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Series F

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CAR Section 2, Series F , Part V deals with:

1.Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness.
2. Suspension of C. of A. & its Subsequent revalidation.
3. Special Flight Permits. 4. Continue Airworthiness Maint. Programme
2. Which Part of Series F deals with Suspension of C. of A. & its subsequent
1. IV 2. V
3. VI 4.VII
3. The Automatic suspension of C. of A., is provided by Rule:
1. 55 (2) 2 55 (3)
3. 55 (1) 4. 56 (1).
4. Which of the following Rule empower the DOCA to suspend/Cancel C. of A.:
I. 51 (l) 2. 53(2)
3. 54 (2) 4. 55(2)
5. DGCA can cancel the C. of A. or suspend whenever reasonable doubt exist to:
1. A particular aircraft. 2. All types of Aircraft.
3. I & 2 both are correct. 4. None of the above

The C. of A. cancelled of aircraft by DGCA. if:

Aircraft cease or fail to conform conditions stipulated in Type Certificate.
It is modified/repaired otherwise then in approved procedure.
Suffer major/substantial damage (require extensive repair of major component)
All the above.

7. It is the responsibility of operator to inform what authority when aircraft suffer

damage or defect:
1. DGCA. 2. RAO/Sub-RAO
3. Q.C.M. 4. All above are correct..
8. The information to RAO by operator about major damage will contains
1. Extent of damage. 2. Nature of defect.
3. Circumstances which caused the damage. 4. All the above.
9. The suspended C. of A.:
1. Will be revalidated up to the date of the previous currency of C of A had remain
if it had not been suspended. 2. Will be revalidated for another year.
3. Can not revalidated 4. None of the above,
10. As condition for revalidation of C. of A., the Airworthiness Officer requires
aircraft/aircraft component modified, repaired, replaced under supervision of:
I. R.A.O. 2. A.M.E./Authorized Person
3. Quality Control Manager 4. Inspector Incharge.

11. The owner/operator submit aircraft for Inspection, during Repair, Modification &
Overhaul to:
1. DGCA 2. Approved Organisation
3. Airworthiness Officer, 4. Q.C.M.
12. Suspended C of A can revalidated for One year after completion of Modification,
1. When Modification, repair carried out by an AMO under supervision of DGCA
2. Only if additional work is carried pout with renewal of C. of A. referred ion CAR
series F Part IV.
3. 1 & 2 both are correct. 4. None of the above.
13. CAR Sec .II Series F Part. VI deals with:
I. Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance programme.
2. Airworthiness of Ageing Aircraft. 3. Inspection of Wooden aircraft.
4. Rebuilding of Aircraft.
14. The requirement regarding use of materials to be used during manufacturing of
are prescribed in Rule:
1. 50 and 50 A. 2. 51 &51 A.
3. 52and52A. 4. 53&53A.
15. Which Rule empower DGCA to issue/renew or revalidate C of A:
1. 50. 2. 51, 3. 52. 4. 54.
16. CAR Series F Part VI laid down requirements for rebuilding of Aircraft:
1. Which was damaged 2. Purchased as wreckage from Insurance companies.
3. Purchased Parts/Spares from abroad. 4. All the above.
17. What type of aircraft will permit to rebuilt:
I. Which were earlier type certified & flown with C of A.
2. Have sufficient data regarding maintenance, performance standard.
3. 1 & 2 both are correct. 4. Have special permission from DGCA.
18. CAR Series F covers the aircraft for rebuilding:
1. Unpressurised with AUW 3000 kgs. & below.
2. Unpressurised with AUW more than 3000 kgs.
3. 1 & 2 both 4. Unpressurised aircraft having AUW less than 5700 kgs.
19. The owner/person apply to DGCA through RAO for registration of Rebuild the
will submit:
1. Survey report indicating detail of parts 2. Fees.
3. Details of source of procurement of parts. 4. All the above.
20. Upon receipt pf application & all documents for registration of Rebuilt the
The RAO will issue a:
1. Certificate of Registration for One year. 2. Temporary C of R. for one year.

