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Rehabilitation Will Not

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" Rehabilitation will not"

Prof. Stoleshnikov AP
Third edition, supplemented . 2012.

Instead epigraph :

I'm talking about us, the sons of Sinai,

About us whose view other heat warmed .
Let the Russian people is a different path,
Prior to their Slavic cases we do not care
We ate their food, but paid with blood.
The accounts are kept, but do not let down.
We will avenge - flowers in the head
their north country.
When lacquer wears off test,
When the stall red screaming roar ,
We stand at the grave of birch
In honor guard .
Jewish poet D. Marques:


This book - the accusation. And like any accusation, it is a collection of documents that you
have so far been unknown. Because blaming a responsible, all primary sources carefully
checked and names are given , both in Russian and English languages. These primary sources
for a long time , but only for those who are interested in this issue , known in the West. This
book is not a sweeping indictment of all Jews indiscriminately; she blames only international
organized Jewry and the part of the Jews, which was involved in his dark deeds. That is a
charge of only those Jews who themselves, as they say, The cat knows whose meat is eaten ."

Prof. Stoleshnikov AP
Chapter 1.
Victor Marsden
The first document proving the Jewish nature, established in 1917 by the "Soviet" government
had a list of senior officials of the Soviet government, drawn up in 1919 by British journalist of
the newspaper Morning Post " Victor Marsden . Victor Emile Marsden (1866 - October 28 ,
1920 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_E._Marsden
Victor Marsden also translated into English and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1923_75p._Title_p.-_PSM_-_The_Britons_-Marsden.jpg. After
that they made such a strong impression on the father of modern assembly-line production of
Henry Ford, he hired journalists, lawyers, human experts who supplied the information, it proves
the existence of the organized Jewish war against humanity. The result of these studies was the
four-volume "International Jewry," which was recently released in Russia in 2 volumes in
Russian http://libereya.ru/biblus/ford.htm. In modern Russian literature in underground
applications is often given Marsdenovsky list of Jewish Bolshevik government , in particular ,
that list is Marsdenovsky VN Emelyanov in his 1988 work " The one-sided internationalism , or
Stalinism - is the Asiatic mode of production" , as well as in his own separate " Jewish Nazism ".
And Emelyanov does not indicate the source of your list. I fill this gap and give tribute to Victor
Marsden, because most Victor Marsden translation of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was
worth living, it immediately eliminated shortly after returning to England from Russia in 1921. To
honor the memory of Victor E. Marsden, I totally give here a translation with a preface of his
"Jews in Russia with a list of Jews in the Soviet Government of Russia"

Introduction to the Marsden brochure, written in 1921 by an unknown editor:

" This article was written by Victor Marsden in December 1918. He was for many years been a
regular correspondent for the British newspaper Morning Post " in Russia . After an armed coup
arranged by the Bolsheviks, Marsden was cast in the Peter and Paul Fortress . It was the same
day , August 31, 1918 , when in Petrograd was killed by Captain Francis Cromie (Captain
Cromie) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Cromie. Captain (Acting.) Francis Newton Allen
Cromie, CB, DSO, (January 30 , 1882 - August 31 , 1918 , Petrograd). Naval attache in
Petrograd England . Cheka killed Aug. 31, 1918 . He was buried in the Archangel Memorial in
St. Petersburg . "
In 1921 , after returning from Russia Victor Marsden improve their health , as a correspondent in
the retinue of the Prince of Wales , during a tour of the Prince throughout the British Empire.
However, immediately after returning from the tour Victor Marsden died unexpectedly of overall

health. The following is a list of senior officials of the Soviet state . Even Mr. Lucien Wolf was
not able to declare the list forgery.
The American Jewish banker Jacob Schiff , (about which more in detail it will be) financed the
war with Japan to Russia . Then Schiff financed the " Russian " revolution of 1905 in Russia ,
and provided a comfortable life of Trotsky, as his time in London, Rothschild provides life of Karl
Marx. And , after Trotsky was released from captivity by order of the Canadian Jewishcontrolled British government , has no doubt that the Jews crucified Russia , and it is they who
bear the responsibility for World War II , and for the hypocrisy of the "League of Nations" , and
for treason , so-called " signing the Treaty of Versailles ."
In any case it is impossible to imagine that the only victim of Russian Jews. Russia simply
repeated the fate of England and France, which befell them in their own 'Great Revolution. "
Before the revolution, the Jews controlled the imperial government as they controlled the British
government of Asquith and Lloyd George by Cassel, Spayer, Mond & Co. When Asquith
government fell , the Jews began to control the Lloyd George through his brethren , placed
literally in every department of England and for each seat representing any interest . In this
case, the Jews are working not only clean the Jews , but also half-Jewish and hidden Jews in
exactly the same way as it happened in Russia .
The Jewish danger is no longer a danger , it is a fait accompli total Jewish dictatorship
established over the whole world . Jews all over the world completely control all the wealth ,
money, natural resources and information. The sooner the British have assimilated this fact, the
better it will be for them , because until recently, no one has ever prevented the Jews to carry
out the program of control of the world , expressed in the " Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

Victor Marsden
"Jews in Russia "

Jews in Russia more than in all the world put together . Only officially Jews in Russia about 10
million people , and how many there are in fact, only God knows. In all countries where there is
compulsory military service , the Jews with the rabbis falsify their statistics . This is a common
practice. Jews change their date of birth , boys girls write , write only one child instead of
several , and so on. In addition, the Jews practiced kidnapping women to brothels all over the
world who are only Jews , a phenomenon called "white slavery ", is widely practiced by the rich
Jews marrying non-Jewish woman and record their half-Jews under Christian names. How does
this practice distorts our society - is the subject of a separate study. For example, a Russian
Grand Duke , who was recently shot , was the illegitimate grandson of one of the royal
personages in Germany, seduced Jewish banker. Jews willingly give their women to marry
Christians. In Russian Jews as readily to Orthodoxy , especially if it is profitable for them . At the
same time they change their names, so if earlier was Jacob Rubenstein , now he Ivan Ivanovich
Ivanov . This change does not alter the essence of a Jew, who continues to passionately serve
his world kagalom . Russian Jews call these " vykrestami ." So I , on the basis of their long-term

observations in Russia believe that the number of Jews in Russia for more than twenty million
people (it was a hundred years ago, and how many now ? )
The only public office that was open to the Jews in the royal government - is, oddly enough, in
the secret police, the gendarmerie. This fact , of course, determined the fate of Russia and, in
particular , Prime Minister Stolypin. The Jews were aware of everything that happens in the
royal government because they controlled the king's secret police , and knew everything about
everyone . The Bolsheviks could , it was not without our help ( England ) , it is easy to take the
power back in July of 1917 , if not earlier . Now the Jews seized power in Germany, and thus
the whole world at their feet . Christian nations are thrown into poverty and slavery around the
world. Christians - are Jewish slaves . Because the Jews - this is the only race that is not only
protected from conception , but also stimulates the birth (look at their religious regulation of
behavior on Saturdays) , there is no doubt that the Jewish population will soon surpass the
number of Christians. And then, as they believe , would be born a Jew , the Messiah , who will
give the whole world to " favor the winner ." We are already at the end of this long path of
conquest, to which the Jews come six thousand years ago.
And two thousand years ago the Jews , destroying the republican Rome, has captured the world
the power in their hands typing mode is fully accountable to the Jews , the so-called emperors.
Roman emperors rich Jews of Rome is appointed and deposed on your own, because it was the
Jews controlled the Praetorian Guard . Unlike the Republican Rome , the Roman Empire was
already Jewish Roman Empire. If you look at the history of imperial Rome , it , like everyone
else, must be treated quite the opposite. All the emperors who refused to obey the Jews, were
slandered and called crazy , like Nero or Caligula . Nero's rebellious Jews they took after the
burned Rome and rioted , then slandered him and come up with beautiful legends about his
death. Obliging as to the Jews , the Roman emperors were called smart and great, but Jesus
Christ came , the Jews were pushed back , and lost his world domination , and their den in
Jewish Palestine was destroyed. But Jews are not one of those who give up, they again began
to fight for world domination , and now the Jews are already in the final stages of a global state
of the Jews. Non-Jews in this scheme no .
Without exception, all of the revolution in Russia , and in particular in 1905 and 1917 , were a
work of the hands of the Jews. Even the Pugachev rebellion was organized by Jews. Yemelyan
Pugachev came from Poland, and that says a lot. Earlier, Polish Jewry is suited march on
Moscow , and was very close to the target. Poland at that time was the capital of world Jewry ,
as it is now Britain, Soviet Russia or the United States . Not for nothing is Pugachev came from
Poland . He came accompanied by Jewish "commissars " armed and equipped with the Polish
Jewry , that is, it was not rebellion , and the invasion of Poland, a large detachment of foreign
mercenaries. His procession on Russian soil was accompanied by the same beatings Christian
priests , the destruction of churches and massacres of the common people, that are the
hallmark of action disguised Jews , beginning with the Protestant Holland, Germany,
revolutionary France or England , to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Similar events , by which
the Jews liquidated as a class the entire national stratum of educated people in the major
European countries were the following events : the so -called national liberation struggle for the
liberation of the Netherlands from Spanish rule , from which Jews were expelled before that
Queen Isabella , the Thirty Years War in Germany in the 17th century , the Great Jewish

Revolution in England in the 17th century , the great Jewish Revolution in France in the 18th
century , and finally , it is the Great October revolution in Jewish Communist Russia . America at
the same time has already been opened , and from the beginning was built as a Jewish country
, and to the principles of the Jewish state as the Yellow Devil , the Jewish god Mammon ,
Moloch, and the Jewish god Jehovah .
Bolshevik Jews after 1917, were taken from Russia all the values that can be physically take out
at once: gold, jewels, which they stripped killed people , and now they are engaged in the export
of Russian natural resources. These Jews for the years 1917-1921 in Russia nemeryannom
exterminated millions of people, mostly from the upper strata of society , and as far as possible
down . Class theory of the Jew Karl Marx gave them the opportunity to officially outlaw and
eliminate all the educated class of Russia , so now there is hardly a non-Jew, who could read
and write.
Jews in Russia now sell Russian natural wealth to governments of the USA and England. The
Jews of St. Petersburg - the only people who can walk straight. Russian Jews , in spite of the
revolution and civil war, have food , clothes, shoes , they have everything you need. Other than
the Jews in Russia , it did not have. Non-Jews in Russia are doomed to starvation . Some
Jewish groups selected food and valuables from the citizens of Russia and other Jewish troops
shot them. Jews are now going all over the world in the Bolshevik Russia : from England, from
the U.S. to help their Russian Jews rule Russia , and they all get Russian leadership positions,
get good accommodation , food, clothes, without any problems at once.
Immediately after 1917, Jews in general have banned all forms of Christianity in Russia . Under
pain of death, weddings, funerals, generally no rituals had to be performed in Russian with the
use of Christian symbolism. Divorce, on the contrary - a matter of minutes. This is done for the
convenience of Jewish bosses, get rid of their non-Jewish concubines. Priests are the special
object of Jewish hatred. If the information from the total murder of the Russian people would not
leak abroad, the priests would long ago have all been finished off. Perhaps needless to mention
that the rabbis and synagogues are flourishing.
On the other hand, there is evidence to believe that for the first time since the destruction of
Jerusalem in Judaism there is a split between the old and the young shoots . Young Jews - it's
mostly atheists , and they are killing Christians do not disdaining any technical means. I'm not
sure that the old Jew with them completely, but there is a polka suffering of Christians , the old
Jews look at the matter with the secret approval. However, if you ever Russian people rise up
and start killing Jews , there is no doubt that the whole world is filled with stories about the
horrors of the wild , which are "innocent" Jews and all Christian governments rush to help the
Jews as a race , and will risk their Christian sons and send them to the war in Russia to urgently
rescue the Jews at the hands of a just retribution. (Note Trans. This rebellion against the Jewish
slavery did not happen in Russia , and Germany, whose fate and oshelmovyvanie are well
known , and the Americans and the British did send their children to pry Jews from the hands of
the Germans have lost all patience ) .
The Jews were the commanders of the unit, which broke on August 31 at the British Embassy in
Petrograd and shot Captain Cromie . Jews arrested everyone in the British Embassy .
Commanded all three Jews who had one revolver in each hand.
All the political struggle in any country is only among Jews . Because they 're smart ? No -

because they are plentiful. Because they are everywhere , explicit , semi-explicit and disguised
Russified and Yankeefied . All political parties are controlled by Jews , but it does not say about
the differences among the Jews. This is a common trick , in which any of them in any case
come to power. All trade unions seized by the Jews , while they are the same and the bankers
and capitalists. You may say that it is against the theory , and that the unions should fight
against the capitalists . This way you explain the Jews . And in practice , and Jewish bankers
and Jewish union bosses , robbing the Christian people at both ends.
The Jewish government of Russia ruled Russia through the creation of armed groups , each of
which has a special commissioner personally Leon Trotsky , who is the real dictator of Russia .
These militias are a gang of criminals who do not shun kill their own people . Leon Trotsky has
direct access to Western bankers , and is therefore an inexhaustible source of money and
weapons. In fact, in Russia only one man - Leon Trotsky is currency. With currency and
weapons , Leon Trotsky arms of criminals and thugs to whom he aims to suppress any
opposition to his regime in Russia . Russia all impoverished and expropriated by Jewish
commissars in it people are starving millions, but Trotsky gang armed with all brand-new
European weapons , and there is no shortage of ammunition. Trotsky's Jewish emissaries
abroad provide Trotsky flow of arms into debt under the subsequent granting of concessions for
the development of Russian natural resources. Handing out concessions Trotsky himself . Who
are the leaders of the gang , so armed by Trotsky Trotsky listens , he continues to receive
money and weapons, and ranked among the regular troops of the Red Army. Who ceases to
obey Trotsky , he stops receiving money and weapons , so all of them, although they may
pokurolesit a while , but ultimately doomed. It is clear that , with unlimited flow of money from
overseas , Leon Trotsky , who used to have a U.S. passport , must win this unfair fight with the
Russian people , because against the Russian people actually fighting the whole world , and the
worst part of him. Thus , Leon Trotsky once kills two birds with one stone : on the one hand, he
destroys the Russian population , and on the other hand, it creates an army loyal to him
personally . Trotsky's spies are everywhere and spy on every Christian . Any infraction of
Trotsky is punishable by death . If any problem with the Jews , are taken hostage : his wife ,
children , relatives, and are shot . For example , it is necessary to present the royal officer was
fighting against his own people , his family is taken hostage. Money and valuables , for a
reckoning with the American bankers also collected by shooting the hostages. The crackdown is
also achieved by shooting the hostages. The whole territory of Russia and parts of the
population declared subject to total extermination , such as the south of Russia and Ukraine and
the Cossacks ' raskazachivayutsya "in general . Everywhere in the "Soviet" Jewish Russian
Jewish symbols appeared in the form of stars.
In 1905, millions of pounds have been sent from London to Russia to help Jews coup , but the
Russian government had to make an official apology for one public person who is in Moscow
dared express aloud. That's right, technically it was not the right person , the money was not
collected by Britain and the world Jewish community in Russia and sent a roundabout way , but
not right across England . (This was the so-called business "Agence Latine". Person who
provided the information to an official Russian , Russian secret agent , now, I think , is in
London ) .
World Jewry has its own government , and not one, but many that are intertwined and are
coordinated , so that the world is a giant octopus . The central brain of this government is the

Sanhedrin , the modern equivalent of that which has always existed (now apparently called the
Presidium of the World Jewish Congress) .
The Jews who run Russia .
Staff of the Soviet bureaucracy .

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks (all Jews) : In the first place , and
this is important in the list by Victor Marsden is Trotsky ( Bronstein )
http://www.gwpda.org/memoir/Robins/images/Robins03.jpg. In second place is Lenin ( Ulyanov
- Form http://www.gwpda.org/memoir/Robins/images/Robins04.jpg). In third place was Zinoviev
( Apfelbaum. He wrote for and edited the works of Lenin them
Then, one by one : Lurie ( Yuri Larin (real name Michael Lurie Zalmanovich . Nephew of famous
Russian publishers brothers Garnet . Brothers Pomegranate - N. Alexander ( 1861-1933 ) and
Ignatius N. ( 1863-1941 ) Garnet, founders of the famous publishing house " Garnet ." In of
1917-1921 . one of the leaders of the Soviet economy , a member of the Presidium of the
Supreme Economic Council . originator of the concept of the food tax and other tough measures
to reform agriculture. one of the founders of the State Planning Commission , in November 1921
with a member of his Presidency. ) .
Krilenko (http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/krylenko.html Name - " Abram ", then People's Commissar
of Justice , and the first chairman of the Chess Federation of the USSR. Krilenko His daughter
Lena was married to an American Jew and an agent of Max Eastman http:/ / en.wikipedia.org /
wiki / Max_Eastman),
Lunacharsky (Bail - Mandelstam ) http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/lunachar.html
Moses Uritzky http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/uricki.html,
Volodarskij B. ( real name Moses Goldstein Markovich ) (1890-1918)
Kamenev ( Rozenfeld. He husband 's sister Olga and Trotsky also editor and Lenin's works
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/bio_k/kamenev_lb.php. Smidovich

Sverdlov http://www.gwpda.org/memoir/Robins/images/Robins06.jpg.
Steklov ( real name - Ovshy Moiseevich Nahamkis http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/steklov_ym.html
member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet , in 1917-1925 editor of the
newspaper " Izvestia ". ) .
The card on the anniversary of the revolution :
Official photo on the anniversary of the revolution : http://zarubezhom.com/Images/bolshevikGodovzhina.jpg

Bureau of the First Board of Workers 'and Soldiers ' Deputies of Moscow (the Jews) : The three
co-chairmen: Chairman of the Board of the first Moscow after the revolution - Leyba Khinchuk .
Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' and Red Army - Smidovich . Chairman of the Soviet of
Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies - Moder .

Members of the first City Council : Zarkh . Klamer . Gronberg . Sheikman . Rothstein . Levenzon
. Krasnopolskiy . Martov ( Tsederbaum ) . Rivkin . Simson . Tyapkin . Schick . Falk . Anderson (
Lithuanian Jew ) . Vimba ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Solo ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Michelson . Ter- Michyan
(Armenian Jew ) . Secretary of the Bureau - Klausner . Head Office - Rotsengolts .
Central Executive Committee of the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and
Soldiers' Deputies ( According to the constitution in 1918 , formally, the highest authority ) . Of
the 34 members of the CEC any non-Jew .
Chairman - Yakov Sverdlov . Members : Abelman . Veltman ( P. ) . Axelrod . Tsederbaum (
Martov. Menshevik ) . Krassikov . Lundberg . Volodarskij . Tsederbaum ( Levitsky ) . Lenin .
Zinoviev - Apfelbaum . Trotsky . Orphan. Sukhanov ( Himmer ) . Rivkin . Tseybut . Ratner .
Bleichman ( Solntaev ) . A. Goldenrudin . Haskin . Lander . Aaronovitch . Kamkov ( Katz ) .
Fishman . Abramovich . Fritsche . Ilyin ( Goldstein ) . Scorcher . Khinchuk . Berlinrut . Distler .
Cherniavskyi . Ben ( Benjamin ) Smidovich .

Central Executive Committee of the Fifth Congress of Soviets. Of the 62 members of a single
non-Jew : Bruno ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Breslau ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Babchinsky . Bukharin
(http://www.hrono.info/biograf/buharin.html pure Jew and friend of Trotsky, who was with him in
New York and who had American citizenship , has always stood out for a Russian ) . Weinberg .
Gajlis . Geyntsberg . Danishevskii ( German Jew ) . Stark . Zacks . Scheinman . Erdling .
Ladauer . Linger . Oxen ( Litvinov , the future Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Marsden
recorded " Czech " , the Jew ) . Semen Dimanshtein . Levine. Ehrman . Joffe . Karklin .
Knigissen . Kamenev ( Rosenfeld ) . Zinoviev ( Apfelbaum ) . Krilenko (nickname - Abram ( !)) .
Krassikov . Kapnik . Kaul . Lenin . Latsis (already Marsden emphasizes that Latsis Jew ) .

