English Lesson Plans For Grade 2: Lessons in This Section
English Lesson Plans For Grade 2: Lessons in This Section
English Lesson Plans For Grade 2: Lessons in This Section
for Grade 2
Lessons in this section
2.1 Listening and speaking: others likes and dislikes
Grade 2 curriculum
standards 1.2, 1.4, 4.2,
5.2, 6.2
Real foodstuffs
Teachers resource 2.1
Pronounce final s in third person singular simple present tense and plural
nouns: /s/ and /z/.
Pre-teach vocabulary using real fruits and vegetables or the pictures in teachers
resource 2.1.
Hold up each food item/picture and get students to make sentences with There are
Teachers cues
Students say
Revision vocabulary
fish (fish fingers)
Put all the things on a tray (or stick all the pictures on the board) and give students
time to memorise whats there, and how many of each thing, there are (count out
the dates, bananas, apples etc. with them).
Divide the class into two teams. Cover the tray or remove the pictures. Get teams
to take it in turns to remember one thing at a time from the tray/board until they
have them all. For each correctly remembered thing the team gets one point.
Model sentences
Draw a face of a boy and a girl on the board, name the boy Salim and the girl
Zahra. Tell students Salim and Zahra like different things. Show students the
picture cue card of dates (from teachers resource 2.1) and get them to say the
model sentence.
Model sentence:
Show the picture cue card of mangos and get them to say the model sentence.
Model sentence:
Concept check
Under Salim on the board, stick the picture cue card of dates. Under Zahra stick the
picture cue card of mangos. Make sure students can hear the difference between the
initial /s/ in Salim and the final /s/ in dates, the initial /z/ in Zahra and the final /z/
in mangos.
Tape script 2.1
Worksheet 2.1a
People pairs
Hold up the picture cue card of carrots. Say the word aloud and get students to
determine if it sounds like /s/ or /z/ at the end.
Elicit Salim and stick the cue card under Salims picture on the board.
Hold up picture cue card of apples (/z/).
Elicit Zahra and stick the cue card under Zahras picture on the board. Once
students get the hang of how to match the ending sounds to the people, get them to
do the rest and then to say the words aloud.
Answer key
Board drills
Check all the vocabulary again by asking yes/no questions and getting students to
reply with short answers.
Get students to make sentences from the lists on the board linked with but.
Salim likes dates but he doesnt like mangos.
Salim likes carrots but he doesnt like apples.
Zahra likes bananas but she doesnt like dates.
Zahra likes tomatoes but she doesnt like carrots.
Listen and match
Give students worksheet 2.1a and explain they are going to listen to three children
Penny, Jack and Bob talking about what they like and dont like. Check all the
pictures with them to make sure they can read each picture and remember the
appropriate food word. Do the first one together: play the tape or read tape script
2.1 for Penny and show them how to tick the boxes for the things Penny likes and
cross the boxes for the things she doesnt like. Then play the rest of the tape (or
read aloud the rest of the tape script) and get them to tick or cross the boxes for
Jack and Bob. Check students answers, and if there are any wrong answers, get
them to listen a second time, so that they work out the right answers for
themselves. In pairs, get students to talk about Penny, Jack and Bob.
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Bob likes ice cream. Bob likes fish. Bob doesnt like fruit. Bob doesnt like
Worksheet 2.1b
Dice (one for each group)
Counters or buttons in
three colours
Board game
Put students in groups of three and give each group the board game on worksheet
2.1b and three different coloured counters. Choose one group to demonstrate the
game and get the rest of the class to come and stand around so that they can see
what to do. Show students how to put their counters on Start. Check Whos
blue? Whos red? Whos green? so that every child knows which colour they are.
Get them to read aloud the words in the middle of the board: Bob likes and
explain this is a game to talk about what Bob likes and doesnt like. Check that
they understand the pictures in each square.
Tell them who will go first, second and third. Throw the dice, and get the students
to say aloud the number it lands on. Show the first student how to move their
counter along the board the same number of squares. Get them to then say whats
in the square. Show them that if theres a smiley face it means Bob likes it and if
theres a frowning face it means Bob doesnt like it. Give an example of what they
then have to say.
ice cream
Get the demonstration group to play a few turns so that the rest of the class
understand what to do, then have the rest of the class go and sit down and play
their own game. Tell students the first one to get to the end is the winner. Monitor,
help students make sentences about Bob and correct what they say, paying
particular attention to the /s/ and /z/ sounds at the end of plural nouns, the /s/ at the
end of likes and the /z/ in doesnt.
S card: pocket-size card
with a big red letter S
Tape script
For Penny:
Penny likes bread. She has bread for breakfast every morning.
Breads great! But she doesnt like milk. She never drinks milk.
Yuk! Pennys favourite food is pizza. She really likes pizza. When
she goes to the shopping mall she always has pizza. Penny also
likes apples she likes green apples, red apples, yellow apples in
fact she likes all kinds of apples.
