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Kumbi Project Profile

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S.No. Particulars Page Nos.

1. Diagnostic Study Report 1 to 7

2. Action Plan 8&9

3. Annexure-A-I Selection of Implementing 10 to 12

Agency and Selection of Cluster for Diagnostic

4. Geographical Locations of the Cluster (MAP) 13 A & B

5. Annexure-A-2- Basic Survey of Cluster 14 to 45

6. Annexure-A-3-Diagnostic Study report and 46 to 49

Action Plan for Cluster Development

7. Financial Outlay 50 & 51

8. Year-wise break up 3 years (Physical and 52 & 53



1. Introduction:

Cluster approach for a holistic development of micro, small and medium enterprises is
being attempted all over the world particularly in the developing countries including India
on a wider scale. The Development of identified handloom clusters in the second phase of
the implementation of Integrated Handloom Cluster Development Programme in the
country. Towards that end, a Diagnostic study has been conducted on behalf of the DCH by
Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship covering Kumbi Handlooms Cluster in Bishnupur
District under Integrated Handloom Development Scheme.

The Primary aim of the Diagnostic study is to identify what ails in the cluster. The
detailed objectives of the cluster are detailed below.
• To understand the current socio economic profile of the cluster
• To evaluate the current status of Handloom Cluster in terms of the product variety,
yarn availability, the number of functional or non-functional looms, role of support
organization and prevailing infrastructure facilities.
• To highlight the constrains faced by the cluster and suggest some action plans for
In order to fulfill the above mentioned objectives the primary survey in the cluster has
been conducted as well as diagnostic study by the Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship,
Guwahati, for understanding of the cluster is based on analyzing the value chain that
exists in the cluster. It includes the suppliers of raw material (backward linkage), the
Weavers (Producers), the traders/Exporters (Forward linkage), and support institutions/
organizations. The support institutions are the Government bodies and social
organization which held the various activities of the entire value chain. Generally, that
support organizations include the National Handloom Development Corporation
(NHDC) Ltd., Weavers Service Centre, National Institution of Fashion and Technology
(NIFT), the Weavers Cooperative Societies and master weavers.

A meeting of prominent weavers, Master Weavers, Prominent weaving

community leaders, staff of the Cooperative Societies of cluster has been conducted
and held various discussions regarding availability of raw materials, production
capacity, product diversification, marketing, infrastructure facilities and the problems
being faced by them are noted below.
Types of product manufactured
• Raw material procurement
• Traditional preparatory work
• Dyeing and design facilities
• Use of t traditional looms
• Product market structure
• Competitive analysis
• Lack of working capital and availability of Finance.
2. Background of the Cluster:
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. Of India have sanctioned 01 No. of cluster in Manipur in 1st
phase for the year 2005-06 which was implemented through IIE, Guwahati and 04 Nos.
of clusters in 2nd phase for the year 2006-07 have also been sanctioned of which Kumbi
cluster in Bishnupur District has been identified as one of them.

Evaluation of the Cluster:

Kumbi is 52 Km. away from Imphal under Moirang Sub-Division of Bishnupur

Revenue District. It is along the North East Passage to South Asian Countries through
Myanmar. There is population of more than 32, 500 having about 5000 weaver
households in the cluster of which is about 600 weavers’ households are affiliated to
the Cooperative Society and remaining weavers are outside the cooperative folds there
are about 2250 independent Weavers, 260 shed weavers, 3500 wage weavers and 32
master weavers. More than 70% of the looms are loin looms and remaining is having
throw and throw and throw and fly shuttle frame looms. Of the total 4650 looms in the
cluster 58 % are working and 42% are idle. In Kumbi cluster 100% women weavers
belongs to weavers community of Meitei, Muslim and Tribal Community (OBC,
Minority, General, ST). In the cluster female weavers are 100% and engaged in the
occupation of the weaving industry in the major way even though their contribution is
either paid or poorly paid for the ancillary activities if performed by her outside the
family weaving.

The members of the weavers Cooperative Societies are accustomed to weave

cotton and acrylic varieties, like, bed sheet, lungies, towels, mosquito nets, etc. Due to
deteriorated financial position of the Society member are not getting regular work from
the Society consequently a large number of weavers have diverted to the master

The cluster covers 06 Gram Panchayats in the adjoining villages. The cluster
will cover up to the Kumbi town along the highway for greater accessible. The cluster
is very compact and possible for easy monitoring.

