39 Young Vs CA
39 Young Vs CA
39 Young Vs CA
RTC Makatis Order of September 2, 1983 had long become final and it correctly dismissed the complaint.
IFC accepted the notice of pre-trial for 24 June 1983 and agreed to its re-setting, it is now estopped from claiming that the Makati
court should not have set the case for pre-trial since one had already been had on 29 March 1982. RTC Makati did not provide in
its order of 2 September 1983 that the dismissal of the complaint was without prejudice. Hence, it had the effect of an
adjudication on the merits. It was received by IFC on 20 September 1983. IFC knew that it was an order issued in connection
with the 2 September 1983 pre-trial conference or hearing on the merits if it forgot the agreement it entered into with the adverse
party on 24 June 1983. Its counsel knew, or was supposed to know, that it had only fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy
thereof within which to either move for its reconsideration or appeal therefrom. Yet, it did nothing until 27 September 1984, when
it filed a manifestation and motion to set aside the order and decide the case on the basis of the evidence it had presented on 30
March 1982.
SC ruled that IFC slept on its rights. It did nothingabsolutely nothingfor more than a year after receipt of the dismissal
order of 2 September 1983. It slept too long on whatever right it had. Laws come to the assistance of the vigilant, not to those
who sleep on their rights.
The parties in this case had voluntarily agreed that the case be set anew for pre-trial. And the Makati court, by its order,
yielded, in effect, to the agreement of the parties. No one can question the soundness and wisdom of the doctrine that the pretrial stage is completed after a party had been ordered non-suited or declared as in default, as the case may be, and that an
order lifting it does not revert the action to its pre-trial stage, or authorize, much less, a second pre-trial. However, neither the
Rules nor the doctrine bars the parties from agreeing, after such lifting, to hold a pre-trial and to effectively accomplish its
objectives which could not have been done at the first pre-trial because of the absence of the plaintiff, resulting in his non-suit, or
the absence of the defendant, resulting in his being declared as in default.
SC ruled also that if IFCs counsel neglected his duties, appropriate action under the Code of Professional Responsibility
may be taken against him.
--------------*Applicable provisions of Rules of Court
Rule 18
Section 4. Appearance of parties. It shall be the duty of the parties and their counsel to appear at the pre-trial. The nonappearance of a party may be excused only if a valid cause is shown therefor or if a representative shall appear in his behalf fully
authorized in writing to enter into an amicable settlement, to submit to alternative modes of dispute resolution, and to enter into
stipulations or admissions of facts and of documents. (n)
Section 5. Effect of failure to appear. The failure of the plaintiff to appear when so required pursuant to the next preceding
section shall be cause for dismissal of the action. The dismissal shall be with prejudice, unless other-wise ordered by the court. A
similar failure on the part of the defendant shall be cause to allow the plaintiff to present his evidence ex parte and the court to
render judgment on the basis thereof. (2a, R20)
-----------Other doctrines:
> there is nothing in the Rules that empowers or authorizes the court to call a second pre-trial hearing after it has called a first
pre-trial duly attended by the parties, and lacking such authority, the court perforce lacks authority to declare a failure to
prosecute on the part of the plaintiff for failing to attend such second pre-trial; it also lacks the authority to declare the defendant
as in default by reason of the latters failure to be present at the said second pre-trial.
>Both client and counsel must appear at the pre-trial. This is mandatory. Failure of the client to appear is a ground for dismissal.
>Lifting of the order of default did not revert the action to the pre-trial stage or authorize much less render mandatory a second