3. Special Registration for One year. 4. None of the above.

21. The temporary C. of R. can be extended, in some exceptional cases, for a period
1. 18 months. 2. Two years,
3. Three years 4. an not extended.
22. Permanent registration of rebuilt aircraft will allowed only when constructor
forwards a
certificate duly certified by:
I. AME having licence endorsed in Cat. C.
2. AME having licence endorsed in Cat. D.
3. AME having licence endorsed in Cat. B.
4. AME having licence endorsed in Cat. X.
23. Each rebuilt aircraft will have to be assigned a serial number by Constructor
which is
normally assigned on:
I. Wings. 2. Fuselage.
3. Identification Plate. 4. None of the above.
24. The constructor, before assembling, the aircraft must ensure that:
I. Parts purchased are genuine 2. Proper history of the parts.
3. The fuselage has dc-registered from the country in which it was previously
4. All the above.
25. The aircraft parts used for rebuilding should be strip inspected/overhauled which
are stored:
1. More than 5 years. 2. More than 6 years
3. More than 7 years. 4. More than 8 years.
26. The Fuselage imported from outside the country used for rebuilding of aircraft
should have:
1. Proper history. 2. Export C of A.
3. 1 & 2 both 4. Certificate given by RAO.
27. The Test Flight of Rebuild aircraft carried out b y:
1. Pilot having PPL. 2. Pilot having CPL
3. Pilot in Command 4. Chief Instructor of Flight.
28. In case original aircraft was issued with an approved Flight Manual, the
constructor will produce a copy of the same & procedure evidence of that, it is
updated to:
1. DGCA 2. Q.C.M.
3. R A O. 4. Pilot in Command.
29. The DGCA will refuse to issue of C. of A. & C opfR, if owner/constructor not able

1. Sufficient evidence regarding genuineness of Parts.
2. Use of correct assembling Techniques.
3. 1 & 2 both 4. Approved Flight Manual.
30. CAR Series F Part VII deals with:
1. Special Flight Permits. 2. Inspection of wooden Aircraft.
3. Approval of flight Manual & their Amendments
4. Continue Airworthiness Maintenance Programme.
31. No person can not operate the aircraft possessing suspended C. of A., stated by
1. 59 Sub Rule 3. 2. 57 Sub Rule 3
3. 56 Sub Rule III 4. 55 Sub Rule III.
32. Issue of a Special Flight permit to an Aircraft with a suspended C. of A. in light
1. Sub Rule IV of 55. 2. Sub Rule 3 of 55
3. Sub Rule II of 55. 4. Sub Rule 1 of 55.
33. Special Flight Permit are given when:
1. It is essential for aircraft top dispatch to base for Mod./Inspection/AD are to be
2. When aircraft have to flown for experimental/Test Flight.
3. If aircraft is otherwise safe to conduct intended operation.
4. All the above.
34. Special permits are not required in case of Test Flight for Renewal of C. of A. & if
C. of A. is expired, AME after appropriate maintenance task & test Release a:
1. Certificate of Maintenance for Test Flight.
2. Temporary C. of A. for Test Flight.
3. Certificate of Fitness for Test Flight.
4. None of the above.
35. For what purpose the special Flight permits are given:
1. Test Flying a production aircraft. 2. Flight for special purpose
3. Evacuation of aircraft opr passengers from area impending danger. 4. All the
36. For special Flight permit the owner/operator shall have to sub mit:
1. An applicatyion as per Annexure A. 2. An application as per Annexure B.
3. An application as per Annexure C. 4. An application as per Annexure D.
37. The Application of Special Flight permit shall concurred & signed by:
1. Engineering & Operational deptt. of operator.
2. Engineering & operational Deptt. of A.M.O.
3. Engineering & Operational deptt. of ICAO.
4. Engineering & Operational deptt. of Airworthiness Office.
38. The Report sent along with an application for Special Flight Perm it to RAO will