Major Players in the Cluster

In this cluster the Master Weavers are playing major role in providing employment to
70% to 80% of the weavers in the cluster. They are supplying raw material in the shape
of warps. The weavers are simply put it on the loom and weaving and return the
finished goods, by taking their wages. There are problems of raw materials, dyeing,
common facilities etc. As such the weavers in the cluster are not doing their job

The Officer on Special Duty (Handloom), Deputy Director of Handlooms and

Textiles, General Manager with his Project Manager (Handloom) and Secretaries of the
Societies are the in-charge of the Cluster for implementation of the Scheme.

Current Scenario of Cluster:

Particulars Kumbi Cluster

Total looms 4650
Looms covered under Cooperative fold 2100
Looms covered under outside cooperative fold 2550
Type of looms
a) Loin Looms
b) Throw shuttle loom 4500
c) Fly Shuttle Frame Looms 150

• Types of product manufactured : 49
• No. of Women Weavers : 5000
• No. of Society : 26
• No. of Societies working : 23
• Turnover of the area : Rs.64.05 lakhs
• Outstanding loan : Rs.6.00 lakh
• Products : Shawls, scarves, Mekhla, Bed sheets,
Ladies wear, curtain, lungies, muffler, etc.
• Wage Rage : Rs. 18 to Rs. 35/- per day
• Present loan amount : Rs.06.00 lakh
• Cash credit limit nil
• CC renewal for the year 2007-08 : Rs.105.00 lakhs

The annual turnover of the cluster is Rs.64.05 lakhs and the last 5 years turnover is as
detailed below:-
1. 2002-03 Rs.25.00 lakhs
2. 2003-04 Rs.35.00 lakhs
3. 2004-05 Rs.41.00 lakhs
4. 2005-06 Rs.55.00 lakhs
5. 2006-07 Rs.64.00 lakhs

Socio-economic profile:

In this cluster the entire weaving activity is totally dominated by backward classes. The
98% of the weavers are BPL families. There is no un-employment in the industry. But
due to social and economic changes the youngsters are not being attracted for weaving
profession but opting for other professions. Since the area is the cluster covered under
agriculture and as there are many other employment opportunities, a few are also
switching to other professions.

3. Main Handloom Products:

Major products of the cluster are cotton and acrylic products. The varieties like Shawls,
Bed sheets, lungies, muffler, dress materials, mekhla (phanek), etc.. The entire stocks
of the Coop.; Society are being marketed through society 03 depots which are 11
showrooms in Manipur and Ema Market (a unique handloom venders) and remaining
handloom items produced outside coop. are being marketed through master weavers.
There are no professional dyers in the cluster and the raw material is being supplied by
the Departmental Raw Material and master weavers after grey yarn is dyed and sized.

4. Powerlooms in the Cluster:

There are no power looms in the cluster.

5. Handloom Mark:

As the Government has introduced the Handloom mark scheme with a view to provide
collective identity to the handloom woven products and distinguish them from power
loom and mill products. All the societies and producers are being registered with the
Textile Committee, Ministry of Textiles for supply of Handloom Mark Labels.

6. Economic conditions of the weavers in the cluster:

The earning of the weavers families are average. Many welfare schemes are being
implemented by Govt. of Manipur as well as Govt. of India and as such the weavers’
families are self sufficient and having proper security for their livelihood. The
following schemes have also been implemented as advantageous for the weavers.

a) Integrated Handloom Villages Development Scheme

b) Project Package Scheme
c) Health Package Scheme
d) Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana
e) Housing cum-work shed scheme
f) Thrift fund com saving security scheme
g) Deen Dayal Hathkargha Protsahan Yojana
h) PMRY (Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana)

7. SWOT Analysis:

The Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis has been

done keeping in mind the historical background, geographical, social, economic and
Industry related core issues and conditions existing in the cluster.