Lander . Lunacharsky . Peterson ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Peters ( Latvian Jew ) . Rudzutak (

Lithuanian Jew ) . Rosin . Smidovich . Stuchka ( Latvian Jew ) . Sverdlov . SMIG ( Latvian Jew )
. Steklov ( Nakhamkes ) . Sosnovitsky . Skrypnyk . Trotsky . Teodorovich . Terjan (Armenian
Jew ) . Uritzky . Tegulechkin (a Jew ) . Feldman. Frumkin . Tsuryupa . Chavchavadze (
Georgian Jew ) . Sheikman . Rosenthal. Ashkenazi . Karahan ( Karaite Jew ) . Rose. Radek (
Sobelson ) . Schlichter . Chikolini . Shiyansky .

The Council of People's Commissars : Chairman - Ulyanov - Lenin ( Jew Blank) . At Marsden
yet he is still listed as " Russian " ) . Commissar for Foreign Affairs , first Trotsky (a Jew ) , then
Chicherin (a Jew , in Marsden's still listed as " Russian " ) Commissioner for Nationalities Dzhugashvili (V Marsden number of " Georgian " ) . Chairman of the Economic Council - Lurie (
Larin ) - a Jew . Commissioner for recovery - Schlichter ( Jew ) , the Commissioner of public
lands - Kaufman (a Jew ) . The commissioner of state control - Lander ( Jew ) . Commissioner
of Public Works - V. Schmidt (a Jew ) . Agriculture Commissioner - Proshyan (Armenian Jew )
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/proshyan.html. Commissioner of the Army and Navy - Trotsky (a
Jew ) . The commissioner of social assistance - E. Lilina ( Knigissen ) - Jewish, Commissioner
of Education , Lunacharsky (Bail , at Marsden Lunacharskii indicated as Mandelstam
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/lunachar.html) - Jewish faiths Commissioner - Shpittsberg ( Jew ) ,
the Commissioner of Internal Affairs - Zinoviev ( Apfelbaum ) - The Jew , the Commissioner of
Finance - Isidore Hooke (a Jew ) , Commissioner of the election - Uritzky (a Jew ) .
Commissioner of Justice - I. Steinberg ( Jew ) . Commissioner for evacuation - Fenigstein (a
Jew ), his deputies - Ravitch and Zaslavsky - both Jewish.
Total of 20 Soviet commissars all Jews , but only a few kriptoevrei .

Army Commissariat (all Jews) : The Commissioner of the army and navy - Trotsky . The Vice Sklyansky Trotsky and Hirschfeld . Chairman of the Military Council of the same Trotsky . The
members of this Council , and Shorodak Petch ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Deputy. The Military
Committee in Moscow - Steinhardt ( Lithuanian Jew ) and Dumpis ( German Jew ) . The
commander of the border guards of the school - Glaser ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Commissioners of
the 5th Soviet division - Dzennis and Polonsky ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Commissioner of the army in
the Caucasus - Lehtiner . Extraordinary Commissioner of Eastern - Front Shulman and Bruno.
The members of the Military Council of Kazan - Rozengolts , Maygar and Nazengolts , the
Commissioner of the Petrograd Military District - Gutpis . The military commandant of Petrograd
- Tseyger . The commander of the Red Guards during the rebellion of Yaroslavl - Hecker . The
commander of the Eastern Front against the Czechs - Vatsetis ( Latvian Jew ) . The commander
of the Moscow Military District - Butkus ( Lithuanian Jew ) . A member of the Military Council PP Latsimer . Head (S.R). Military command - Elkan Solomonovich Coleman (former Austrian
officer ) . The Commissioner of the Moscow Military District - Medkas . Chief of Defence of the
Crimea - A.Zak . The commander of the Kursk Fontenot - Sluzin , his assistant - Zilberman .
Commissioner Romanian fronts - Spiro . Predrevshtaba Staff of the Army of Northern Army - A.
Fishman (a Jew ) . Chairman of the Board of armies on the Western Front - Pozern . Military
Justice Commissioner Army 12 - Romm . Commissioner 12 Army - Meichik . Commissioner

Vitebsk - Daiba . Commissioner 4th Army - Livenzon . The Commissioner of the Moscow
Military District - Gubelman . Commissioner of military requisitions of Slutsk - Kalmanovich (
Lithuanian Jew ) . Commissioner Samara Division - Gluzman Political Commissar for the same
Samara Division - Beckman . Commissioner for requisition in the Moscow Military District Zusmanovich . The representative at the talks with the Germans - Davidovich ( Physician
specialty ) .

Commissariat of Internal Affairs : (all Jews) : The People's Commissar Zinoviev ( Apfelbaum ) .
http://www.emc.komi.com/03/16/003.htm ( Radomyslsky Gregory Evseevich ( Radomyslsky
Ovsey - Gershen Aaronovitch , Zinoviev . (real name Apfelbaum ) ) Head of the Propaganda
Department - Goldenrudin . Assistant Commissar - Uritzky . Chairman of the economic
Committee of the Petrograd commune - Ender. Deputy . Chairman hygiene - mine .
Commissioner for evacuation of refugees - Fenigstein , his assistant - Krochmal ( Zagorski ) and
Abram . Commissioner Petrograd print - Volodarskij . Civic chief - Petrograd Schneider . Civil
Head of Moscow - Minor . Commissioner printing Moscow - Krassikov (a Jew ) . Commissioner
of police of Petrograd - Fierman . Bureau Chief printing - Martinson . Commissioner safety of
Moscow - K. Rosenthal.

Members of the Petrograd Cheka ( all Jews ) Sheikman . Giller . Kozlowski . Model I.
Rozmirovich . Dispersion (Armenian Jew ) . Iosilevich . Krassikov . Buhyan (Armenian Jew ) .
Mernis (Lithuanian Jew ) . Paykers ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Anvelt ( German Jew ) .
Members of the Petrograd Soviet : Sorge (a Jew ) , Radomyslsky ( Lithuanian Jew ) .
Members of the Moscow Cheka Chairman - Dzerzhinsky ( Polish Jew ), Vice - Peters ( Latvian
Jew )
The members of the board of the Cheka (all Jews ) Shklovsky , Kneyfis - (later Chairman of the
Kiev Cheka - the ferocity of which is described in the book Melgunov " Red Terror ").
Razmirovich . Kronberg (later chairman of the Cheka in Orsha and Smolensk ) . Tseystin .
Chaikin ( a Jewish woman ) . Carlson ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Schauman ( Lithuanian Jew ) .
Leontovich . Rivkin . Antonov . Delafarb . Citkin . E. Rozmirovich . Sverdlov . Bisensky .
Blyumkin ( killer Ambassador Mirbach ) . A. ( Bliumkin accomplice ) . I. Model (Chairman of the
Board Trubeckogo bastion fortress ) . Roytenberg . Phineas . Jacob Goldin . Galpershteyn .
Knigissen . Zacks . Latsis ( Latvian Jew ) . Daybol ( Latvian Jew ) . Seyzan (Armenian Jew ) .
Depkin ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Libert (chief Taganka prison ) . Vogel ( German Jew ) . Soured (
Lithuanian Jew ) Shillenkus . Janson ( Lithuanian Jew ) .

Commissariat of Foreign Affairs ( all Jews ) Chicherin (a Jew )

http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/chicher_g.html. His deputies : Karahan ( Crimean Jews , Kara .
Pictured with Chicherin : http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/chicher_g.html) and Fritsche . Head of the
Passport Office - Margolin . Ambassador to Germany - Joffe (the best friend of Trotsky and the
organizer of the Jewish communist putsch in Germany http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/ioffe.html).

The military attach of the Soviet embassy in Germany - Eugene Levin ,

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:EugenLevine.JPG of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Levin%
C3% A9 Vicki : "Eugene Levin (May 10 , 1883 , St Petersburg, Russia - July 5, 1919 , Bavaria).
was born in St. Petersburg in a Jewish family . Educated in Germany. Bolshevik . in 1905 he
returned to Russia to participate in the public pervorote . Exiled to Siberia . Escaped to
Germany. Gedelbergskom He studied at the university. married to Rose Levine, the daughter of
Rabbi Polish city Grodek. After the Bolsheviks murder February 21, 1919 Jew Kurt Eisner
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Eisner, president of the liberal Bavaria proclaimed November 8,
1918 on the ruins of " parade 's sovereignty ," the German Empire , Eugene Levine was the
absolute dictator of the totalitarian Bavarian Soviet republic under the red flag :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavarian_Soviet_Republic. Levin once he began to carry out the
practice of taking and Trotsky mass execution of hostages. foreign war criminal . Evreonala
Agent world . was shot by German warriors "Freikorps" in prison Stadelheim. Interestingly tells
Vicki about him as a " German potetsialnom Lenin ": "Eugen Levin, sometimes characterized
as a" potential German Lenin "http: / / en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Bavarian_Soviet_Republic. Levin
in Germany , in Russia , Lenin ) .
We continue to list Marsden :
Press bureau chief and intelligence services of the Soviet Embassy in Germany - T. Axelrod .
The Soviet representative in Vienna and London - Kamenev ( Rosenfeld ) . The Soviet
representative in London and Paris - Beck. Ambassador to the Christians ( Norway ) - Boytler
(arrested by the British ) . Consul in Glasgow - Malkin (he was convicted in England for 5 years
after the Bolshevik propaganda and subversive activities) . The delegate at the peace talks in
Kiev - Christian ( Chaim ) Rakowski . His assistant - Manuilsky . Ministerial lawyer - Astshub .
Consul in Kiev - Grunbaum ( Kzhevinsky ) . Consul in Odessa - A. Beck. Ambassador to the
U.S. - Ludwig Martens ( German Jew ) .

The Commissariat of Finance ( all net Jews) : The first commissioner was FINAS Merzhvinsky (
Polish Jew ) , (before it expelled from the " Union Bank " in Paris for illegal operations , where
he was a broker ) . His deputy. - Don Nightingale (formerly the assistant pharmacist ) . Then
became commissioner Isidore Hooke , who previously worked at the Nobel in Petersburg. His
deputies : Axelrod , S. Sachs ( Gladnev ) , head of loans. Bogolepov . Hashkan - the general
secretary. Bertha Khinevich - Assistant Secretary . The President of the Congress of Soviets of
the financial - M. Latsis (a Jew ) . His assistant - Weizmann . Commissioner for the settlement of
Russian -German accounts - Furstenberg - Hanecki http://hronos.km.ru/biograf/ganecki.html.
The main official commissariat - Kogan .
Administration of the People's Bank ( all Jews ) Mihelman . Zacks . Abelin . Axelrod . Sadnikov .
Financial representatives : Berlin - Landau in Copenhagen - Thieves in Stockholm - Abraham
Shankman .
The Inspector General of the People's Bank - Caen . His deputy. - Gorenstein . Chief
Commissioner for the elimination of private banks - Anrika , his assistant - Moses bucket .
The members of the Committee on the Elimination of private banks : Eliashevich . G. Gifelih .

Rogov (a Jew ) . Mr. Lemaire . A. Plata ( Lithuanian Jew ) .

The Commissariat of Justice (all Jews) : The Commissioner - J. Steinberg . Commissioner of

the Court of Appeal in Moscow - A. Schrader . Chairman of the Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal
- J. Berman . The commissioner of the Senate in Petrograd - Ber . President of the Supreme
Revolutionary Committee of the Republic - Leon Trotsky . ( Another post Trotsky ) . PI Stuchka .
(Http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/stuchka.html Stuchka Peter Ivanovich ( Janowicz ) ( 07.14.1865 ,
farm Pakula in Riga . Gub. Livonia , 25.01.1932 , Moscow) . Ukonchil jack-up rig , Esq. In 1917
member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet delegate VI Party Congress ( b).
delegate I and II All-Russian Congress of Soviets of the RNC , a member of the Central
Executive Committee 1. Member of the Democratic Conference . Commissar of Justice ( MarchAugust 1918). President of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR ( 1923-1932 ) Director of the
Institute of Soviet law ) .
Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry Revolutionary Tribunal - Gluzman . The investigators of
the Tribunal : Legendorf and Slutsky. Attorney General - Friedkin . Chief officer at ASC Goynbark . The Secretary of the People's Committee - Shirvin (Shard names Shirvindt ) .
Assistant to the People's Committee - Luttsky . The people's backs: Antokol'skii . J. Beyer . B.
Aaronovitch . R. Bisque . A. Gundar . Davydov . R. Kastaryan (Armenian Jew ) .

Academics and members of the Socialist Academy of Sciences ( all Jews ) Reisner . Fritzsche (
Lithuanian Jew ) . Goykhborg . Pokrovsky (http://www.hrono.info/biograf/pokrovski.html Mikhail
Pokrovsky (1868 - 1932) From November 1917 to March 1918 - Chairman of the Moscow
Soviet . Some time belonged to the group of "Left Communists " opposed the signing of the
Brest-Litovsk peace treaty. since 1918 - Deputy People's Commissar of education of the
RSFSR . in 1923 - 1927 . actively participated in the struggle against Trotskyism , in different
years, led the Communist Academy, the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the
USSR , the Institute of red Professors . since 1929 - Academician . repeatedly elected to the
Central Executive Committee and Central Executive Committee of the USSR. ) . Veltman .
Sobelson ( Radek ) . Krupskaya ( emphasizes that a Jew ) . Nakhamkes (glass). PI Stuchka .
Nemirovsky . , J. Rakowski . KP Levine. , MS Olshansky , ZR Telenberg , Gurvich, Ludberg .
Erberg . Keltulan ( Hungarian Jew ) . Grossman ( Roschin) . Krachkovskii . Ursin ( Finnish Jew )
. Sprawl tonne ( Finnish Jew ) . Rosin . Danchevskaya . Glazer . Godenrudin . Budin . Rothstein
. Charles Rappoport . Lurie .
Honorary members of the academy: Rosa Luxemburg (German Jew ) , Clara Zetkin ( (nee
Eisner , a German Jew On the left Zetkin , Rosa Luxemburg was right :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Zetkin_luxemburg1910.jpg). Mehring ( German Jew .) Hugo
Haase . ( Hugo Haase . was born in Prussia, the son of a Jewish shoemaker and small
predprenimatelya Nathan Haase . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hugohaase.jpg from
http://en.wikipedia. org / wiki / Hugo_Haase - German Social- demokrakat . kriptoevreem Next
to Friedrich Ebert , the son of a Jewish tailor , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Ebert
President - " Council of People's deputies " ( Just like in Russia : http:/ / en.wikipedia.org / wiki /

Rat_der_Volksbeauftragten - from November 9, 1918 the Interim Government of Germany (

Weimar republic ) , after the coup d'etat in Germany).
Literary Bureau of the Proletariat (all Jews) :
Eyhengolts . Polanski ( Lebedev ) . Kherson . Zaitsev ( emphasizes that a Jew ) . Brender .
Hodasevich ( Hodasevich Vladislav Felitsianovich - poet) . Schwartz. Director of the first
department of the People's Commissariat of Education, to which the whole Socialist Academy of
Sciences - Posner . Chief of Staff of the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment - Alter .
Commissioner of Social Assistance ( all Jews ) Commissioner - E. Lilina ( Knigissen ) . Director
- Paulner . Secretary E. Helfman . Assistant Secretary - Rose Gaufman . Head of the
department of retirement - Levine. Head Office - KF Rosenthal.

Commissioner of Public Works (all Jews) : The Commissioner - V. Schmidt ( emphasizes that a
Jew ) . His assistant Radus (Zenkovich ) . Head of the committee on public buildings - Goldbark
. Commissioner of Public Works , M. Veltman . His assistant - Kaufmann ( German Jew ) .
Commissioner Secretary - Ruskin . A member of the Commissariat - Kouchner . Head of the
Department of blasting - Zarkh .

Commission to rebuild the city of Yaroslavl (heavily damaged as a result of the suppression of
the rebellion Left Socialist-Revolutionary , all Jews) : Chairman - J. D. Tartakovsky . General
Contractor - Isidore Zabludovsky .

Representatives of the Soviet state in the international Red Cross (all Jews , and Trotsky's
personal spies in other countries ) in Berlin. Sobelson ( Radek.
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/radek.html Vicki : "Karl Radek Berngardovich ( alias Radek, in honor
of the popular comic character Austrian press, real name Sobelson (German Karol Sobelsohn);
Karl Radek was born in 1885 to a Jewish family of a teacher in Lemberg (Lvov ), which was
then located on the territory of the Austro -Hungarian Empire. Educated at the History
Department of the University of Krakow , a Soviet politician , leader of the international social
democratic and communist movement , and in 1919-24 a member of the Central Committee
RCP (B ) in the 1920-1924 term ( in 1920 secretary) of the ECCI , Employee newspaper
"Pravda " and " Izvestia" , the author of the term " National Bolshevism " - " National Bolshevik ."
Radek - one of the leaders of the Jewish communist putsch in Germany in 1918, the so-called "
movement of Spartak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartacist_League. " in noyab.1918 years
after the start of the germ. Revolution of illegally traveled to Germany as a member of the owls.
delegation to the Congress councils , participated in the org- 1- th Congress of the Communist
Party of Germany, he was arrested. ) .
The representative of the Council of Deputies in Vienna - J. Beerman, arrested in Austria and
expelled from the country for the preparation of the Jewish communist coup, together with
another 13 Jews , members of the Austrian Communist Party. When arrested, Berman was with

a 2.5 million Austrian crowns money.

In Warsaw : A. Klotsman . Alter . Vilage ( Veselovskii expelled from Poland with 5 more Jews for
the preparation of the Jewish communist insurgency. When it found three million rubles).
In Bucharest : Nissenbaum . Traveling on the passport as a Belgian citizen , " Gilbert ."
In Copenhagen : A Baum .

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Red Cross in Moscow ( International terrorist
organization by the global spread of the Jewish revolution in Europe ) : Benjamin ( Benjamin )
Moiseevich Sverdlov (brother of Yakov Sverdlov . Benjamin Sverdlov (1886 - 16 April 1939) the younger brother of James Sverdlova.Rodilsya in Lower Novgorod. As a youth participated in
the activities of the revolutionary youth clubs , was exiled to Narym , fled abroad . Prior to the
October revolution, he lived in the U.S., where unsuccessfully tried to lead the bank went
bankrupt and was forced to live in poverty. After the revolution of 1918 , according to Yakov
Sverdlov call back in the USSR and was appointed Commissar of Railways. in 1921 - Chairman
of the Main Committee of the State structures ( Glavkomgosoor ) , since 1926 - Member of the
Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council , Head of the scientific and Technical Department
of the Supreme Economic Council , Executive Secretary of the All-Union Association of
Employees of science and technology. since 1936 Director of Road research instituta.V October
1938 he was arrested as a " Trotskyite terrorist" , April 16, 1939 executed. ) .

Supreme Economic Council ( SEC ) ( all Jews) :

Chairman - Rykov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rykov. Chairman of the Supreme Economic
Council of the Petrograd - Eysmont . His deputy . - Landeman . Head in Petrograd - Kreinis .
Deputy. Rykov - Krassikov . Head of the common section in Moscow - A Shotman . His
assistant - A. Chaikin . Head of Rehabilitation Department - Kichvalter . Responsible for
Recovery - NA Rosenberg . His assistant - Zandich . Head of the Committee of oil - Tauris.
Head of Fisheries Department - Klammer . The chief of the coal section - Rothenberg . Head of
Transport Section - Kirsyan (Armenian Jew ) . His assistant - helmets. Head of steel sections A. Alperovitch .
Bureau of the Supreme Economic Council (all Jews ) Kreytman . Weinberg . Krasin . Lurie (
Larin ) . Chubar (noting that a Jew ) . Goldblatt . Scrap . Alperovitch . Rabinowitz .
Committee of the Supreme Economic Council of Donetsk (all Jews ) Kogan ( Bernstein ) . AI
Ochkis . Polonsky . Bisque ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Klassen ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Livshits . Kirsch (
German Jew ) . Kruse ( German Jew ) . Vihter . Rosenthal. Simonovic .
The members of the cooperative section ( all Jews ) Lubomirski . Khinchuk . Zedelgeym . Tager
. Chaikin . Krichevsky .
The members of the miners' section ( all Jews ) Kossior . Goldman . Lengniks . Holtzman .
Schmidt. Smith Folkner . Rudzutak . Sortel . Reynsvit . Blum . Kattsel . Sul. Chetkov .

