ID Plan
ID Plan
ID Plan
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700, Philippines
ID Plan
(Activity 4)
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Major in Instructional Systems Design
Transforming Learning Environments: A TPACK-Based
Instructional Design for Streamlined Technology
Learning is dynamic. It is being influenced by the changing times, and
instructors are among the biggest influencers. To effectively instruct learners
and maximize their acquisition of knowledge and skills, teachers must
possess certain competences (West, Swanson, & Lipscomb, 2017). Lessons
are not learned in the same way today as they were when the teacher first
learned them. Today's students think and process information in a way that
is fundamentally different from that of their predecessors. Some students
might require the most intensive approach to adapting instruction—modify
the delivery of instruction (Iris Center, 2019).
Shulman in 1986 believed that the usual idea of knowledge in teaching
which is that teachers have a set of content knowledge – specific knowledge
about the subject they are teaching – and a set of pedagogical knowledge –
knowledge about how to teach including specific teaching methods. He calls
this pedagogical content knowledge or PCK (McGraw-Hill, 2019). Technology
in the 21st century plays a major role as a tool in helping the teachers in the
delivery of lesson and students in learning which completes the model of PCK
and this is Technology, Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK). Context is
also an important aspect of educational research and the technological
pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework, but is often missing
from TPACK research, or its specific meaning is not clear (Rosenberg &
Koehler, 2015).
Students value the use of technology in the classrooms. Moreover,
teachers seemed to appreciate that technology is available to them as
means of enhancing education and making it more authentic for the students
(Ruggiero & Mong, 2015). In this era where students are exposed to the
advancement of technology, they find it not just a tool for teaching but a
help for them to learn. Teachers are another benefactor of the advancement
of technology in the classroom. This advancement makes their preparation
of learning materials easier. But, judicious use of technology is a must in
every classroom. It must be used to enhance the students’ learning and thus
improve their achievement (Santos & Castro, 2021).
Technological Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a theory that
was developed to explain the set of knowledge that teachers need to teach
their students, to teach effectively, and to use technology (McGraw-Hill,
2019). It attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers
for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex,
multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge. This framework
extends Shulman’s idea in 1986 of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the
study of Koehler & Mishra in 2006 as cited by Valtonen et al. (2020) (Santos
& Castro, 2021).
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is the
effectiveness of the delivery of the lesson with technology integration. It is
an ideal application in all aspects of learning, which are all important in the
teaching and learning process.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the ID Plan
Technology: Rolljak
Build collaborative learning with various activities to choose from.
1. Choose your activity
Build a series of activities and prompt participants to answer an open-
ended question, write a poem, draw their ideas, or solve a formula, it's
up to you! You can browse our preset activities or create your own
activity from scratch with our various response types.
2. Engaging Quizzes
Move beyond asking MCQ questions with our sentence builder and
equation builder fill-in-the-blanks activity. Our cutting-edge technology
can even auto evaluate open ended responses!
3. Promote Discussion
It's not always about getting the right answer. Trying to encourage
participation? Increasing peer learning? Leading meaningful
discussions? With Rolljak it's all possible!
4. Enable Breakout Teams
Do you want your participants to work in smaller groups? Enable Team
Mode and you have the option to group participants into teams. You
can rearrange them in each team according to your own preferences.
Promote collaboration, conduct fun interactive quizzes for creative
problem solving skills, enable peer evaluation or Team-based activities.
1. Go Live
Invite participants to the session using a room code. Participants can
join using any smart device! While waiting, engage them as they
express their creativity by designing their avatars.
2. Gather Responses
Sit back and wait for your participants to submit their responses and
get their creative juices flowing. Add more time for the activity or skip
it entirely if you change your mind.
3. Collaborative Learning
Enabling collaboration allows your participants to exchange their
responses and develop upon the ideas of their peers with full
anonymity - allowing for all participants to freely express their
4. Peer Evaluation
Promote critical thinking by allowing participants to evaluate one
another's work. Peer evaluation can happen through various methods,
whether you want them to scale, invest, or tag the work. Peer
evaluation stimulates participants to think from different points of
Get session reports to see quantitative and qualitative assessments of
your students with one-click exports.
1. Discuss The Results
Highlight the top-rated answers and give your participants the
recognition as well as ideas to improve.
2. Browse Gallery
Reflect on responses, identify patterns in your participants' thinking
processes, and address them as the session ends.
