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Group-A (Multiple Objective Type Question) : X X X X X X X X X

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Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

(Multiple Objective Type Question)
1. Choose the correct alternative
a) Lyapunov function must be a
i) a scalar and negative definite function
ii) a scalar and positive definite function (*)
iii) a positive semi definite function
iv) all of these
b) If the quadratic form of a matrix is 10 x12 4 x22
i) positive definite (*)
ii) positive semidefinite
iii) negative definite
iv) none of the above.

x32 2 x1 x2 2 x2 x3 4 x1 x3

,then the matrix A is

c) The device which converts continuous signal into a sequence of pulses is termed as
i) synchro
ii) amplifier
iii) sampler (*)
iv) integrator
d) Compared to coulomb friction force, the force of stiction
i) is always greater (*)
ii) is always equal
iii) is always less
iv) is none of the above
e) To compute the describing function of a nonlinear element for a sinusoidal
i) the fundamental harmonic component of the output is required
ii) the dead zone and saturation are to be avoided
iii) the nonlinear system is to be assumed linear (*)
iv) none of the above required
f) Which of the following properties are associated with the state transition matrix (t)?
a) ( - t ) = -1 ( t ) (*)
b) ( tilt 2 ) = ( t 1 ). -1 ( t 2 )
c) ( t 1 - t 2 ) = ( - t2 ) . ( t 1 ) \
d) ( - t ) = -1 (- t )
g) X(k+1)=AX(k)+Bu(k) is a

a) non-linear equation
b) linear time invariant difference equation (*)
c) dynamic non-linear equation
d) none of these.
h) For an nth order control system, the number of variables are
a) 1
b)n (*)
c) n2
i) If both the eigen values of a second order system are real and negative, then it is termed as
a) the saddle point
c) the focus point

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

b) the nodal point (*)

d)the unstable focus point.

j) A set of variables for a system is

a) not unique in general
c) never Unique
b) always unique (*)
d) may be unique.
k) For analysis of non-linear system by describing function, it is assumed that linear part of the system act as
a) Low pass filter (*)
c) Band-pass filter.
b) High-pass filter
d) Band el1m1natlon filter.
l) The free response of a system is the system with
a) step input
c) no input (*)
b) any input
d) a bounded input signal.
m) In discrete time system, the stability is found by
a) Lyapunovs function
b) Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
c) Jury stability (*)
d) none of these
n) The second order system X =AX has A =
a) 1 and 1
c) 0.707 and 2
b) 0.5 and 1 (*)
d) 1.41 and 1.

damping and natural frequencies are

o) For a single input, 4 state and 2 output system, the dimension of C matrix is
a) 4x4
c) 4x2

b) 2x4 (*)
d) 4xl.

p) The input-output characteristics of the control system relay shown in the

figure below is
a) with pure hysteresis
b)with dead zone and Hysteresis (*)
c) with dead zone
d) none of these.
q) Phase plane analysis is generally restricted to
a) Second order system (*)
b) Third order system
c) First order system
d) Any order system.
r) Hysteresis in a mechanical transmission system is known as
i) damping
ii) backlash (*)
iii) dead zone iv) drift
s) For SISO Y(s) = G(s) U(s)
i) G(s) is a scalar
iii) G(s) is a (m x r) dimensional matrix

ii) G(s) is a transfer function (*)

iv) both (i) and (ii)

t) The transfer function for the state variable representation is given by

i) D + C (SI A)-1 B (*)
ii) B + C (SI A)-1 D
iii) C + B (SI A) D
iv) A + C (SI B)-1 D