Market, Product Development and Technology

• There is good potential in the domestic market for the traditional items and other
• There is good demand for tribal shawls products in all over India and abroad
• Local consumption is high
• Societies have many sales outlets in State and neighbouring States.
• Possibility of creating new product range beside the existing range to explore the
• Ample scope for product diversification by developing new designs through skilled
• Having good handloom concentration
• Availability of skilled weavers
• Marketing /development Assistance is provided by Govt.


Market, Product Development and Technology

• No local market
• No local raw material supplies
• No collective efforts related to marketing
• Internal competition for marketing of goods leads to differentiation in prices
• Though efforts were made for new design development, but it is only individual
• Dependence on few products
• No regular work for weavers
• Low productivity
• No exposure to information Technology
• Low education level and poor economic condition of weavers
• Absence of weavers association
• No availability of sizing locally
• Inferior quality of dyeing
• Lack lf publicity
• There is no application of information technology modern management techniques
for marketing the product design etc.
• Credit facilities from financial institutions.


• Brand Building for traditional saris and other products

• Scope for reduction in cost dyeing by modernization
• High demand to handloom products
• Availability of skilled weavers
• A common raw material Bank for Yarn, dyes and chemicals, silk yarn zari may be
provided for quality up gradation
• Scope for increasing working looms.
• Introduction of various welfare schemes.

7.4. Threat :

• Competition from Mill made products

• Ensuing globalization
• Decline in demand of traditional items
• Increasing demand for low cost power loom product
• Non up gradation of product technology may also affect sustainability
• Higher cost of products.

8. Justification for recommending the Cluster:

• Highly concentrated and compact weavers in the cluster

• More than 60% of the total population in the cluster are weavers
• Women are well acquainted in weaving.
• Weavers can get continuous employment and thereby earn better wages
• Possible employment generation directly and indirectly
• There are 4650 weavers in the cluster
• 75% to 80% of the weavers are working under Master Weavers
• Even though Societies are operating the cluster it is able to provide employment
only 20% of the weavers due to lack of working capital
• The relationship between weavers and master weavers are cordial
• All the weavers in the cluster are having their own looms in their own houses.


I. Trust Building:

The following action, are to be implemented fro trust building among the weavers.

• Exposures visit to successful clusters

• Conducting workshops at regular intervals
• Workshop on networking strategy has to be conducted
• Workshop on quality appraisal of woven fabrics has to be conducted

II. Quality Awareness:

Quality of the products are not up to the export standards because of less attention being paid
by the weavers and master weavers as they do not have technically qualified personal for
quality checking for their final products,. The y are to be educated properly to improve the
quality of their products. Therefore, it is proposed to arrange quality awareness campaign on
frequent intervals.

III Raw Material:

A Raw Material centre for supply of different counts of Yarn as required by the Weavers is
proposed for supply of yarn at the cluster head quarters under the scheme.

IV Common Facility Centre:

Infrastructure proposed for establishing a sizing and warping units in the cluster head quarters
for preparation of pre-looms processing.

V. Dyeing:

There are no facilities for testing of dyeing fastness of the dyed materials. In many of the dye
houses they are not doing the yarn scouring which lead to uneven dyeing. They are using hard
water for dyeing which also causes uneven dyeing. The Dye houses needs to be modernized
with scouring and water softening plants.

VI. Design Development:

The services of the Weavers Service Centre will be taken for the development of new designs
And training of designers is need to create innovative designs as per the market requirement.

VII. Loom and Accessories:

All the weavers are having traditional pit looms. They require Jacquard, dobbies and
accessories top weave new designs and improved their productivity.

VIII Marketing:

The weavers in the cluster are not having any systematic marketing strategy. It needs initiation
of efforts to organize market promotion for cluster products through domestics market.
Therefore, it is propose to initiate actions as under:

• Market survey is to be carried out for development of colour designs quality

• Geographical identification brand has to be registered “ Manipuri Handloom”
• Establishment of market consortia
• Buyers and Sellers meets and also specialized retailers meets have to be conducted
at regular intervals
• Training in value addition to the traditional saris has to be conducted
• Use if information technology

IX Finance:

The Kumbi Weavers are suffering due to lack of working capital. The loan amount of this
society crossed Rs.06 lakhs due to non repayment of interest of the previous years. It is
therefore the members of the society have started working under Master Weavers and hence
margin money is proposed for their requirement.