I. Detailed condition of aircraft. 2. Steps taken for its safety.

3. 1 & 2 both 4. Age of aircraft.
39. In case aircraft sustains damage/defect outside of country the application for
ferry flight shall be submit to:
I. Office of main station. 2. Office where aircraft is based.
3. l&2both 4. DGCA.
40. As for as possible the initial; climb should not be over:
1. Sea 2. Thickly populated area.
3. Outside country 4. Poles.
41. A copy of special flight permit must be carried:
1. On board the aircraft. 2. In maintenance system.
3. In Flight manual. 4. In organisation.
42. Who is responsible to ensure the safe flight for intended operation:
I. A.M.E. 2. RAO
3. Owner/Operator 4. A.M.O.
43. Special flight permit is valid till:
I. For One year 2. Six months
3. Arrival of aircraft at destination or specific date 4. One day.
44. After reaching aircraft at base the operator shall submit a copy of report, to
authority who had
issued Special Flight Permit, will contains information:
I. Any abnormality encountered during flight.
2. Action taken at base to render aircraft airworthy.
3. Result of Test Flight & any other information deemed necessary.
4. All the above.
45. The application of Special Flight Permit will be signed by:
I. Chief Engineer 2. Chief of Operations
3. Q.C.M. 4. All the above.
46. CAR Series F Part VIII deals with:
1. General Requirements regarding Maintenance & Certificate of Aircraft.
2. Rebuilding of Aircraft. 3. Special Flight Permits.
4. Suspension/Revalidation of C. of A.
47. Indian Registered aircraft5 before undertake any flight have to possess a current
& valid
Certificate of Airworthiness in the light of:
I. Rule 13 2. Rule 14.
3. Rule 15. 4. Rule 16.
48. D.G.C.A in respect of any ale, a/c component item of equipment specify
and conditions for its maintenance, in accordance with
Sub rule(1) of rule 60 2 Sub rule (2) of rule 60

3 Sub rule(3) of rule 60 4 Sub rule(a) of rule 60

49. According to series F part VII it is therefore obligatory that
1. A/c maintenance as per approved maintenance schedule
2. No. unapproved mod. Or repair carried out
3. Maintenance and major maintenance shall carried out and certified by
appropriately Licensed A.M.E
4. All of above
50. Approved Pilot means pilot to carry out transmit/layover inspection without
authority of invoking MEL item/snag rectification shall be approved by
1 D.G.C.A 2 RAO
3 QCM 4 Airworthiness officers of D.G.C.A.
51. An approved pilot should posses
1 Valid Licence with specific entrustment of type of a/c
2 Have trained for 10 days by A.M.E
3 Have checked by board formed by organization
4 All of above
52. Certificate of flight release is valid for
1 day 2 1 Week
3 1 Month 1 4 Period specified in it
53. The scheduled airline as required to have their own maintenance facility as
required by
1. CAR sec 4 series C part II 2. CAR sec3 series C part II
3. CAR sec2 series C part II 4. Car sec I series C part II
54. The contents of routine maintenance and inspection schedule including special
inspection schedule, overhaul schedule of component and a/c operated by operator
have minimum experience as scheduled operator
1. 2year 2 3year
3. 5year 4 l0year
55. The MPD (maintenance planning document) should submit for its approval to
1. RAO/sub RAO 2. QCM
3 D.G.C.A 4 AMO
56. Special inspection schedules of a/c such as heavy landing ,post lightning strike
post propeller strike prepared by operator and approved by
I. D.G.C.A. 2 .A.M.E
3. Manufacturer 4 QCM
57. From approved schedule
1. No item can be deleted with prior approval of D.G.C.A
2. But addition to schedule may effected
3. Both a & b
4. The schedule once approved there will no change in that

58. The maintenance work carried out on a/c shall be certified

I. In relevant log book 2. In a/c register
3. In A/C manual 4. In maintenance system manual
59. The maintenance work recorded and signed and dated in relevant log book with
1. 24 Hours 2. 48 Hours
3. 72 Hours 4. 96 Hours
60. If the log book not available one copy of log book entry should be kept in
1. Aircraft log book 2. MEL
3. Journey log book 4. Radio log book
61. Certificate of flight release is given by
1. A.M.E. 2. RAO
3. D.G.C.A. 4. AMO
62. The issuance of FRC will implies that al maintenance work is concerned out in
manner and alc is safe for flight provided
1. All approved lower inspection schedule carried out
2. A/C is satisfactory loaded
3. Both a & b
4. A/C have sufficient crew
63. The FRC in respect of a/c categorized as passenger! mail cargo operating
schedule Air
transport service
1. The validity of FRC shall approved by D.G.C.A.
2. Certification of inspection shall be carried out by AME/ attendant person
3. Both a & b
4. Specially inspected by AMO
64. For a/c seating configuration up to 19 when away from base with maximum
payload capacity
2 tones inspected without snag rectification by
I. Basic licensed holder approved 2. An approved Pilot
3. AMO 4. Both a & b
65. The transmit inspection of a1c having passenger seating capacity more than 19
and with
payload capacity more than two tons away from base by
1. An AME! approved person 2. Basic licence holder
3. Approved pilot 4. All of above
66. The transmit inspection without snag rectification of turbo prop a/c having
passenger seating
capacity up to 75 with maximum payload 5 tons by when a/c away from base
I. Approved licensed person 2. Approved Pilot
3. l3otha&b 4. AMO

