Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic Digestion
Compiled by:
Dorothee Spuhler (seecon international gmbh)
Executive Summary
Large-scale anaerobic biogas digesters are reactors used for the conversion of
the organic fraction of large volumes of slurries
and sludge into biogas byanaerobic digestion. Biogas is recovered and used either
directly for heating the reactors or transformed into combined power and heat and
fed into the grid. It can also be upgraded to natural gas quality. Typical substrates
are excess sludge from wastewater treatment plants or waste slurries from
agriculture (manure) or (diary) industry. Energy crops may also be added in order
to increase the gas yield. Large-scale anaerobic digesters have been mainly
developed in industrialised countries and many different designs and types are
available - most of them are rather high-tech and require expert
construction, operation and maintenance skills. Biogas is a green energyand has
the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emission. Due to increasing fuel prices and
climate change, biogas generation from wastes and energycorps at large-scale is
gaining interest also in developing countries.
Blackwater, Faecal
Sludge, Brownwater,Faeces, Excreta, Organic Biogas, Compost/Biosolids
Solid Waste
Large-scale biogas reactors are designed for the conversion of the organic fraction of large volumes
of slurries and sludge into biogas. Typical substrates are excess sludge from large-scale wastewater
treatment plants, agricultural and food industry wastes (e.g. manure, from stock framing, sugar
refining, starch production, coffee processing, alcohol generation, slaughterhouses etc.) or
industrial wastes (e.g. from paper manufacturing, biotechnological industries, etc.) (WERNER et al.
Biogas production form agriculture and food industry waste slurry.Products are electricity, clean fuel, carbon
credits and liquid and solid fertiliser. Source: BIOPACT (n.y.)
Energy crops are sometimes also added in order to increase biogas yields. The produced biogas can
be recovered and generally transformed into heat in agas turbine or into combined heat and
power (CHP) incogeneration plants and fed into the public grid (MES et al. 2003; JENSSEN et al.
2004; WRAPAI 2009) (see alsoconversion of biogas to electricity at large scale). It can also be
upgraded to natural gas quality, compressed and used to power motor vehicles. Thesludge that
remains after digestion is rich in nutrientsand can be used as a soil amendment in agriculture,
generally after anaerobic composting as final treatment step.
The generation of combined heat and power as well as natural gas from agricultural products. Overall
scheme. Source: unknown
To date, such large-scalebiogas digesters have been mainly applied and developed in industrialised
countries resulting in plants with sophisticated equipment and operational techniques (e.g. wet
and dry digestion processes, heated and unheated reactors, batch and continuousreactors etc.).
They vary in design and complexity but have all in common to require expert planning, design and
staff foroperation and maintenance. Given increasing electricity and fuel prices, the dissemination
of large-scale biogas plants also gains in interest in less industrialised countries (BRUYN 2006).
A typical egg-shaped biogas reactor in Germany (left) and an agricultural fixed-dome biogas reactor. Sources:
Vertical continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR, left) and horizontalplug-flow reactor (PFR, right) two
examples for large-scale agricultural biogas digesters in Europe. Source: BRUYN (2006)
As small-scale digesters (see also biogas digester small scale), large-scale anaerobicdigesters
treating slurries are generally designed according to the wet digestion process with 10 to 20 %
of total solids (TS) (see alsoanaerobic treatment of waste and wastewater). The volumes of
the reactors are ranging from several hundred to several thousand m3. Due to the size of plant, the
respective objectives and special requirements concerning operation and substrates,
the anaerobictreatment of waste materials and wastewater at large-scale requires a different set
of planning mechanisms, plant types and implementation factors (WERNER et al. 1989). The
designer must know that he cannot simply enlarge the plants for a small-scale plant to any degree
(SASSE 1988). When a low-tech solution is required, it is possible to construct several lowtech small and decentralised biogas plants instead of one single larger digester in order to
facilitate operation and maintenance (ICRC 2009).
The most common forms of large-scale digesters are batch reactors and continuous-flow, plug-flow
and continuously stirred tank reactor (PFR and CSTR). Fed-batch reactors (accumulation systems)
are sometimes also applied (MES et al. 2003). Completely mixed and batch systems are generally
built vertically, plug-flow reactors are generally horizontal reactors. Horizontalreactors are often
constructed similar to floating or expandable plastic dome plants (seebiogas digester small scale)
but much larger. Fixed dome are also used, but require large volumes of retention tanks
for sludge expansion.
Sustainable sanitation concept (energy recovery and nutrientrecycling) of the city of Braunschweig, Germany:
The wastewater treatment plants covers its energy needs with the production ofbiogas from
excess sludge combined with biogas recovered fromlandfills and green waste digestion. Agricultural plants,
digestingenergy crops (corn) produce biogas, which is transformed tocombined heat and power which is fed
into the grid of Braunschweig. Source: VEOLIA WATER (2010)
Example of Application: Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Sludge from LagerScale Wastewater Treatment Plants
Sewage or municipal wastewater can be treated by anaerobic digestion, but due to the liquid
nature of such wastes, the process requires high-rate anaerobic digestion reactors (e.g. upflow
anaerobic sludge blanket reactors).
However, when sewage is treated in a conventional large-scale wastewater treatment plant (e.g. in
an activated sludge system, see factsheet activated sludge), the anaerobic treatment of the
excess sludge is often integrated into the overall process (TBW 2001). In activated
sludge systems, sludge means the total solid material that results from sedimentation and bacterial
activity and growth during the aerobic wastewater treatment. During the process, much of
the sludge is recirculated (see picture below), while the excess sludge is treated together with
the sludge from primary sedimentation in an anaerobic digester.
Overall scheme of a high-tech activated sludge wastewater treatment plant combined with sludge digestion
and biogasproduction. Source: WIKIPEDIA (2010)
At a Glance
Working Principle
Self-help Compatibility
Main strength
Main weakness
Large-scale anaerobic digesters are designed for the treatment of large-volumes of highstrength waste slurries form agriculture and industry (e.g. manure, slaughterhouses, paper
manufacturing) or to treat the excess sludge from large-scale wastewater treatment plants
(activated sludge systems). The different plants vary strongly in design and complexities, but all
require expert planning, design and staff for operation and maintenance.
They are either fed-batch, batch, or continuous reactors, which are run within
the mesophilicrange. The operation temperature is normally achieved by heating.
Generated biogas often gives enough power and heat to run the plant. Excess power (and heat) is
fed into the public grid if possible.
In Europe, energy crops (e.g. maize and grass) are sometimes fed into the reactors to
enhancebiogas yields. However, the cultivation of energy-rich plants specifically for the production
of bio-fuels is often not sustainable, due to the high inputs (water, nutrients, land); furthermore,
their production competes with the production of food crops.
Experts are required for the design, construction, operation and maintenance
High technical and organisational complexity (complexity normally rises with scale)
Reuse of produced energy (e.g. transformation into, fire/light, heat and power) needs to be
High sensitivity of methanogenic bacteria to a large number of chemical compounds
Requires seeding (start-up can be long due to the low growth yield of anaerobic bacteria)
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