3. Export Reports
One click exports allow you to always have the results and responses
at your fingertips and allows for further development of ideas and
The ID Plan
Shown in Figure 3 is the ID Plan. As can be seen, the plan consists
method, model, tools, tasks, technology and assessment. The plan is to train
the teachers in higher education in enhancing their technology integration.
Figure 4 reflects how this ID Plan can be facilitated using the ASSURE Model.
A - Analyze learners
S - State objectives
S - Select methods, media, and materials
U - Utilize technology and resources
R - Require learner participation
E - Evaluate and revise
The model was first developed in the 1970s by Robert Mager and later
refined by Sharon E. Smaldino and Deborah L. Lowther. It is widely used in
education and training settings to help instructors and trainers create
effective learning experiences for their students or trainees.
By following the steps of the ASSURE model, instructors can ensure
that their lessons are well-planned, relevant, engaging, and effective in
achieving the desired learning outcomes.
The ASSURE model is an important tool for teaching skills of teachers
because it provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to
instructional design. By following the model, teachers can ensure that their
lessons are effective, engaging, and meet the needs of their students.
Here are some specific ways in which the ASSURE model can help
improve teaching skills:
Analysis of Learners: The first step of the model is to analyze the
learners and their needs. This helps teachers to understand their students'
characteristics, learning styles, interests, and prior knowledge. By
understanding their students' needs, teachers can tailor their lessons to
meet their students' needs and interests.
Stating Objectives: The second step is to state the objectives of the
lesson or learning experience. This helps teachers to focus on what their
students need to learn and what they want them to achieve. By setting clear
objectives, teachers can measure their students' progress and ensure that
they are meeting the desired outcomes.
Selecting Methods, Media, and Materials: The third step is to
select appropriate methods, media, and materials to deliver the lesson. This
includes selecting instructional strategies, media, and materials that are
engaging, relevant, and effective in achieving the learning objectives. By
choosing the right methods and materials, teachers can enhance the
effectiveness of their lessons and make them more engaging for their
Utilizing Technology and Resources: The fourth step is to utilize
technology and resources to enhance the learning experience. This includes
using technology tools such as multimedia, simulations, and interactive
whiteboards, as well as other resources such as textbooks and other
instructional materials. By using technology and resources, teachers can
create more dynamic and engaging lessons.
Requiring Learner Participation: The fifth step is to require learner
participation, which involves engaging students in active learning activities.
This can include group work, discussions, and hands-on activities that require
students to apply what they have learned. By requiring learner participation,
teachers can promote deeper learning and help students develop critical
thinking skills.
Evaluating and Revising: The final step is to evaluate the
effectiveness of the lesson and revise it as needed. This involves assessing
whether the lesson achieved the desired learning outcomes and making
changes as necessary to improve future lessons. By evaluating and revising
their lessons, teachers can continuously improve their teaching skills and
create more effective learning experiences for their students.
In summary, the ASSURE model provides a structured and systematic
approach to instructional design, helping teachers to create effective,
engaging, and relevant lessons that meet the needs of their students. By
following the steps of the model, teachers can enhance their teaching skills
and improve student learning outcomes.
Iris Center (2019). How can school personnel intensify and individualize
Kurt, S. (2015). ASSURE: Instructional Design Model.
Lipscomb, A. Swanson, J. & West, A. (2017) Emerging Perspectives on
Learning, Teaching, and Technology, Global Text, Michael Orey.
Chapter 21. Retrieved from
Malmqvist, J., Edström, K. & Rosén, A. (2020). CDIO Standards 3.0 - Updates
to the Core CDIO Standards. Proceedings of the 16th International
CDIO Conference, hosted on-line by Chalmers University of
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 8–11, 2020.
McGraw-Hill (2019). What Is TPACK Theory and How Can It Be Used in the
Rosenberg, Joshua & Koehler, Matthew. (2015). Context and Technological
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Systematic Review.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 47. 186-210.
Ruggiero, D., & Mong, C. J. (2015). The teacher technology integration
experience: Practice and reflection in the classroom. Journal of
Information Technology Education: Research, 14, 161-178. Retrieved
Santos, J. & Castro, R. (2021). Technological Pedagogical content knowledge
(TPACK) in action: Application of learning in the classroom by pre-
service teachers (PST).