EC101 Chapter 1-4
EC101 Chapter 1-4
EC101 Chapter 1-4
Nandin Natsagdorj
Michael Manove
Economics 101
15 September 2015
Chapter 1
Trade off: Due to scarcity (unlimited wanted but limited resources), producing more of one
good/service means producing less of another
Opportunity cost: The highest valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an
activity (The sacrifice)
Centrally Planned Economy: an economy which government decides how economic
resources are allocated
Market Economy: Decisions of households and firms interacting in market allocate
economic resources.
Market economies rely on privately owned firms to produce goods and serives
Meets wants of consumers
Firms compete for quantity at the lowest price
Competition will force firms to continue producing and selling goods and services as
long as the Marginal Benefit to Consume > Marginal Cost to Produce
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Mixed Economy: Government plays a significant role in the allocation of resources
Productive efficiency: Good service produced at the lowest possible cost
Allocative efficiency: Production in accordance with consumer or societys preferences
Equity: Fair distribution of economic benefits
Positive Analysis: The what is
Normative Analysis: The what ought to be
Production: the transformation of some goods and services (inputs) to other goods and
services (outputs)
Distribution: In primitive economies, people produce for themselves and consume most of
their own production.
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Chapter 2: Trade offs, Comparative Advantage, and the Market System
The more the resources used for an activity the smaller the activity?
Outwards shift of the PPF means economic growth.
Economic Growth: is the ability of an economy to increase the PPF
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Chapter 3: Demand and Supply
Perfect competition: A market structure that has
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Works Cited