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

u) The inverse Z-tranform of the function TZ / (Z-1)2 is

i) kT (*)
ii) (kT)2
iii) exp( -kT)
iv) 1
v) For the difference equation x (k+2) + 4x (k+1) + 5x (k) = 0, the initial conditions are x(0) = 0, x(1) = 1.
The value of x(2) is
i) 4
ii) 4 (*) iii) -9
iv) 0
w) For analysis of non-linear system by describing function
i) the structure of nonlinear system must be reduced to linear [ GL (jw) ] and non linear [ N (R) ] part only.(*)
ii) the structure of nonlinear system must be reduced to non linear [ N (R) ] part only.
iii) the structure of whole system must be reduced to linear [ GL (jw) ] part only.
iv) the linear part must have characteristics of a high pass filter.
x) In a series R-L-C circuit, the number of state variables,
i) 3
ii) 2 (*)
iii) 1
iv) 0
y) Foe all x in the state plane, V (x) = x12 + x22 is
i) positive definite (*)
ii) positive semi-definite
iii) negative definite
iv) indefinite

(Short answer Type Question)
2. Consider the following transfer function system:
G (s )

(s 2 1.8s 25)

Obtain the state-space representation of this system in a) controllable canonical form and b) observable
canonical form.
3. Consider the following:

6 y 6u
dt 3
dt 2

Obtain a state space representation of this system in a diagonal canonical form.

4. Consider the system defined by

x Ax Bu
y Cx


A 1 2
0 ,
0 3

Obtain the transfer function Y(s)/U(s).

B 0 ,

C 1

1 0

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

5. Given the system equation

2 1 0
x 0 2 1 x .
0 0 2

Find the solution where initial conditions are x T 1 1 0 .

6. Obtain the state space representation of the following system
Y (s)
10.4s 2 47s 160

U ( s ) (s3 14s 2 56s 160)
7. Is the following system is completely state controllable and completely observable?

. 0 1 0

x 0 0 1 x 0 u

6 11 6 1

y 20

9 1 x

8. Find out state variable model of an armature controlled d.c motor.

9. Find out state variable model of a field controlled d.c motor.
10. The transfer function of a system is given by
Y (s)
s 2 3s 2
U ( s)
s 9 s 2 26s 24

Determine the state model. Use direct decomposition method.

11. Obtain the state response for the system given below:

0 1 0
x x u
2 1 1

, where x1(0) =1, x2(0) =0 and u (t) =2.

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

12. a) What are the advantages of state variable model over transfer function model?
b) What do you mean by state of a system?
13. a)What is the significance of eigenvalues of a system?
b) Determine the transfer function of the system given below:

3 1 1 1
A ,B ,C
0 1 1 1

,and D 0;

14. a) What do you mean by controllability and observability?

b) Prove the invariance of eigenvalues of any system.
15. a) Find the z-transform of f(k) = k * 2
b) Obtain the z transform method to determine x(k) of the system given below:

0 2 0
(kx 1) kx )( ku )(
35 1



(0)=0 and u(k)=2.

16.a) Find the z-transform of f(k) = k * 2

b) Obtain the z transform method to determine x(k) of the system given below:

Subject: Control Systems

0 2 0
(kx 1) kx )( ku )(
35 1




Paper Code: EE-603

(0)=0 and u(k)=2.

18. Define nonlinear system and discuss about the characteristics of nonlinear system.
19.a)State Lyapunov Stability criterion.
b) A linear system is described by the state equation

0 1
x x
2 3

Investigate the stability of this system by using Lyapunovs theorem.

21.a) What is limit cycle?
b) What is the limitation of phase plane analysis?
c) Consider the following state equations of a nonlinear system

x 1 x2

x 2 x1 x2 2 x1 x2

Investigate the stability of the system near each point of equilibrium.

22. A system is described by nonlinear differential equation

d 2x


dt 0

2 x

with a very small value of .

By using the first Approximation method, find out the solution of the system.
23. Write short notes on
a) Nonlinear Relay.
b) Stability analysis by phase plane analysis.
24. Find out the describing function for dead zone with saturation nonlinearity.
25. Find out the describing function for backlash nonlinearity.
26. Find out the describing function for relay with hysteresis nonlinearity.

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

27. Consider a linear system

C ( s)
R ( s ) (s 2s 5)

Draw the isoclines and the trajectory for a step input r(t)=2u(t).Assume c (0) 1and c (0) 0 .
28. Consider a non-linear system where the input and output are related through the differential equation
y 4


6 x 3x 2


Determine the describing function of the system.