Signature of the President/Secretary/Chief Executives

(Name & Designation)


Director In/Charge of Handlooms




A. Details of the Organization/Implementing Agency (IA):

1. Name of the Organization (with full address) Director of Commerce & Industries,
Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur.

2. Registration number and date of Registration Govt. Department

3. Name & Designation of Office bearers with 1. Shri Dhiraj Yumnam, Director (C&I).
Phone No., FAX No. and E-mail etc. 2. Shri M. Rajen Singh, OSD(Handloom)
3. Shri K. Lamlee Kamei, Dy.Director(HL)
Phone- 0385 2414220/469/418

4. Total number of regular manpower with the 179

5. Balance sheet and loss/profit account for the Govt. Department
last three years (enclosed)
6. Experience if any in Textiles/Handloom 05-28
7. Byelaws/Resolution of the Organisation Not applicable
8. Previous experience in Cluster development Nil
9. Scoring of the IA as per the pattern for Not applicable

B. Profile of the Handloom Cluster to be selected

1. Name of Handloom Kumbi under Moirang Sub-Division, Bishnupur District, Manipur

Cluster and District.
2. Geographical Kumbi 52 Km. South of Imphal under Moirang Sub-Division of
location of the Bishnupur District.. Map enclosed.
cluster (enclosed
map of the cluster)
3. Total number of 5000
handlooms in the
3.1 Total Number of Category Men Women Total
weavers in the
ST 250 250
OBC 900 900
Minority 750 750
General 3100 3100
Total 5000 5000

4 Status of the weavers Status Existing
in the cluster
Independent 2250
With Master Weavers 610
With Primary Cooperatives 750
With Handloom Apex/Group
With Self Help Groups 610
With NGOs 780
With exporters
Total 5000

5. Present economic (a)Economic level of Economy of the weavers is improving

status of the cluster
the weaver slightly from Rs.18/- to 35/- per day.
as compared to 5
years back (b) Product Traditional patterns have been diversified
diversification for fashion clothing.
(c) Infrastructure Road connectivity between inter-villages
faculties has been improved with PMSY, which
have easier for movability around the
(d) Sales Turnover The sales turnover has improved from Rs.
25.00 lakh to Rs.64.05 lakh from 2002-03
to 2006-07.
6. SWOT analysis of Analysis in brief separately on the strength, weakness,
the Cluster opportunities and threats.

a) Strengths a) There is good potential in the domestic market for the

traditional items and other products
b) There is good demand for tribal shawls products in all over
India and abroad
c) Local consumption is high
d) Societies have many sales outlets in State and neighbouring
e) Possibility of creating new product range beside the existing
range to explore the market
f) Ample scope for product diversification by developing new
designs through skilled artisans
g) Having good handloom concentration
h) Availability of skilled weavers
i) Marketing /development Assistance is provided by Govt.

b) Weakness a) No local market

b) No local raw material supplies. 3. No collective efforts
related to marketing
c) Internal competition for marketing of goods leads to
differentiation in prices
d) Though efforts were made for new design development, but
it is only individual basis
e) Dependence on few products
f) No regular work for weavers
g) Low productivity
h) No exposure to information Technology
i) Low education level and poor economic condition of
j) Absence of weavers association
k) No availability of sizing locally
l) Inferior quality of dyeing
m) Lack lf publicity
n) There is no application of information technology modern
management techniques for marketing the product design
o) Credit facilities from financial institutions

c) Opportunities a) Brand Building for traditional saris and other products

b) Scope for reduction in cost dyeing by modernization
c) High demand to handloom products
d) Availability of skilled weavers
e) A common raw material Bank for Yarn, dyes and chemicals,
silk yarn zari may be provided for quality up gradation
f) Scope for increasing working looms.
g) Introduction of various welfare schemes

d) Threat a) Competition from Mill made products

b) Ensuing globalization
c) Decline in demand of traditional items
d) Increasing demand for low cost power loom product
e) Non up gradation of product technology may also affect
f) Higher cost of products
7. Justification for a) Highly concentrated and compact weavers in the cluster
recommending the b) More than 60% of the total population in the cluster are
cluster for study weavers
c) Women are well acquainted in weaving.
d) Weavers can get continuous employment and thereby earn
better wages
e) Possible employment generation directly and indirectly
f) There are 950 weavers in the cluster
g) 75% to 80% of the weavers are working under Master
h) Even though Societies are operating the cluster it is able to
provide employment only 20% of the weavers due to lack of
working capital
i) The relationship between weavers and master weavers are
All the weavers in the cluster are having their own looms in their
own houses
8. Duration of the 4 Days
Certified that:

1. The proposal for release of Rs. ……………… has been recommended by the State
Level Project Committee. For Baseline Survey and Diagnostic Study. The minutes of
the meting arte encloses.
2. There is no reason to believe that these organizations are involved in corrupt practice.
3. Consolidated UC for earlier releases for the year nil has been sent vide State
Government’s Letter No.nil dated nil is enclosed. It is also certified that no U.C. in
respect of the above grantee organization is pending.
4. Certified that the above particulars are correct.
5. Certified that no complain(s) in respect of the above mentioned agency have been
received in the State in respect of disbursement of assistance released by the GOI and
State in the past.

Signature of the President/Secretary/Chief Executives

(Name & Designation)


Director In/Charge of Handlooms




Sl. Parameters
1. Name of the Cluster/Ward Village Kumbi under Moirang Sub-Division of Bishnupur
Profile of the Cluster
2. Geographical location of the cluster Kumbi 52 Km. South of Imphal under Moirang Sub-
Division of Bishnupur District.. Map enclosed
3. Number of handlooms 4650
4. Type of handlooms in the pocket Loin Looms, throw shuttle looms, a few fly shuttle frame
5. Infrastructure available Weavers have their indigenous loom and managed in
their residential verandah.
6. Present skills of the weavers Capable of weaving various intricate traditional deigns.
7. Number of handloom weavers 5000
8. Status of the weavers Existing Proposed to be covered
A) Number of Independent weavers 2250 100
B) Number of Primary Weavers Cooperative 26 05
C) Number of Weavers in Cooperative fold. 750 150
D) Number of Master Weavers 32
E) Number of weavers with Master Weavers 610 100
F) Number of NGOs working in handlooms 14 04
G) Number of weavers with NGOs 780 50
H) Number of SHGs working in Handlooms 40 10
I) Number of weavers with SHGs 610 100
I) Number of traders 34
9. Turnover of the pocket (Rs. in crore) Present Anticipated turn over
a) Domestic 24.12 36.50
b) Exports 8.05 22.00
Total 32.17 58.5
10. Average earning of the weaver per day (in Rs.) 65/- 118/-
11. Main handloom products of the pocket Shawls, Bed sheets, lungies, muffler,
dress materials, mekhla (phanek), curtain,
table cover and school bags
12. Number of Powerlooms in the pocket - Nil -
13. Whether handlooms of the pocket face competition - No.-
with Powerlooms

Status of Pocket 5 years

14. Economic condition of (a)Economic level of the Economy of the weavers is
the pocket in relation weaver improving slightly from Rs.18/- to
to the position 5 years 35/- per day.

back from now
(b) Product diversification Traditional patterns have been
diversified for fashion clothing.
(c) Infrastructure faculties Road connectivity between inter-
villages has been improved with
PMSY, which have easier for
movability around the area.
(d) Sales Turnover The sales turnover has improved
from Rs. 25.00 lakh to Rs.64.05 lakh
from 2002-03 to 2006-07.
15. a) Strength a) There is good potential in the domestic market for the
traditional items and other products
b) There is good demand for tribal shawls products in all over
India and abroad
c) Local consumption is high
d) Societies have many sales outlets in State and neighbouring
e) Possibility of creating new product range beside the existing
range to explore the market
f) Ample scope for product diversification by developing new
designs through skilled artisans
g) Having good handloom concentration
h) Availability of skilled weavers
i) Marketing /development Assistance is provided by Govt