Jewish leaders in the periphery. (all Jews) :

Commissioner of Siberia - Haytis . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies Syzran Belinsky . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies of Kazan - Shankman (killed ) .
Chairman of the Board of the miners of Donetsk region - Livenzon . Chairman of the Soviet of
Workers' Deputies of Narva - Dauman . Chairman of the Board of Workers of Yaroslavl Zakheim . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies Tsaritsina - Erman (killed ) . Chairman
of the Board of Workers Orenburg - Wheeling . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies
Penza - Liebersohn . Chairman of the Board of Workers Tauride - A. Slutsky. The
Commissioner of Finance of the Western regions - Samover . Chairman of the Board of Kiev Drelling . His assistant - Gintsberger . Chairman of the Duma of the White Church - Rutgauzen .
His assistant - Lemberg . The People's Commissar of the Republic of Donetsk - Rayhenshteyn .
(killed by officers Colonel Drozdowski ) . The Commissioner of the Republic of Donetsk - Isaac
Lauck . Schmookler (just Schmukler in the list)

Central Bureau of Trade Unions (later Council of Trade Unions ) Rafes . Davidson . Ginsberg .
Brilliant . Professor Smirnov . ( All Jews) .

Committee of Inquiry into the death of Emperor Nicholas II ( all the Jews , except, perhaps ,
Maximova and Mitrofanov , but unlikely ) Sverdlov . Sosnowski . Teodorovich . Rosin . Vladimir's
( Hirschfeld ) . Avanessov . Maximov . Mitrofanov .
Committee at the request of former members of the old regime : Chairman - Ants. Members :
Falcons. The remaining Jews are clear : Idelson . Gruzenberg . Solomon Gurevich . Goldstein .
Tager .

Journalists official communist newspaper :

When the newspapers " Pravda", " News", Finance and National Economy "( All the Jews )
Deanne . Bergman. Kuhn . Diamant . A. Bramson . A. Torbert . IB Golin . Bitner . E. Alperovitch
. Kloysner . Steklov ( Nakhamkes ) . Ilyin ( Tsiger ) . Grossman ( Rosin ) . Lurie (Rumyantsev ) .
When the newspaper " Will Work" (all Jews) : Zacks . Polanski . E. Katz .
When the newspaper Banner of Labor (all Jews except the editor of Maxim Gorky ) Steinberg .
Lander . Yaroslavsky . Efron . B. Schumacher . Levine . Billina . Davidson .
With industrial and commercial papers (all Jews) : Bernstein . Kogan . Goldberg . B. Rosenberg
. Raphailovich . Groman . Kulisher . Slavenson . I. Geller . Gauchman . Shuhman . P. Bastel . A.
Press . A. Moss . LS Eliason .

Leaders of other parties in Russia .

The Central Committee of the Communist Party Mensheviks ( all Jews ) March ( March ( real
name . Tsederbaum ) Julius Osipovich (1873 , Constantinople - 1923 , Schomberg , Germany )
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/martov.html - the leader of the Mensheviks . ) . Another brother

Tsederbaum Martov. Dimand . N. Himmer . Strauss . Ratner . Lieber . Zonn . Dan

(http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/bio_d/dan_fi.php present . Fam . Gurvich ) Fedor Ilyich (1871 , St.
Petersburg - 1947 , New York) - the leader of the Mensheviks . . Gotz ( Gotz Raphailovich
Abram ( 1882-1940 ) - a member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Party .
Http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/gc.html). Rappoport .
The Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (right wing , all Jews ) A.Kerensky (
Kirbis. Alexander F. Kerensky ( 04.22.1881 , 11.06.1970 , Simbirsk , New York ).
Http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/kerensky. html). Aaronovitch . Gissler . Davidovich . Gurevich .
Abramovich . Goldstein . Scorcher . Khinchuk . Berlinrut . Distler . Cherniavskyi . Rosenberg .
Ratner . Nikolai Tchaikovsky http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/chaikov_n.html In 1917 members of
the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet delegate I All-Russian Congress of Soviets of
the RNC , I All-Russian Congress of the CD , a member of the Executive Committee of the AllRussian Council of the CD , the vowel of the Petrograd City Duma. Member State and the
Democratic Conference , a member of the Pre-Parliament . Elected to the FF on the list of
People's Socialist Party . In 1918 the leader of the Union of revival , the head of the Provisional
Government of the Northern Region ( September 1918 - September 1919). Emigrant ) .

The Central Committee of the Socialist Party (left wing , all Jews ) Sternberg . Levine. Fishman .
Lendburg . ZITC . Lander . Kagan ( Gresser - Kamkov ) . Katz ( Bernstein ) . Feig Ostrovsky .
Nachman . Karelin . Maria Spiridonov (http://zarubezhom.com/Images/DeyateliSpiridinova2.jpg
kriptoevreyka as kriptoevrey Boris Savinkov ( Ropshin and many other names of

Central Bureau of the Party "populists" (all Jews ) Rappaport . Graebner . Wilkins . Diamant .
Kausner . Tents ( emphasizes that a Jew ) .

Central Committee of the Polish diaspora (all Jews) : Radek ( Sobelson ) . Singer . Berson .
Finkes . Gauzner . Mandelbaum . Landlord . Geydman . Tutelman . Wolff. Krochmal ( Zagorski )
. Schwartz ( Goltz ) .
Committee of the Party of Moscow anarchists (all Jews) : Jacob Gordin . Leyba Black .
Bleichman . Yampolsky . Krupenin . "

The end of the essay Victor Marsden .

This list is in itself explains everything . This synagogue , and non-Jews in it can not be
determined. All of these supposedly " Germans ," " Georgians ", " Armenians ", " Poles ", "
Latvians " , in fact the Jews of the countries concerned . Victor Marsden himself even then
considered German , Lithuanian, Armenian and Georgian Jews as, respectively, " Lithuanians ",
" German ", "Georgia" or " genocide". During human history has long received all the evidence

that it is receiving the crown of the Jews called geographic names : in Russia called the
allegedly " Georgians ", " Tatars ", " Poles ", " Balts ", " German ", " French ", " Italians ", in
Georgia " Ukrainians "and" Greeks ", in America," the Poles ", in Russian ," Americans " , in
France " by the Germans , "in Germany," French ", so on until tangling. The combinations are
countless , the essence of which one , the main thing is not to be called Jews that it was
impossible to trace the origins and causes of the global occupation.
How this is done is shown in the work of William Pokhlebkin " Great Alias
http://lib.thewalls.ru/pohlebk/pohleb.htm. William Pohlebkin knows what he says , he is one of
them : http://www.ng.ru/events/2000-04-15/2_pohlebkin.html Vicki , " William V. was the son of
Russian revolutionary, Vasily Mikhailovich Mikhailov ( party name - Pohlebkin .) Name the father
gave his son in honor of Vladimir Lenin and August Bebel - leaders of the world proletariat,
William - August ( or more precisely Wil -October , however, the name Bel, resulting from the
combined letters of the name "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" , pereozvuchivalos in a more familiar name
of William .) understand how could vygdlyadet " Russian revolutionary, " Vasily Michalov if his
son such appearance.
Pohlebkin leads a small list of the members of the RSDLP , changed their names : Makhnovets
was Akimov Ovseenko was Antonov , Frunze became Arsenyev , Voroshilov, whom Lenin
sarcastically called the " Voroshilov - Balalajkin " became Volodin , Gurvich was Danilov , Levin
began Egorov , Zinoviev was Apfelbaum , Kostrikov became the Kirov , Picker was Martynov.
Bukharin was Nikolayev. Postolovsky became Mikhailov , Salkind was Osipov , Galbershtadt
was Panin , Rykov was Sergeyev , Krochmal was Fomin , and the woman was at Levin Ivanov.
In addition : Moshinskii become lions. Tskhakaia became Barsov Japaridze became pigeons. N.
Bauman was Grach , Yakov Drabkin was Gusev Aristarkhov became Sturgeon .
Leonid Krasin was Zimin , Tsederbaum was Martov , I. Lyakhovetsky became Maisky
Gubelman became Yaroslavl , Moscow, Warsaw became Bronskiy , Piatakov became Kiev ,
Brilliant became Sokolnikov . O- GA . Apfelbaum was Moscow .
Only Bundists took a Jewish aliases : Goldman became Lieber , Eisenstadt was Yudin .
Kamenev was Rosenfeld , Lunacharsky Voinov , Scriabin was Molotov , and Krupskaya was
Sablina .

Rabbi Magnes (JL Magnes) in a speech in New York in 1919 (cited in the American edition of "
International Jew" by Henry Ford in four volumes. Volume 1 , page 240 ) says: " When a Jew
committed to the cause of the proletariat , then it begin to speak of his racial quality and in
Germany it is Marx, Lassalle , Haas and Eduard Bernstein , in Austria it is Victor and Friedrich
Adler , in Russia , Trotsky. Take the current situation in Russia and Germany. Revolution freed
the creative forces of Jewry , and see how many of the Jews was at once at our disposal : The
Socialist-Revolutionaries , Mensheviks , Bolsheviks , Socialists - as though they were not called
- all of them are Jews , and the most faithful leaders , ordinary workers and businesses of all
revolutionary parties. "

I especially want to focus on one person, the founder of Russian Marxism and teacher George

V. Plekhanov, Lenin , whose first issue of " Russian " Marxist

http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/plehanov.html. One needs only to look at the photograph of the
Plekhanov to understand that he is 100 % Jewish.
http://zarubezhom.com/Images/PlehanovGV2.jpg. Look at the faces in profile , not the surname
" He was not Slavic , but rather the Oriental type face Georgians, Ossetians , Uzbeks ( in most
families Plehan ( PleHan ) something Tatar ) . ( Khazar ? ) Stunned me resemblance to the man
I knew . Whom ? George V. Plekhanov was amazing like his brother Gregory Valentinovitch
Plekhanov - police police officer . N. Valentine . Meetings with Lenin. New York. Univ . them .
Chekhov. 1959 . S. 245 "http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/plehanov.html .
There is a book of Samuel Baron " Plekhanov . Father of Russian Marxism (Samuel H. Baron"
Plekhanov "http://www.librarything.com/work/400541. The father of Russian Marxism). In this
book, the author , an American Jew , said that Plekhanov's mother (Maria Feodorovna
Belinskaya ) (1832-1881) is a pure Jewish woman , a relative of another prominent Jewish
figures of the 19th century , the literary critic Vissarion Belinsky. Plekhanov 's father , also a Jew
, posed under the " Tatar ." Thus, the " father of Russian Marxism," George V. Plekhanov, like
himself, Marx was a pure Jew. Plekhanov 's first wife was a certain Natalia Smirnova , which he
immediately divorced . , he married for life to a Jewish woman from a wealthy Jewish family in
Kherson . Plekhanov's wife - countrywoman Trotsky and their families need to know about each
other . Plekhanov's wife 's name was nice Jewish name Rosalia Markovna Bogorad . Thus, the
pseudo- Marxist Georgi Plekhanov was exemplary Jewish family with two daughters clean Jews . Jora Plekhanov's best friends were two prominent Jewish terrorist Pavel Axelrod
http://www.hrono.ru / biograf / akselrod.html and Leo Deutsch, pictured right :
http://www.lechaim.ru/ARHIV/92/dates1.files/image001.jpg, who was also a friend of Trotsky ,
too , has written a book : LEV Deutsch . ROLE JEWS IN RUSSIAN revolutionary movement.
They both Axelrod and Deitch also a goodly number of " Russian " Marxists , although if you
look at the wiki, surname Deutsch - " Deutsch " and " Deutsch " in German is " German "
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki / Leo_Deutsch. Note that the Institute of National Economy in
Moscow Plekhanov called employees " Minh and GP ", has always been a stronghold of the
Trotskyists and clean kriptoevreyskim institution.

Other examples of prominent Jewish Bolshevik leader , were issued for Russian Elena Stasova
http://www.rulex.ru/rpg/portraits/27/27381.htm, known sadist of the Petrograd Cheka , who
came from a family of intellectuals known 19th century, the brothers Stasovs , who also worked
called " Russian intellectuals ." The whole family , two brothers : Vladimir - journalist, lawyer and
Dmitry were Jews , like their father, Basil, a famous architect of the early 19th century.
Odious sadistic KGB was also Kedrova ( Meisel , Plastinina ) Revvekka , wife of the same
sadistic Mikhail Kedrov ( February 12, 1878 ( 18,780,212 ) - 18 October 1941 ) - from

September 1918 Chief of the Military Division of the Cheka and the mother of the Soviet
philosopher Kedrova BM, personally shot people in large numbers.
A well-known figure in the Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai was
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/kollontai.html, later ambassador to Sweden , which had a real name
Alexander Domontovich . Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the famous "left
socialist revolutionary " Maria Spiridonov and outstanding terrorist Boris Savinkov also clean the
Jews , even kriptoevrei . Kriptoevreyami were such well-known figures as sinister Bolshevik :
Antonov ( Hook ) Vladimir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonov-Ovseenko. Krilenko (comrade "
Abram ") , Paul E. Dybenko http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/dybenko.html and Fedor Raskolnikov
(http://hronos.km.ru/biograf/raskolnikov.html different last name " Ilyin "which is the most
popular Jewish name ), later as Stalin's secretary Boris Bazhanov
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Bazhanov, too Trotskyite war criminal and a Jew who fled
abroad from the Stalinist reprisals . Then, one of the leaders of the Cheka Artuzov ( Frauchi
http://www.peoples.ru/state/leader/fsb/artur_artuzov/), Mikhail Markovich Borodin ( Gruzenberg
), American resident in China well, such as the well-known instance of Krupskaya ( Fishberg )
Nadezhda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadezhda_Krupskaya.

Among the Bolshevik commissars were even Orthodox Jews , such as People's Commissar of
Justice I. Steinberg . By the way , one of the most decent people in the Bolshevik government,
so he did not stay there long . Steinberg was wearing sidelocks and celebrated Saturday.
Therefore, if the CPC met on Saturday , the Russian dragged behind Steinberg its portfolio . In
1918, in September, on the feast of Yom Kippur, Steinberg said in a Moscow synagogue
speech about the importance of tears and fasting on Yom Kippur . Steinberg was convinced that
socialism , communism and Judaism are complementary to each other (From the book : Joseph
Nedava "Trotsky and the Jews Joseph nedava "Trotsky and The Jews" USA. 1971).
The famous Australian explorer of the first half of the 20th century A. H Field in his book,
"Today's the main problem - the Jews ! (ANField "To-day's greatest problem The Jews!"
Quoted the former People's Commissar of Justice of the Bolshevik government I. Steinberg.
These words are shown in the newspaper " New York Times " of February 23, 1930 : "All the
psychological elements of the regime of violence and oppression are manifested in an
atmosphere of terror. on the one hand, we have the power of intoxication by the realization that
what we do not punishable with on the other hand fear, depression and duplicity, a product of
two classes : masters and slaves . All were slaves in relation to the ( Bolshevik ) government,
which has wolves in relation to the population . "

That is, in Russia as a result of the Jewish coup in October 1917 established the brutal
dictatorship of the Jewish and gentile mode of destruction peoples of Russia . If you will read
the official history of the party or the Soviet Union , then there is nothing you will find all hushhush . The history books are written by Jews - winners , who are quite aware of its purpose - To
turn the story inside out and cross out all traces of their activity. Records under their control.
This list shows that in 1917 the fate of the gentile peoples of Russia has been resolved. In the

Central Committee of the various parties do not have any, except the Jews , but natural that in
the struggle for power won the most brutal and ultra- extremist party kriptoevreyskaya . A similar
situation in the parties and the Russian leadership was also created after 1991. The situation
was similar in all the parties and the leadership of Western countries , only the methods of
extermination of the goyim there were more "scientific" , "modern" and "democratic" .

In the method of falsification of history distortion of the actual role played by the various
government agencies . For example, to exaggerate the actual role of Lenin, and attributed to
him the responsibility , to stick out the Council of People's Commissars . However, if you take
the first Soviet constitution , which was introduced in 2 months after the revolution in January
1918 , you will see that the main authority in the country was declared the Congress of Soviets .
But since , congress, physically exists only when it is assembled, it is smart and it was
envisaged is rare, but it is necessary to lead the state 24 hours a day , in fact the supreme
authority on the constitution was the Central Executive Committee , chaired by Yakov Sverdlov
and from 30 September 1918 to the Revolutionary Military Council , chaired by Trotsky
http://www.rvse.ru/: and you will see in the future that the most inhuman laws in the initial period
is passed through the All Sverdlov. Moreover , Yakov Sverdlov in general, " podmahivala "
decrees, such as the formation of the Revolutionary Military Council , the appointment of the
chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of Trotsky, the " Red Terror ", the " Cossacks
which ", and many many others, without the All - personally , as Chairman. After the Second
Congress of Soviets of the Central Executive Committee had 43 members and any non-Jew,
after the 5th Congress of the number of members of the Central Executive Committee was
increased to 62 , which undoubtedly was done on purpose, but still it did not include any nonJew . The first person in Soviet Russia under the nomenclature of the Constitution of 1918 ,
which was called the " Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People " 3 (16)
January 1918 http://www.law.edu.ru/norm/norm.asp?normID=1118621 was Yakov Sverdlov ,
not Lenin . Lenin was the leader of the current body composed of People's Commissars by
industry management . That is, translating into modern language , that Yakov Sverdlov was the
President of the country , and Lenin only the prime minister. Notably, in the memoirs of
Lockhart's " British agent" said that when the 26 April 1918 the German ambassador , Prince
Mirbach arrived in Moscow , his credentials in the Kremlin took no Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov .
Besides the CPC , has been created duplicate SNK bodies with the same features , namely the
Council of Labor and Defense , the SEC Supreme Council of National Economy , which also
had no non-Jews. Lenin held sway in the People's Commissars and the station , where the
meeting took place every day , but according to the constitution, all its solutions can be
overpowered by Sverdlov , who in his rival firm also worked 24 hours a day. Why ? - Because
the CPC was the supreme executive and the Central Executive Committee was the supreme
legislative body.
Jewish Bolsheviks , without being any the Bolsheviks in any sense represent a majority, the
Congress of the system conceived as a " permanent absence of a national authority" , knowing
full well that he who appoints the Central Executive Committee , and he is the supreme authority
. Any Congress has always been a gathering of delegates , making the receipt of special
benefits and privileges of real power. That is, every Congress has always been a "political

exchange ", carefully veiled demagoguery , buying servants , lackeys , or , as they say , power
brokers and managers called a blind " people's representatives " or " delegates ". Central
Executive Committee appointed by the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party , which was in
reality poorly camouflaged source of supreme power. Thus , the Jewish system of governing the
country is simple: if the supreme authority in the country is constantly absent Congress whoever
it may be, be it a party or the Soviets , it really runs the country who this Congress convenes ,
and shall convene a congress of the Central Committee of the ruling party . Accordingly, the
supreme legislative body - the Central Executive Committee , and subsequently the Presidium
of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in fact always assign the Party Central Committee. Thus,
the supreme power belonged to the leaders of the ruling party. They came up with a set
demagogic as to provide people the power to elect , has chosen them before the preliminary
organizational order.

Quite similar to the present-day " democracies " of the Western type of supreme power in any "
democratic" country does not belong to the parliament ( Congress , the Duma, parliament , or
Knesset ) that there is always a political exchange with the political brokers and shady body
which convenes elections . Elections - are political races , competitions, in which the
participants do not win , and organizers that determine who will come out at the start. The secret
to any political elections that the main choice has already been made before any election. That
is, in the Russian supreme power belongs to the people who control the Central Election
Commission - CEC . The same as in Western countries - everywhere in the "democratic "
system of sovereign power belongs to the people , who do not participate and win the elections,
and that behind the scenes , organize and conduct elections .

