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Management Series
Internal Audit
ERP Environment

Knowledge Management Series


Internal Audit in ERP

Information technology is changing almost every phase
of global business environment. Auditors are facing the
vast challenge of working and keeping up-to-date with
such sophisticated technologies. The ERP systems are
one of such technologies used by various organizations
to achieve a strategic advantage in the competitive market. The ERP systems are computer-based systems designed to process an organizations transactions. It facilitates integrated and real-time planning, production, and
customer response.
Raja Gopalan .B
Risk Advisory &
Compliance Services

The objective of this paper aims is to learn about how

ERP systems have affected the audit process in an organization. The emphasis is to investigate whether there
are changes in audit process in an ERP implementing
company. It also tries to understand how ERP system
affects the internal control system of the organization.
This paper also suggests that Auditors must also understand the ERP system extremely well to perform a
proper audit of a client that uses this system.
Happy Reading...!!!

Page 3

Internal Audit in ERP


Introduction ..4

The Definitions...5

Traditional vs. ERP Environment..6

Characteristics of ERP..7

Risks in ERP.8

Impacts on Internal Audit.9


Internal Auditing Challenges.13

Internal Auditors Role in ERP Implementation.14

Page 4

Internal Audit in ERP


Now a days, Financial and operational transactions are increasing in volume and it increases complexity every day. In todays business environment, auditors should have
knowledge of both accounting and technology. The technical complexity of ERP system
has forced auditors to increase their knowledge of information technology. When a company uses an ERP system the audit focus shifts
from substantive testing of the books of account to understanding the business processes, testing the systems and applications
controls etc. At the same time, auditors must
ensure that the system is automating the
process correctly.
In ERP systems, operational and financial data are tied together through a complex information flow. Transactions can be automatically entered without review or pre-checking
with the ERP system. For this such controls should be designed to prevent inaccurate or
false information entering in the system. So auditing must be done through the computer in ERP environment. Accountants and company management need to be aware of
the risks involved with an ERP system. Today, with the implementation of integrated ERP
systems, internal controls are developing itself to support automated operational management. As a result, finance officers have changing their approach and implementing
automated internal controls that allow managers to effectively manage through ERP systems.
An ERP system automatically updates the data throughout the system once a transaction
has been entered. Because the information is updated, maintained and stored electronically, auditors need to understand how the modules interact with each other and with
the database. Auditors must spend more time with lower-level employees in ERP system
to determine what they are doing while entering the data, and especially what to do if a
mistake is made.

Page 5

The Definitions

Internal auditing

is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add

value and improve an organization's operations. It helps
an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the
and governance processes. Internal auditing is a catalyst
and efficiency by providing insight and recommendations
based on analyses and assessments of data and business
to integrity and accountability, internal auditing provides
value to governing bodies and senior management as an
objective source of independent advice. Professionals
called internal auditors are employed by organizations to
perform the internal auditing activity.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization, embracing finance/
accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc.
ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. Their purpose is
to facilitate the flow of information between
all business functions inside the boundaries of
the organization and manage the connections
to outside stakeholders. ERP systems can run
on a variety of computer hardware and network configurations, typically employing a database as a repository for information.

Page 6

Traditional vs. ERP Environment

The following table indicates the differences between the traditional environment and
ERP Environment:

Traditional Environment

ERP Environment

Multiple systems

Fewer Systems

Non integrated

Common integrated database

Disperse & diversified

Integrated Business Solutions

In-house developed

Vendor Developed (specialist)

Batch Processing oriented

Strategic & Decision Supporting

Closed Systems

Open for Collaboration

Demand for In-house IT programming


Complex and requires new set of Skills

Page 7

Characteristics of ERP

The following are the characteristics of an ERP system:

The database is usually centralized and as the applications reside on multiple users, the
system allows flexibility in customization and configuration.
The processing is real time online whereby the databases are updated simultaneously
by minimal data entry operations.
The input controls are dependent on pre
data acceptance validation and rely on
transaction balancing; time tested controls such are batch totals etc are often no
longer relevant.
Since the transactions are stored in a common database the different modules update entries into the database. Thus database is accessible from different modules.
The authorization controls ere enforced at
the level of application and not the database; the security control evaluation is of
paramount importance.
Auditors have to spend considerable time
understanding the data flow and transaction processing.
System heavily dependent on networking
on a large scale.
Vulnerability by increased access is a price
that is paid for higher integration and faster processing of data in an integrated manner.
The risk of single point failures is higher in ERP solutions; Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery should be examined closely.

