Business Law
Business Law
Business Law
1. In an obligation to give a determinate thing, what rights are available to the creditor?
First Answer to compel specific performance
Second Answer to recover damages in case of breach of the obligation
Third answer to ask that the obligation be complied with the expense of the debtor
a. all answers are correct
c. only the first answer is correct
b. only the first and second answers are correct
d. all answers are wrong
2. The following contracts, except one, are void ab initio. Which is the exception?
a. That whose object is outside the commerce of men.
b. That whose object did not exist at the time of the transaction.
c. That which contemplates an impossible service
d. That which is undertaken in fraud of creditors
3. S, minor, owns a specific property valued at P50,000. B capacitated, by means of fraud induced S to sell his property to
him for P30,000, which S did so. The contract is in writing. Which is correct?
a. The contract is valid and binding from the start
b. The contract remains unenforceable because it falls under the Statue of Frauds
c. The contract is rescissible because the ward suffered lesion by more than of the value.
d. The contract is voidable and B can ask for annulment within the period prescribed by law.
4. Legal compensation is allowed when one of the debts
a. Arises from a sale of real property made by a minor to a capacitated person
b. Arises from the obligation of a depositary
c. Consists in civil liability arising from a penal offense
d. Arises from a claim for support by gratuitous title
5. This is not a characteristic of a void or inexistent contract.
a. The right to raise a defense of illegality cannot be waived
b. The action or defense for declaration of the nullity of inexistence of the contract does not prescribe
c. Not subject to ratification
d. Defense of illegality of the contract is available to third persons whose interest are not directly affected
6. Reformation is not the proper remedy if
a. The mutual mistake of the parties causes the failure of the instrument to disclose their real agreement
b. One party was mistaken and the other acted fraudulently or inequitably in such a way the the instrument does
not show the true intention
c. There was mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or accident which prevented the meeting of the minds of the
contracting parties.
d. The true intention of the contracting parties is not expressed in the instrument purporting to embody the
agreement by reason of mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or accident.
7. The following contracts are defective. Which one is unenforceable?
a. Contract of sale by which a guardian acquire the property of his ward without the approval of the court
b. Contract of sale by which a city mayor acquires a portion of the city part pursuant to a city ordinance enacted
by the City Council
c. Contracts whose object is outside the commerce of man
d. Those were both parties are incapable of giving consent to a contract
8. Which of the following is not a requisite of fraud?
a. There must be a misrepresentation of concealment
b. The fraud must be serious
c. A party is induced by fraud to enter into contract
d. The fraud is employed by both parties upon each other
9. J agreed to pay his debt and in case of non-payment, to render free service as a servant. Is the obligation valid/
a. No, the obligation pay and to render service as a servant is contrary to law and morals/
b. Yes, if the services will be rendered in satisfaction of the debt and in case of non-performance, the proper
remedy is specific performance
c. No, the nullity of the condition carries with it the nullity of the principal obligation
d. Yes, in so far as the obligation to pay but not as regards the undertaking to render domestic services for free
10. E, a manufacturer of locks, hired A for 2 years, on the condition that for 5 years, A should not engage in competitive
locks business. After one year, A left for reasons of health. Shortly afterwards, after regaining his health A competed with
E, who now seeks to restrain him from such competition, will the action prosper?
a. No, the restriction is void, because it is an unreasonable restraint of trade
b. Yes, it is a reasonable restraint, considering that it was only for 5 years.
c. No, the contract of employment for 2 years was not completed because of a justifiable reason
d. Yes, if E will allow A to complete the 2 years of services agreed upon.
11. Which of the following is not correct in rescission?
a. Cannot be availed when the party who has been damaged has other legal remedy
b. The person who seeks rescission must be able to return what he ought to return
c. The object of the contract is not in the possession of third persons who have acquired it in good faith
d. Can be demanded by any of the contracting parties
12. A owes B P10,000 with 12% interest B owes C P1,200. It was agreed between A and B that A would give the interest
of P1,200 to C and C communicated his acceptance of the stipulation between A and B. There is
a. Stipulation pour atrui
b. Pactum commissorium
c. Compensation
d. Assignment
13. - A donated to B a real property the donation is made orally
- A sold to B a real property, the sale is made orally
a. Both contracts are valid
c. Only the first contract is valid
b. Both contracts are void
d. Only the second contract is valid
14. If an obligation is with a penal clause
Statement A Proof of actual damages suffered by the creditor is not necessary in order that the penalty may demanded
Statement B When the debtor is guilty of fraud in the fulfillment of the obligation, the creditor can demand payment of
damages and interest in addition of penalty.