At the time of the Revolution , there were two leaders : Lenin and Trotsky . Where did such a
dual power ? Historically, the founder of the party was Lenin. Lenin was one of those who
organized the party 20 years ago on the Rights of the terrorist 's brother , who was executed for
an attempt on the king. Lenin, after so many years in fact, became the legal owner of this party.
It was his private institution with limited liability, the political " firm ", recorded in his personal
name. Trotsky joined the Bolshevik Party in July 1917 , having arrived from the U.S.. Trotsky ,
who had come to gotovenkoe , entry into the most radical party at the time it took to capture the
leader of the rule of cash . Trotsky was a man who stood for Western money , so he
immediately became the most dangerous rival to Lenin in the same of his own party . Trotsky
was run down in a passenger car , which he intended to throw out the driver . He got into this "
car " - " the car of the Bolshevik Party ," because it is, so to speak, was the most aggressive
model , " all-terrain off-road ", and that such a model was needed aggressive " driver " Trotsky.
However, Lenin had to put up with this , nowhere to declare a competitor because of Trotsky
stood well, a lot of money in the origin of which Lenin chose not to delve into , but he apparently
did not explain anything .
In addition , Yakov Sverdlov , whom Lenin, Trotsky and piled all organizational matters , and
that the revolution was responsible for all such organizational affairs in the party, in practice, has

quickly become a first person in the state. In any case, it definitely was the third person in the
state, because that Sverdlov was the only secretary of the Party Central Committee and
Chairman of the Central Executive Committee at the same time ! Thus, it is Yakov Sverdlov
http://www.gwpda.org/memoir/Robins/images/Robins06.jpg after the revolution centered in
himself the two posts that the disappearance of the two leaders, Lenin and Trotsky to become
the top post in the Soviet state : as General Secretary of the Party and Chairman of the
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. The trouble for Sverdlov was the fact that he was gone before
anyone else , because it was still alive, the two main rival intra -Lenin and Trotsky . These
interesting findings suggest themselves by themselves only from the list of leaders of the Soviet
State, made in 1918 by Victor Marsden , who we are for this list are eternally grateful .

Another person who made the list of the leaders of the Soviet state after the revolution , was
Robert Wilton , correspondent of the British " Times http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wilton.
This so angered the reporter murder of the royal family that he is hot on the trail went to the
place of execution of the royal family and talked with the investigator Sokolov. On his return to
London in 1920 Wilton once wrote a book that became a bestseller , " The Last Days of the
Romanovs ." The book is in the public Internet it :
http://www.archive.org/details/lastdaysromanov00sokogoog In the epilogue , but only to the
French , not the English edition of the book, he was able to print a list of the leaders of the
Soviet government , from which also indicated that they Jews - a fact carefully concealed
Jewish western media . The fate of Wilton , is the same as that of Victor Marsden . On his return
, he lost all the work and in 1925, died suddenly , or eliminated .
Next , the unknown in the Russian document - this is an article written in 1921 in Munich, the
famous German politician Alfred Rosenberg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Rosenberg. The
article is called
"Jewish Bolshevism ."

"Everyone who watched the pendulum of the revolutionary process in Russia , knew that the
pendulum has not had much to deviate to the left. Because it is impossible to find a purely
Russian person who devised a total destruction of the country. This was the abolition of all
economic life of the population , the destruction of satanic in its ferocity , and at the same time is
a cold-blooded murder, which is the meaning of the Bolshevik government in Russia .
In the chaos created by a mad hatched creeping snake , who had secretly multiply in the body
of the affected organism Russia . In the throes of suffering and crawled out stinking bastard who
had to mangle the body from the inside Russia (as in 1991 ) . This reptile with periodic regularity
, tragically for his victim , hatch in the various states . Now it's the turn of Russia. This reptile Organized Jewry . Now Russia on himself realized the horrors of the "great" revolutions of
England and France. However, the horrors of Russia in its scale exceeded all known so far.
From all over the world flocked to the children of Israel, Russia , to " strike while the iron is hot" ,
feasting on the ruins still smoking and drinking blood. " Bolshevik " newspaper started in
Petrograd and Moscow. Specially trained demagogues have at their disposal an unlimited

source of money , they created became members of the new government - the Soviets. They
did not waste any time , using all means at their disposal to demoralize the people and the
Russian people to begin the slaughter . And the Russian people have succumbed to
demagoguery , because for the most part they were uneducated people .
One example: once in Petrograd was a man by the name of the glass. He spoke to the people,
promoted world peace , freedom , bread and offered money to all new recruits . Finally got to
the bottom of the newspaper that he is no glass, and the hideous , bearded Jew named
Nakhamkes . Today the " glass" is one of the dictators of the Soviet press . And they all are.
Directly in front of the Liberal government of Russia, who came from America , Trotsky and
Zinoviev and Lenin arrived from Switzerland and their militants occupied the luxurious royal
palace, where they began to collect money to feed and drink vodka deserters from the front,
offering them not only to get away from responsibility for desertion and committed the crime, but
also in general to take power into their own hands and to mock people. Many Jews have been
prepared in a special terrorist school on the island of Capri, under the leadership of a Jew
Rappoport . It is from the island of Capri Jewish agitators went to Kronstadt and the fronts of
degrading discipline. I observed how Jewish thugs distributed leaflets among the wounded in
the hospital in the Crimea.
The first attack was in July 1918. Jew Roshal and his men warmed money and vodka Kronstadt
sailors and explained what to do next . These armed men sailed up the Neva , landed
companies in the city , seized trucks and drove through the streets of Petrograd , postrelivaya
on well-being. Then another riot was suppressed , instigators were jailed , but not for long.
It soon became apparent , as it is here in Germany that the Jews contributed a lot of money to
promote class warfare in Goyskoye society. In addition to this the Jews from all sides defended
himself by introducing his people in all the necessary facilities to them and "moderate " party.
The leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks were Jews Mar- Tsederbaum ,
Lieber , Gotz , Dan Bernstein -Kogan and other public with germanopoddobnymi names. Once
Trotsky and Kamenev - Rosenfeld were arrested , all the world was such a "high ", that they
were immediately released, the principles to be violated first , when the gang itself dorvetsya to

Jews Lieber and Dan easily forced to let go of Trotsky and Kerensky's company, and the chief
of police in Kerensky was also a Jew and a Zionist known Rutenberg .
After passing the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks , they no longer had anything to fear , they are
now forced to be feared. In late October , just as the day was to gather the Constituent
Assembly , who put their trust in the whole of Russia , it was a coup, and began the terrible
terror .
Yeah, but who gave so much money that would provide this great work on the decomposition of
the state and the army? Germanofobskie authors argue that Lenin and Trotsky were emissaries
of the German General Staff. However, the truth is just the reverse , Bolshevik leaders are
emissaries of the Jewish bankers from the domination of the blessed exchange. And this is
precisely the Jewish money was paid for the preparation, establishment , construction and
powered by a devastating car Jewish Bolsheviks.
Bourtsev (Burzew), who knows more than others about the Russian Revolution, in his pamphlet

, " Damn you , the Bolsheviks ", openly accused the "German " ( born in Russia ) Jew Parvus Gelfand that he " godfather " of the Jewish Bolshevism.
It was like Parvus Figaro : Parvus in Constantinople , Parvus in Sofia, Parvus in Copenhagen ,
Parvus in Berlin ! " This Jew Parvus , who amassed capital to trade weapons during World War
II, was the best friend and our Jewish revolution of 1918 in Germany. The Swiss just threw
Parvus from Switzerland after his machinations with their own members of our Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Wilhelmstrasse , where they still provided Lenin and his non-stop a few
hundred fighters returning from Switzerland to Russia for luxury. But the most interesting thing
in this story that the " democratic" government of Russia missed the train snakes through the
border. At this point the whole world stopped, and everyone understood that Russia was gone .
Trotsky and Zinoviev - Apfelbaum , accompanied by three hundred inhabitants of the New York
Ghetto (among whom were the same person now known as Uritzky and Volodarskij ) , started in
the same way , but on the boat , loaded with brand-new weapons , rifles and a brand new , still
in U.S. oil revolvers of the " Colt " from which they will later shoot in the back of Russian people.
This gang was arrested in Halifax , Canada . But President Wilson , said its say - and they sail
on. And this company vultures "democratic" government of Russia is also quietly allowed to
enter the country .
The right hand of President Woodrow Wilson then had a Jewish banker Simon Wolf, and the left
hand - the Chief Justice of the U.S. Jewish Louis Brandeis , known all over the world Zionist.
Anti-Russian policy of America goes back to 1904 , when the Jewish banker Jacob Schiff
financed the Japanese in the war against Russia , because it seemed to him that the Jews in
Russia are laid without servility . Jacob Schiff for their money in Japan organized a training
camp to prepare the revolutionary terrorists of the number of Russian prisoners , many of whom
were Jews. The present head of President Wilson at the Versailles conference was a Jewish
multimillionaire Bernard Baruch , who was the real head of the U.S. delegation to the Versailles
Peace Conference in Paris. This conference was not at peace , as it is disguised . Bernard
Baruch had brought 117 Jewish professionals who , with the help of their compatriots in other
delegations , so shredded Europe that here without a new European war can not do.
How does the Jewish Bull Terriers incited by Russia , shows clearly in the book of Henry Ford's
" The International Jew ", which includes a letter , taken from official sources and addressed to
the Russian Jew Furstenberg in New York, a Jew by the name of Rafael Shola . The letter is
dated " Stockholm September 21, 1917 ," the letter stated that the Jewish banker Max Warburg
of Hamburg opened the scoring for the enterprise Comrade Trotsky and the other person is
responsible for the supply of arms and ammunition and the transfer of weapons to their
All of huge sums of money that absorbed the Soviet city in preparation for a coup , because it
was necessary to feed and water the whole desertion gang - brothers , walked through
Stockholm , where he was himself Furstenberg , who is also Hanecki . Now Furstenberg Hanecki Soviet representative in Riga.
Russian soldiery , demoralized by the war, and Jewish agitators who helped Jews well to win
the right that victory.
The Jewish oligarchy in this form as it has long existed in the West , did not yet exist in Russia .
But since the Russian Revolution, with all its wealth and population was owned by Jews.
Everything was " nationalized " the Jews, seized , removed from corpses in the unfortunate

Russian . As you can imagine, that wealth in this case, you can even multiply , destroying part
of the population that needs to be fed and clothed . All of the original captured wealth, all the
gold and royal gold and jewelry taken from corpses and remelted gold crowns , went to pay for
new shipments Jewish mercenaries from abroad. ( And in particular to attract to their side " of
the Czechoslovak Corps "). This total rip-off enabled the Soviet government set up by his fellow
foreign bank accounts and buy a lot of real estate abroad.
But not to give Russian people to wake up and shake off the nightmare of this Jewish , Jews at
a fast pace with destruction all Russian intellectuals and educated people in general . Under the
false pretext that the crimes of the past imperial regime should be punished , the Bolshevik
government had sent foreign mercenaries to kill every marine and army officers , police , civil
servants , engineers, anyone who is able to think and analyze the events themselves.
Headquarters of the world famous " Kill the Department " was Petrograd Cheka , which was led
, now dead , who came from the United States Uritzky Moses . She was in the house at number
2 Pea street . Tens of thousands of people, men and women , were killed on the Pea number 2
with no , not that that court , but without effect. While the official executioner of Petrograd was
Moses Uritzky , the Zinoviev - Apfelbaum , commissioner of the city, Chairman of Board of the
North and the CEC Third International killing people in their own way : through the confiscation
of products , withdrawal of products from the market , with the famine , epidemics and create
other tested "civil" means. Simultaneously, the American Jewish gangster Trotsky organized the
same in the whole country.
Jews unleashed the violence , murder , violence on an unprecedented scale. Red Army soldiers
were indissolubly attached to a brutal gang of Jewish felon . And this gang led to the leadership
of Russia in general well -designed and organized efforts of Jews all over the world ! The Red
Army has absorbed all the horrendous human scum not only Russia but the whole world. The
most proven teams Bolshevik Jews were mostly Caucasians , the Baltic Jews and Chinese.
They subjected the Russian people the most sophisticated Asian torture , which could not have
guessed Europe . With their help, the doomed Russian population was crushed without any
right to disagree , but what is there to disagree - with no right to cry for mercy.
Bloody oshmetok Russian intelligentsia , who miraculously survived the massacre of the Jews
forced to work for themselves , while providing them with a good job , using their families as
hostages. Overwhelmed by hunger, the constant fear of death, surrounded on all sides by spies
disguised as political commissars , they had no choice but to work for their ruthless
executioners. Many , indeed, have preferred death, but many gave up. Jewish victory was
complete and unconditional .
Farmers who have been scattered in their villages , were not able to unite in the fight against
Bolshevism . Massacre , organized in the years 1917-1921 , the Russian people were worth 35
to 40 million people. (Article 1921 !) .
Anyone who does not blind , can not see that from the very beginning of his communist
enterprise was thoroughly Jewish . Englishman Robert Wilton , in 1920, traveling to Russia ,
showed that at least 380 of the 300 Bolshevik commissars was pronounced by Jews. Today, we
know relatively complete list of all the Jewish tyrants. The pamphlet , "The Jews in Russia ",
made by Victor Marsden , lists more than 550 officials Bolshevik Russia and the post .
( Next Alfred Rosenberg lists given me a bit of a full list , and adds that the Soviet
representatives also are in Revel Litvinov - Finkelstein, Prague Gillerzon in Lucerne

(Switzerland) - Sherman, Shklovsky was expelled from Switzerland, Vorovskii is in Italy , Vigdor
Kopp and Samuel Reich are in Berlin ) .
Today, the Social Democrats argued that the policy of "Western democracies" is determined by
" the market". However, these gentlemen , for some reason we can not explain why these
financiers and bankers who run the notorious "market" , and that 99% of the Jews , at the same
time support the " proletarian revolution ", and at the same time , ostensibly, fight it , supporting
the army of Kolchak, Wrangel and Denikin Iudenich .
The truth , however, is that the "market" policies in New York, London and Paris could easily
pull the plug overnight Bolshevik regime in Moscow and immediately put an end to the
dictatorship of the Soviet Jews and the terror of the Trotskyists in Russia . Apfelbaum would be
forced to leave the Kremlin during the month. However, "market policies " of the West for some
reason do not.
Russian national army received only minimal western aid and only to the extent to explain the
stay of the allied troops in Russia , while the real task of stay of the allied troops in Russia to
provide military and financial aid to the Bolshevik regime , as well as removal of the loot .
From the speeches of the House of Commons the British Parliament that the only thing they
cared in 1919 - this is any help determine the British government fully guaranteed Kolchak
Kolchak suppression of anti-Semitic tendencies in Siberia.
Even more interesting: Iudenich army was equipped by the British government , and the
success was close , Petrograd was already there . Within three days of the fall of the Bolshevik
capital, Petrograd , already a radio station around the world. Russian shares immediately rose
in all markets of the world and rose and rose . Stock Brokers sold the Russian ruble and a
variety of Russian securities. On all stock exchanges of the world was booming Russian .
And then , suddenly, the English fleet , covering the flag Iudenich and strafing is a revolutionary
Kronstadt, suddenly throws Iudenich and walks away without even saying goodbye. Moreover,
the English fleet goes to Riga , and there begins to bombard the German- Russian antiBolshevik forces that opposed the Bolsheviks together !

Army Russian nationalists Iudenich was forced to withdraw from almost taken Petrograd , and
more ammunition and ammunition from its allies have been reported. The campaign had failed ,
the ruble has depreciated immediately below the level at which it was before the failure Iudenich
, and Jewish stockbrokers again tightly stuffed pockets . How do you want to understand this, it
does not pre- conceived joint military operations on the stock exchange in English and the
Bolshevik government ? "Geneva Journal ("Journal de Geneve") called these events " Israeli
speculation ."
Trumpeted to the world that Wrangel's army allies equipped with the latest technology and they
have everything. But I do know that Wrangell received only three ships used guns and old rifles
that he still had to repair in Sevastopol. However, during this scrap Wrangel was obliged to ship
the French are much more ships to the wheat . Of the 10 members of the French military
mission in Wrangell - 7 was pure French Jews . Total : French Jews in the same way cheated
Wrangel as British Jews deceived Iudenich .
As a result , as predicted by experienced observers , the state of Russia continued to
deteriorate rapidly , as the Jewish Bolsheviks began to squeeze the iron grip of famine. The

population was starving since the beginning of 1918 , but the devastation , particularly in
transport, has been brought to such an extent that even a starving village favorite child of the
Bolsheviks - the Red Army . Up to this point all over the world did not care about the starving
population Rossi, but suddenly the press around the world has become a grub , drawing
attention to the " dying Russian people," and requiring immediate assistance that went naturally
only the Red Army and by the Bolsheviks. Russian people of Jewish Bolsheviks were allowed to
die , as planned. The Jewish government of Russia has issued only on foreign food ration cards
, only their closest social elements. The rest are given the opportunity to die.
"The population in Russia on the brink of starvation ! ". "Hundreds of thousands die every day" .
"Millions have been killed ! ". Indeed , Jewish financiers from New York, London, Berlin and
Vienna came to the rescue and saved Trotsky and finish the rest of his gang.
But now all the masks were dropped - was formed , the so-called "People's" supposedly "State "
Soviet bank. This " People's Bank " was in fact the office of international financiers in New York
and London (as in Russia after 1991 ) . Interest on the loans it has been declared from 10 to 15
, not a year - a month ! At the same time Soviet Jewish kings began joint , especially the
capitalist and private enterprises with their Western Jewish brethren. The Board of Directors of
the largest Soviet " socialist" capitalist enterprises consisted of Trotsky Sklyansky , Goldberg
Shatunovskij . Spenzera , Esmuta , etc. , that is only from the Jews.
And at the end of the Supreme financiers of the planet gave troubled , shot and stripped in
Russia claws Jewish hunger. The plan to kill Russian famine was coordinated by a gentleman in
the financial Jewish lobby in New York and London in a calm and quiet environment. And
immediately he met Jewish Soviet commissars , who gathered from all over the world, and they
did it with the help of thugs , criminals and Chinese bayonets.
Anyone who wants to understand the Jewish world politics must realize that Bolshevism ,
Communism - it's not a goal in itself, but a means of destroying the goyim , then you will
immediately become clear to the inner meaning of a Jewish Rabbi Marx's communism .
Keeping in mind their secret plans to destroy Gentiles , Jews have long decided that they are
most suited for this form of " democratic republic " with a multi-party parliamentary method of
creating chaos in the country in which they easily achieve their plans, as the only organized
squad . In this regard, it is all too early in the country remains a monarchy or not, this was
clearly demonstrated in England , as well as in Russia , in Germany - wherever the presence of
the monarchy does not prevent the country from Jewish catastrophe that struck the country.
But there is one fact that the Jewish murderers of all its sad historical experience of refuse or do
not want to understand the unprecedented brutality with which the Russian Jewish murderers
were executed , certainly will result in the Karoo - Retribution . These non-humans - are
doomed. ( The article was written in 1921 , long before 1937 - the year of Reckoning ) .
Even dear Jews "democracy" will not save them . The wages of the Russian people come down
on them, and then the whole of Russia not a single Jew who would have remembered those "
glory days " when he and all his , smeared in blood gang shake a leg on what was supposed to
be a corpse of the great Russian nation.
Let the rest of the nation will make myself a lesson! Make sure to plan ahead of time to prevent
Jewish and do not allow any country and your furry paws hit the Jewish executioners. Be always
on the alert! The Jewish enemy never sleeps !

Munich, November 1921 .

And here is an excerpt of that article by Alfred Rosenberg Weltkampf on July 1, 1924 :
" Russia was the only country in the world where the ruling class resisted the power of the
organized international Judaism. At the head of state was the king , free from the pressure of
parliamentary Jewish hangers . Russian nobility was an independent , rich and so permeated by
tradition and religion, the Jews did not have any effect on him . Jews were not allowed neither to
justice nor to the army . The nobles were independent of the Jewish capital , since they owned
the land , forest and other natural resources. Russia has had a lot of grain , she had a lot of gold
produced from the mines of Siberia and the Urals. Russian gold reserve amounted to
4,000,000,000 marks, not including accumulating wealth of the royal family , monasteries and
private land . Despite the relatively underdeveloped industry, Russia lived in full prosperity and
abundance. All these economic conditions made it impossible for the Jewish perfectly Capital in
the same way to enslave Russia , they conspired against Europe. If we add to this the fact that
Russia has always been the world's keeper of the conservative and patriarchal human
principles that with the help of the army is to terminate all Jewish revolutionary inclinations in the
world that Russia did not allow its territory making suspicious of secret societies with foreign
orientation , it is clear from why the World Organized Jewry has conceived crusade to Russia . "
The seizure of power by Jewish Bolsheviks did not mean that the fight was over and everyone
raised their feet to the top. Power was conquered only in Petrograd. But what were the chances
of the Russians against the Jewish revolution? - None. See for yourself . Immediately after the
Bolshevik seizure of power begins cadet insurrection in Petrograd. So what? Vera Vladimirov
wrote in his book "The Year of the service Socialists capitalists ", which immediately "
Commissioner ", that is a spy sent cadets to the resisting certain Alexander Arnol'dovich
Bruderer , which these naive cadets ' orders to take charge of the deployment of speech and
speaking Junker parts of Vladimir's Academy and drummers , were placed in the palace
Kshesinskaia . " As a result, Bruderer immediately turns the Bolsheviks at the Smolny , where
all this dislocation cadets and report to the Bolsheviks. Of course then he is released , and the
Bolsheviks easily destroy cadets.

