Mae Niagara M. Balanay Spouses Alfredo, Et - Al. vs. Spouses Borras
Mae Niagara M. Balanay Spouses Alfredo, Et - Al. vs. Spouses Borras
Mae Niagara M. Balanay Spouses Alfredo, Et - Al. vs. Spouses Borras
Subject: Sales
Godofredo Alfredo and Carmen Limon Alfredo (Spouses Alfredo) were the
registered owners of a parcel of land situated in Barrio Culis, Mabiga, Hermosa,
Bataan. The said land was covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 284 (OCT
No. 284) under Homestead Patent No. V-69196. The said land was allegedly
mortgage by the Spouses Alfredo for P7,000.00 with the Development Bank of
the Philippines (DBP). To pay the debt, said Spouses sold the subject land to
Spouses Armando Borras and Adelia Lobaton Borras (Spouses Borras) for
P15,000.00, the buyers to pay the DBP loan and its accumulated interest, and
the balance to be paid in cash to the sellers. Spouses Borras gave the Spouses
Alfredo the money to pay the loan to DBP which signed the release of mortgage
and returned the owners duplicate copy of OCT No. 284 to Spouses Alfredo.
Subsequently, the Spouses Borras paid the balance of the purchase price of the
Subject Land for which Carmen issued a receipt dated 11 March 1970. Spouses
Alfredo then delivered to Adelia Borras the owners duplicate copy of OCT No.
284, with the document of cancellation of mortgage, official receipts of realty tax
payments, and tax declaration in the name of Godofredo. The Spouses Alfredo
then introduced the Spouses Borras, as the new owners of the subject land, to
the Natanawans, the old tenants therein. The Spouses Borras then took
possession of the subject land.
24 years later, the Spouses Borras learned that hired persons had entered
the land and were cutting trees under instructions of allegedly new owners of
the subject land. Subsequently, they discovered that the Spouses Alfredo had resold portions of the land to several persons. The Spouses Borras then filed an
adverse claim with the Register of Deeds of Bataan. Spouses Borras wrote
Spouses Alfredo complaining about their acts, but the latter did not reply
promoting them to file a complaint for specific performance against Spouses
Alfredo including the subsequent buyers. In their answer, Godofredo and Carmen
and the Subsequent Buyers argued that the action is unenforceable under the
Statute of Frauds, that there is no written instrument evidencing the alleged
contract of sale over the Subject Land in favor of the Spouses Borras.
Whether the alleged sale of the subject land in favour of Spouses Borras
was valid and enforceable.
The alleged sale of the subject land in favour of Spouses Borras was valid
and enforceable. The contract of sale between the spouses Godofredo and
Carmen and the spouses Armando and Adelia was a perfected contract. A
contract is perfected once there is consent of the contracting parties on the
object certain and on the cause of the obligation. In this case, the object of the
sale is the Subject Land, and the price certain is P15,000.00. Thus, there was a
meeting of the minds on the sale of the Subject Land and on the purchase price
of P15,000.00
The contract of sale of the Subject Land has also been consummated
because the sellers and buyers have performed their respective obligations
under the contract. In a contract of sale, the seller obligates himself to transfer
the ownership of the determinate thing sold, and to deliver the same, to the
buyer who obligates himself to pay a price certain to the seller. In the instant
case, Godofredo and Carmen delivered the Subject Land to Armando and Adelia,
placing the latter in actual physical possession of the Subject Land. This physical
Spouses Flancia alleged allegedly purchased from Oakland Development
Resources Corporation, a parcel of land situated in Prater Village Subd. II located
at Brgy. Old Balara, Quezon City. The claimed that by virtue of the contract of
sale, the corporation authorized them to transport all their personal belongings
to their house at the aforesaid lot. Later, however, they received a copy of the
execution foreclosing the mortgage in favour of Willima Ong Genato and to sell
at public auction several lots formerly owned by the corporation which includes
their lot. Spouses Flancia alleged that the mortgage of subject lot is null and
void as it is not authorized by them pursuant to Art. 2085 of the Civil Code which
requires that the mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the mortgaged
property, and as a consequence of the nullity of said mortgage, the execution
foreclosing the mortgage is likewise null and void. Thereafter, that Spouses
Flancia advised the corporation to exclude their lot from the auction sale but the
latter refused. Hence, this complaint. Genato, then filed his answer averring
Oakland Development Resources Corporation mortgaged to him two (2) parcels
of land covered by two TCT as security and guaranty for the payment of a loan.
Moreover, the subject parcel of land is an unsubdivided portion of one of the TCT.
Further, said real estate mortgage has been duly annotated. By reasons of nonpayment of the loan, Genato filed an action for foreclosure of real estate
mortgage against the corporation which was granted by the Court. Genato also
argued that the alleged plaintiffs Contract to Sell does not appear to have been
registered with the Register of Deeds of Quezon City to affect defendant Genato
and the latter is thus not bound by the plaintiffs Contract to Sell and that
plaintiffs alleged Contract to Sell is neither a mutual promise to buy and sell nor
a Contract of Sale. Ownership is retained by the seller, regardless of delivery and
is not to pass until full payment of the price.
Manila Metal Container Corporation (MMCC) was
land located in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. To secure
from respondent Philippine National Bank (PNB), MMCC
mortgage over the lot. PNB later granted MMCC a new