BWDB Question 2014
BWDB Question 2014
BWDB Question 2014
3. Calculate ultimate punching share capacity of above figure. L=10 , a= 12, t= 20, d=
= 60,000 psi.
7. Calculate the peak demand of flow. Present population of 5000 for a period of 10
years. The average per capita water consumption is 100 lpcd with peak factor of 2.
The population growth rate is 3% and loss of wastage is 15%.
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10. The CBR values are calculated often every KM on a selected stretch of 10 KMs
having the same type of soil 3.8,2.8,4.5,3.9,4.2,4.7,4.6,3.2 & 4.5%. Find the design
CBR value for the 50% and 85%. As the distribution of CBR value as normal.
11. Some data given. Determine Bulk specific gravity, apparent specific gravity and
percentage of absorption.
12. Draw qualitative Marshal Test property curves.
13. Define: Steady Uniform flow and Darcy Weisbach Equation.
The sequent depth ratio of hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel is 16.48. Find the
Froude number & type of jump.
14. A cannel commands an irrigation area 350 ha. The peak filed irrigation requirement
is 9mm/day. Determine the design discharge of the cannel at the off take if the
water loss in the cannel 25%.
15. Use of Froude Number. A rectangular channel has a Froude number
for the
same velocity, same depth of flow, Express Froude number of triangular channel
in terms of
16. Draw a typical non-dimensional specific energy curve of triangular channel section
for a given discharge. Application of a specific energy curve.
17. Water average velocity 3 m/sec and 50 mm dia of a pipe. Calculate discharge.
18. The volume of direct runoff from urban catchment is 80
of 1 cm in strom event. The catchment has an area of 1 hector. Compute the runoff
Define: Return Period, Flood Routing.
19. Determine the input power of an 75% efficient pump to lift 40 liter/sec of water to a
height of 12m through a 160mm dia pipe. The head loss in the pipe line is 13
Notes: Lots of Tick marks, Fill in the gaps, True/False are also given in every part.
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