See further: evening of November 11 at the initiative of the Union of Railway Workers ' Vikzhel "
in Petrograd going to conciliation meeting on the reconciliation and the formation of a new
government. Read in Vladimirova who he is : the Bolsheviks Kamenev ( Rosenfeld ) and the
Jew Sokolniki , the Mensheviks and the Jews Dan Ehrlich , the Social Democrats all Jews :
Martov , Martynov , Abramovich and Semkovsky , then the Jacobian of the Socialist Jews and
Gindelman , from left Social revolutionaries Jew Malkin , the united Jewish socialist party
Gutman , from Poland ( the Polish party and may not be Jewish ? ) Lapinsky Jewish socialist
party , from the Jewish Social Democratic party ( Poalei Zion , from the Zionists ) N. Baru ; the
Social Democrats internationalists Jews Kattel and Blum , a Jew from the CPC Rykov , two

Jews from the All Sagarashvili and Ryazanov , and from the " rescue Committee homeland and
the Revolution " the Jews and the Sign Weinstein (I wonder how the Sign and Vanshtein
gathered together to rescue these two mutually exclusive essentially, their country and the
Revolution ?
And how do you think this Jewish gop company saved Russia ? - You know, there's a good
Jewish anecdote that says, " like last time ."
You can see for yourself what all the October Revolution , as the revolution in 1991 , was a
purely Jewish disassembly. Here various Jewish team striving for power in a foreign and "
ahistorical " named home. They spent ages techniques . The whole history of the world is the
history of the Jewish hegemony approval in each individual country. Their strength and foregone
victory lies in the fact that all , what is called "civilization" is Jewish . Civilization - is, as they say
in the scientific , purely Jewish conceptual space, and Judaism - is a global force, which is
always , by definition superior to any local force. Jews have always begin to grasp power , they
have wiped off all the locals from the supreme authority and deal with it one on one , and they
say, " no witnesses ."
Just look at the composition of " Conciliation Commission " during the Bolshevik Revolution in
Moscow in November 1917, according to the same Vladimirova : Gard, Stefanovsky , Khinchuk
, Kibrik , Urnov , Voitsekhovitch and others. And what are you want to align the interests of a
conciliation commission , other than Jewish ?

But Vladimirov leads the Mogilev "Committee for Salvation of Country and Revolution,"
Contents: Gotz , Chernov , the Sign , Skobeleff (former Minister of Labour of the Provisional
Government and the disciple of Trotsky ) , Stankiewicz, Gerstein , Vinaver and others. Not a
single Russian .
Interesting personality Jew Victor M. Chernoff http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/cherbov.html ( Viktor
Chernov (1873 , city of Samara province Novouzensk . - 1952 , New York, USA) - the leader of
the Socialist Party . Participated in Zimmerwald ( 1915), which is known to all uyachastniki
spoke Yiddish. in 1918 he was elected president of the Constituent Assembly , who refused to
discuss the agenda imposed by the Bolsheviks , and therefore break up the protest . Leaving to
Samara, headed by the Congress members of the Constituent Assembly. After the seizure of
power by AV Kolchak made against him , was arrested but soon released Czechs. ) . Please
note that the black , unlike Kolchak, was released by the Czechs ! It's a fact you later convinced
- of great importance. This kriptoevrey Chernov, for its provocative nature , apparently, was the
Most Valuable Player for Trotsky after Kerensky himself . This Viktor Chernov , he and a
member of the Petrograd Soviet , he and a member of the Democratic Conference , he and the
President and the First and Second Constituent Assembly, he and the honorary chairman of the
board of the All-Russian Peasants' Deputies , he and the Prime Minister nominated by the AllArmy Committee. Chernov, a Jewish Figaro , appearing everywhere , and everywhere it
paralyzes all begin to show resistance to the Russian people.
The impression is that these people create their own organizations that they are nominated. And
that's not the impression Jews do create in any state , all the spectra organizations, not only for
ourselves, but for everyone. Thus, the people on the signage creates the impression that their

interests are represented and all , while in fact everywhere is represented only Jewish interest ,
and all other interests are completely paralyzed.
During the coups in any country Jews to suppress the resistance to different cities carry the
same international Jewish Sonderkommando their troops and mercenaries , they just hire for
the money, so these commands with no one to stand on ceremony - because they are not local

But data from the book " Jews in Moscow" ( Compiled by J. and A. Sheaf Klempert Moscow,
2003 http://historialis.com/be/books/1102086/11467.html): At the Socialist Party played a
major role came from wealthy Jewish families Ilya Fondaminsky , Mark Vishnyak , brothers
Abraham and Michael Gotsy , the son of the chief rabbi of Moscow Shlomo Zalkind Minor Ossip
Minor. Ossip Minor in summer 1917 became chairman of the Moscow City Duma ... ( that is,
during the October 1917 coup bolshevistkogo Chairman of the Moscow City Duma was the son
of the chief rabbi of Moscow Shlomo Zalkind Minor Minor Osip !) - And the son of Nicholas
soldier , a Bolshevik ( Jewish) Zinovii Litvin ( gray ) was Chief of Staff Krasnopresnenskuju
fighting squads during the December armed uprising in 1905 ) . "
Now you see that working during the riots in Krasnaya Presnya and did not smell , and that it
was an ordinary Jewish rebellion, disguised as a " popular uprising "? It is interesting that at the
time of the next Jewish revolution of 1991 in Russia, the head of Moscow's mayor, was
appointed a Jew Gavriil Popov, issue a Moscow press for " Greek
And Mark Vishnyak , as the Secretary General and is responsible for organizing the first
Russian tragically ended the Constituent Assembly Jan. 5, 1918 , attached to this tragic end of
his arm . Mark Vishnyak (http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/bio_we/vishnjak_mv.html Vishnyak Mark
Veniaminovich ( 2.01. 1883 , Moscow - 08.31.1975 , New York). Son of a merchant of the 1st
guild . Graduated from Moscow in 1901 high school with honors , he studied in Berlin and
Freiburg (Germany ), graduated from being an illegal , law faculty of Moscow University ( 1908)
- as Viktor Chernov, like Alexander Kerensky on the basis of belonging to the same nationality
entered into a criminal collusion with the leaders of the Bolsheviks, and together " surrendered "
Russian Bolsheviks. recalls SR Boris Sokolov in his book " on the banks of the Neva
http://zarubezhom.com/sokolov1.htm, namely Marc Vishniac , evening January 3, 1918 , at
meeting of the Presidium of the preparation of the Constituent Assembly, which he is , Mark was
the General Secretary of the Vishniac , rebuked him, Boris Sokolov , as head of the military
committee of the Constituent Assembly , to take measures for the protection of the Constituent
Assembly by the Bolsheviks : Due to this simple fact, the betrayal of the Constituent Assembly
in 1923, in exile in Berlin , Mark Vyshnyaky helped publish the book "All-Russian Constituent
Assembly ," in which he attempted to whitewash and its sinterpretirovat facts . How do you know
that another Jewish revolutionary, Alexander Kerensky , for the same reason, has released an
astonishing memoir about revolution " Russian revolution of 1917 ", published by Moscow, 2005
. , which managed to not say anything at all.
American lecturer , John Clark (John Clarke), known in the 50-80 years in the United States, in
his article, " Armand Hammer and the Soviet Union ," says the newspaper " New York Times "

remarkable thing about the revolution in Russia in 1917 :

"I looked through all the filing of the newspaper" New York Times " from 1918 to 1931 , and I
could not find a single word of criticism or condemnation of the bloody and murderous Bolshevik
regime ! On the contrary, " New York Times " crumbles to praise ! They never even called his "
regime" - a brand that they have a habit NAIL national governments around the world . "
And the two word about Armand Hammer
http://www.stopcancer.net/images/mission/DrHammer2.jpg and Julius and Rose (Robinson)
Hammer. Of course, he is no Armand Hammer , and the family moved to America in 1875, the
Jews of Odessa . Because his father was a big wheel in the New York pharmaceutical business
, then your evreskim channels Hammer became the personal representative of the American
Bankers in Bolshevik Russia . After the revolution, he took possession of manganese mines in
Russia , where the Russian prisoners worked . His hobby was taken out of the Russian precious
works of art. Hammer outlived all . It is noteworthy that for all the Secretary-General : under
Lenin and Trotsky , under Stalin , under Khrushchev , under Brezhnev and Gorbachev , always
Armand Hammer met in Russia via the reception of President of a sovereign country . Here is
what Clark :
" In June 1985, Gorbachev entire 90 minutes talking with Hammer . It was an unprecedented
event. And after the meeting, it was Hammer said that negotiations are underway to organize a
meeting of Gorbachev and Reagan . " Now , you will become clear who is just sitting on top and
who really runs the world ? When Armand Hammer still died, his place in terms of curating
Russian American bankers , took a well-known Hungarian Jew George Soros ( Shoroshim ) .

The American Revolution in Russia .

From the list, Victor Marsden's obvious that the so-called communist Bolshevik revolution in
Russia in 1917, the Jews did . From the second chapter, you will understand that Russian Jews
did not do it on their own, but as part of coordinated action by the world of organized Jewry ,
namely , its most powerful - American Jewry . You will receive the data , although in their
revolutionary practice guided by Jewish Bolsheviks communist ideas of German Jews ,
practically , the Bolshevik Revolution was made with American money , with the help of
American Colt , armored trains and Jewish re-emigrants from Russia , who emigrated after they
failed revolution of 1905, in 1917, to equip and train the solid , together with Trotsky returned
back to Russia to finish is not completed yet .
The main conclusion from these two chapters , which , like the Jewish communist revolution in
1917 and the Jewish capitalist revolution in 1991 in Russia , was the result of efforts of Jewish
re-emigrants in Russia . The only difference is that in 1917 , they first destroyed the Russian
population , and then nationalized by the country itself , and in 1991 they first privatized the
whole country , and then set about destroying the population. But for the population of Russia
will be the final result is the same.
In the above mentioned article, Rosenberg's letter - writing Furstenberg Hanecki in New York
Jew Raphael Sholanov . The letter was widely published in the press. Here it is:
"My dear fellow , Office of the banking house M. Warburg in accordance with the President's

telegram Rhenish - Westphalian Syndicate opened the account in the name of Comrade
Trotsky. Our agent has procured weapons and organized its transport and delivery of Lule and
Varde (Luleo & Varde). The name for the office and the son of Essen (Essen & Son) in Lule ,
recipients and trusted people to get money , requested by Comrade Trotsky . " Furstenberg (
Hanecki ) .
Even before the revolution, was a well-known scandal when it was revealed that a member of
the State Duma Protopopoff http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/protopop.html, too, via Stockholm ,
received a bribe from the banking house of Warburg . A small detail: the "German" banker Max
Warburg is the son-in "American" banker Jacob Schiff , a kinsman House of Rothschild
When in 1927 his brother, Mr. Felix Warburg arrived in Soviet Moscow, and in 1931 to Soviet
Russia , came to Moscow and Mrs. Otto Kahn of the family banking house , " Kuhn , Loeb and
Company ," and was the owner of which was already deceased Jacob Schiff , it also met as
before met Afghan king , with a parade of honor.
As you can see , Alfred Rosenberg mentions that the Americans have made every effort to
portray Bolshevism as a purely German phenomenon , and not in any way a phenomenon
associated with America. This was due to the fact that Germany , too, like Russia , has been
sentenced to be destroyed and derailed . So for Germany as a dead man could bring down
everything. As you know , the planet - it's the Anglo -American camp , with English-speaking
Jewish brain trust .
Immediately after the revolution , some troubled American organization called the "Committee of
Public Information (The Committee on Public Information), which stood for American
counterintelligence , was released a collection of documents entitled " German- Bolshevik plot ,"
or report Sisson , from which it followed even have to seize power , the leaders of the
Bolsheviks still formally subordinate to German intelligence . (?) Sisson was a
counterintelligence officer in the U.S. , posed by a journalist. These documents he allegedly
bought on the street . (!) Here is what the Sisson documents , that is, the widely circulated
pamphlet , " The German- Bolshevik conspiracy" in his book " Russia in 1919, " the famous
British spy Arthur Ransome in Russia , about which I will say more later :
"In the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment I ( Ransom ) showed the professor MN
Pokrovsky (famous Jewish historian http://www.hrono.info/biograf/pokrovski.html) a copy of the "
German- Bolshevik conspiracy ", published in the United States . This document, which
allegedly contained the documents of the German General Staff , and that Sisson allegedly
bought on the street in St. Petersburg. The weakest point of these documents was that there
was no reason for their existence , except as to prove that the German- Bolshevik conspiracy
really existed. I was wondering what he would say Professor Basil . He looked at them, and
saying that he had seen and better crafted fake, pointed out that one-third of the documents
signed, ostensibly, Zalkind Polivanov , Mehinoshinym and Joffe. Professor Pokrovsky said that
whoever forged the documents , knew a lot , but not enough. Because these are people who
seem representative of the Council of People's Commissars , although it did work for the Soviet
government , while not yet be what is specified in the forged documents. Polivanoff at the time

was a minor official, but Joffe has been a major figure . Placing these individuals in that order it's just ridiculous. It's like signing a document by Lenin and the commandant of the Kremlin, and
the last place to come. "
From here you can see that the United States would definitely like to distract the public from the
world is now the well-known American steamer Trotsky.

Here are some more classic evidence of who and with whose help is really a revolution in
Russia . In English, "Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia ", which was presented to
Parliament in April 1919, on the orders of His Majesty , Report number 6 contains the following:
a telegram to Sir M. Findlay (M. Findlay) to Lord Balfour ( received 18 September 1918 ) .
" The report of the Dutch Envoy Extraordinary in St. Petersburg, M. Oudendyk ( Audendayk )
September 6, received today . "M. OUDENDYK, the Netherlands' Minister to Petrograd on
September 6 , 1918 , to the British Government, published in the unexpurgated edition of A
Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia, April, 1919 ." It is devoted to the situation in
Russia , in particular how it affects the British subjects and British interests protected by the
Representative of the ... " In Moscow I ( Audendayk ) interviewed Chicherin and Karahan . All
Soviet Government has dropped to the level of criminal gangs . Bolsheviks realized their hours
are numbered, and embarked on a criminal madness ... The danger is so great that I feel it is
my duty to draw the attention of the British and other governments, that if we do not put an end
to the actions of the Bolsheviks in Russia , the whole world civilization is in danger ... I believe
that the suppression of Bolshevism - is of prime importance, not excluding the war , which is
now so rampant . If this is not the time to pull out Bolshevism in the bud , it is contagion will
spread across Europe and around the world , as it creates and organizes the Jews , who
themselves do not no homeland and the only purpose - to destroy other countries and the
existing order of things. The only thing that this disaster could still be stopped - this is the joint
actions of all nations . "
What can be said that the Messenger of Dutch ? Silly - it's a report to someone who has served
the interests of international Jewry , whose aims and performed in the Russian Jewish
Bolsheviks .
And this is an excerpt from a report of the American Major Schuler (M. Schuyler), made by
January 11, 1920 in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in New York, after his return from
Siberia , where it is , in theory , would be to assist the army of Kolchak . Schuler three times
before the revolution was the American consul general in Russia . Listen, this is very interesting
, who actually turned out that U.S. aid .
"The government of Russia is almost all Jewish , and our U.S. military is full of Bolsheviks in
Siberia directly from Moscow . Commander, General Graves has its head almost completely
from the Jews ... As a result of these Jewish Bolsheviks in our army , all the information is
intended to General Kolchak went straight to Moscow. "
This telegram , sent from Omsk Schuler March 1, 1919 :
"Maybe not to mention out loud in the United States , but the Bolshevik movement is controlled
from the start of the infamous Jewish type."

This telegram of the same Schuler June 9, 1919 directly from Vladivostok :
"... 384 Commissioner , including two blacks , 13 Russian , 15 Chinese, 22 Armenians and more
than 300 Jews , and the Jews of the 300 264 Jews arrived from the United States since the fall
of the royal government."
You can see that there are persistent reports of the presence of blacks , even among the "
People's Commissars ." And no one yet understands that even the Chinese in the Bolshevik
government, not to mention the " Armenians " and " Latvians " is actually relevant kritpoevrei
other nationalities.
This document is the U.S. State Department 861.00.1757 sent May 2, 1918 the U.S. Consul
General in Moscow Shumersom (Summers): The Jews dominated the Soviet government,
anti-Jewish sentiments are growing among the Russian population ... ".
This document is the State Department 861.00.2205 sent from Vladivostok Consul Caldwell
(Caldwell): 50 % of the Soviet government in any city consists of Jews of the worst type."
Bruce Lockhart http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._H._Bruce_Lockhart, British spy in his memoirs, "
British agent " writes that in 1918, he often attended meetings of the Central Executive
Committee , held in the hotel " Metropol ", which was renamed the " First House of the Soviets ."
Here is what he says about the composition of the Bolshevik government:
"Lenin , Chicherin Krilenko and historian Pokrovsky were the only purely Russian element of this
compote Jews , Georgians, Poles and other nationalities" - which , as we now know for sure ,
too, were Georgian , Lithuanian , German and other Jews , including themselves , Lenin
Tchitcherin , Krilenko ( Abraham ) and the historian Pokrovsky.
Interestingly, Lockhart , describing the Bolshevik leaders , everyone manages to find some
positive definition. The only thing about Krilenko , the Attorney General and Minister of Justice
and the future chairman of the USSR Chess Federation , he admits that it was " obvious
epileptic degenerate " ( Figure http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/krylenko.html.
And it's very , U.S. Ambassador to Russia Francis David (David R. Francis) in January 1918
gives a telegram to Washington :
" The Bolshevik leaders , most of them Jews , 90% are immigrants who had returned from
America. These returnees in essence rabid internationalists who care little for Russia , but they
seek to expand its influence in the world with the message of the phenomena of the world
communist revolution. "

So, the U.S. ambassador to Russia , in whose jurisdiction it is , says that 90 % of Bolshevik
leaders - are Jewish returnees who have come back from America. Thus, as the second "
capitalist " Jewish revolution in 1991 in Russia did the same Jews who had returned from exile
in America, and this happened to your eyes, and you know that yourself , what does this mean?
- The fact that the Jews who had emigrated from Russia and the West have acquired money
and connections can take power in Russia is always and under any sauce - in 1917 - with sauce
" nationalization " and the building of communism , and in 1991, under the diametrically opposite
sauce " privatization " and the building of capitalism.

All you know is that the U.S. Senate holds hearings and examine witnesses on relevant issues.
Such an issue of interest to them in 1919, was the situation in Russia . In Russian translation
appeared recently http://rus-sky.com/history/library/overman.htm. The hearings were held from
February 11 to March 10, 1919 . Hearings were held under the chairmanship of Senator
Overman and therefore are called " Commission Overman ." Minutes of the hearing - it's 85
pages of fine dough. Here is an excerpt from the testimony of George A. Simons , pastor of a
Methodist church in New York, which from 1907 to 6 October 1918 in Petrograd was as rector of
the Methodist Church. "In December 1918 , in the so -called" northern municipality of Petrograd
, " under the control of Mr. Zinoviev , of 338 members of his government , only 16 were Russian
, and the rest of the Jews , with the exception of one black man in America who calls himself
Professor Gordon ... ".
You are all well noticed that public education that emerged as a result of the October Bolshevik
revolution was officially called for some time, " Northern Commune " of Petrograd , more
popularly known as " The municipality of Trotsky ." This is similar to the " Paris Commune " .
And here is what the American newspaper "The Jewish Chronicle ("Jewish Chronicle") on
April 4, 1919 :
"The fact that so many of the Bolshevik Jews , simply reflects the fact that the ideas of
Bolshevism at many places are , and the best ideas of Judaism ."

