Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
1. Course Objective:
a) The prime motive of the course is to expose, excite and elevate the motivation of the
students to the field of entrepreneurship.
b) To create entrepreneurial managers for corporates to enhance business performance and
create sustainable competitive advantage for the corporate.
c) To provide conceptual theoretical frameworks and tools, to enable students to make
good decisions and realistic action plans about entrepreneurship.
3. Course Contents:
Module No. of Marks
Modules with its Contents/Chapters
No. Sessions (out of 70)
Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Importance; Characteristics
of a Successful Entrepreneur, Problems faced by
Entrepreneurs, Myths and Mindset, Theories & Types of
I Entrepreneur, Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 06 07
Gujarati Entrepreneur and Contribution to India and World
4. Case Studies:
The pedagogical materials used in the course will familiarize student with the many dimensions
of the venture creation process. The readings provide ideas and suggest ways of thinking about
entrepreneurial challenges. Case discussions and assignments build the intuition for how
entrepreneurs go about launching new markets and organizations, and what pitfalls they ought
to watch out for.
5. Teaching Methods:
The course will use the following pedagogical tools:
(a) Lectures and Discussions.
(b) Assignments and Presentations.
(c) Case Studies.
6. Evaluation:
The evaluation of participants will be on continuous basis comprising of the following
Continuous Evaluation Component
comprising of Practical activities related (Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)
to entrpreneurship
B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)
7. Text Books:
Sr. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Poornima M. Entrepreneurship Pearson Second
Charantimath Development Small Edition
Business Enterprises
Entrepreneurship A
Donald F Kuratko and Cengage
2 South-Asian 2016
T V Rao Learning
3 Rajeev Roy Entrepreneurship Oxford
8. Reference Books:
Sr. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
No. Publication
Michael Schaper, 3rd Asia-
Entrepreneurship and
4 Thierry Volery, Paull Wiley Pacific
Small Business
Weber and Kate Lewis Edition
5 Alpana Trahan Entrepreneurship Dreamtech Press
6 Dr. Achut P.Pednekar Entrepreneurship Publishing
New Venture
Robert J Adams Jr. and Creation : Tata McGraw Latest
Stephen Spinelli Jr. Entrepreneurship for Hill Edition
the 21st Century
9. Session Plan: (36 Sessions of 75 Minutes)