b) Weakness a) No local market

b) No local raw material supplies. 3. No collective efforts related
to marketing
c) Internal competition for marketing of goods leads to
differentiation in prices
d) Though efforts were made for new design development, but it
is only individual basis
e) Dependence on few products
f) No regular work for weavers
g) Low productivity
h) No exposure to information Technology
i) Low education level and poor economic condition of weavers
j) Absence of weavers association
k) No availability of sizing locally
l) Inferior quality of dyeing
m) Lack lf publicity
n) There is no application of information technology modern
management techniques for marketing the product design etc.
o) Credit facilities from financial institutions

c) Opportunities a) Brand Building for traditional saris and other products

b) Scope for reduction in cost dyeing by modernization
c) High demand to handloom products
d) Availability of skilled weavers
e) A common raw material Bank for Yarn, dyes and chemicals,
silk yarn zari may be provided for quality up gradation
f) Scope for increasing working looms.
g) Introduction of various welfare scheme
d) Threats a) Competition from Mill made products
b) Ensuing globalization
c) Decline in demand of traditional items
d) Increasing demand for low cost power loom product
e) Non up gradation of product technology may also affect
f) Higher cost of products

Justification for
recommending the cluster

16. Justification for a) Highly concentrated and compact weavers in the cluster
recommending the b) More than 60% of the total population in the cluster are
cluster for weavers
development c) Women are well acquainted in weaving.
d) Weavers can get continuous employment and thereby earn
better wages
e) Possible employment generation directly and indirectly
f) There are 950 weavers in the cluster
g) 75% to 80% of the weavers are working under Master
h) Even though Societies are operating the cluster it is able to
provide employment only 20% of the weavers due to lack of
working capital
i) The relationship between weavers and master weavers are
j) All the weavers in the cluster are having their own looms in
their own houses

a) Cluster The Cluster identified in Kumbi near Bishnupur along NH-39 under
Moirang Sub-Division of Bishnupur District which is located 40 Km.
away from Imphal City.

b) Objectives of the a) To evaluate the current status of the Handloom Cluster in terms of
development the product variety, yarn availability, the number of active and ideal
strategy looms role of support organization and prevailing infrastructure
facilities; b) To highlight the constrains faced by the cluster and
suggest some action plans for future.

Action Plan
18. Interventions 1 Formation of Consortium Rs.0.50 lakh
required for 2. Raw Material support Rs.3.00 lakh
development over a 3. Skill up geradation Rs.4.50 lakh
period of 3 years, 4. Design Development Rs.24.00 lakh
with financial outlay 5. Infrastructure Rs.7.00 lakh
for each intervention 6. Publicity & Marketing Rs.14.00 lakh
7. Basic Inputs Rs.22.18 lakh
8. Construction of workshed Rs.8.75 lakh
Total Rs.83.99 lakh

19. Sl. Name of the component Amount (Rs. In lakh weaver

Project No GOI State/ Benefi Total to be
Cost . IA ciary
1. Base line Survey, Diagnostic
study, Formation of SHGs
2. Consortium building 0.50 0.50
3. Raw Material 3.00 3.00 20
4. Skill up gradation
a) Training of Weavers 3.00 3.00
b) Training of Dyeing 1.00 1.00
c) Management Training 0.50 0.50
5. Design Development & Product
a) Purchase of CATD 2.70 0.30 3.00
b) Engaging Designers 5.40 0.60 6.00
c) Purchase of paper design, 15.00 15.00
sample, assembling, etc.
6. Infrastructure/CFC
a) Common Facility centre 4.50 0.50 5.00
b) Dye House 1.80 0.20 2.00
7. Publicity & marketing
a) Advertising, Brochure, 0.45 0.50
Catalogue for 3 years 0.050
b) Exhibitions/Fairs 3 yrs 5.40 0.60 6.00
c) Buyers-Sellers meets 3 yrs 2.70 0.30 3.00
d) Market Survey/Intelligence 1.00 1.00
e) Awareness and Exposure visit 3.00 3.00
for 3 years
f) Development & Hosting of website 0.50 0.50
8. Project Management Cost
9. Basic Input 4.20 1.20 0.60 6.00 100
a) Margin Money 4.928 1.408 0.704 7.04 88
b) New looms 2.80 0.80 0.40 4.00 100
c) Dobby 2.10 0.60 0.30 3.00 50
d) Jacquard 1.54 0.44 0.22 2.20 110
f) Accessories 8.00 8.00 32
10. Construction of Workshed 59.018 21.99 2.224 83.24 500
11. Civil amenities 10.00 10.00
a) Approach 5.00 5.00
b) Education 10.00 10.00
c) Electrification 3.00 3.00
d) Drinking water facility 2.00 2.00
e) Crèche centre(Child Day care 3.00 3.00
Centre) for children of the
f) Primary education for children 33.00 33.00
of the weaver
Sub-total 92.018 21.99 2.224 116.24
Grand total

