1 - Gacias vs. Bulauitan
1 - Gacias vs. Bulauitan
1 - Gacias vs. Bulauitan
Herein respondent Atty. Alexander Bulauitan used to own a parcel of land located at Tuguegarao City.
Complainant and respondent entered into an agreement for the purchase, on installment basison the said
property. Out of the total consideration of P322,000.00, complainant had paid the total of P300,000.00.
Complainant asked for the copy of the title the lot upon learning about the mortgage the respondent constituted
over his Tuguegarao property. According to complainant, respondents inability to produce the desired title
impelled her not to complete payment anymore and to request the return of the amount she had already paid
the respondent. China Bank, foreclosed the mortgage constituted on the respondents property, then
consolidated the title over it in its name.
In his answer in compliance with an order from the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline, respondent admitted
entering into a land purchase agreement with the complainant. He described as premature the complainants
demand for delivery of title inasmuch as the agreement was not consummated for complainants failure to pay
in full the purchase price.
IBP Commission on Bar Discipline--- recommends that respondent be adjudged guilty of dishonesty and
grave misconduct and meted the penalty of suspension from the practice of law for a period of two (2) years.
ISSUE: WON, respondent lawyer is guilty of dishonesty and misconduct.
The Code of Professional Responsibility enjoins a lawyer from engaging in unlawful, dishonest or deceitful
conduct. The complementing Rule 7.03 of the Code, on the other hand, provides that a lawyer shall not
engage in conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law. Another complementing provision is
found in the Rules of Court providing that a member of the bar may be suspended or even removed from office
as an attorney for any deceit, malpractice, or misconduct in office.[5] And when the Code or the Rules speaks
of conduct or misconduct, the reference is not confined to ones behavior exhibited in connection with the
performance of the lawyers professional duties, but also covers any misconduct which, albeit unrelated to the
actual practice of his profession, would show him to be unfit for the office and unworthy of the privileges which
his license and the law invest him with.
Respondent's fitness to continue in the advocacy of law and manage the legal affairs of others are thus put in
serious doubt too. A lawyer may be suspended or disbarred for any misconduct, even if it pertains to his private
activities, as long as it shows him wanting in honesty, probity or good demeanor.
While the Court agrees with the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline respecting the guilt of respondent and the
propriety of a suspension, it is not, however, inclined to impose the severe recommended penalty of
suspension for two (2) years. hence, it reduced the penalty to 1 year suspension.