Another American newspaper "The American Jew ("American Hebrew") wrote in its issue of
September 20, 1920 :
" The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, Jewish dissatisfaction , of
Jewish planning , which aims to create a world Jewish order. The fact that such an excellent
method was carried out in Russia , thanks to Jewish brains , Jewish dissatisfaction , and Jewish
planning , it soon through the same Jewish mental and physical qualities to become a reality all
over the world. "
Let's listen to the French. This is an excerpt of French correspondent "L Illustration" R.Vaucher
from the book L Enfer Bolchevik a Petrograd" in 1919 .
"When we lived in close contact with officials of the Bolshevik government , immediately striking
fact that almost all of them Jews . I am far from anti-Semitism , but I have to confirm that
everywhere in Petrograd , in Moscow, in the province, in all police stations in the district offices,
in Smolny , in the former ministries , in the Soviets, I have met Jews and Jews only . The more
one studies the revolution , the more convinced that Bolshevism - is a Jewish movement. "
Russian Jewish Bolshevik Kogan wrote in Kharkov newspaper "Communist " for April 12, 1919 :
"Without exaggeration, we can say that the Russian Revolution made hands of the Jews. Could
be suppressed by the mass of the Russian proletariat themselves produce this revolution? - No
. These are the Jews took Russian proletariat to the dawn of the International, and who not only
directed , but also run by a board and hold them in their hands. We can sleep when the
commander of the Red Army was Comrade Trotsky . It is true that there are no Jews among the

rank and file of the Red Army , but the Jewish Councils and Committees . Jews bravely led to
the victory of the masses of the Russian proletariat . It is therefore not surprising that the
elections to the Soviet organizations such Jews are winning impressive victories . As
commissioners , the Jews are selflessly masses of the Russian proletariat to victory. The
symbol of Jewry has become a symbol of the Russian proletariat - a red five-pointed star, a
symbol of the past, the former Zionism and Judaism http://zarubezhom.com/Images/pentakl.jpg,
so for this logo and a victory march ... ".

Theodore Butenko , a Soviet diplomat, who then fled through Bucharest to Italy , wrote in the
Italian newspaper "Giornale d Italia" on February 17 that "Instead of the old bourgeoisie in
Russia formed a new ruling class from 100% of the Jews."

The best description of what is happening 150 years ago gave one of the most competent
experts in the modern history of the English premier mid-19th century , the Jew Disraeli
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disraeli, in the cartoon on the left Disraeli offering Queen Victoria
impertorskuyu the crown of the Torah ( Hush ) instead of the royal
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/Victoria_Disraeli_cartoon.jpg here Disraeli
with Queen Victoria : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File: Old_disraeli.jpg
Disraeli , who is also Lord Beaconsfield , in his book "The life of George Bentick" ( Life of
George Bentika ") , written in 1852 , says: "The influence of the Jews may be traced in all
outbreaks of destruction in Europe. There is a revolt of the Jews against all the traditions of any
national aristocracy , against any religion or against any non-Jewish property. Destruction - is a
Semitic principle , derived from the Jewish religion , it is still a form of Judaism or Christianity .
(!) Equality of all the goyim and the destruction of property gentile hailed by all secret societies ,
which form a parallel government and people of the Jewish race are found at the head of them
all. Jewish believers cooperate with atheist Jews , Jewish bankers cooperate with Jewish
communist leaders , elected by the Jewish people is in league with the latest scum of Europe,
and no one sees no contradiction in this , as all brought to bear to destroy the ungrateful
Christianity ( Goychestvo ) which is obliged to Jews even as their founder , and whose
leadership they are no longer able to tolerate http://zarubezhom.com/ravage.htm.
The same Disraeli , Lord Beaconsfield at the same time pointed out that: "The Curious Russian
diplomacy of the tsarist government , which is so concerned about the western countries ,
principally organized and carried out by Jews ."
French Jew Maurice Murray (Maurice Murrey) in his book "The Jewish spirit ("The Jewish
spirit") published in the late 19th century, objecting to Disraeli , who once said that " Marxism
has turned away from the Jewish idealism" , said: " Blood and tradition of Karl Marx belongs to
the body and soul of Judaism "," Karl Marx and Rothschild are the two poles of the Jewish
people, but these are exactly the opposite, which converge "," Karl Marx and Rothschild, both
embody the Jewish idealism elevated to its peak " "In the process of how the masses are

increasingly turning away from Christianity , they are more and more imbued with the Jewish
spirit. Reviving Jewish idealism is cooking, maybe for the enormity of the revolution of the 20th
century "," ... every intense manifestation of Jewish idealism in Europe , is shown with the
rebellion , famine , genocide and devastation ... ".
Alfred Rosenberg was right when he said that all the main tracks of the Jewish Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia are in America, but in Germany, just as it was brewed and German Jewry .
It is of Russian Jewish revolution then went to Germany, and not vice versa. Stockholm " Nia
Bank" was the main bank through which millions of dollars were remittances Jacob Schiff to
Trotsky . Director of " Nia Bank " was a typical Swedish international Olof Aschberg Jew (photo :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Olof_Aschberg.jpg of
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olof_Aschberg), who had a business with the Soviets until the late
40s . However, " Nia Bank" was not an independent bank , this bank is a branch of the U.S.
bank "Guarantee Trust Co" ( Guaranty Trust Company ) owned by Jacob Schiff . Fixed assets
were precisely in the name of Trotsky. Why Trotsky ? - Because only Trotsky Jacob Schiff knew
personally. Before leaving New York to Russia Trotsky had an audience with Mr. Schiff . At the
same time , Trotsky , living in New York and the number of Russian-language Jewish
newspaper journalist , had a private car and driver, and at the same time , Trotsky spent in
America only 4 months , from January to April 1917 , immediately obtained a passport of an
American citizen , which was obviously bypassing all laws. Stiid Wickham (Wickham Steed),
editor of the London "Times" , writes in his book titled " Thirty years later ("Through Thirty
Years" 1924) : " The main driver was Jacob Schiff, Warburgs brothers and other western
bankers who wanted to establish Jewish Bolshevism , to provide the Jewish exploitation of
Russia. "

After the revolution of personal intermediary between Trotsky and American bankers was the
People's Commissar of Foreign Trade and a former terrorist who shot Russian industrialist
Savva Morozov , a Jew , Lev Borisovich Krasin ( officially presented as " Leonid "
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/krasin.html) whose name , like the name of another Jewish diplomat
praised by Jewish poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, Teodor Nette , was subsequently named the
icebreaker .

Here's an excerpt from the newsletter " Jewish Communal Register of New York City " for the
years 1917-1918 . Printed and published by the Jewish kehiloy ( kagalom , community ) of the
city of New York. House of 356. Second Avenue. (The Jewish Communal Register of New York
City. Edited and published by Kehillah (Jewish community) of New York City. 356 Second Ave.
"Jacob Henry Schiff was born in 1847 in Frankfurt am Main , Germany , the son of a banker (
relative Rothschild ) . He was educated in Germany. In 1865 he came to America and lived in
New York City. There he worked in the Banking- house. In 1873 he returned to Germany to
establish ties bankers . On his return to America became the leader of the banking house , "
Kuhn , Loeb and Company", with its headquarters in New York. His firm lard main financier
Union Pacific ( Meso ) railway. The principle of common interest, which is always preached

Jacob Schiff , has led to the formation of the "Northern Securities Company ," thereby
suppressing harmful competition. The firm Jacob Schiff gave Japan war bonds (with Jacob
Schiff made the U.S. President Taft to cancel a trade agreement with Russia and Russian loans
) Mr. Schiff is president of numerous companies such as: "The Central Trust Company," "
Western Union Telegraph Company," " Guarantees Trust Company (" who owned Stockholm "
Nia Bank ") and many others ...
Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and influence, in the best interests of his ( Jewish
newspaper ) people. He financed the enemies of aristocratic Russia and used his financial
influence to prevent the development of Russian -American relations. Last year, when Jacob
Schiff celebrated his seventieth birthday , all Jewish groups joined together to express their
respect . "

Jacob Schiff , as the Bulletin of the Jewish community was the largest Jewish banker at the
head of the banking house " Kuhn , Loeb and Company ," note that this Schiff has provided
unlimited loans to Japan and , at the same time did not allow the Russian government
borrowing . Also note that Schiff controlled all the railways and suppressed harmful competition ,
that is, in fact was a monopoly , despite the presence in America, the Sherman Antitrust Act .
Schiff organized the " Society of Friends of Russian Freedom ," of course, in his understanding .
The purpose of this society was campaigning for the overthrow of the Russian Czar. These
people returned to Russia with readiness to participate in the Jewish revolution in Russia . That
is what the "Company" by the Japanese , trained about 50,000 Russian prisoners of war to
terrorist methods of the underground struggle and their indoctrination.

And that's what informs Jacob Schiff "Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Schiff

During the Russian - Japanese war of Jacob Schiff of Japan has provided loans to 200 million
- Stop. Think about it . Private person allocated to the Russian Revolution Trotsky not less than
$ 20 million. There is evidence that this amount was doubled to Trotsky . A Japanese victory
over Russia to Jacob Schiff has allocated 10 times more than Trotsky - $ 200 million , largely
predetermining all subsequent defeat of the Russian revolution in Russia in the Russian Japanese war. In the "Wikipedia" says that to Russian -Japanese war, has never lost a
European nation, not a war of non-European nation. Money Jacob Schiff and support of
American Jewry , and hence the American industry , ensured the victory of Japan. This in itself
is an extremely important fact. It shows that in the world there is a kind of economic system in
which individuals can lend money to the whole states , and thus to control them politically .
Since then, the dollar has depreciated about 1000. The then millionaires became billionaires
today . $ 20 million - a sum now about $ 20 billion . Accordingly, the then U.S. $ 200 million - a
sum corresponding to today hundreds of billions of dollars. As you know , individuals can have
that kind of money , only if they control the process of the formation of paper money of
securities of the public debt. Every modern state, and , therefore, and all his people - there is a
constant debtor , and , consequently, nalozhnik and the hostage of a few people who control the

formation of the national debt and the process of making paper money and securities. So it is
really happening in today's humanity. But the consideration of this issue is beyond the scope of
this book .
Next newsletter entitled "The Jewish Communal Register" argues that Jewish immigrants from
Russia and brought communism to America. In this regard, it should be recalled that the
strongest party antitsarskoy was a Jewish "Bund" , headed by Raphael Abramovich Abramovich
and Mikhail Isakovich Lieber .
( Abramovich http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/abramovich.html ( real name . Rhine ) Raphael
Abramovich [ July 21, 1880 , Dinaburg ( from 1893 Dvinsk ) - April 11 . , 1963, New York). From
middle-class families . In 1901, expelled from Riga popitehnich . Inst for participating in student .
roar. motion. Education completed in Liege. was a member . Petrograd. The RNC . The
Extraordinary Congress of the Mensheviks ( Nov. 30 - Dec. 7 . ) Abramovich elected member .
Central Committee. From Menshevik. the party was part of the All 3rd and 4th convocation. At
the meetings of the Central Executive Committee criticized ext. and int. Soviet policy . Prospect
Island . In the course of Trotsky opposed the Brest mira.V 1920 he emigrated . Headed "
Overseas delegation " CC " Social Democratic Bund " , participated in the publication of "
Socialist Bulletin" , became one of the leaders of the two 1/2-go International, later - he was a
member . Office of the Executive Committee of Socialist. Desktop International. Since 1940 in
the United States . In 1962 in New York published . memoir, " Sov. roar-tion 1917-1939 " (in
English . lang. ) .
Mikhail I. Lieber - Liberia [ Leaver , Golfman ] (real name . - Goldman Lieber , Lieber - Goldman)
Michael Isaevich ( Isaacovich ) (pseudonym - Lieber , Mark , Mark , Isaac , Ber ) ( 24.05.1880 ,
Vilnius - 4.10 . 1937 Alma- Ata) . - Since 1896, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party , one of
the founders and leaders of the Bund (Figure ) http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/liber.html Rod. in the
family of a merchant , poet IM Goldman , who wrote in HEB . lang. He graduated from the 7
classes of high school . Private teacher . Member of the Revolution of 1905-07 , he was a
member . Executive Committee of St. Petersburg . Council. At the 4th merged. (1906 ) and 5th
(1907 ) represented the Bund Party Congress : at the 5th Congress of the elected member .
RSDLP . After February . Revolution of 1917, on arrival in the capital of elected member .
Executive Committee of the Petrograd. The RNC . April 13 . elected member . The Bureau of
the Executive Committee of the Petrograd. Council. In the years of the Civil. War advocated an
alliance with the Allies to fight the Bolsheviks . Since 1923 he was repeatedly arrested and
exiled . From political activities went , was on households. work. In March 1937 arrested ) .
We quote from the " Jewish communal register :
" The heroic struggle of the Bund against the old Russian aristocracy, led to the fact that
thousands of members of the Bund had to flee from Russia . However, they were not going to
leave it at that , and as a result the thread Bund spread across the U.S. and Canada. For many
years the main activities of these organizations, the Bund was to collect money for the activities
of the Bund in Russia , where the most active radical Jewish organizations formed the vanguard
of the working class. This difference was especially noticeable after a wave of Jewish
immigrants after the failed Jewish Revolution of 1905, has reached the shores of America.

Zionism - Socialism was strongly enriched with new theoretical - an immigrant from Russia Baer
Boruhovym ( Vorohovym ) .
Ber Borochov ( HEAP ) (1881-197) http://www.eleven.co.il/article/10715 and
http://www.jew.spb.ru/ami/A290/A290-081.html - the founder of the Jewish Zionist social
democratic party Poale Zion, which he had organized in 1901. His article "Our Platform "
became the program " Poale Zion " trying to merge Marxism with Zionism .
To carry out the socialist propaganda in the New York office was established Agitation, which
carried out a social. propaganda in Yiddish ( German dialect of Hebrew ) . Ber Borukhov
proclaimed a theory that has become extremely popular among the Jewish masses , who were
at that time in New York City through and through socialist . Ber Borukhov said that only through
its Jewish-owned land in Palestine , the Jews in general have a chance to get hold of your own
proletariat , and therefore Zionism must join forces with socialism. Thus, Zionism was a Marxist
basis , and with all the strength declared himself the masses. Borukhov , with the help of other
friends, many of whom were students , began to produce a number of periodicals in Russian
and Yiddish , and forward them to Russia , but that the royal government banned one after the
other. These publications were, in Russian : " Jewish Chronicle worker" and "Hammer " and in
Yiddish : " The proletarian idea", " Forwards " ( produced so far ) , and a collection of books
under the general title "The Hammer" .
At the same time, they organized a party in Russia with parallel branches in America, Austria,
England , and finally in Palestine. At the same time , Zionism was recognized as an integral part
of the socialist movement in Turkey, where Zionism has become so influential that affect the
international socialist movement in favor of Zionism and Jewish national goals. The most
significant success of Zionism (Poale-Zion) in Palestine was the organization Hashomer ( Local
), an organization of heroic young men who gave their lives defending their own land , which
they bought for the future of Israel as yet in private. Funds collected are distributed by Jews all
over the world , " the World Zionist Organization) . His tireless work in the Communist
International and the English working ( Labor ) Party World Zionist Organization provided the
favor of Zionism leaders of the international socialist and communist movements , as well as
labor leaders . As a result , the creation of the state of Israel was one of the official border
programs such as the Communist "Internationale " (!) And the British Labour Party Labor Party
... Zionism in America. In his far-reaching work of the international Zionist movement "Jewish
Socialist Workers' Party of Zion" America plays a vital role in the aftermath of its Palestinian
branch . Reaction 1906-1917 , in Russia has caused the spread of the Jewish revolutionary
activity and the Americas . The World Zionist Organization provided a memorandum , the socalled "Red Book" , " Communist International ."
Note that "The Jewish Communal Register" clearly defines Zionism as a Marxist movement .
When the Jews in Palestine seized the port city of Haifa , it became known as the "Red Haifa ."
Each day, the Jews marched through the streets of Haifa with raised fists and red flags. After
the revolution in 1917 it was the Soviet Bolshevik government was the first government which ,
despite all its internal difficulties , ferrying contraband obtained from the capitalist countries their
weapons to the Jews to Palestine. And they used it in the fight against both Arabs and the
British, who in theory, should have been to support the Palestinian peace and tranquility.
Next, register the Jewish continues: " The National Working Committee" of America was
founded in early 1915 by the representatives of the four radical organizations , " Working Circle

(The Workmen Circle), United Jewish Trading (United Hebrew Trades), The Jewish
Socialist Federation of America" ( Jewish Socialist federation of America) and "Union Next
(Forward Association). The revolution in Russia in one fell swoop emancipated Jews in Russia
and the " National Working Committee" of America , so focused on solving the Jewish problem
in Romania , and now, in cooperation with various European institutions , successfully solves it.

Note that there is a book by Theodore Draper , " The Roots of American Communism
(Theodore Draper "The Roots of American Communism) http://www.amazon.com/RootsAmerican-Communism-Theodore-Draper/dp/0929587006. This book - a detailed analysis of the
origin of the American Communist Party , 99 % of whom were Russian Jews who have always
been in close cooperation with their Soviet counterparts. A famous Zionist Nahum Sokolow
(Sokolow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahum_Sokolow) in his book The history of Zionism
openly says that organized Zionism is the most important part of the Bolshevik activity in Russia

In his famous article in the "Illustrated Sunday Herald" on February 8, 1920 under the name "
Zionism versus Bolshevism http://zarubezhom.com/Churchill.htm future British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill said : "There is no need to exaggerate the role in the creation of Bolshevism
and the Russian revolution, the commission played these international and for the most part
atheistic Jews . Definitely , that is the most important part, and possibly outweighs all others.
With the exception of Lenin, the Bolshevik leaders of all the Jews . " In his speech to the House
of Commons on November 5, 1919 Churchill said : "There is no need to exaggerate the role in
the creation of Bolshevism and the Russian revolution in the commission of these international
and played for the most part atheistic Jews . The vast majority of the Bolshevik leaders were
Jews. Moreover , the fundamental driving force and abetting - is also Jewish leaders . In the
Soviet institutions the predominant presence of Jews and simply amazing. The fundamental
organization of terror carried out by the Cheka in its struggle against counterrevolution ,
performed by Jews and even Jewish. This is the same Jewish leadership , which was during the
terror of Bela Kun in Hungary. "

Earlier, on December 14, 1906 , immediately after the failed revolution of 1905 Jewish
Englishman William Curtis gave a speech titled "Jewish revenge "The Vengeance of the
Jews". It was published in the journal National Geographic Magazine ( National Geographic
Magazine ) for May 1907 . In this speech, Curtis said: " ... the revolutionary leaders nearly all
belong to the Jewish race , and the most effective revolutionary agency - is the Jewish " Bund " ,
with its headquarters in Bialystok , which recently was mayhem . Russian government suffers
from the Jewish race more than from other milestones combined. Where a crime is committed
desperate - there is always a Jew , and you hardly find in the empire at least one loyal Jew.
Crystal ( Nosar ), Chairman of the St. Petersburg Soviet - a Jew who led a general strike .
Maxine (Maxin), which organized a revolution in the Baltic region - also a Jew . Gershuny , the

terrorist leader - also a Jew ... I could list here and list of revolutionary and terrorist leaders, and
every one of them a Jew . "

In AN Field , "Socialism without a mask (AN Field Socialism unmasked

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._N._Field) states that "The international bankers poured money
falls to the mill of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia ... well-known Jewish mylozavodchik from
Philadelphia Felz Joseph (Josef Fels) in 1907 gave money to Trotsky and Lenin. This petite
person , Shorty , has traveled throughout Europe , talking to kings, princes , prime ministers and
cabinet members , ministers of religion , and all watered right and left their money in favor of the
communist revolution. "

French Peuple Juif ( The Jewish People "), Feb. 8, 1919 wrote: " The coming world
revolution will be exclusively a matter of our hands . This revolution will strengthen our power
over other people . "

Pope Pius the Eleventh diplomatically said : "For them (the Russian people ), we express our
deep fatherly affection . We know that many of them are suffering under the yoke imposed on
them by people who for the most part alien to the real interests of the country. We know that
many have been deceived by false hopes. We condemn the only system with its authors and
creators , who saw Russia as the best field for experimenting with a plan, worked out many
years ago and which now extends from one end of the world to another . " (Pope Pius Xi,
Encyclical Letter, Divini Redemptoris).