Page 8

Risks in ERP

ERP systems are implemented to support the operations of an enterprise and to be successful, must be fully integrated into all the significant processes and procedures that together
enable the enterprise to work effectively. Given the integrated nature of ERP systems, they
can further add to the enterprises risks or challenges related to:
Industry and business environment
User or management behavior
Business processes and procedures
System functionality
Application security
Underlying infrastructure
Data conversion and integrity
Ongoing maintenance/business continuity
The risks associated with the implementation and ongoing use of an ERP system
cannot be determined or controlled by
review of application or technical risks in
isolation, but must be considered in conjunction with the business process control objectives of the enterprise being served. The challenge to the audit professional is, obtaining an understanding of the business and regulatory environment in which the enterprise operates and being skilled in the identification of quantifiable application or technical
risks and less quantifiable procedural or behavioral risks.
Typically, in a large enterprise where the quantity of data processed by the ERP system is
extremely voluminous, the analysis of patterns and trends proves to be extremely useful in
ascertaining the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. Most ERP systems provide opportunities including specific tools for such extraction and analysis. The use of data analysis
tools within the ERP system can assist the audit professional throughout the ERP systems
life cycle (i.e., pre- and post implementation).

Page 9

Impact on Internal Audit

Lack of transaction trails

Some ERP systems are designed so that a complete transaction trail that is useful for audit
purposes might exist for only a short period of time or only in computer readable form.
Where a complex application system performs a large number of processing steps, there
may not be a complete trail. Accordingly, errors embedded in an application's program logic
may be difficult to detect on a timely basis by manual procedures.

Uniform processing of transactions

Computer processing uniformly processes
like transactions with the same processing
instructions. Thus, the clerical errors ordinarily associated with manual processing
are virtually eliminated. Conversely, programming errors (or other systematic errors in hardware or software) ordinarily
result in all transactions being processed

Lack of segregation of functions

Many control procedures that would ordinarily be performed by separate individuals in
manual systems may be concentrated in ERP. Thus, an individual who has access to computer program, processing or data may be in a position to perform incompatible functions.

Initiation or execution of transactions

ERP may include the capability to initiate or cause the execution of certain types of transactions automatically. The authorization of these transactions or procedures may not be
documented in the same way as those in a manual system, and management's authorization of these transactions may be implicit in its acceptance of the design of the ERP and
subsequent modification.


Page 10

Potential for errors and irregularities

The potential for human error in the development, maintenance and execution of ERP may
be greater than in manual systems, partially because of the level of detail inherent in these
activities. Also, the potential for individuals to gain unauthorized access to data or to alter
data without visible evidence may be greater in ERP than in manual systems. In addition,
decreased human involvement in handling transactions processed by ERP can reduce the
potential for observing errors and irregularities. Errors or irregularities occurring during the
design or modification of application program or systems software can remain undetected
for long periods of time.

Dependence of other controls over ERP

ERP may produce reports and other output that are used in performing manual
control procedures. The effectiveness of
these manual control procedures can be
dependent on the effectiveness of controls
over the completeness and accuracy of
computer processing. In turn, the effectiveness and consistent operation of transaction processing controls in computer applications is often dependent on the effectiveness of general ERP controls.
Management supervision
ERP can offer management a variety of analytical tools that may be used to review and supervise the operations of the entity. The availability of these additional controls, if used,
may serve to enhance the entire internal control structure.
Computer-assisted audit techniques
The case of processing and analyzing large quantities of data using ERP may provide the
auditors with opportunities to apply general or specialized computer audit techniques and
tools in the execution of audit tests.