29. Consider the following second order non-linear differential equation




1 x 0

x 2

a) Determine the points of equilibrium.

b) Investigate the stability of the system near each point of equilibrium.
30. Consider the following non-linear differential equation
d 2x




Determine the points of equilibrium.

31. A unity feedback system has the forward path transfer function
G( s)

s(s )

The reference input is a unit step function, and the system is at rest initially.
a) Taking K as constant, determine the value of which minimizes the integral square error.
b) Taking as constant, determine the value of K which minimizes the integral square error.
32. Consider the system shown below. Using the describing function analysis, show that a stable limit cycle
exists for all values of k>0.Find the amplitude and frequency of the limit cycle when k=4, and plot y(t) versus t.

33. A discrete-time system is described by the difference equation .

y ( k + 2 ) + 5 y ( k + 1 ) + 6y ( k ) =U ( K )
where y ( 0 ) = y ( 1 ) = 0; T = 1.0 sec.

a) Determine a state model In canonical form.

b) Find state-transition matrix.
34. A linear tUne-invariant system 18described by the state model

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

Obtain the state-transition matrix.

35. Find the Z.transform of a linear system having Transfer Function as

36. Determine the stability range for the gain k of the system shown below:

37. The transfer function of a system is given by:

Determine the state model. Use direct decomposition method.

38. For the circuit shown, choose Va, Vb and iL as state variables, the output Y= Vb and obtain state

39. Given A=[0 1; -2 -3], determine (k)=Ak using Caley-Hamilton method.

40. Solve the difference equation
x(n+2)=3x(n+1)+2x(n)+u(n). The initial conditions are x(0)=0 and x(1)=1.
41. For the discrete time system
x(k+2)+5x(k+1)+6x(k)=u(k), x(0)=x(1)=0. Find the state transition matrix.
42. Use the second method of Liapunov to show that the following system is stable for all positive
values of k.
A=[0 1 0; 0 -1 1; -k (-1-k/2) -k/2].
( Long Answer Type Question )
Answer any three questions.

1. a) State Lyapunovs stability criterion.

b) A linear system is described by the state equation

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

Investigate the stability of this system by using Lyapunov's theorem.

2. Determine whether the following system is completely controllable.
i) From the rank of controllability matrix.
ii) From canonical representation of the system.

3. a) Describe the advantages of state space analysis over the c1assica1control system analysts. 4
b) In what condition all the closed loop poles. of 8 system can be arbitrarily positioned ?
c) Consider the following differential equation of a system

Convert it into state space form and find state feedback gain K. so that the closed loop poles will be

- -

located at 3. 4 and 5 respectively" Obtain the closed loop system matrix.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3x5
i) Backlash non-linearity
ii) Digital compensator
iii) Common Nonlinearities
iv) Pole placement
v) Limit cycle.
vi) Harmonic linearization
vii) Global asymptotic stability
viii) Anti aliasing filters.


5. Using describing function analysis, determine the amplitude and frequency of the limit cycle when

6. Determine the describing function of the non linear element shown in the figure having a dead zone
followed by linear characteristics.

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

7.Define phase, phase trajectory and phase portrait.

Plot the phase trajectory of the system shown with initial conditions e1(0)=2 and e2(0)=0.

8. State Shanons sampling Theorem.

For the sampled data control system shown below, find the output c(k) for r(t)=unit step.

9. Determine the controllability and observability of the system

A=[-1 0 0; 0 -2 0; 0 0 3], B=[1 0;0 2;2 1]; C=[1 1 2;3 1 0].
10.Obtain the solution of state equation for u(t)=1 for t>=0.
A=[0 1;-3 -4]; B=[0; 2], X(0)=[0;1],C=[1 1].
11. Show that the arbitrary pole placement of a linear state feedback system is possible if the system is completely
controllable. Determine the state feedback gain matrix so that close loop poles of the following linear system

are located at -2+4j, -2-4j, -10.

Subject: Control Systems


Paper Code: EE-603

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