And in a speech in the House of Lords of the British Parliament , too, Lord Sydenham in 1923,
said of the Bolshevik Revolution that "the destruction of the Jews in Russia under the leadership
of more than 30 million Christians - this is the most horrible crime in history."

And here is what Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (Univ.Jew Encyc., Vol 1 , p.336): Following
its leaders , the Soviet commissariat were largely staffed by Jews. The Jewish position in the
Communist movement was well understood in Russia. White armies were fighting against the
Bolshevik government of the Jews and Bolsheviks as common enemies . "

And this is a real document from the National Archives of the United States. Department of
State Decimal File, 1910-1929, file 861.00/5067. Summary report # 9 of July 16, 1919 , from the
Directorate of Intelligence (Home Office. Scotland House, S.W1, entitled "A monthly review of
the progress of revolutionary movements abroad". This report John Davis , the American
ambassador to Britain, to the State Secretary in Washington : " The monthly report on the
progress of the revolutionary movements abroad," dated July 23, 1919 . this document from the

general records of the Department of Secretary of State . conclusion of the document: "Now
there is a certain proof that Bolshevism - is an international movement controlled by Jews.
Communications is between Jewish leaders in America, France , Russia and England, and
common efforts are coordinated . Budapest ( Bela Kun ) - it's just an outpost of the Jewish
Bolshevik government. within Russia, Jewish Bolshevism begins to change its character. If the
administration of Lenin fall , there are concerns that too much power to fall into the hands of
anarchists , which would mean total chaos . Budapest , believe that any intervention by Western
countries will be supported by 90 % of the population . unrest is working around the world.
However , it is clear that this is simply due to the adaptation to suddenly collapsed purchasing
power money. Extremists , of course, from the social unrest enjoy all the benefits of ... ".

Publication of "The American Jew (American Hebrew) confirms : " The Bolshevik Revolution in
Russia was the work of Jewish brains, Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal
was the creation of a new world order of the Hebrew . That, thanks to Jewish brains , so
perfectly executed in Russia , as a result of Jewish dissatisfaction and planning, should be
through the Jewish mental and physical forces performed all over the world . "

Net Jewish Ariadne Tyrkova -Williams http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/tyrkova.html - here the photo

of the ordinary Russian Jew :
http://www.womenpriests.org/circles/tm.asp?m=17080&mpage=3&key = ) itself testifies in his
memoirs : "From Freedom to Brest- Litovsk, " 1919 . "It's a little bit of Russian Bolshevik
puppeteers . None of them rose to prominence under the old system . Besides the obvious
foreigners , the Bolsheviks brought a lot of re-emigrants who for years have lived abroad . Some
of them have never before in Russia were not. Especially a lot of Jews. They're awfully say in
Russian . The nation , which they captured , quite alien to them , and they behave as invaders .
Throughout the revolution, and particularly in Bolshevism , Jews occupy the leading position .
This is a very interesting phenomenon . You see who was selected in the first piece of advice? Lieber , Dan, and Gotz , and secondly even more . "

London "Jewish Chronicle ("Jewish Chronicle" London, April 4 , 1919) writes: " The mere fact
that the Bolsheviks - the Jews , says a lot . The ideas of Bolshevism merged with the higher
ideas of Judaism. "
In the same "Jewish Chronicle" December 16, 1932 read: "Lenin visited the Jewish
congregation in Switzerland for another thirty -five years ago . He is generally regarded as a
Russian , but there are doubts . "
And this is "The Jewish Chronicle ," Jan. 6, 1933 " The third part of all the Jews of Russia
became government officials (!) ".

The brochure "international bankers and the communist conspiracy" Frank's Chapel ("The
international Bankers and the communist conspiracy". By Frank A. Capell. "Herald of Freedom".

Written around 1940 ) reads as follows : " Kuhn , Loeb & Co.. " was established in 1867 by
Abram Khn and Solomon Loeb . They have started in 1850 with the trade in the state of
Indiana, in the town of Lafayette . Later, they moved to New York. In 1875, Jacob Henry Schiff ,
a direct cousin and longtime banking houses of Rothschild and Warburg from Europe, Schiff
family in the 17th century lived on the same street as the Rothschild family in Frankfurt am
Main, becomes a partner of Kuhn and Loeb . When, after ten years of Abram died Kuhn and
Solomon Loeb retired , that Jacob Schiff became head of the firm. Jacob Schiff died in 1920 ,
having seen the triumph of the Russian Revolution , in which he has invested so much money .
His son inherited the Mortimer Leo banking house . Paul Moritz Warburg , a partner " and
M.M.Varburg Company (MM Warburg and Co), international banking house of Hamburg came
to the U.S. in 1902 and became a partner Jacob Schiff and banking house , " Kuhn , Loeb &
Co.. '. ( Thus, the money Trotsky and Parvus' money - Gelfand from the same source ) .
Another important member of the Otto Kahn became a partner in Schiff in 1897. The scale of
operations of the banking house , " Kuhn , Loeb & Co." was revealed in a report in June 1939
entitled "Structure of the American Economy . Part One , "which shows that the interest controlled " Kuhn , Loeb & Co. " was 10 billion 843 million dollars! Jacob Schiff has spent tens of
millions of dollars to overthrow the Russian Tsar and Kerensky and Trotsky's support for the
Bolshevik regime . The American magazine " New York Journal American ("New Jork Journal
American" February 3, 1949 quoted the grandson of Jacob Schiff , who said that his business
has given $ 20 million (in the money when the then present-day millionaires were richer
billionaires ) Leon Trotsky for the victory of the revolution.
The often quoted the official U.S. federal report states: "In February 1916, the U.S. government
has learned that in the Russian revolution is haunting , and that the next American businesses
involved in this destructive activity : 1). Jacob Schiff and Kuhn , Loeb & Co.. ", 2). Billionaire
Guggenheim (Gugenheim), whose name is the Museum of Modern Art in New York. 3).
Breitung banker Max (Max Breitung).
In 1924, Otto Kahn , a partner at Schiff was offered the presidency English Speaking Union.
However, his election failed because it turned out that the house was going to Otto Kahn
Bolshevik agents : Nina Currants (Nina Smorodin), Clare Sheridan (Claire Sheridan), Louise
(Louise Bryant) Brian and Margaret Harrison (Margaret Harrison) http://www.
In April 1932 the French newspaper " Le Figaro " reported that Mrs. Otto Kahn paid a visit to
Soviet Russia . However, she received an official welcome, accompanied by a diplomatic dinner
and a few summits . The procedure was not worse than when the King of Afghanistan . The
troops lined up in a guard of honor . The newspaper " Le Figaro " summarized that " The least
one could expect such a reception from the wife of a banker heads of the proletarian state .
Paul Moritz Warburg was a secret representative of the U.S. banking house of Rothschild , who
in 1913 organized by the U.S. private international bank under the misleading title The U.S.
Federal Reserve and became its first chairman. In June 1933, U.S. Congressman Louis
McFadden , Chairman of the Banking Committee of the House of Representatives, said in a
speech: "The Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States acting
through the Chase Manhattan Bank and the" Guaranty Trust Co. (Guaranty Trust. Co.). Again ,
the company Schiff ) and other banks in New York, England and Germany are taking money
from the Federal Reserve System , and a very high percentage of predatory lend their Bolshevik

government , to finance their own sales or engineering work in the USSR. "

The above cousin of Winston Churchill and Lev Kamenev mistress Clair Sheridan
http://zarubezhom.com/Images/SheridanClara.jpg and
http://zarubezhom.com/SheridanClare.htm put it this way: "The Communists - are Jews , and
Russia is administered by them completely. They control all government institutions, and they
kicked Russian . "

British newspaper "Times" May 8, 1920 , when there is generally something could still ask , so
asked , "Do we have avoided the German Mira , to fall within the world of the Jews? "

As published in the U.S. in English " Jewish Encyclopedia ("Universal Jewish Encyclopedia")
states that "Individual revolutionary leaders of Jewish origin - such as Trotsky . Zinoviev ,
Kamenev and Sverdlov played a prominent role in the revolution of November 1917 , which
allowed the Bolsheviks to seize the state apparatus (Univ. Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. IX, 668) .
Here and there in the "Jewish Encyclopedia" different Jews are called the founder of modern
communism , but nowhere in it you will not find mention of Lenin and Stalin.
"Almost all the Bolshevik leaders were Jews . It's a fact of fundamental importance , "says H. A.
Gwynne in his important book, "The causes of the global turmoil , "The cause of World Unrest"
New-York. 1920 .
" The administrators and propagandists of Bolshevism so all the Jews that Bolshevism is
sometimes seen as a purely Jewish movement ." Captain Peter Wright . (Captain Peter E.
Wright. "Report by Sir Stuart Samuel on his mission to Poland". Miscellaneous # 10 . 1920.Cmd. 674 . London. 1920 , p .. 25.
"During the First World War ( in 1915 ) in Switzerland, in Zimmerwald , took the well- known
Socialist Conference . However, it was difficult to decide what language to hold the conference
as delegates were from many countries. Suddenly , one of the delegates , as if in jest , offered
to Yiddish , and all agreed , as it was found that all the delegates - the Jews "( In the conference
participated and Lenin , which is generally fluent in several European languages and in the
including a German dialect of Hebrew - Yiddish) . - Rabbi Dr. Litwin in the book "The Gates of
Zion ." (Rabbi Dr. J. Litvin, "The gates of Zion". London: Central Synagogue Council of the
Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. October 1952 , p. 41 (VII / 1).
"It is widely known as the Bolshevik leaders Bronstein - Trotsky , Kamenev - Rosenfeld ,
Zinoviev - Apfelbaum or Kaganovich worked constantly to the public , showing that, they say
they have nothing to do with the Jews." - Ilana writes Ewen , in the Jewish Observer and Middle
East revue. (Ilana Even. Jewish Observer and Middle East Review ". London: Zionist Federation
of Great Britain and Ireland. June 10 , 1955 , p. 15).

"It was certainly a Jewish point of view, the greatest advantage that so many communist leaders

were Jews ." Hugo Valentin in "Jews and Bolshevism ." New York. The American Jewish
Committee . 1937 . (Hugo Valentin "The Jews and Bolshevism. New York. American Jewish
Committee. 1937 , p. 7).

"Jewish communists and Jewish bankers work hand in hand on the destruction of Western
civilization." Writes Jewish writer Maurice Samuel in the important book, " Great hatred ."
(Maurice Samuel "The great hatred". New York. 1940 . Pp. 11.

"The Bolsheviks used virtually all forms of atrocities that are capable of imagination and gloat
over the suffering of their victims. It is a political movement exclusively Jewish . Almost every
commissioner - a Jew , and almost everyone speaks English with an American accent . " Tells
Henry Pearson . (Henry Pearson "The nineteenth century and after". London. January 1919 , p.

"In 1936 we tested by careful statistics that in today's Russia, 98 % of senior government
positions occupied by Jews ... Who were the leaders of the Bavarian " working "of the republic ?
Who were the leaders Spartak movement? Who were the real leaders and financiers of the
Communist Party? - The Jews, the Jews alone . The situation is the same in Hungary and in the
red parts of Spain . " ( Adolf Hitler . From a speech in September 1937).

Only recently, in 1965, when Jews were raised in the United States noise that they , being all
the directors and zavbazami allegedly persecuted in the Soviet Union , the U.S. Senate
Judiciary Committee issued a pro-Jewish study titled "The Soviet Empire , the study of
discrimination and abuse of power " . So in this study unexpectedly found that before the
Second World War , this is when Stalin assumed cleansed of Jews from government agencies ,
41.1 % of the members of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR had obvious Jewish names . And
how many kriptoevreev ?

There was a joke: the All deciphered by Jews in Yiddish as Vu Tzen Yiden Komandeven -
Where ten Jews commanded ."
And the word "trust" during the NEP translated as: "Trotsky allow Jews to free trade ."

Now you understand how everything is intertwined : kommnunizm = socialism = and it all just
different versions of Jewish thought directed to only one goal - the most effective way in which
to create a world Jewish empire and create all the conditions for the birth of the Jewish Emperor
of the World , which the Jews call the Messiah, and the birth of which they all expect . World
Jewry is organized like the Israeli Olympic team , whose mission to become the undisputed
world champion in the team competition , so they end up no matter what their team will do the

trick , if the overall goal - the ultimate victory of Israel in the team standings .
In his very interesting memoirs Trial and error ( memoirs exist in Russian under the title " In
Search of the way http://www.brooklinelibrary.org/what/russian?m=biog&t=all) founder and
first president of the State of Israel , Russian Jew, Chaim Weizmann says a lot of interesting
things. Chaim Weizmann was born in 1874 in a village near Pinsk , in present-day Belarus.
What is interesting , despite the self-evident negative image of the imperial government , the
parents of Chaim Weizmann and lived comfortably , having given birth to 15 children, of whom
they raised 12 children they gave eight higher education, and the mother never worked , as
there was always pregnant . For modern life in the USSR and Russia - education of so many
children - it's fantastic. Weitzman says that when the children grew up , then: "At the holidays in the house as a station . Everyone claims to the family home , and in the house all day and
night reigned continuous movement . Grown up children and their friends were now all the
shades of the revolutionary movements of the then existing among the Jews : Zionism
assimilitsionisty , socialists , communists, anarchists , all shades of revolutionaries. Discussions
were continuing and passions often run high before daylight , and as a result of these disputes
brothers and sisters had happened did not talk for months "( p. 13).
"Among the Jews were the first to awakening the spirit of two trends : international
revolutionaries fighting for the overthrow of the tsarist government , and Zionist nationalists " ( p.
The value of Chaim Weizmann , who for all of the first half of the 20th century was a personal
Commissioner Rothschild establishment in Palestine of the state of Israel , for the time being not
open to non-Jewish public . This is an outstanding politician , but his memoirs , you can read the
details in the classic study of Douglas Reed's " The Controversy of Zion
http://libereya.ru/biblus/spor/. Chaim Weizmann, on their achieved results in the 20th century ,
stands on an objective level of well-known politicians such as Trotsky , Lenin , Stalin , Hitler and
Mao Tse Tung . It is remarkable to note that all three major political commissar of Rothschild
had determined all the world politics of the first half of the 20th century. In Russia and Europe, it
was Trotsky , built in Palestine Israel Chaim Weizmann, and in America to wrest power from the
American people and handed over to Jewish organizations billionaire Bernard Baruch .

"A lot of the Zionists , and especially Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who only the day before yesterday
urged me ( 10 July 1918 ) that if the Jewish people of Palestine will not give up , they will all
Jewry would support the Bolsheviks and Bolshevism in Russia ." - It said the head of the British
Military Intelligence , General George Makdunou Quoted Lloyd George Lloyd George in his
book "The Truth about the peace talks ." (General Sir George Macdonogh David. Lloyd George
"The truth about the peace treaties". London 1938 . Vol.2. P. 1150 ) .

And here is what personal biographer Rothschild from France Marcus Eli Ravazh in a long
article , " Confessions of a Jew ." ("Confessions of a Jew" Marcus Eli Ravage, Century
Magazine, January-February 1928 http://zarubezhom.com/ravage.htm). This very interesting
article is widely represented in the Internet) . He refers to non-Jews : "You still do not
understand the depth of our guilt . We - the saboteurs . We - the destroyers . We saboteurs .

We - the terrorists . We are the cause of your every war and revolution, and not only Russian ,
but also every great revolution in history. "

We have to add that it is not only the cause of every revolution , but also a cause of loss of
every war in history. For example, when Tsar Nicholas II gave the generals on trial , losers
Russian - Japanese war , the five generals : Chief Linevich , Stoessel , Fok, Reis and Smirnov ,
four non-Russians had opened last name. And although they were considered " Russian " , to
paraphrase a famous Russian proverb , "if scratched " Russian " intellectuals from non-Russian
name , you will find a Jew ."
Now it becomes clear why , in particular, has been lost Russian - Japanese war , but won, for
example , World War II - it is in direct connection with the interests of the Jewish International.
When the critical moment of the Russian- Japanese war of Russian ammunition and waited ,
finally opened wagons arrived tier , instead of ammunition wagons were crates of champagne.
On this episode tells the British spy in Russia Arthur Ransome in his " Autobiography" . What is
this? - Outdoor sabotage. At the same time , during the Second World Russian Americans have
established a continuous transfer of anything bad in debt, on the " Lend -Lease " because both
Russian and Americans in World War II fought on the side of the Jewish International in tanks
and aircraft from the Red Star of the East Masonic order

And here is what the modern Jewish author Norman Cantor, a professor of history at New York
University : " During the" Cold War " American Jewish publicists spent a lot of time to deny the
important role of Jews in the world communism. The truth, however , is that until the 50s that
was the case, and there is no need to be ashamed of . Jews should learn to be proud of those
accomplishments that have been achieved by Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia and in general
wherever that may be . " The Jewish experience, "Stalin's Jews", pp. 364 Norman F. Cantor,
Castle books, 1996).
And this , - a statement of professional American scout the situation in Russia in the summer of
1917 , you have not read yet .
"Russia from within" ( inside Russia )
My translation of an article with photographs of American war correspondent ( professional
scout ) Major General Stanley Stanley Washborn Washbourne in "The National Geographic
Magazine" in August 1917 .
"In August of 1914, when Paris was in danger, Nicholas II , almost overnight , threw the Russian
army in East Prussia , which so successfully started to move to Berlin , that the whole of Berlin
was beaten refugees fleeing the Cossacks. And when it seemed that already fall Berlin itself ,
the German command had brought six army corps ( 240,000 soldiers) from the Western Front

against the Russian army. Therefore, after 10 days the British and the French were able to stop
the Germans at the Marne http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marne. Paris was saved, but it was worth
165,000 Russian dead Russian soldiers. Naturally the Germans defeated the Russian in
Eastern Prussia.
At the end of 1914 , when the Germans again straining at Calais
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calais in England, Nicholas II again took the offensive in Poland.
Between November 1 and December 15, 1914 about 15 German army corps were transferred
from the west to the Russian front. Of course, Russia has suffered defeat, but the West won ,
and the Germans never took Calais ( on the shore of the English Channel ) . And England , so
do not fell under the blow .
Operations against the Germans from Russia tied December 1914 to April 1915 . They were the
German troops, who , otherwise , would have been used against the British and the French. In
the spring of 1915 Russian offensive in Galicia and Bukovina began to threaten the stability of
the Austro-Hungarian Empire , so the summer 1915 the Germans were forced back swinging
Russian , Austrian restore morale . In order to do this, it took another 35-40 corps , not to
mention the reserve regiments , numbering about half a million people to replace those killed.
1915 went down in history as the "year of Russian disaster ." However, as a result of the
Russian , in quotes, "failures" , Britain and France received a year of respite to forge plowshares
into swords, and turn the untrained masses of trained soldiers. Going on the offensive the
British and French armies in 1916 and 1917 - is a direct result of the so-called Russian " defeat"
the year before. It is clear that the Russian self-sacrifice for the West in 1915 was life-saving .
Russia sacrificed herself for the sake of England and France. (Do you understand Russian
people is self-sacrifice for the benefit of the United States and England, and the head would not
come. Then the next question : who organized the self-sacrifice of Russia ? Approx. Transl. )
Russian offensive in 1916 in which Brusilov captured nearly half a million prisoners and 500
guns , again destroyed the German initiative and eased the pressure on the Italian front .
Romania's contribution , who turned out for this small country a disaster possible to relate the
30 German divisions, which would otherwise be transferred to the English- French front .
Retreat of the Russian army , in fact, we have little concern . This loss of territory in France is
critical , in Russia it is possible to fall back on forever. Of course , the loss of important from the
point of view of food areas in Galicia and Podolia is unfortunate , but as long as Russian army
generally is - that's nothing. In Russia it is nothing compared to what happened to Romania,
where she entered the war on the side of the Anglo -American coalition , Romania tied about 30
German divisions and eased the situation in the English front, but as a result of Romania's most
remained nearly a quarter of its pre-war territory ! (Note Trans. At the Versailles Conference
allies Romania is compensated by returning its territory, but putting his puppet " king ." ) Of
course, in the first three years of the war Russia has earned the gratitude of allies. As it is it is a
very cost of enormous sacrifices . Approximately , the first three years of the war between
Russia mobilized 12 and 14 million men. Of which about 7 million , as a result of the 3 years of
the war , were killed or died of disease , maimed or captured . When we left around that number
for the minimum three-person household , it turns out that at least 21 million Russian war for the
past three years has brought to the family of the loss of a breadwinner. Add to this the 15 million
refugees from areas of operations , and we get at least 43 million Russian , who lost in the war

or a house or a breadwinner. A 43 million - that's almost the entire population of England or the
United States third . This price paid by Russia for the success of the Allies ! While America (
August 1917 ) has not even started to shed blood for the cause , Russia has already made a
great contribution to the rescue of Europe ( from whom? Who said that Russia and the United
States better than England Germany? Approx. Transl. ) . But now came the time when the
Anglo - American coalition can win the war without Russia . (!) Proizoydi revolution in Russia in
1915 - it would be a disaster for the Anglo - American , but now this weak moment has passed.
Therefore, we must go further. In order to understand the political situation in Russia , it is
necessary to know the mid-point of its 180 million people , almost all of which can neither read
nor write. (That is , an American intelligence officer Stanley Washbourne know statistics of the
population in Russia before the revolution - 180 million. , And that almost all of them can neither
read nor write - that is, do not know anything , and so they are easy to fool , they and made
easily. After the revolution , remember , Mayakovsky wrote the poem "We are 150 million ". 180150 = it converges with the estimates of Lord Sydenham in the British Parliament , in Russia
from 1917 to 1923 and was genotsidirovano about 30 million people, many of which , according
to Stanley Washbourne had neither read nor write - ' Russian Indians " - the goyim , which the
Anglo- Americans genotsidirovat not in the first . Strictly speaking, Mayakovsky " in 1920
finished writing " 150000000 " http://mayakovskiy.lit -info.ru/review/mayakovskiy/001/52.htm,
Lord Sydenham , and data about the genocide of 30 million people in Russia , although it says
in 1923, but are in the 1920th year. ) .