a. true, true
b. false, true
c. false, false
d. true, false
15. A, B and C solidarity owe D and E P30,000. D remitted the entire obligation in favor of A without the consent of E. the
effect is
a. A cannot recover from B and C because remission in her favor extends to the benefit of B and C.
b. A can recover from B and C their respective share of the debt.
c. The obligation is not extinguished until A collects from B and C
d. The obligation is not yet extinguished until E is paid by D of her share the credit
16. In quasi-delict, the liability of a person who is held liable for the fault or negligence of another person who is under his
care or responsibility shall cease if.
a. There was contributory negligence or the part of the person injured
b. He was not present at the time of the act, hence it was not possible to him to prevent the damage.
c. He observed ordinary diligence to prevent the damage
d. He observed the diligence of a father of a good family
17. What is the effect of the loss of the prostrations in alternative obligation where the right of choice belongs to the
creditor and the loss is due to the fault of the debtor?
First Answer: If only one remains the obligation still subsists, but it ceases to be alternative as it becomes a simple
Second Answer: If 2 or more objects remain, the obligation still subsists and the choice is limited to the remaining objects.
Third Answer: If none remains, the obligation is extinguished because the debtor chose not to give anything
a. All answers are correct
c. Only one of the answers is correct
b. Only the first and second answers are correct
d. All answers are wrong
18. A owes B P20,000 which became due on December 20,2011. On that date, A offered P10,000, the only money be then
bad, but B refused to accept the payment. Thereafter A met, C, Bs 23 year old daughter, to whom she gave the P10,000
with the request that she turn the money over to her mother. The money was stolen while Cs possession. How much may
B still recover from A?
a. P20,000
b. P10,000
c. P15,000
19. A, wife of B and daughter of C, while employed in a jewelry store owned by D embezzled P100,000 belonging to said
jewelry store. In order to prevent her criminal prosecution for estafa, B and C signed a document obligating themselves
jointly and severally to pay D the amount embezzled plus interest. Because of their failure to comply with their promise, D
brought an action against B and C. Will the action prosper?
a. Yes, both knowingly and voluntarily agreed to assume the obligation of A
b. No, C should not have been included because A is no longer under his authority
c. Yes, but only in so far as B is concerned because husband and wife are required by law to support each other
d. No, it is considered contrary to public policy to allow parties to make an agreement designed to prevent
prosecution for crimes.
20. A contract in which a person literally contracts with himself is
a. Adhesion contract
b. Auto contract
c. Accessory contract
d. Unilateral contract
21. The statement Contract shall be obligatory in whatever form they have been entered into provided all the requisites
for their validity are present refers to.
a. Real contract
b. Consensual contracts
c. Formal contracts
d. Solemn contracts
22. The pre-nuptial agreement of H and W, husband and wife, provides for complete separation of property. Later H with
violence and intimidation forced W to sell to him (H), Ws pieces of jewelry. The sale is
a. Rescissible, if W suffered a lesion of more than of the value of the property
b. Voidable, because the consent of W is vitiated
c. Unenforceable, if the value is at least P500
d. Void, because husband and wife are not allowed to sell property to each other
23. This obligation is demandable at once
a. with a suspensive condition
c. when my means permit me to do so
b. with a period in diem
d. when it depends on the happening of a specified event
24. This contract is without effect unless ratified
a. marriage between first degree cousins
c. contract of sale between a guardian and his ward
b. contract of sale between two insane persons
d. donation between husband and wife
25. One of the following is void
a. politician
b. pactum commissorium
c. stipulation pour atrui d. waiver intentionada
26. To be valid and enforceable, the following contracts should be in writing, except:
a. contract to pay interest on loan
c. contract giving authority to an agent to sell a piece of land
b. contract of donation of real property
d. contract made in consideration of marriage
27. A condition which is imposed on an obligation will be disregarded and will therefore make the obligation immediately
a. If Lala kills Lele
c. If Lolo commits suicide
b. If Lili passes the CPA board exams
d. If Lulu will not rise from the dead
28. If the law or contract does not state the diligence which is to be observed in the performance of an obligation, the
obligor is expected to observe
a. ordinary diligence
c. diligence of a father of a good family
b. extraordinary diligence
d. utmost care
29. Facultative as distinguished from alternative obligation
a. The right of choice is given only to the debtor
b. Various things are due, but the giving of one is sufficient
c. If one of the prestations is illegal, the others may be valid and the obligation remains
