37.cad &necessary Hardware Embeddedsystem Design Implementation
37.cad &necessary Hardware Embeddedsystem Design Implementation
37.cad &necessary Hardware Embeddedsystem Design Implementation
The first applications were for 2D-Drafting and the systems were also capable of performing
only 2D modelling. Even today 2D-drafting is still the main area of application (in terms of number of
workplaces). Later, (mid-1980), following the progress in 3D modelling technology and the growth in
the IT H/W, 3D modelling systems are becoming very popular. 3D modelling are at the beginning
wire frame based. Aerospace and automotive industries were using surface modelling systems for
exact representation of the body of the product. At the same time solid modelling was recognised as
the only system, which could provide an unambiguous representation of the product, but it was
lacking adequate support for complex part representations. Today we are experiencing a merge of
solid and surface modelling technology. Most solid modelling systems are capable of modelling most
of industrial products. Systems sold today (especially for mechanical applications, which are the
majority of systems sold world-wide) are characterised as NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Sline)
based systems, employing solid modelling technology, and they are parametric and feature based
The use of CAD systems has also been expanded to all industrial sectors, such AEC,
Electronics, Textiles, Packaging, Clothing, Leather and Shoe, etc. Today, numerous CAD systems are
offered by several vendors, in various countries.
CAD systems enable the application of concurrent engineering and can have significant
influence on final product cost, functionality, and quality.
Fig.37. (A) The traditional generalised design process, and (B) IT applications in the
Design process
The evaluation of alternative solutions and the selection of the most suitable system should not be
based only on desk evaluation. Benchmarking of three to four candidate systems must be made, based
on one or two parts, representative of the product spectrum a company is producing. Desk evaluation
of the various systems is not easy to be performed, unless the company is already a CAD user, has a
very good knowledge of CAD systems and follows developments within the CAD systems.
Sometimes the type of work a company is performing directs the selection of a CAD system. Large
manufacturers with many subcontractors are forcing them to acquire the same CAD system as the one
they are using. They aim at avoiding data translation problems from one CAD system to another. The
implementation is the most difficult phase. It requires a strong support from the management, time to
pay back and it should not be a temporary task for some designers. The problems that must be
addressed include, training, organisation of the CAD team, operation of the system and procedures
that must exist. Each of them will be presented next.
37.4.2 Training:
Training is the most important step for the successful implementation of a CAD system. For new
installations, personnel selection and training success is critical because setbacks may be very hard to
overcome. Emphasis should be placed on building a solid level of user expertise and confidence rather
than production goals that will be difficult to achieve.
After initial system set-up and training, productivity should pick up and will probably approximate
the production levels existing before CAD was introduced. However, many times setbacks caused by
loss of data, operator errors or lack of proficiency will clobber productivity and frustrate management
and the users. Causes of these setbacks must be determined and corrected. Each problem encountered
should be used to represent a selfteaching opportunity.
Operators have the tendency to use familiar commands instead of trying to learn new and faster ways
to do their work. The task will usually fall on the manager to identify operations that can be
accomplished more productively and to research and develop new methods to be used.
Training should include:
Initial training for new operators as well as on-going training for experienced users
Cross-training within the group. It is particularly important that all CAD personnel
help new members of the group learn efficient techniques and procedures
nRegular meetings for the purpose of demonstrating new commands, programs,
menus, or other time-saving techniques
Documentation of specific programs and procedures to enable the personnel to find
and use them easily
Personnel must develop their own problem-solving abilities. Therefore they must be
assigned challenging responsibilities.
As training is not just a one-time activity, we provide the following checklist of training
Every new user must be given a regular course of instruction in how to use CAD
software. A user moving from 2D to 3D must also receive a course. Courses can be
bought from the vendors or, in case of large companies, they can take place in-house.
Training must be provided with new releases. Usually this is a short training (one
day the most)
The team must hold productivity meetings at least every two weeks, where new
procedures, bugs, etc. can be discussed
n Develop WEB site for each CAD SW brand. On it post
Company procedures
Answers to frequently asked questions
Ways to overcome known software bugs
Bug reporting form
Attend user group meeting and have a report from them
One person must be assigned to develop and document design-automation tools
specific to company procedures
Budget for training and productivity-building activities.
37.4.3 Organisation:
It is important to make CAD work on the first attempt. This can be done by selecting people who have
the best chance of making the system work, and by clearly defining their authority and
responsibilities. If the department is properly organised, the manager will be allowed to dedicate more
time on production and technical problems. On the other hand, if the department is disorganised, or if
too many people or disinterested operators are on the system or operators don't know what is expected
of them, no work will get done and the CAD program will be a disaster. Co-operation between
departments is crucial to the future development of CAD/CAM within the company. By anticipating
future applications of the CAD/CAM equipment, the group will be better prepared to handle this
growth in an organised manner. Future expansion plans should be considered before making
substantial investments in facility layout or design. In large installations, forming a graphics
committee will help to determine the direction of CAD/CAM within the company, and identify areas
where new equipment can be applied. Problems with incompatible computer systems can be avoided
with proper planning and communication between the departments that will use the CAD/CAM
Organisational matters are crucial to the effective management and development of the system. CAD
managers can benefit from properly organising their departments so that they can dedicate more time
to technical and operational matters.
37.4.4 Operations:
At the beginning, the CAD system should be used for simple projects in order to check out the system
and to gain confidence. If the system is for drawings generation, then drawings that may have a lot of
revisions are ideal because revising data in a CAD system is faster and neater than changing paper
drawings. Even if it first takes longer to create the job or the drawings on the CAD system than with
manual methods, the time saved on the repetition or revision cycle should provide a net savings over
traditional method or manual drafting. Furthermore, inserting pre-checked parts, details, notes or
other data into a product or a drawing can also save some checking time.
The success of CAD is not automatic. A lot of study, training, and perseverance are required to make
the system work successfully. Attempts to automate will certainly fail if operators are not capable in
programming the system, or if planning is insufficient. A company must learn how to use library parts,
menus, and basic system commands fluently before attempting to program the system. In case a user
is selecting projects to automate, he/she must be sure that there is enough work to offset both training
costs and software development costs, especially if extensive programming is required.It is
recommended to first automate tasks which will save the largest amounts of money and which have
the best probability of successful completion on the system. Remember that no work will be done if
assignments are beyond the abilities of the operators. Schedules must include time for system
development or capabilities will level off quickly. Development should be applied to areas that will
most benefit the bulk of group responsibilities. All members of the CAD team should participate in
analysing work in order to find "the better way to do it" on the CAD system.The CAD manager must
be versatile enough to make CAD work in the department and to direct its evolution within the
37.5 Procedures:
Written procedures are important because they provide clear, indisputable instructions to CAD
personnel and CAD users know what is expected of them in specific terms. If users become confused
concerning task requirements, they can communicate their complaints more clearly by referring to
parts of the procedure that need embellishment or revision. Procedures should be updated as needed to
simplify and streamline operations, and provide the best integration with other departments using the
CAD database. Procedures are also valuable because once they are finalised they can be reused. They
help train new users and refresh casual users, and information is not lost when key people leave the
company. Good procedures will provide a sound basis for productive CAD development in the