For Jack:
Jack loves chips. Chips for breakfast, chip for lunch, chips for
dinner. Jack likes his chips! Jack likes bananas too. His mother
says, Take a banana to school and Jack says Yes! I like
bananas. But Jack doesnt like mangos. His mother says Take a
mango to school but Jack says No! I dont like mangos. Jack
doesnt like tomatoes either. Yuk! Tomatoes are really bad, thinks
For Bob:
Bob doesnt like carrots and he doesnt like fruit. No carrots for
Bob, no way. No bananas, no apples, no dates, no mangos for Bob.
No fruit at all. But he really likes ice cream, yummy yummy ice
cream, yes please! And he like fish too. He likes fish for dinner.
Especially fish fingers.
Grade 2 curriculum
standards 1.2, 4.2, 4.3,
6.1, 3.1, 3.3, 10.2
Use action verbs in the present continuous, third person singular and plural, to
talk about what people are doing now.
Complete a postcard by filling in the gaps with labels and tracing letters.
Teachers resources 2.2a
and 2.2b
(to) watch TV
(to) cook lunch
(to) fix a bike
Revision Vocabulary
(to) eat
(to) write
(to) play
(to) swim
(to) fly
(to) ride
(to) run
(to) sleep
Pre-teach the new verbs. Revise the old verbs. Call out the verb in Arabic and get
the students say the verb in English. Call out the word in English and get the
students to mime it. Copy the wordsnake (teachers resource 2.2a) onto the board
or present it as a poster. Tell students to find as many words as possible in the
wordsnake. Give them coloured board pens and ask them to take it in turns to come
to the front and circle any word they can see in the snake. Each time a new word is
circled, write it out on the side of the wordsnake in a list for the students to see.
When theyve circled a word, have them pass the pen on to another student to find
and circle another word. For further participation, you can nominate students to
find a particular word in the wordsnake.
Maysa, show me where swimming is.
Hadeel, show me where riding is.
Answer key
eat, eating, writing, swim, swimming, fly, flying, cook, cooking, play, playing, run, running, fix,
fixing, watch, watching, riding
Picture presentation
Whats he doing?
After each elicited answer, get the students to repeat the sentence in English.
Hes cooking.
Shes riding a bike.
Theyre watching TV.
Hes flying a kite.
The cats sleeping.
Teachers resource 2.2b
Using teachers resource 2.2b, make statements about the picture. If the statement
is true, tell the students they must repeat it. If the statement is not true, tell the
students they must stay silent.
Teacher says
Students do
stay silent
stay silent
stay silent
stay silent
Picture drill
Point to a person or persons in the same enlarged picture (teachers resource 2.2b)
and get the students to tell you what theyre doing, with no oral prompts from you.
Then have students practise the question form.
Model question:
Whats he doing?
Model question:
Model question:
Model question:
Model question:
Put the students into two teams and get them to take it in turns to ask and answer
questions about what is going on in the picture. The first team asks, the second
team answers. In the next turn, the second team asks and the first team answers,
and so on. For each correct question they get a point, for each correct answer they
get a point.
Put students in pairs and get them to ask and answer questions about the picture in
the same way as they did in teams, but with no scoring. Monitor, help and correct.
Teachers resources
2.2c(i) and 2.2c(ii)
Word cards
Worksheet 2.2
Gap-fill writing
Grade 2 curriculum
standards 1.2, 3.1, 3.3,
4.3, 8.2, 8.3
Read a short picture story and answer questions about the main ideas and
Teachers resource 2.3,
cut into cards; one set
per group.
Pre-teach the new vocabulary and elicit the revision vocabulary from the Arabic.
Write the words on the board. Get the students to remember/read the words aloud
with you as you point to them. Continue to point and get the students to
remember/read the words aloud to you, but start to erase the words or parts of the
words, eventually leaving only the initial phonemes.
(to) throw out
sh _ _
Revision vocabulary
th _ _ _ o _ _
t___ t_
(to) talk to
(to) help
When all the words have been reduced in this way, point to each one in turn and
get students to remember and tell you what they are. Fill them in again once the
students have named them correctly and check students remember the meanings.
Picture description
Tell students they are going to read a story but first they are just going to look at
the pictures from the story. Show them the pictures, enlarged from teachers
resource 2.3, in random order. While you are doing this, elicit what is going on in
each picture. Use Arabic or English, depending on the level of the class.
Can the cockroaches get in? Do they like the fish? Are they clean? Do they
make the fish clean? [Picture 3]
Does the woman eat the fish? Why not? What does she do with it?
[Picture 5]
Does the cat eat the cockroaches? Do the cockroaches like the cat?
[Picture 2]
Is the woman happy? Does she like the cockroaches? Does she want the
fish? [Picture 4]
Is the cat happy? Can he see the fish? Can he get the fish? Why not?
[Picture 1]
Put students into groups of four. Give each group a set of cut-out pictures made
from teachers resource 2.3. Tell students to put the pictures into the right order to
make a story. Let students order their pictures and then, from the order they have
decided on, ask them to predict (in Arabic) how the story goes. Dont correct any
wrongly ordered stories and encourage different groups to come up with different
possible sequences.