20 Propos Year-wise action plan highlighting the physical and financial targets for 3 years
ed along with a brief project report should be enclosed.
for the

1. The beneficiary has not availed of any similar assistance under any other scheme of the
State or the Central Government
2. The Implementing Agency is functioning
3. There is no reason to believe that these organizations are involved in corrupt practice.
4. Consolidated UC for earlier releases in respect of the grantee organization under IHDS
has been sent vide State Government’s letter No…Nil dated Nil is enclosed. It is also
certified that no U.C. in respect of the above grantee organization is pending under
5. Certified that the above particulars are correct and are verifiable from Books of
accounts of the grantee agency.
6. Certified that no complaint(s) in respect of the above mentioned agency have been
received in the State in respect of disbursement of assistance released by the GOI and
State in the past.
7. Certified that the Implementing agency(s) has obtained necessary approval from the
Banks/financial institutions for credit linkages, wherever required.
8. Certified that the Implementing Agency has furnished the requisite details in the
9. Proforma A-2 (Baseline Survey of Cluster), enumerating, interalia, the names of the
individual weavers, components required and the assistance required thereof etc. and is
verifiable from records.
10. The proposal has been recommended by the State Level Project Committee on
…………. . The minutes of the meting are enclosed.

President/Secretary of Organization


Director In-charge of Handlooms & Textiles.

(Rupees in lakh)
Sl. Name of the Component 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 TOTAL
1. Base line Survey, Diagnostic study, - - - - - - - -
Formation of SHGs
2. Consortium building 1 0.50 1 0.50
3. Raw Material 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 3.00
4. Skill up gradation
a) Training of Weavers 10 1.50 5 0.75 5 0.75 20 3.00
b) Training of Dyeing 20 1.00 20 1.00
c) Management Training 20 0.50 20 0.50
5. Design Development & Product
a) Purchase of CATD 1 3.00 1 3.00
b) Engaging Designers 1 2.00 1 2.00 1 2.00 3 6.00
6. Infrastructure/CFC 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00
a) Common Facility centre
b) Dye House 1 5.00 1 5.00
7. Publicity & marketing 1 2.00 1 2.00
a) Advertising, Brochure, Catalogue 3 ys 1 0.50 1 0.50
b) Exhibitions/Fairs for 3 years 1 2.00 1 2.00 1 2.00 3 6.00
c) Buyers-Sellers meets for 3 years 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 3 3.00
d) Market Survey/Intelligence 1 1.00 1 1.00
e) Awareness and Exposure visit 3 years 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 3 3.00
f) Development and Hosting of website 1 0.50 1 0.50
8. Project Management Cost
9. Basic Input
a) Margin Money 30 1.80 40 2.40 30 1.80 100 6.00
b) New looms 40 3.20 24 1.92 24 1.92 88 7.04
c) Dobby 50 2.00 25 1.00 25 1.00 100 4.00
d) Jacquard 20 1.20 15 0.90 15 0.90 50 3.00
e) Accessories 60 1.20 25 0.50 25 0.50 110 2.20
10. Construction of Workshed 12 3.00 10 2.50 10 2.50 32 8.00
274 39.9 148 21.97 138 21.4 560 83.24
11. Civil amenities
a) Approach 1 5.00 1 5.00 2 10.00
b) Education 1 5.00 1 5.00
c) Electrification 50 10.00 50 10.00
d) Drinking water facility 1 3.00 1 3.00
e) Crèche centre(Child Day care Centre) 1 2.00 1 2.00
for children of the weaver
f) Primary education for children of the 1 3.00 1 3.00
Grand total 55 28.00 1 5.00 56 33.00
329 67.9 149 26.97 138 21.37 616 116.24


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