CH2105 - Thermodynamics
CH2105 - Thermodynamics
CH2105 - Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics can’t determine how fast a reaction will go, i.e. the kinetics of a reaction.
In an open system there is an exchange of energy and matter between the system and its
In a closed system there is only energy exchange between the system and surroundings.
In an isolated system there is no exchange of matter or energy between the system and
surroundings (note that these are never seen in reality as there is always a slight opening in the
system to allow for the addition of chemicals/gauging of temperature etc. which allows for some
exchange of at least energy).
height Potential
Stable energy
h2 3 mgh2
h1 2
Force, F
Low energy therefore leads to thermodynamic stability which in turn leads to equilibrium. A system
always moves towards minimum energy and equilibrium.
State Function
A state function is dependant only on the initial and final states of the system and not the path taken
to reach that state, energy is therefore a state function, however work is not.
All different forms of energy have an associated work that may affect the energy of a system;
Sign Convention
A change in heat or work that increases the internal energy of the system is defined as a positive
Heat (∆Q) + IN (absorbed by system)
- OUT (absorbed by surroundings)
Reversible expansion occurs when Pext is variable from P1 (Pint) to P2 (Pext) and Pext is allowed to
change in small increments so that it is always slightly lower than Pint the expansion will proceed in
tiny steps. The expansion is reversible as if at any time Pext is increased by an infinitesimal amount to
be just greater than Pint the gas will compress slightly and the system could be returned to its
original state by a series of reversible compressions.
The system is at all times in equilibrium.
−dW = dV
W2 V2
1 dx
− dW = nRT dV [note, = lnx]
V x
W1 V1
−∆W = nRTln V1
and at constant temperature P1V1=P2V2
Therefore; −∆W = nRTln P2
Maximum work is obtained, under isothermal, reversible conditions.
Enthalpy – H
The first law states that; ∆U=∆Q+∆W, which can be simplified to ∆U=∆Q - PdV
To calculate ∆W pressure must be known as a function of volume, however since not all systems can
be simplified as ideal, PV=nRT cannot always be used. Instead the integration is simplified by the
study of the system at either constant volume or constant temperature.
Since most reactions proceed at a constant pressure (i.e. no gas is evolved) it is convenient to define
a new energy function, enthalpy – H.
For a reaction at constant pressure and temperature which involves a change in ∆n, the number of
moles of gas;
Measuring ∆H
Enthalpy cannot be measured directly, and since at constant pressure ∆H=∆Qp, the heat of a system
must be measureable.
Temperature can be measuring using a thermometer, temperature is related to heat by;
∆Q=C∆T where C is the heat capacity
Experimental Determination of ∆H
-a simple experimental arrangement of endothermic and exothermic reactions
Thermometer Stirrer
-the system is placed in the water bath and the reaction initiated
-Temperature is monitored as a function of time
-The heater supplies electrical work to mimic the temperature change in the system
O2 Bomb
Using Heat Capacities
There are two potential scenarios in which heat capacity is used;
a) If Cp is independent of temperature;
-a good approximation for many liquids
∆H=Cp∆T ∴ Cp= dT
We can therefore determine the enthalpy change for a substance with a known heat capacity under
a given temperature change.
b) If Cp is a function of temperature
-true for gases and solids
Heat capacities can be expressed as Cp = a + bT + T 2
b 2 1 1
∆H = a T2 − T1 + T2 − T12 − c( − )
2 T2 T1
The Significance of Enthalpy
Chemical reactions almost always involve a change in heat.
Exothermic (-∆H) – liberating heat or Endothermic (+∆H) – absorbing heat
Enthalpy is the heat content of a system at a constant pressure where the only work done is
pressure.volume work. Therefore, if H is known for every substance, ∆H can be calculated
(∆H=∆Hproducts-∆Hreactants) for any reaction without ever having to do an experiment. It is not possible
to measure absolute enthalpy, only changes from one state to another, and thus a reference state is
defined from which all other states are measured.
Standard States
The standard state of a substance is defined as being its most usual form at 1 bar pressure and the
specified temperature, usually 25oC (298.15K)
Enthalpy of Formation
∆Hfo [x] is the enthalpy of formation of a substance from its elements in their standard states.
Enthalpy of Vaporisation
∆Hvo [x] is the enthalpy change per mole when a pure liquid vaporises to a gas at 1 bar pressure.
Enthalpy of Combustion
∆Hco [x] is the standard reaction enthalpy for the oxidation of an organic substance to CO2 and H2O.
Hess’s Law and Reaction Enthalpies
-energy, or enthalpy is conserved
-enthalpy is a state function and depends only on the initial and final states
∆H for any chemical reaction is independent of the reaction path, it is the same whether the reaction
is carried out in a single, or several stages.
∆Hf is not known for many compounds however, in some cases it must be calculated using Hess’s
Enthalpy of Solution
∆Hso [x] is the standard enthalpy change when a substance is dissolved in a specific amount of
It is effectively the heat of formation of ions in aqueous solution; many biochemical and
physiochemical reactions involve ions in solution.
The enthalpy of formation of an ionic compound in solution can be regarded as the sum of
enthalpies of formation of the constituent ions. It can be analysed into several steps, known as a
Born-Haber Cycle.
Born-Haber Cycles
The steps can be drawn into a cycle or complete process. Since enthalpy is a state function the
overall enthalpy change around the cycle must equal zero.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
There are many naturally occurring spontaneous processes, i.e. gas expanding into a vacuum, that
usually do not go in the reverse direction. The influence of enthalpy is shown through heat loss in
spontaneous processes, however some spontaneous processes absorb heat, something other than
enthalpy contributes.
This other influence is disorder, if heat were to be the only influence it would be expected for all
molecules to be ordered which is an impossibility.
∆S can never be negative, although ∆Ssys and ∆Ssurr may be positive or negative, the net change must
always be greater than or equal to zero entropy can never decrease.
Entropy Changes upon Heating
To calculate the entropy change in a system raised from T1 to T2;
Gibbs energy is the available energy free within a system (in J mol-1)
It determines;
∆G2 ∆G1 1 1
− = ∆H −
T2 T1 T2 T1
∆G = nRTln
If P1=1 bar and G1=Go (Standard Gibbs Free Energy) then this simplifies as;
G=Go+nRT ln(P)
Using this equation it is possible to calculate G at any pressure and constant temperature.
Chemical Equilibrium
Reactions will move towards dynamic equilibrium.
At equilibrium reactants and products are present but have no tendency to undergo net change.
Thermodynamics can predict the equilibrium composition at different pressures and temperatures,
industrially this is used to maximise product yields.
Gtotal Gtotal
aGo(A)+ bGo(B)
cGo(C)+ dGo(D)
∆Gr=-ve ∆Gr=+ve
∆Greaction = ∆Go + nRT ln
P cC P dD −∆G o
Kp = where Kp= exp
P aA P bB RT
∆H o ∆S o
lnk = − +
2αP 1−α P
PNO 2 = and PN 2 O 4 =
(1 + α) (1 + α)
2αP 2
P NO2 (1 + α) 4α2
Kp = = = P
PN2 O4 (1 − α)P 1 − α2
(1 + α)
Kp + 4P
and so; α depends on P, and given P it is possible to calculate the amount
of reactant and product at equilibrium at the pressure P.