67. A/C having MTOW more than 5700 Kg a/c categories in mail/cargo non
scheduled Category with more than 19 seats or payload capacity more than 2 tons
1. Validity of FRC by D.G.C.A.
2. Certificate of inspection higher than transmit inspection will be by AME specially
approve person
3. Transmit inspection without snag rectification will by approved basic licence
holder when a/c away from base
4. All of above
68. A/C have MTOW up to 5700 Kg or have passenger configuration up to 19
maximum payload weight 2 tons validity of CFR
1. 30 Days 2. 50 Hrs./30 days which ever earlier
3. 100 Hrs./3 Months which ever is earlier 4. 2 Months.
69. For aircraft operated by flying club and gliding club the FRC valid by:
1. 24Hrs. 2. 48Hrs.
3. 36 Hrs. 4. One week.
70. Aircraft belonging to aerial work Category FRC issued by AME after every:
1. 5 Hrs. /5 Days 2. 10 Hrs./7 Days
3. 20 Hrs / 7 Days 4. 25 Hrs./30 Days
71. Aircraft from regular aerodromes shall FRC to aerial work category issue every
Hrs./30 Days if that subject to carry out inspection of:
1. 25 Hrs./l5Days 2. 50 Hrs.130 Days
3. 100 Hrs./3 Months 4. 200 Hrs.16 Months.
72. Aircraft seating capacity more than 19 in private category:
1. Validity of FRC by DGCA 2. Transmit inspection by approved basic Licence if
aircraft is away from base.
3. Lay over inspection by AME 4. All of the above.
73. In case of diversionary landing where AME/approved person not available. The
inspection with snag rectification will be carried out by:
1. Pilot in command 2. Flight engineer
3. Both 1 and 2 4. Crew members.
74. The certification of air born racks equipment carried out every 90 days elapsed
time for
1. All aircraft in private 2. All aerial work in aircraft
3. Aircraft operated by flying club V 4. All of the above.
75. For aircraft equipped with communication equipment only certification will
carried out
after every:
1. Every 30 Days 2. 100 Days
3. 180 Days 4. 6 Months.
76. The certification to radio equipment will be cancel if:


Aircraft flown through electric storm since last inspection

Operation of equipment is not properly work before flight
Report observed defect of such natured rectified by AME
All the above.

77. The FRC for radio should be used with every FRC for airframe and engine:
I. Second 2. Third
3. Fourth 4. Fifth
78. A basic Licence holder Should possess for approval:
1. Three months on specific type aircraft
2. Ten day course on engine and airframe
3. Seven day relevant inspection under AME and certificate of it by QCM and passed
oral cum practical by RAO.
4. All the above.
79. The approval shall be valid for:
1. One year 2. Two year
3. Three year 4. Four years
80. The approved person for renewal of apprand should have:
1. Exercise privileges for three months during one year
2. Exercise privileges for nine months during one year
3. Exercise privileges for six months during one year
4. Exercise privileges for one months during one year.
81. Record of FRC minimum preserved for period of:
1. Three months 2. Six months
3. Nine months 4. 12 Months.
82. The form for certificate of maintenance will have:
1. Signature of AME/approved person with Licence No. and approved No.
2. Firms name
3. Date and place of issue
4. All the above.
83. The continuous aircraft maintenance program is documented in:
1. Flight manual 2. Operation manual
3. Maintenance system manual 4. all the above.
84. The maintenance program is sent for approval to the:
1. DGCA 2. Manufacturer
3. RAO/Sub.RAO 4. QCM.
85. Any alteration in the approved scheduled in concerned with:
1. DGCA 2. Manufacturer
3. RAO 4 .QCM.
86. The SSIP and CPCP are given or made by the:
1. QCM 2. Operator
3. Manufacturer 4. RAO

