Dakks Bs en 45011
Dakks Bs en 45011
Dakks Bs en 45011
Who we are
Attesting competence,
Assuring quality,
Creating confidence.
What is accreditation?
Reliability through conformity assessment
The demands on the quality of goods and services
are growing steadily in light of the liberalisation of
world trade and the increasing demands of consumers,
companies and governmental authorities. Whether it
concerns environmental protection, food or electrical
industry, public health service or renewable energies
in these sectors as in many others, objective
verifications by laboratories as well as inspection
and certification bodies play an important role.
These so-called conformity assessments ensure
that tested products, certified processes, services
or systems comply with the requirements defined
in the relevant standards, directives and laws.
Inspection bodies
Certification bodies
Providers of
proficiency tests
Producers of reference
For consumers
Accreditation increases the confidence of
consumers in the quality and safety of products
and services.
How to recognise an
accredited body?
All bodies accredited by DAkkS can demonstrate
their accredited status by the accreditation certificate issued to them.
In addition, accredited bodies may make reference
to their accredited status by using the DAkkS
accreditation symbol on test reports and certificates.
This is as proof of the high quality of their conformity
assessment services, distinguishing them from those
of non-accredited bodies. The symbol consists of the
protected mark of DAkkS and a distinct registration
A database of all accredited bodies is provided by
DAkkS on its website (www.dakks.de).
About DAkkS
Since 1 January 2010, DAkkS has taken on the role as the
national accreditation body of Germany. DAkkS is entrusted by the Federal Government with its public authority
tasks and is subject to the German administrative
law and operates on a non-profit basis. Shareholders
of DAkkS are the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal
States (Lnder) and the industry, represented by the
Federation of German Industry (BDI).
DAkkS has its headquarters in Berlin. Other locations
of DAkkS are Frankfurt am Main and Braunschweig.
DAkkS acts in public interest as the sole provider of
accreditation services in Germany and in accordance
with the Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 and the Act
on the Accreditation Body (AkkStelleG).
DAkkS is a member of the European co-operation for
Accreditation (EA), the International Accreditation Forum
(IAF), and the International Laboratory Accreditation
Cooperation (ILAC). It is a signatory to the Multilateral
Agreements (MLA) of these organisations.
The mutual recognition of accreditations among the
Member Countries ensures the acceptance of conformity
assessments in Europe and all over the world.
Location Braunschweig
Bundesallee 100 | 38116 Braunschweig | Germany
Phone: +49 531 592-1901
Fax: +49 531 592-1905
Location Frankfurt
Gartenstrae 6 | 60594 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
Phone: +49 69 610943-0
Fax: +49 69 610943-90