Task Card
Task Card
Task Card
David Larson
August 31, 2016
TV viewer (peers)
A short, exciting
Refining your
Patients visit a
Google Docs
instructions for
Broadcast Announcer
Row 2
suitable nutrition
Customers whom
or Prezi
An educational
Workout plans.
are eager to
Healthier material.
Row 3
getting fit
RAFT Row 1
Objective: Now this task youll categorize the welfares of living a well routine lifestyle. ISTE
standard- 1. Collaboration and Communication, 2.Investigation and factual ease.
Student Role: Broadcast Announcer
Audience: TV viewer (peers)
Format: A short, exciting news bulletin story
1. All will be working together creating a small broadcast story film unfolding the welfares
of well livings.
Generate a rough draft of the welfares of a well life
Visiting the links provided to you for learning about well life.
Give a small report of the welfares for working out, alongside with writing.
Make certain going over your scripts that you have formed and decided whom will be
accountable to presenting each part to the classroom.
Make sure you visit the resulting websites:
Assessment: On behalf of this task you need to formulate small video clips and scripts that
explain the significance and benefit of well life.
Maximum points for this task is 50 points. Each of you will receive 25 points for the scripts and
25 points for the video clips. For full credit, assignments must be expressive, inspiring, and show
collaborations. Best of luck!
RAFT Row 2
Objective: Scholars will categorize healthy food and unhealthy food. ISTE Standards- 1.
Collaboration and Communication, 2. Investigation and effortlessness, 3. Originality and
Student Role: Nutritionist
1. Make a 5-7 slide demonstration unfolding nourishments that are unhealthy and
healthy, the welfares of well nutrition, and causes of consuming nourishments
that are unhealthy.
2. Slides need to contain images of unhealthy and healthy nourishments
3. Visit the link provided below to recognize unhealthy and healthy nourishments
and the welfares of consuming fresh.
Visit the resulting websites:
Assessment: Now this task you all will make a 5-7 slide demonstration unfolding nourishments
that are unhealthy and healthy, the benefit of well consumption, and beside include photos of
consuming nourishments that are unhealthy. This assignment is 75 points. You all will be ranked
on contents, organizations and creativeness.
Good luck to you all!
RAFT Row 3
Objective: Students will create a dynamic plan for working out to improve health.
ISTE Standards- 1. Research and information fluency 2. Decision making, Critical thinking,
problem solving, 2.Creativity and innovation,
Student Role: Special Instructor
1. Visit the resulting resources for evidence on creating workout plans.
2. Use Microsoft Word or Excel to form an illustration that contains exercises, reps, and sets
also the extent of every workout.
3. Generate a rough draft proposal of the workouts youd like to contain in your proposal.
4. Generate warm- up plans for the exercise sessions to be incorporated within the diagrams.
5. Generate cool- down plans for the exercise sessions you will be containing in your
http://musclefitness.com/wprkout/workout routines/complete-beginners-training-guide
Now this task you all determine an exercise proposal on Excel or Microsoft word.
This task is worth 100 points. You will be graded on creativity, organization, and contents.
Make sure you check out the resources that are provided to you.
Good luck to you all!
Prezi is an abundant tool that educators use to distinguish knowledge in a classroom. Prezi is a
presentation tool that is used to allow users to zoom from different documents, images, and
points during presentation (Sawari, 2015). As an alternative to generating photographs,
consumers have images that allow them to enhance hyperlink, video, image, and texts with a
zoom feature. Recently more features allow educators to import Power Point demonstrations to
Prezi. Prezi is a precise device that scholars use throughout presentations and educators use all
through instruction. Though, scholars older then thirteen are permitted to registering their
personal account, by parent consents every user is permitted to using Prezi. Prezi provides
scholars chances for exploring philosophies by permitting them to seeing the larger image by
concentrating on precise information. Educators use Prezi in the classroom to aid distinguished
knowledge by the use of Prezi through interactive white boards to generate stimulating and
collaborative demonstrations by touch navigations. Prezi is valuable to scholars academic
achievements too. Prezi has structures that allow scholars to accessing and navigating
demonstrations at home, and see altered influences, philosophies, and pictorial concepts. Prezi
permits scholars in community and working with extras in classroom settings or by home.
ISTE Standards:
Prezi works hand and hand with ISTE standards. Like Prezi, ISTE standards allow students to be
creative by demonstrating creativity through the usage of knowledge gained from lecture. The
ISTE standard allows students to apply their knowledge of lecture through text, and images and
by applying existing knowledge to generated products, ideas, or processes (ISTE, 2016).
Pros and Cons (150-250 words)
The profits of distinguishing technology in a classroom is typically complemented by
more or less problems. Researchers have shown distinguished instructions are actual for scholars
with major to minor capabilities and for scholars with great-aptitude (Ensor, 2012). Pros of the
use of technology to distinguish knowledge information is a less disciplined problem in any
classroom, and that scholars are more involved and stimulated about education. Too when
scholars are acknowledged more on selections on in what way they can absorb resources, they
yield more responsibilities for their personal learnings. More or less disadvantages to by
technology to distinguish knowledge are distinguished instructions require extra effort during
lesson development, and several educators struggle to finding the additional times in their
schedules to do so. Furthermore, not every school has a resource obtainable in purchasing
consistent, organized technique by permitting educators to observe all scholars work in mutual
notebooks. Evernote too offers parents a clear indication for each youngsters development.
ISTE Standards
ISTE is used in helping educators and scholars stay structured by the use of techniques
comparable to Evernote. Similar to Evernote scholars collect resources and data for investigation
that will later be used. Meanwhile ISTE standard is used to transforming the classroom by using
different procedures that are used in helping scholars understand resources in classroom.
Evernote has assisted every student to succeeding in a similar method. Scholars can constantly
plan ahead and view lessons online through the use of Evernote, which can be used through the
same process as ISTE.
Concluding Paragraph
In conclusion, technology is the means to the forthcoming for minds in future generations.
Technologys tool will lengthen knowledge in great techniques when productively combined into
the curriculums. Technology is held to aiding educators and scholars with techniques to work
together, ways to admittance current main source materials, and a chance for educators to direct
their understandings. This is accomplished through text, images, authentic assessment, and
relevant learning.
Ensor, T., & Elementary, R. (2012). Teaming with technology: 'real' iPad applications.
Journal of adolescent & adult Literacy, 56(3), 193. doi:10.1002/JAAL.00127
Kerr, S, (2015). Using Evernote as an interactive notebook with pre-service social studies
Teachers. Social Studies Research & Practice, 10(1), 94-111.
Sawari, S. (2013). Students' perceptions and attitude towards the effectiveness of Prezi uses in
Mndez Coca, D., & Slisko, J. (2013). Software "Socrative" and smartphones as tools for
Implementation of basic processes of active physics learning in classroom: An initial
feasibility study with prospective teachers. European journal of physics education, 4(2),