87. All completed maintenance schedule must be preserved for a minimum period
1. 6 months from the date of final certification of such schedule
2. 2 months from the date of final certification of such schedule
3. 1 month from the date of final certification of such schedule
4. As Suggested by QCM.
89. The subject airworthiness of ageing aircraft is related with:
1. Series E, Part-IX 2. Series F, Part-XI
3. Series F, Part-X 4. Series E, Part-VI
90. Design economic life of an aircraft is given by the:
1. QCM 2. Operator
3. Manufacturer 4. Regularity authority of country.
91. A damage caused to a metal structure characterized by initiation of the crack
propagation and as a result of continuous process whose effect is cumulative with
of aircraft usage is term as:
1. Accidental damage 2. Environmental damage
3. Fatigue damage 4. Multiple site damage.
92. Test flight of aged aircraft is carried out every/any:
1. Any time as required by DGCA 2. Six months
3. Both 1 and 2 4. One year.
93. All major defects should be reported to DGCA:
I. Every month 2. With in 12 Hrs.
3. Promptly 4. After rectification.
94. Design economic life for airbus is:
1. 25 Years 2. 15 Years.
3. 20 Years 4. None of the above.
95. In duplicate inspection, first inspection is carried out on the aircraft for flying
controls by:
1. Any person 2. Trainee technician
3. AME in category A/B 4. None of the above.
96. The subject inspection of wooden aircraft is resisted with:
1. Series D, Part-Ill 2. Series D, Part IV
3. Series F, Part-XII 4. Series F, Part-XIII.
Series F Part-IX, X, XI, XII
97. Schedule maintenance includes the following work:
1. Replacement of life limited items
2. Heavy landing schedule

3. Lighting strike schedule

4. All are correct.
98. Unscheduled maintenance includes the following work
1. Special inspections such as X-rays.
2. Replacement of lifed components
3. Heavy landing schedule
4. All are correct.
99. Ageing aircraft require more frequent inspection of structural components for
due to:
1. Environmental deterioration. 2. Accidental damage
3. Fatigue 4. All are correct.
100. To ensure structural integrity of ageing aircraft, manufactures have issued:
3. Both 1 and 2 are correct 4. None of the above.
101. The owner/operator shall inform RAO/sub-RAO in writing at least 15 days in
about the commencement of the entire inspection schedule:
1. Of 100 Hrs. and above 2. Of over elOO Hrs.
3. Of over 300 Hrs. 4. All are correct.
102. Regional airworthiness officer may grant ad-hoc extension to lives of inspection
schedules and TBOs of components up to a maximum of or
1. 10%, 50 Hrs. 2. 3%, 3 Months
3. 3%, 50 Hrs. 4. None of the above.
103. All completed maintenance schedules must be preserved for a minimum
period of
1. One 2. two 3. Five 4. Ten.
104. Damage due to environment in the form of corrosion and stress corrosion is:
1. Environment damage 2. Corrosion damage
3. Fatigue damage 4. Accidental damage.
105. Ageing aircraft are these, which have completed there:
1. Technical life 2. Service life
3. Designed service life 4. Designed economic life.
106. Multiple site damage is:
1. Five or more dents on one site.
2. Five or more crakes on one site which lick up into a longer crack.
3. Fatigue crack at number of fasteners, which stand to link up into longer cracks.
4. All are correct.

107. Damage to an aircraft can be termed as accident damage if it is caused due to:
1. Environmental factors like corrosion
2. One aircraft hitting another aircraft
3. Wrong handling of ground equipment during routing inspection
4. None of the above.
108. Duplicate inspection when aircraft is away from base is carried out by:
1. Any CPL holder
2. Flight engineer whose Licence is endorsed for the aircraft
3. Specially authorized person
4. Both l and 2 are correct.
109. If control systems are disturbed after the second check, but before first flight.
I. Disturbed portion should be checked in duplicate again
2. Distorted portion should be checked by second person only
3. Complete portion should be checked by second
4. Complete portion should be checked in duplicate again.
110. Series F Part-XII deals with:
1. Inspection of wooden aircraft
2. Duplicate inspection of flying controls
3. Duplicate inspection of engine controls
4. Both 2 and 3 are correct.
111. Aircraft of composite construction shall be inspected before issue/renewal or
of C of A and thereafter every year
1. One 2. Two 3. Five 4. Ten.
112. Factor causing wood deterioration is:
1. Chemical action of glue due to ageing
2. Mechanical forces mainly due to timber shrinkage
3. Growth of fungus
4. All are correct.
113. Wooden aircraft exposed to large cyclic changes of temperature and humidity
especially prone to:
1. Timber shrinkage 2. Glue deterioration
3. Both A and B are correct 4. None of the above.
114. Weather proofing quality of fabric covering is affected by:
1. Long exposure to inclement weather conditions.
2. Exposure to strong sunlight
3. Atmosphere air
4. Both 1 and 2 are correct.
115. In wooden structures, old screws are usually replaced with new screws of:
1. Identical length
2. Identical length but one gauge larger
3. Slightly longer length
4. Slightly longer length and one gauge larger.