d. If it is impossible to give all except one, that last one must still be given
30. Within what period must recovery be made if the debtor did not know that payment was not yet due?
a. Before maturity with regard to both what was paid and the interest
b. Even after maturity with regard to both the interest and what was paid
c. Before maturity with regard to what was paid and even after maturity with regard to the interest
d. Before maturity with regard to interest and even after the maturity with regard to what was paid
31. Which of the following is wrong in alternative obligations?
a. The obligor shall completely perform one of them
b. The oblige cannot be compelled to receive part of one and part of the other undertaking
c. The right of choice belongs to the creditor, unless it has been expressly granted to the debtor
d. The debtor shall have no right to choose those prestations which are impossible
32. A remedy in equity by means of which a written instrument is made or constructed so as to express or conform to the
real intention of the parties when some error or mistake has been committed
a. Rescission
b. Annulment
c. Reformation
d. Consideration
33. Payment by cession as distinguished from dation in payment
a. The debtor is not necessarily in a state of financial difficulty
b. The effect is to release the debtor for the net proceeds of the things ceded or assigned
c. The property is alienated by the debtor to the creditor in satisfaction of a debt in money
d. What is delivered by the debtor is merely a thing to be considered as the equivalent of the performance of the
34. If a third person pays an obligation. What are the rights, which are available to him if he pays the obligation with the
knowledge and consent of the debtor?
First Answer He can recover from the debtor the entire amount, which he has paid.
Second Answer He is subrogated to all of the rights of the creditor/
a. true, true
b. true, false
c. false, true
d. false, false
35. I. The loss or deterioration of the thing intended as a substitute through the negligence of the obligor, does not render
him liable.
II. A person alternatively bound by different prestations shall completely perform one of them
a. true, true
b. true, false
c. false, true
d. false, false
36. There being no express stipulation and if the undertaking is to deliver a determine thing, the payment shall be made
a. at the domicile of the debtor
b. at the domicile of the creditor
c. wherever the thing might be at the moment the obligation was constituted
d. wherever the thing might be at the moment the obligation is to be fulfilled
37. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. the validity and compliance of a contract cannot be left to the will of the one of the parties
b. in case of foreclosure and the price of the sale is less than the amount due the pledgee cannot recover any
c. Persons are prohibited by law to enter into contract of donation cannot form universal partnership
d. Actions for fraud cannot be waived
38. The right of the creditor to exercise all the rights of his debtor to satisfy his claim, except rights which are inherent and
personal on the part of the debtor.
a. action subrogatoria b. action redhibitoria
c. accion pauliana
d.accion quanti minoris
39. An assignor or credit warrants
a. Solvency of the debtor
c. Assurance of payment
b. Collectability
d. Existence and legality of credit
40. A, B and C executed a promissory note binding themselves to pay P9,000 to X, Y and Z. the note is now duo and
demandable. Can the creditors proceed against A alone for the payment of the entire debt?
a. No, each creditor can collect only P3,000 from A
b. Yes, either X, Y and Z can collect P9,00 from A
c. No, each creditor can collect only P1,000 from A
d. Yes, since the promissory notes is silent with respect ot the rights of the creditors, the obligation is presumed to
be solidary
41. Using the preceding number, suppose that C is insolvent, can A and B be held liable for Cs share in the obligation?
a. Yes, the debt shall be presumed to be divided into as many equal shares as there debtors.
b. Yes, but A and B liable proportionately
c. No, the debt are considered distinct from one another
d. No, only either A and B but not both will be liable
42. Using No. 40, suppose that the obligation was about to prescribe, but X wrote a letter to A demanding for payment of
the entire debt. Will this have the effect of interrupting the running of the period of prescription?
a. Yes, because the demand made by X covers the entire debt and will therefore issue to the benefit of the
b. Yes, in so far as A is concerned but not with regard to B and C
c. No, because the demand should have been made to all the debtors
d. No, all the creditors should have made the demand
43. Using the preceding number and prescription set in, how much can Y collect from A?
a. P9,000
b. P3,000
c. P1,000
44. Using the preceding number, how much can X collect from A?
a. P9,000
b. P3,000
c. P1,000
45. Indivisibility as distinguished from solidarity
a. Plurality of subject is indivisible
b. When the obligation is converted into one of indemnity for damages because of breach, the character of the
obligation remains
c. Refers to the legal tie or vinculum
d. Refers to the prestation which constitutes the object of the obligation
46. I. When one of the parties has brought an action to enforce the instrument, he cannot subsequently ask for its
II. The injured party may seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment if the latter should become impossible
a. true, true
b. true, false
c. false, true
d. false, false
60. B