Apa Itu Key Dan Kegunaannya
Apa Itu Key Dan Kegunaannya
Apa Itu Key Dan Kegunaannya
Pasak merupakan sepotong baja lunak (mild steel), berfungsi sebagai pengunci
yang disisipkan diantara poros dan hub (bos) sebuah roda pulli atau roda gigi agar keduanya
tersambung dengan pasti sehingga mampu meneruskan momen putar/torsi.
Pemasangan pasak antara poros dan hub dilakukan dengan membenamkan pasak
pada alur yang terdapat antara poros dan hub sebagai tempat dudukan pasak dengan posisi
memanjang sejajar sumbu poros.
Penggunaan Pasak yaitu sebagai pengaman posisi, pengaturan
kekuatan putar atau kekuatan luncur dari naf terhadap poros, perletakan
kuat dari gandar, untuk sambungan flexible atau bantalan, penghenti
pegas, pembatas gaya, pengaman sekrup dan lain-lain.
Sunk key(buat apa, tipe apa aja, perbedaannya dimana, strengh)
Rectangular sunk key and Square sunk key
Sunk keys are sunk in the shaft and the hub. These keys are suitable for heavy duty
since they rely on positive drive. . The only difference between a rectangular sunk
key and a square sunk key is that its width and thickness are equal,
It is a key attached to one member of a pair .It is a particular kind of parallel key
that permits axial moment. A feather key is secured either to the shaft or to the
hub, the key being a sliding fit in the keyway of the machine element on which it
a rectangular key connecting the keyways of a shaft and a hub of a gear, pulley,
etc., fastened in one keyway and free to slide in the other so that the hub can
drive or be driven by the shaft at various positions along it
Woodruff key
Saddle key
Saddle key is suitable for light duty, since they rely on a friction drive alone and are
liable to slip on the shaft under load
Merupakan pasak tirus yang dipasang pas pada alur hub dan datar pada lengkung
poros, jadi mudah slip pada poros jika mengalami kelebihan beban torsi. Sehingga
hanya mampu digunakan untuk poros-poros beban ringan sebagai penyortir beban.
Hollow Saddle Key. This is also a tapered key fitting into the key way of the hub and the bottom
of the key is curved so as to fit the curved surface of the shaft. It is suitable for light duty work.
Image below shows the proportions of a hollow saddle key.
Tangent key
These types of keys are used for heavy duty. The key is placed tangential to the shaft.
These keys can withstand torsion on one side. If it is required to be used in a reversible unit then
two keys at 90 or 120 are used. The key can have two wedge shaped pieces or a single rectangular
or square piece as shown in image below
Round key
A round or taper pin is commonly used for fastening a collar and pulley to shaft as shown in
image below. The hole for the pin is drilled and reamed with the parts assembled. In some
instances the pin is expected to shear before other parts of the assembly are damaged. So it also
acts as a safety device
To prevent the key working loose, to reduce the working stresses and to give a greater
bearing surface, it is now a standard practice to design shafts with keys machined integrally with
the main body. The splines or serrations are milled or hobbed to size and shape and then heat
treated. The slots or serrations are finished by broaching. The serrated or splined shafts are
generally used in automobiles. In case of splined shaft, the number of splines can be four, six or
even more. Image below shows an assembly of a serrated shaft used in a scooter kick with the
view of a splined shaft and hub.
Effect of keyways
The key cut into the shaft reduces the load carrying capacity of the shaft
This is due to the stress concentration near the corners of the keyway and reduction
in the cross-sectional area of the shaft
Shaft coupling
Rigid coupling
Flexible coupling
Clamp or compression coupling
Flange coupling
Unproctected flange coupling
Bushed pin flexible coupling
Oldham coupling
Universal coupling