Executive Branch - Lecture
Executive Branch - Lecture
Executive Branch - Lecture
Executive Branch
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
a) 6 years, starting and ending the same time as the President.
b) Term limitation: 2 successive terms.
c) Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of time is NOT an
interruption in the continuity of service for the full term for which the VicePresident was elected.
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
VP becomes President.
Senate President or
In case of his inability, the Speaker
of the House shall act as President
until a President or a VP shall have
been chosen and qualified.
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
Senate President or
In case of his inability, the Speaker
of the House shall act as President
until the President or VP shall have
been elected and qualified
Vacancy in office of Vice-President during the term for which he was
a) President will nominate new VP from any member of either House of
b) Nominee shall assume office upon confirmation by majority vote of ALL
members of both Houses, voting separately. (Nominee forfeits seat in
BUT: No special election shall be called if the vacancy occurs within 18 months
before the date of the next presidential election.
The temporary inability of the President to discharge his duties may be raised in
either of two ways:
a) By the President himself, when he sends a written declaration to the Senate
President and the Speaker of the House. In this case, the Vice-President will
be Acting President until the President transmits a written declaration to the
b) When a majority of the Cabinet members transmit to the Senate President
and the Speaker their written declaration.
The VP will immediately be Acting President.
BUT: If the President transmits a written declaration that he is not
disabled, he reassumes his position.
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
Presidential Illness:
a) If the President is seriously ill, the public must be informed thereof.
b) Even during such illness, the National Security Adviser, the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, and the Chief of Staff of the AFP are entitled to access to the
Prohibited from:
1. Holding any office or employment during their tenure, UNLESS:
a. otherwise provided in the Constitution (e.g. VP can be
appointed a Cabinet Member, Sec. of Justice sits on Judicial
and Bar Council); or
b. the positions are ex-officio and they do not receive any salary
or other emoluments therefor (e.g. Sec. of Finance is head of
Monetary Board).
2. Practicing, directly or indirectly, any other profession during their
N.B. The rule on disqualifications for the President and his Cabinet are
stricter than the normal rules applicable to appointive and elective
officers under Art. IX-B, Sec. 7.
Spouses and
4th degree relatives
of the President
(consanguinity or
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
their subsidiaries.
If the spouse, etc., was already in any of the above offices at the
time before his/her spouse became President, he/she may
continue in office. What is prohibited is appointment and
reappointment, NOT continuation in office.
2. Spouses, etc., can be appointed to the judiciary and as
ambassadors and consuls.
N.B. President also appoints members of the Supreme Court and judges of
the lower courts, but these appointments do not need CA confirmation.
5) All other officers whose appointments are not otherwise provided for by law;
and those whom he may be authorized by law to appoint.
a. This includes the Chairman and members of the Commission on
Human Rights, whose appointments are provided for by law NOT by
the Constitution.
b. Congress may, by law, vest the appointment of other officers lower in
rank in the President alone or in the courts, or in the heads of
departments, agencies, boards or commissions.
c. BUT: Congress cannot, by law, require CA confirmation of the
appointment of other officers for offices created subsequent to the
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
Nomination by President
Confirmation by CA
Appointment by President; and
Acceptance by appointee.
Note: At any time before all four steps have been complied with, the President can
withdraw the nomination/appointment.
No CA confirmation:
a. Appointment; and
b. Acceptance.
Note: Once appointee accepts, President can no longer withdraw the appointment.
Ad-interim appointments:
1) When Congress is in recess, the President may still appoint officers to
positions subject to CA confirmation.
2) These appointments are effective immediately, but are only effective until
they are disapproved by the CA or until the next adjournment of Congress.
3) Appointments to fill an office in an acting capacity are NOT ad-interim in
nature and need no CA approval.
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
Disciplinary Powers:
1) The power of the President to discipline officers flows from the power to
appoint the, and NOT from the power control.
2) BUT While the President may remove from office those who are not entitled to
security of tenure, or those officers with no set terms, such as Department
Heads, the officers, and employees entitled to security of tenure cannot be
summarily removed from office.
Power of Supervision:
1) This is the power of a superior officer to ensure that the laws are faithfully
executed by subordinates.
2) The power of the president over local government units is only of general
supervision. Thus, he can only interfere with the actions of their executive
heads if these are contrary to law.
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch
Must be accepted
Constitutional law 1
Executive Branch