116. Compression failure of wooden structures generally occurs due to:

1. Over tightening 2. Shock loads
3. Rupture across the wood fibers 4. All are correct.
117. At present SSID have been issued for:
1. B 200 C, C 90 A, B737 2. A35, B55, C90 A.
3. B737, B747, HS 748 4. J 3C, PA 12, FA 152.
118. Design economic life of airbus is years.
1. Ten 2. Twenty years
3. Thirty 4. fifty.
119. Design economic life of Douglas F-27 and HS-748 is years:
1. Twenty 2. Thirty
3. Fourty 4. Fifty
120. Design economic life of all models of Boeing is:
1. 20 years 2. 20,000 life cycles
3. 60,000 Hrs. 4. All are correct.
121. Duplicate inspection of control systems means:
1. Two inspections in a day by day the same person
2. Inspection by an AME followed by the pilot in command
3. Re-inspection of controls when reported sluggish by the flight crew
4. Inspection and certification by two different approved/authorized/learned
122. Duplicate inspection of all controls surfaces shall be made:
1. Approved person in an approved organization
2. Flight engineer
3. QCM
4. Both 2 and 3 are correct.
123. RAO can authorized a person to carry out duplicate inspection of aircraft if a
person has at least three years general maintenance experience and months
experience on
the tope of aircraft involved:
1. Three 2. Six
3. Nine 4. None of the above.
124. Duplicate inspection of all control surfaces shall be made:
1. After rigging 2. Before first flight after C of A
3. Before C of A flight 4. Before first flight of all aircraft after assembly and rigging.
125. Duplicate inspections at control system means:
1. two inspection in a day by the same person
2. Inspection by an AME followed by pilot in command
3. Re-inspection of controls when reported sluggish by the flight crew
4. Inspection and certification by two different approved/authorized heaved persons.

126. Duplicate inspection when aircraft is away from base is carried out by:
1. Any CPL (commercial pilot Licence) holder.
2. Flight engineer whose Licence is endorsed for the aircraft
3. Specially authorized person
4. Both I and 2 are correct.

127. RAO can authorized a person to carried out duplicate inspection of aircraft if a
person was at least 3 years general maintenance experience and months
on the type of aircraft involved.
I. Three 2. Six
3. Nine 4. None of the above.
128. Duplicate inspection when aircraft is at base, is carried out by:
1. Approved person in an approved organization.
2. Flight engineer
3. Quality control manager
4. Aircraft maintenance engineer.
129. If control system is distributed after the second check, before first flight:
1. Disturbed portion should be checked in duplicate again 2. Disturbed portion
should be checked by second person
3. Complete portion should be checked by second person only
4. Complete portion should be checked induplicate again.
130. F-XII deals with:
1. Inspection of wooden aircraft
2. Duplicate inspection of flying controls
3. Duplicate inspection of engine controls
4. None of the above.
131. Factor causing wood deterioration is:
1. Growth of fougue
2. Mechanical forces mainly due to timber shrinkage
3. Chemical action of give due to ageing
4. All are correct.
132. Aircraft of composite construction shall be inspected before issue/renewal or
validation of C of A and the thereafter every years:
1. One 2. Two
3. Five 4. Ten.
133. Wooden aircraft exposed to large cyclic changes of temperature and humidity
especially prone to:
1. Timber shrinkage 2. Glue deterioration
3. Both 1 and 2. 4. None of the above.

134. Aircraft of composite construction shall be inspected before issue/renewal or

validation of C of A and thereafter every years:
1. One 2. Two
3. Three 4. Ten.
135. Weather proofing quality of fabric covering is affected by:
1. Long exposure to inclement whether condition
2. Exposure to stooge sunlight
3. Atmosphere air
4. Both 1 and 2 are correct.
136. In wooden structures, old screws are usually replaced with new screws of:
1. Identical length
2. Identical length but one gauge larger
3. Slightly longer length
4. Slightly longer length and one gauge longer.
137. Compression failure of wooden structure generally occurs due to:
1. Over tightening 2. Shock loads
3. Rupture across the wood fibers 4. All are correct.
138. F-XIII deals with
1. Construction of gliders and their maintenance
2. Inspection of wooden aircraft
3. Rebuilding of aircraft
4. Registration making on aircraft.
139. All gliders must process:
1. Type certificate 2. As in A plus C of A
3. As in B plus peaty to fly 4. None of the above.
140. If loop test is not carried out during test flight of a glider, then its C of A:
1. Will not be renewal 2. Will not be renewed in any case
3. Will not be renewed temporarily 4. Will be renewed provided the
Glider is suitably pay carded that
Loop maneuvers are prohibited
141. C of A for glider is not renewed if following that are not carried out:
1. Stall/spin 2. Loop
3. Both land2. 4. Either lor2.
142. Application for issue/renewal of C of A glider is made on:
1. Prescribed form 2. Appropriate form
3. Either lor2 4. CA25.
143. All gliders shall be equipped with:
1. Vorimeter 2. RPM indicator
3. VOR 4. Auto pilot
144. The C of A for glider is renewed provided is carried out during test flight:

1. Loop test 3. Stall test 2. Spin test 4. All are correct.

145. Certificate of safety for glider is valid for:
1. One day 2. One month
3. Three month 4. One year.
146. New component and spare parts used on gliders should be covered by:
1. Certificate of maintenance 2. Release note
3. Both land2 4. None of the above.
147. Certificate of safety for gliders:
1. Should be pressure for one month
2. Should be pressure for two month 3. Should be pressure for one year
4. None of the above.
148. When glider meets with an accident, resulting in damage beyond economic
glider logs book and procedure / work shall be pressure for a period of:
1. One month 2. One year
3. Two years 4. Five years.
149. Series F part XIV deals with:
1. Registration of micro aircraft 2. Airworthiness of micro aircraft
3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above.
150. The weight considered for declaring the aircraft micro light:
1. MAUW 2. MTOW 3. Empty weight 4. None of the above.
151. The MAUW of micro light single seater aircraft should not exceed:
1. 330Kg. 2. 450Kg.
3. 2000 Kg. 4. None of the above.
152. The MAUW of micro weight two seater aircraft should not exceed:
1. 330 Kg. 2. 450 Kg.
3. 2000 Kg. 4. None of the above.
153. Which form is to be filled for registration of micro light?
1. CA25 2. CA23
3. CA28 4. None of the above.
154. How many items should be fixed on identification plate of micro light aircraft:
1. 4 Items 2. 5 Items
3. 6 items 4. None of the above.
155. Permit to fly is valid for:
1. 6Months 2. lYear
3. 2Years 4. NOA.
156. How many copies of manual should be admitted to DGCA:
1. II 2. III

3. IV 4. None of the above.

157. Sub of F-XX related to age of aircraft imported for:
1. Schedule 2. Non-schedule
3. Private 4. Both 1 and 2.
158. The aircraft, which landed with scehon of its upper fuselages:
1. Aloha airline Boeing 73 7-200 2. Spice jet 707
3. Airbus 4. None of the above.
159. Design economic life of jet aircraft extend to:
1. 20 Years/30,000 Landing 2. 20 Years 60,000 Landing
3. 10 Years/60,000 Landing 4. 15 Years/30,000 Landing.
160. For schedule / Non-scheduled No aircraft imported who complete age / design
economic life of:
1. 15/75% 2. 20/70%
3. 15/70% 4. 20/75%.
161. For cargo operation pressurize transport cat. Aircraft import not more than age
design economic life:
1. 20 /75% 2. 30/75%
3. 70% 4. 60/45%
162. TSO stand for:
1. Time service operation 2. Time since operation
3. Time since overnight
163. TSN stands for:
1. time since navigation 2. Time since new
3. Time since.
164. Un press aircraft not import to India whose age is:
1. More than 15 2. More than 20
3. More than 30 years 4. 70 Years.
165. Sub. OfF XXI:
1. Import / export 2. Renewal /valid
3. First aid kits.
166. DORT stands for:
1. Director general of field trade 2. Director general of foreign trade.
167. Component include accessories or attachment:
1. True 2. False 3. None of the above.
168. For impost of tool firm required:
1. No Licence 2. No recommendation for DGCA. 3. Both.
169. NOC stands for:

1. No objective component 2. No objection certificate

3. Number of operated of component.
170. o export spares, items of equity carry out necessary repair operator may
1. DGCA 2. RAO
3. QCM 4. DAW.
171. NOC certificate made by:
1. QCM 2. RAO
3. DAW 4. DGCA.
172. CAR issued under rule:
1. 55A 2. 133A
3. 133C 4. 72A.
173. Conversion training conduct by:
1. QCM 2. RAO
3. Instructors.
174. Load / trim sheet get approved from:
1. RAO 2. DGCA
3. QCM.
175. Training program for person engaged in people of load / trim sheet include:
1. Refresher/recurrent training 2. Schedule training
3. Conventional training 4. None of the above.
176. Basic indoctrination ground training for newly hired staff used for prepare
sheet is:
1. 45 programmed Hrs. 2. 35 Programmed I-Irs.
3. 40 Programmed Hrs. 4. 65 Programmed lIrs.
177. Competency check is included in:
Ground training 2. Initial of transition ground training
3. Refresher training 4. Conversion training.
178. Competency check in initial and transition training gives by:
1. Supervisor/ground instructor 2. QCM
3. RAO 4. All are correct. a
179. Certificate of successful completion training in recurrent training to airline
given by:
I. QCM 2. Shop
3. Staff instructor 4. RAO.
180. The written practical test in conversion training is coordination with:
3. Operator 4. QCM

181. Written test will conduct by:

I. Instructor 2. QCM
3. Operator.
182. Load of trim sheet approved by:
1. RAO 2. DGCA
3. QCM 4. None of the above.
183. Weight of aircraft at time of take off not exceed:
1. RTOW 2. Payload
3. Removable Weight
184. I oad/trim sheet prepared in:
I. Triplicate 2. Duplicate
3. A copies 4. None of the above.
185. The load /trim contain:
1. Weight schedule 2. C.G.
3. AVW 4. All of the above.
1 86. A group of characters affixed on aircraft surface to identify the country to
which the
aircraft belongs is called:
1. Nationality mark 2. Common mark
3. Registration mark 4. Both I and 2.
187. Disputes with regard to the legal ownership of aircraft is decided by:
1. DGCA Head Qtr. 2. RAWO
3. AWO 4. court of law.
188. Detailed requirements for registration of aircraft are as per:
1. Aircraft rule 1937 2. ICAO Annex 7
3. CAR Series F Part-IV 4. Both 1 and 2.
189. Legislation with regard to registration of aircraft is described in:
I. Rule 30 of 1937 2. Rule 25 to 30 of 1937
3. Rule 30 to 37A of 1937 4. Rule 38 to4l of 1937.
190. Any aircraft supported chiefly by buoyancy in the air is:
1. Lighter than air aircraft 2. Heavier than air aircraft
3. l3oth I and 2 4. None of the above.
191. Application for registration of aircraft is put on:
1. CA 28 2. CA 25
3. CA 3O 4. CA 23.
192. If an aircraft is sold to another person or company it should he notified to
DGCA as per:
I. Rule 30 2. Rule 32 A

3. Rule 33 4. Rule 37 A.
193. Until the certificate of registration is not granted to the new owner, aircraft:
1. Shall not be law full to fly
2. Assist in flying by any person
3. Can fly with written permission of DGCA
4. All above are correct.
194. An aircraft brought from out side by air, temporary certificate of registration:
I. Valid only up to first reaching at custom aerodrome in India.
2. Should he surrendered to DGCA.
3. Should have the aero mobile station Licence.
4. All above are correct.
195. The following registration marking can be granted to an aircraft:
3. VT-TTT 4. None of the above.
196. Certificate of registration is valid up to:
I. One year 2. Two years.
3. Five years 4. Date indicated on it.
197. Certificate of registration shall be in language:
1. Hindi 2. English
3. Hindi and English 4. Hindi or English.
198. When a new type of aircraft is registered and entered in the register. DGCA
shall advise the:
I. Owner 2. Operator
3. State of design 4. None of the above.
199. Duplicate certificate of registration shall be issue in case of:
1. Lost 2. Mutilated
3. Lost and mutilated 4. Lost or mutilated.
200. The registered owner may apply for cancellation of registration under the
clause of:
1. Rule 30 of 1937 2. Rule 33A of 1937
3. Rule 37 A o f1937 4. None of the above.
201 . [)GCA may cancel the registration of aircraft if:
1. Aircraft has been destroyed 2. Permanently with drawn
3. Registration is due to false statement 4. All above are correct.
202. A register of all aircraft registered in India is to be maintenance by DGCA as
by rule:
1 31 of 1937 2. 33 of 1937
3. 36 of 1937 4. 37 A OF 1937.

203. The registration marks on the un-manned free balloons shall be affixed on:
I. Left side 2. Right side
3. Right and left side 4. Identification plate.
204. On multi vertical tail surfaces aircraft the registration marks shall appear on:
1. Both the sides of tail surfaces
2. On inner sides of tail surfaces
3. On the out board sides of the outer surfaces
4. Not required any where as per series.X

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