Barrientos Vs Daarol
Barrientos Vs Daarol
Barrientos Vs Daarol
Victoria BARRIENTOS is single, a college student and about 20 years and 7 months old during her
relationship with Transfiguracion DAVID, a lawyer and the General Manager of Zamboanga del Norte
Electric Cooperative who was about 40 years old and married to SUMAYLO.
DAVID had been known by the BARRIENTOS family for quite sometime being the former student of
Victoria BARRIENTOS father and a former classmate of Victoria BARRIENTOS mother. DAVID
courted BARRIENTOS and after a week of courtship, BARRIENTOS accepted DAVIDS love. At this
time, DAVID was separated from his wife for 16 years.
BARRIENTOS, with her parents permission, was DAVIDS partner during the Chamber
Commerce affair. After the event and before going home, they parked the jeep at the beach and
after the usual preliminaries (what a term), they consummated the sexual act. This was their set up
until BARRIENTOS got pregnant. DAVID suggested abortion but BARRIENTOS disagreed.
During her pregnancy until she gave birth, it was BARRIENTOS family who took care of her.
BARRIENTOS then filed an administrative case against DAVID with the National Electrification
Administration which was however dismissed. Hence, the present petition.
From the records, it is indubitable that BARRIENTOS was never informed by DAVID of his real
status as a married individual. The fact of his previous marriage was disclosed by DAVID only after
BARRIENTOS became pregnant. Moreover, DAVID misrepresented himself as being eligible to remarry for having been separated from his wife for 16 years and even dangled a marriage proposal.
Interestingly enough, DAVID lived alone in Dipolog City though his son also studies in the same
area. Moreover, he never introduced his son and went around with his friends as though he was
never married. These circumstances belie DAVIDS claim that the BARRIENTOS family knew
about his marital status at the very start of the courtship.
But what surprises the Court is the perverted sense of DAVIDS moral values when he said that I see
nothing wrong with this relationship despite my being married. Worse, he even suggested abortion.
The practice of law is a privilege accorded only to those who measure up to the exacting standards
of mental and moral fitness. DAVID having exhibited debased morality, the Court is constrained to
impose upon him the most severe disciplinary action --- disbarment.