Page 11


Business process re-engineering. (BPR) is the analysis and design of workflows and processes within an organization. a business process is a set of logically related tasks performed
to achieve a defined business outcome. Re-engineering is the basis for many recent developments in management. The crossfunctional team, for example, has
become popular because of the desire to re-engineer separate functional tasks into complete crossfunctional processes. Also, many recent management information systems developments aim to integrate
a wide number of business functions. Enterprise resource planning,
management, knowledge management systems, groupware and collaborative systems, Human Resource
Management Systems and customer
relationship management.
BPR and ERP implementation projects can be thought of as being independent initiatives. In
theory, each project could exist within an enterprise without the other. In practice, they are
often both in process at the same time in an enterprise and are influenced by and dependent on each other in a myriad of complex relationships, often including common design for
key business processes. An ERP might be selected to replace an existing system, and the
execution of a BPR may be delayed. A BPR might be in place but terminated prior to completion, and an included ERP implementation might continue.
BPR and ERP implementations are often at different stages of their development. A BPR
project may be started and several months into the project when it is concluded that an
ERP is required to support the new processes, an acquisition project commences. Similarly,
a business decision might have been made to acquire a new IT system and choose an ERP
system. During the implementation process it may be recognized that the ERP would enable
a business reengineering and a BPR initiatives commencement.


Page 12

The Auditors primary focus should be with an ERP implementation. However, concurrent
BPR may introduce new risks to the implementation process and often change existing
risks, e.g.:
The changes proposed by BPR may require the people affected to behave in a different
manner and may engender support, concern and/
or even hostility within an enterprise. This may be
transferred to the ERP implementation project.
BPR may drain enterprise resources from the ERP
Even if the above two risks have no effect on the
ERP implementation, unfamiliarity with new processes introduced by BPR might lead to inadequate
process description and suboptimal configuration
of the ERP system.
BPR and ERP may not be well integrated, leaving,
at best, suboptimal performance and unnecessary
Using ERP as a change lever may distract from
BPR. With new, more powerful technology there is
a temptation to adopt a process simply because the
new technology can do it, rather than because it is
the optimum business process.

Page 13

Internal Auditing Challenges

Audit Parameters
ERP systems have many parameters such as process parameters, operational parameters,
control parameters, financial integration parameters, cost-sharing parameters and so on.
these parameters not only affects the effectiveness of internal controls, but also affect the
accuracy and consistency of financial data. In particular, during the integration of financial
data with control data, the correctness of the data source, parameters settings and financial datas validity should be ensured.
Data Security audit
Computers and network technology enables the widest range of accounting information being shared among the information users, but this is based on a common
access to data security. As the computer technology and human impact will
increase the risk of network information,
especially in ERP environment, data is used
in electronic mode which has no traces of
modification and forgery. so the reliability
of available audit information decreases
and also its authenticity is threatened.
Therefore, auditors must actively carry out
data security audits as an important aspect
of internal audit in response to ERP environment.
Audit Software
Manual auditing practices are difficult to adapt to the needs of electronic accounting data.
Construction of the internal audit information should be simultaneous development of information systems, accounting and auditing techniques . Therefore, the current need is to
sync the information technology with the audit requirements by developing a audit software which has intelligent, integrated, network versatility and practicality features. The
ideal audit software should have financial analysis capabilities, testing functions, the calculation processing functions, auditing functions, statements and notes merge function,
automatically generate audit papers function, instant help function, and network access
capabilities. In addition, the audit software audit should also provide audit plans, audit
summary, information like the list of commonly used instruments, templates and regulations

Page 14

Internal Auditors Role in ERP Implementation

The internal audit function can help identify, review, and provide recommendations for
key controls associated with the project and can provide assurance that the ERP system
will support business processes and enforce business controls on an ongoing basis. The use
of collaborative internal auditors on all critical phases of an ERP project is the best approach to increasing the likelihood of a successful ERP deployment.
Throughout an ERP implementation, internal audit
can help identify and communicate risks by having
them addressed throughout the project instead of
as an afterthought. By understanding the major
phases and objectives of
an ERP implementation,
internal audit can objectively raise issues that, if
overlooked, could jeopardize a projects success. Internal auditors can also
articulate the risks from a
management perspective.
Success for ERP implementations, like all projects, is not determined solely by whether the
project was completed on time and on budget. The quality of the final product and its
alignment with managements desired objectives have long-lasting impact beyond the initial project costs. Fixing errors after the system goes live is more costly than correctly implementing the system in the first place. Throughout the implementation, internal audit
should have a vital role in verifying that project controls and best practices are followed.
This role greatly reduces the risk of failure resulting from poorly defined methodologies or
weak enforcement of project controls.

Page 15

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smooth and effective functioning.




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