Part 1: Open Response
Part 1: Open Response
Part 1: Open Response
…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the process in your notes.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
HW#104 Name: _____________________ Date: _____________________
Dividing by a KIPP/2014/_________________ Math/Homework
monomial Mission: KWBAT divide a polynomial by a monomial.
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1) ቀ ݕ− ቁ ቀ1 − ቁ 2) ቀ1 − ቁ ÷ ቀ1 − ቁ
௬ାଵ ௬ାଶ ଶ ଶ
Complete homework will contain…
…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the process in your notes.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
Part 5: MCAS review (EVERYONE)
1) In the equation = − , which of the following best describes n?
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a. A negative integer
b. A positive integer
c. A whole number
d. An irrational number
2) Which mathematical property is shown by -54 + 54 = 0?
a. Commutative property
b. Inverse property
c. Identity property
d. Distributive property
3) Which of the following is another way to express n5 X n4?
a. n9
b. n1
c. n20
d. n0
4) What is the value of the expression below?
8 – 2 + 32 ÷ (-3)
a. -10
b. -2
c. 2
d. 10
5) Jeinsly’s favorite number is between 100 and 200. It is a product of two
prime numbers. One of its factors is 19.
Jessica’s favorite number is an odd number less than 100. The sum of its
digits is 9. It has 5 factors.
a. What’s Jeinsly’s favorite number? Show E step.
b. What’s Jessica’s favorite number? Show E step.
Complete homework will contain…
…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the process in your notes.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
6) Kevin found the following coins in his backpack
a. Kevin wanted to buy a pencil sharpener from the school store that
costs $0.50. What combination of coins could he use? List all
possible combinations.
b. Can Kevin make 78 cents using exactly 6 coins from his backpack?
Show E step.
c. Kevin wants to spend exactly 42 cents. What is the least number of
coins he can use? Show E step.