High School Biology Syllabus
High School Biology Syllabus
High School Biology Syllabus
* Cooperative Learning
* Writing Strategies/Summaries
* Lab activities with write-ups
* AVID strategies
* Projects
* Class Discussions
There are several components that make up an overall grade. They include the following:
1. A Science Notebook, which includes just about everything that is done in this class (i.e. class work,
homework, labs, activities, quizzes, etc.).
a. Homework will either be assigned or will the completion of in-class assignments
2. Bellwork is what you do every day when you enter in class and will help you get you thinking about
the days activities as well as review past concepts.
3. Bi-weekly quizzes/unit tests
4. Midterm, final, performance tasks
5. Projects will be assigned throughout the semester.
Grading Policy/Categories
A= 100-90% B=89-80% C=79-70%
Midterm/Final/Performance Tasks
D= 69-60%
F= 59% -50
Late work will also be accepted for reduced points (a loss of 20% from your assignment score). It is
your responsibility to complete and turn in any missed assignments. Late assignments are accepted up to
the end of each quarter (i.e. midterm, final). Extra credit will be given only after all assignments has
been completed.
Absences: Please ask for missed work ONLY after class, during lunch or after school.
* Writing Utensils
* Pencil Sharpener
Honors Biology:
Please expect an accelerated pace for learning and more rigorous standards.
Thank you in advance for a support and a great year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any
questions or concerns.
OVHS Biology Department
(951) 490-4660
Mrs. Aniol
Room: 538
Mrs. Douhan
Room: 502
Mr. Mckenzie
Room 501
Mr. Landin
Room: 508