflict is a human conflict it is just one aspect of the general conflict
inherent in the capitalist society based upon the pursuit of self interest in the economic life
by every individual and the group to which he belongs.
2. The coming together of workers motivated by their urge of obtaining the highest
possible wages and the owners of capital motivated by profit maximization is the basic cause
of industrial conflict in the capitalist economic system.
3. Conflict is like the conflict between any buyer and seller. The seller seeks to sell his
commodity at the highest possible price that he can extract and the buyer seeks to pay the
lowest possible price.
Forms of Industrial disputes :