Anatomy Syllabus 2016
Anatomy Syllabus 2016
Anatomy Syllabus 2016
Room: 42
Mrs. Nejman
My name is Mrs. Nejman. I have been teaching at Belvidere high school for 10 years. I am on
maternity leave this semester but will return in January. I have a two year old and newborn
daughters. If you have any questions this semester please feel free to email me.
Welcome to Anatomy at Belvidere High School. In this college preparation class, all
students need an opportunity to experience science as a process and not just learn anatomy
of a collection of unrelated facts. This means that the course should emphasize how
scientists use their observations and readings to ask questions that can lead to new
experiments. These experiments build on the work of others and eventually lead to
additional evidence on different topics. This investigative process will be used throughout
this course. It is important for students to become excited with the discovery as they read
about it, or experience new findings in the laboratory. In addition, it is critical that
students connect new concepts with what they know, with each connection they help
themselves build a solid framework of anatomical knowledge in scientific know how. This
framework will help students to enter their future, prepared for whatever lies ahead of
them. This course is not like many traditional classes you may be used to. The format of this
class is case-based learning. Learning will be done in the context of real-world patient cases.
You will not be asked to memorize content for tests, but you will be asked to do research
and find the information necessary for you to solve your case. Learning is done
collaboratively in groups for much of the class, since this is how physicians, scientists,
engineers, and colleges function. Collaboration is a necessary skill in the job market and your
growth in this area is one of the goals of this course.
This course includes the following units: homeostasis, chemistry, cells, tissues, skeletal
system, muscular system, blood, cardiovascular system, integumentary system, lymphatic
system, endocrine system, urinary system, respiratory system, reproductive system, and
nervous systems.
You will also be required to dissect a pig as a semester project. Bioengineering projects will
be incorporated into the following unites: tissues, skeletal, nervous and cardiovascular
systems. As part of these projects, students will be asked to evaluate solutions to realworld problems, use computer simulations to model the impact of such proposed solutions,
and define problems with current technology that can be solved through the development of
a new object. Students may also be asked to design and present a new solution, including
cost analysis, effect on environment, impact on the human body, etc.
Anatomy and Physiology will be taught in a flipped style classroom, whereby videos, video
notes, and video quizzes will be accessed at home via the internet. Class time will be spent
on discussions, labs, activities, case studies will be presented on Google, and answers will be
shared with me, with editing capabilities.
Each student is responsible for bringing these supplies to class every day.
-A pen AND pencil
-A binder for transporting materials to/from class, with dividers. (I give a lot of handouts.)
-Paper for assignments and notes. (loose leaf or a notebook)
Create and use a model to show connections between organs that provide
functions within the human body.
Plan and conduct investigations to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms
maintain homeostasis.
Be able to explain how each region of the human body works together to create
a healthy organism.
Explain risks involved when determining solutions to complex real world problems.
Be able to make diagnoses based upon physical examination notes, presenting
signs and symptoms, laboratory testing and /or imaging results.
Be able to analyze important positive and negative test results and provide
rationale for conclusions.
Be able to describe primary take-away lessons of case studies, projects, and
Grading Procedure:
Your grade will be determined based upon your ability to meet specific targets. Each
objective will be worth a total of 4 points. You will be given a rubric at the beginning of
each unit which will outline what you must be able to do in order to receive a specific amount
of points for each target. Your ability to meet each objective will be determined by
homework, quizzes, tests, labs, and other projects. Your number one responsibility in this
class is to learn the material which is presented to you. NOTE: TARGETS DO NOT HAVE
be offered, you will always have the opportunity to seek additional help or provide additional
evidence that you have indeed met a specific objective for which you previously did not
receive maximum points. In addition a part of your grade will be based on your academic
behavior which includes but is not limited to doing homework, group work, and class
At the beginning of the school year, each student should get a binder, which should
be organized and used the entire semester. In your science binder, you should keep all
materials, notes, quizzes, labs, practicals, case studies, projects and diagrams, which display
your progress towards meeting course targets. If reassessment is needed, formative
assessment contained in the binders must be completed prior to reassessment.
Labs/projects: 45%
Case studies/practicals: 45%
Self-evaluation & logs: 10%
I have read the information contained on the course information packet (including
all class policies and rules), understand them and agree to abide by them in Mrs.
Nejmans Anatomy Class for the 2016-2017 school year.
Print Student Name
Print Parent/Guardian Name
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Mrs. Nejman
Parent/Guardian E-Mail