While reading
Worksheet 2.3
Shared reading
Hand out worksheet 2.3. Read the story aloud all the way through and get students
to correct the order of their pictures. Ask students to come up and stick the
enlarged pictures in order on the board. Make sure everyone agrees on the order
and understands why.
To check understanding, ask the following questions in Arabic.
Read the story aloud again, and ask students to follow the text with their finger as
you read. Stop at key words and phrases, pre-taught words and CVC words. Get
students to read these words and phrases aloud for you.
fish, cat, wants, shut, cant get in, get the fish, can get in, run, sees, Oh no!, she
doesnt want the fish, the cat gets the fish
As you move on to each new picture, ask students to point to where you are in the
text. Ask them what is happening in the picture and try to elicit their answers in
English. Also point to the speech bubbles and ask
What does the cat say?
What does the woman say?
Get students to reread the story in their groups, taking it in turns to read aloud.
Monitor and help with individual reading.
Teachers resource 2.3
Picture drill
Use the enlarged pictures from teachers resource 2.3 as picture cue cards. Elicit a
simplified version of the story with each card.
Help me
get the
He talks to the
Oh no!
Elicit and drill these simplified sentences, building them up one at a time into the
story. Get students to re-tell the story in their groups without reading it. Each
student tells one or two pictures and then the next person in the group continues.
Monitor, help, elicit, correct. Assess individual students progress.
Grade 2 curriculum
standards 1.2, 4.2, 5.2,
6.6, 6.8
Teachers resources 2.4a
and 2.1
Revision vocabulary
Make and respond to polite requests with Please can I in a shopping context.
Pre-teach the vocabulary in the context of a sweet shop. Use pictures from
teachers resource 2.4a. Stick the pictures at random on the board some low,
some high. Select two teams of five to stand behind a starting line on the floor
about two metres from the board. Get the first member of each team to approach
the starting line. Call out one of the new words (e.g. chocolate). The first student to
slap the correct picture on the board wins a point for their team. The winner goes to
the back of the line and the loser goes back to his or her seat and is replaced by
someone new from the class. The next couple step up to the starting line and the
teacher calls out another word (e.g. sweets). Once the class sees how to play the
game, get students who are not in either team to call out the sweet shop words.
Continue playing until everyone has had a go or the vocabulary is thoroughly
practised. The team with the most points wins.
You may want to add more picture cues from, teachers resource 2.1 for a more
challenging game.
Set the scene
Tell students theyre in a sweet shop. Elicit which things they like and want. Tell
them they must ask the shopkeeper nicely for the things they want.
Teach them they must start their request with Please can I have some
Presentation rhyme
Teachers resources
2.4a, 2.1a, 2.4b
Picture drill
Use a mixture of picture cues from teachers resources 2.4a and 2.1 and drill the
polite request Please can I have Do the first couple of cues with the whole class
repeating chorally and individually. Then move on to a one-cue-card-one student
format, mixing the cue cards and getting weak students to say known sentences,
more able students to say new sentences.
Teachers cues
Students say
Teach students the polite response Of course. Here you are and get them to practise
request and response, first in open pairs, then in closed pairs. Stick all the picture
cues on the board so that students can work through several exchanges
independently while you monitor and assist weaker students.
Teachers cues
Go shop
Keep students in pairs and give each pair a set of Go shop cards, made up by
photocopying the playing-card sized drawings on teachers resource 2.4b onto
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card and cutting them up. Photocopy the resource four times for each complete set
so that in every deck of cards there are four of everything, as in a pack of cards.
Use one pair of students to demonstrate the game, and get the others to stand
around and see how to play it. Tell the students the aim is to get as many pairs as
possible. Shuffle the cards and deal four to each player. Put the rest of the cards
face down in a pack on the table between them. Show them how to put their cards
into pairs, depending on what theyve got in their hand. The one who starts asks the
other, Please can I have some ? The other player must hand over that card if they
have it, saying, Of course. Here you are. If not, they reply, Sorry. Go shop. and the
requester must take the top card from the pack. Each time a player makes a pair,
they place them down on the table. The one with the most pairs at the end is the
Build the following dialogue with the students, with half the class as the
shopkeeper and half the class as the customer. Get them to swap roles, then
practise in pairs.
Use real food stuffs, or the pictures from the teachers resources to set up a shop.
Put some prices on price tags on the items show students your price tags and
make sure they can read the prices aloud in English. Elicit from the students what
sort of things they want to buy in your shop. Tell them to choose different things
from the dialogue they just practised. Practise How much is it? and How much are
they? with the things they choose. Demonstrate a new dialogue based on the first
dialogue, with one good student. Be the shop keeper and let the student be the
customer. Add some other words like Hello. Can I help you? and Anything else? or
Do you like apples? Theyre very good today etc. to signal to students they can go
beyond the frame if they want or are able.
In pairs, get students to practise their own new dialogue. Get one or two pairs to
come to the front and do their roleplay for the whole class. Correct any mistakes
with positive reinforcement after they have finished their roleplay.