Part 1: Open Response: Answer The Question in A Complete Sentence
Part 1: Open Response: Answer The Question in A Complete Sentence
Part 1: Open Response: Answer The Question in A Complete Sentence
…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the process in your notes.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
HW#102 Name: _____________________ Date: _____________________
Clearing rational KIPP/2014/_________________ Math/Homework
expressions Mission: KWBAT clear an equation of rational expressions in
order to solve it.
ଷ ସ ௫ ଷ ଶ ௫ ଶ ହ ଵ
1) + = 2) + = 3) − =
଼ ହ ଶ ହ ଷ ଽ ଷ ௫
ଵ ଵ ଵ ସ ଷ
4) + = 5) ݔ+ = −5 6) ݔ+ = −4
଼ ௧ ௫ ௫
௫ ସ ହ ଵ ௫ିଵ ସ
7) − =0 8) = − 9) =
ସ ௫ ௫ ௫ ଷ ௫ିହ ௫ିହ
ଷ ସ ଶିଷ ଶାଵ
1) = 2) =
௫ାସ ௫ ଷାଶ ଷିଶ
ସ ଶ௫ ଵ ସ ଶ௬ିଷ ହ
3) + = 4) − =
௫ିଷ ௫ మ ିଽ ௫ାଷ ௬ିଶ ௬ మ ିସ ௬ାଶ