At the beginning of the war Russian knew nothing, or nothing at all about the reasons and goals
of the war . It is foolish to say that the war was popular in Russia . Response rate of a farmer
with whom I spoke . I asked him how much was taken from his village to the front? He said that
almost all of military age.
- "And they were happy to go to the front? " - I said, "They wanted to go to the front? '.
- "Yes, they did not want to ", - he said - " but I still went voluntarily" - that accurately reflects the
attitude of the Russian people for war.
During the first months of the war the government's reputation and the king himself was
unshakeable . If any of the government figures ever missed a chance to be called "the Great "
that is, of course , Nicholas II . But at the same time as to the extent of continuing the war spirit
of the Russian people more attuned to win himself Russian parliament - the Duma , has become
a source of defeatist campaign. Large-scale revolution in Russia has always been impossible
due to the inability to initiate such a large area of people at once .
( In this regard, the translator can tell that when he was at the end of August 1991 arrived in
Togliatti and was there to talk about just took place in Moscow " revolution," people looked at
telling you as a madman ) .
However, over the two years of the war the soldiers know that they will not have any weapons
or ammunition ( sabotage) , people also learned that the railway can not be relied upon . (
sabotage) . In winter 1916-1917 , many struggle everyday without food and heat. All this
sabotage of the people attributed to the government. There is still an artificially created scandal
with Rasputin ... so that in autumn 1916 everyone knew that this is all the result of the
incompetence of the government. Gradually, this view has become common in the country. In

winter 1916-1917 's still no calls for revolution took place, and all future revolutionaries were
abroad , and no one claimed the new king , no one demanded an end to the war , as it will be
summer. All that people want - it's a little bit of a competent government that could effectively
fight the war , that somehow it was possible to live. But , through the foolishness of some and
the other a direct betrayal of the King refused to wage war on the terms of the Duma. The
pressure on the Duma by the king rose , and the emperor ordered to dissolve the Duma . But
the Duma refused to disband , effectively launching a coup. Were summoned troops to
Petrograd . There and then , suddenly, the bread was gone in the city, and began bread riots,
chaos began . The troops entered the city, were , for some reason , has just called to the boys
and refused to clean up the mess . Power over. And the emperor , no one name for themselves,
fully insulated, made an ultimatum to the rebellious Duma and signed the abdication ( So it's all
the same the State Duma made a coup d'etat , and not a "people's revolution " , as it is inspired
throughout. Approx. Transl. ) . And Empire - both disappeared overnight. A few days kills police
loyal to the government - and no major disturbances. The rest of Russia calmly apprehended
what happened in St. Petersburg. The old order disappeared literally overnight . When did the (
artificially induced ) disruption of bread, yet no one would blame the king , and all they wanted it's a little bit not sabotage the government. Even the leaders of the Duma at first even dream of
such could not ( in fact that is what they have dreamed and planned together with other
countries ) . It all happened within two days and the Provisional Government of the Council and
its Committee of 12 members suddenly found themselves at the helm of the former vast empire.
The concept of the state in the head of the Russian peasant , constituting 87 % of the
population of Russia. During all the past century state in the head of the Russian people was
associated with two things with the letter "C" : the King and the Church . And as the king was
the head of the church and the state in general associated with the Russian people is with the
King . Psychology of the masses of the Russian people is extremely easy to understand
anything at all - they need to see and feel . Some abstract ideas are unlikely to exist in Russia .
And the people who created the Orthodox church, knew about the property of the Russian
people . Hence, the Church provides for the use of the Russian people is almost endless list of
various saints, and, needless to say, the image of Christ and the Virgin Mary. It's all mediums
through which Russian man materializes the idea of God . Alternatively he can not. How to
remember any traveler in Russia , almost every public place is an icon, and so in this direction
focuses the entire consciousness of the Russian people. Similarly, the idea of the State is
personified in the eyes of the Russian people with the king. And there are also portraits of the
emperor in almost all public places and perform a public function the same storage as the
pictures on religious themes . The emperor, as head of the church , while the Church is also
personified . Now , imagine yourself in the place of the Russian people , when one cloudy day in
early March 1917 Russian people have woken up and neither did this , it was firmly hundreds of
years - no: no king , and therefore , there is no State, no Church and therefore there is no God a catastrophe . What to do next ? You owe yourself clearly aware that the psychology of the
Russian people Russian state on the cloudy day in March has ceased to exist.
Without a doubt, that any government that would imply there and be the interim , would have to
embody in the eyes of the Russian people, both of these ideas : the Emperor and God. And in
early March for a week all the vast territory of the Russian Empire into a single continuous

chaos .
(That's why American Jews are urgently went to war in early April 1917 , and in late April, the
steamer shipped with Trotsky and a team of New York gangsters in St. Petersburg. In New York
in just one East Side at the time there were more than 2 million Jewish immigrants from the
Russian Empire , who were mainly engaged in speculation and banditry , and who , of course ,
his hands were scratched on a major case . Trotsky with unlimited funding and weapons from
the steamer was the idea that it was necessary and scams. in New York, they said " Trotsky
was going to take the position of the king ").
The people in general ( as in 1991 . Approx. Transl. ) Did not understand what had happened
and was unable to establish any organ through which he could influence what happens in their
favor. Duma , moved the king established the Committee , which took power in his hands as the
Provisional Government . The Duma was now naitrudneyshaya task in the form of commitments
to its allies to keep the eastern front .
If there was no war, no doubt all state problems would be resolved in due course , but there is a
war (written in August 1917 ) . The collapse of the old order , has enabled the Germans ( like
the U.S. and England, Washbourne modestly fails to mention their own) to fish in troubled
waters. In the early days of the March of chaos in Russia, thousands of German agents (and a
large number of American and British agents , such as the very Washbourne - author of the
report ) , began their subversive work , one of the largest in scale, has ever been undertaken in
the world. It's hard to say how many Germans have spent the money to work in Russia . But
estimates are well -informed sources in Petrograd , about 48 million imperial rubles (because in
the end won the United States and Britain , it is obvious they have spent on the team Trotsky
more). Almost immediately after the overthrow of the king of nowhere ( on these German ,
American and British tens and hundreds of millions of money . Approx. Transl. ) , A host of
political parties, which have begun to influence the Provisional Government of each , in
accordance with those financed from behind the scenes one party or another . Chaos turned
into chaos in the square. WHERE NO ONE KNOWS Appear in Saint Petersburg
OBSKURANTNOE body politic under the name " Council of Workers and Soldiers " ( because
judging by its President immediately began arriving from New York, Trotsky, who at first did not
belong to the same party - Stanley Washbourne disingenuous , or in " Secret Service "
everyone knows just what he is supposed to know ) .
This Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies illegally took over the responsibilities not
delegated to him by anyone - the obligation to ruthless criticism of the existing government .
(Note Trans. Moreover, this unauthorized Council also captured in the city of mansions and
foreign money openly arming and formed militias to form the government, which obviously had a
total weight of its supporters ) .
ANYONE AND NEVER KNEW WHERE took this advice and Soldiers' Deputies . ( It says U.S.
intelligence , which actually supposed to know where it is taken .)
But the Council had apparently behind a large force. If he is from a small group of people has
grown to August , the month in about 2500 members of the Committee , which has gained such
power and influence that began to dominate the Duma Committee , the latter, samorasputivshis
, which has ceased to have any effect . Soviets of Workers ' and Soldiers' Deputies formed a
reorganization of the government , and in every question to make the necessary changes in the

ministries themselves . (Note Trans. So by October , Trotskyist Soviets had already put all their
people . Leaders of the Petrograd Photo : http://zarubezhom.com/Images/Bolshevikliders2.jpg
left to right: who came from New York, Moses Uritzky and Trotsky - Bronstein, Yakov Sverdlov,
Grigory Zinoviev - Apfelbaum and unknown fellow with the Bolshevik training camp on the island
of Capri .)
Usurping such enormous power , Petrograd immediately split into many different factions , the
most extremist and hateful fraction of which was " maximalist ", or as it is called in Russia - "
Bolsheviks ."
(Note Trans. They were just ship passengers Trotsky and Lenin train. In October 1917 as part of
RDRSP was about 3,000. 's Why this is a concrete historical example of how such a small
number of people , but extremist radicals can already be done revolution , of course, with the
support of Evreonala ) . From these " maximalist " ( Bolsheviks ) come all the crazy ideas
propagated by Russia : the redistribution of land , an immediate end to the war. There was such
a radical idea that would not have promoted the Bolsheviks (Note Trans. And it is clear , the
Bolsheviks were in the swing phase of a legal government , and when the Bolsheviks
themselves have taken power into their hands - they immediately became sober and coolly shot
for not obeying his orders ) . These few "Bolsheviks" immediately made a split in the Socialist
Party , the most sober of them supported the new government. While other elements continued
to advocate the doctrine that the United States would be considered as defeatism , incitement
and treason (sedition) during the war, with all the ensuing consequences . (Sedition Podstrekatelstvo , is a term of law which refers to covert conduct, such as speech and
organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the
established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of
discontent ( or resistance) to lawful authority. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedition)
This group of " Bolshevik " ( who came from abroad ) , all of which are problems as a result of
lost a lot of supporters , and is currently (August 1917), only 15 % of two and a half thousandth
of Petrograd , and it would be better to prevent a while they did not cause even more problems (
as the water looked American reconnaissance ) . The emergence of Kerensky as a leader, gave
the government the point you do and focus around which to gather. And while all is put into
question the ability of the Russian army to hold in front, Kerensky people are trying to restore
order in the country .
(Note Trans. As it turned out , Kerensky worked for England, where he later escaped , so he
continued to campaign for the fact that Russian army continued to take the rap for the English ,
as it has done throughout the war to the Paris conference of the winners are not even be invited
) . Over the past few months, Russia has become like a crab , which changes its shell . Crab is
itself committed healthy. And if you do not kill him now , he will undoubtedly grow into a new
healthy individual , but in the interim period change our shell " crab " is in an extremely
vulnerable situation .
(Note Trans. Than immediately the U.S. and England took advantage . If you remember,
SShAngliya Germany in November 1918 destroyed as well as Russia and the year before , and
the year before, November 2, 1917 England , of course , the British Jews , has bitten off
yourself and Palestine ) .

So now the task of the Russian army and all the people gathering around Kerensky keep " crab
" under the protection of Russia , to escape a dangerous time . (Note Trans. But Kerensky was
an agent Evreonala . More info here : http://zarubezhom.com/redsymphony.htm)
People are returning to the U.S. from Russia , have expressed great optimism in terms of the
new emerging democracy , but rather their judgments are based on the fact that Russian during
this period has not yet reached , than on what they actually achieved . The situation in Russia
since the beginning of March, one of the most interesting in the history of the world , and if used
in the English-speaking world felt a negative attitude towards Russia as a potential rival , the
past few months have completely dissolve this negative image. Imagine a vast country that told
you no longer have the emperor .... The authorities do not ! And as the Russian people is all
right? It is correct that for the tickets for the tram, train and pay no need - all for free , and all
state property and accommodation are free. People stopped paying , wherever that may be, the
money for housing , wait, taxes, etc. The soldiers ran from the front. The mass desertion ,
spurred by Bolshevik agitators. And within a few months already all trains and trams clogged
deserters , which, in the belief that now have every right to go where they want . All police
vanished somewhere in one day! ( Just like the August 19, 1991 in Moscow! Approx. Transl. )
Start Time speakers. Summer in St. Petersburg, where at night you can read a newspaper on
the main streets of St. Petersburg debate and fierce argument going around the clock. The
situation is discussed at each corner . I wonder what's hot applaud indiscriminately . ProGerman speaker welcomed equally enthusiastic applause as him ; climb speaker who
overthrows him . (Note Trans. With that said just that people do not understand the debate and
it is all a show.) But without exception, the speakers urged the people that there will be no more
seizures, annexations , compensation to the state, military conscription , and no more than selfsacrifice at the expense of the people. Anti-British agents convince people that this is England
faked war , and the current kilometer-long queues for bread - is the result of the British
blockade. Meanwhile, due to insane orders to fall apart military discipline ( Brussilov chief ) ,
Russian troops began to fall apart before our eyes. (Note Trans. U.S. is already prepared for
this turn of events , joining the war at the beginning of April 1917 ) . So we should not be
surprised that Russia in 1917, has not taken any offensive operations on the Eastern Front , and
the fact that this is not at all the front collapsed and the Germans in St. Petersburg.
(Note Trans. So in the summer of 1918 the Americans and British have landed in Murmansk. St.
Pete they did not settle , so as not to compromise the amerikaskogo citizen Trotsky and co.
Uritzky , Volodarskij - all New Yorkers , American citizens who speak ill in Russian , and
represents the " Balts http://zarubezhom.com/sokolov1.htm, they landed to help Trotsky and
co. restrain the German front . But in November 1918 Evronal made in Germany "
pgoletagskuyu gevolyutsiyu " in kind " gusskoy " the year before and this allowed Trotsky in
mystery, but the full support of the United States and Britain itself to start separate Russian German war against it, as well as Russia , Germany collapsed , and two years later, in 1920,
quit the armed Anglo- American army Tukhachevskogo to Berlin to there to do the same
genocide, which kriptoevreyskie alieny already made in Russia . But the Polish Marshal

Pilsudski prevented the capture of Berlin that Trotsky , from behind the scenes by the U.S. and
Britain, was then to take anything at all , because at the Paris Conference in 1919 , in Germany
that time there was no army. , Germany was unarmed ! So at the Paris conference of 1919 , the
United States and Britain passed the remains disarmed Germany to finish off the Chairman of
the Revolutionary Military Council and Narkomvoenu Trotsky , who filled up the supply of
weapons to the expense of concessions . Approx. Transl. ) .
In Russia a disaster for disaster and at the end of July 1917 have come reports of the defeat of
German forces in Galicia , which caused a retreat of Russian troops . In turn , the retreat at the
front caused a political crisis in St. Petersburg. The world must understand that this year ( 1917)
to require the Russian successes on the front is not realistic. God forbid, just hold it . Although,
of course , it is possible to hope for a miracle in 1916, is the world believed that Russia is finite,
but General Brusilov , advancing 70 days and took half a million prisoners !
What we can guarantee for sure that the Kerensky government would never agree to separate
negotiations with the Germans. Separate peace will not be! (Note Trans. From U.S. intelligence
knows exactly ? Obespechno So it was and is known to all , except the Russian people ) . The
only question is how long Kerensky can stay in power . All the talk in this regard are speculative
. I believe that an objective control over the government of Kerensky is now stronger than ever
before. (Note Trans. Moreover , it means that the transfer of power to the Bolsheviks Kerensky
was a deliberate and calculated under the control of Evreonala :

The article ends with Stanley Washbourne , but in speaking of the English agents in the
Provisional Government can not remember the place , the memories SR Boris Sokolov , as he
had seen as a child of the terrorist and the future deputy. Minister of Defence in the government
of Kerensky - Boris Savinkova : http://zarubezhom.com/sokolov1.htm The first time I met
Savinkova when I was twelve years old and did not know his name , but who then knew his real
name ? He enjoyed numerous pseudonyms. It was July , hot summer day. My father brought
me to the cottage and left just like that one in our city apartment . I was not in the mood to read,
and pined nothing better to do . Because of my friends did not have at that time in the city, I
decided to take a walk . I reached the English travel and stopped in surprise - a few steps away
from me a strange man walking along the street. A tall young man of about 25 years of age,
clean-shaven , with a low, sloping forehead , chin, high cheekbones , and long, prominent nose
. He had a hat , " pot " , a white shirt with a high collar , and the most gorgeous tie that I've ever seen. Tie was gorgeous , red- blue, with flowers and various wild animals. He was wearing
a light brown , dense, sports jacket in pure wool this long , what Russian never wear . His shoes
! His gorgeous brown shoes captivated me. They were in the thick soles and a gray fringe.
Despite the heat, he wore gray gloves . In his left hand he held a refined cane with silver knob .
In addition, he was smoking a pipe enormous size. Undoubtedly , a foreigner , I thought,
probably an Englishman , and decided to follow him ... ".

Next , Boris Sokolov describes leadership in the murder of Boris Savinkovs Minvnutdela Pleve

Yegor Sazonov . Yegor Sazonov, if you look in the help , actually , " Sozonov ( Sazonov ) Egor
S. ( Abel , Jacob ) ( 1879 - 1910) - Russian revolutionist ."
http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/sozonov.html - He Jacob Abel - "the son of a merchant , formerly .
stud. EDT . University , who had escaped from Siberia , Igor Sergeyev Sazonov, one resident
from April 20 to June 10 this year, in Bialystok , in a marshy Street. , in the village of Ostrovsky
in the apartment together with his accomplice to the murder , was also arrested on July 15 on
the Neva River , the boatman , while throwing bombs into the river, wimp m Knyshny , Grodno
Province , Leibo Shelilem Vulfova Sikorski , a tanner by trade , which Sazonov lived in the said
house without being registered residence "- that is clear to you , who by birth were all the socalled " Russian gevolyutsionegy ."
Please , again , focus on the small , characteristic detail kriptoevreyskoy name - he did not "
Sazonov ," and " Sozonov ", but in reality at all , " Abel ," and he was not a "proletarian" and the
son of a Jewish merchant Abel. And "revolution" they were not " proletarian " and genocide of
people of other blood , which the " chosen people" , in fact, people do not think so. And as the
pictures of the terrorist " Yegor Sozonova " nowhere to be found , here is his picture of the
American book with a great title "Russia's Message. The True World Import of the revolution" "
Lesson Russia . Imported real world revolution " by William English Walling. NY 1908 . Where it
is , and many other interesting photos , for some reason there is :
http://zarubezhom.com/Images/SozonovEgor-Avel-Pleve.jpg - But Sozonov Abel - in this case
we are interested in passing - we are here interested in the experience of the young Boris
Sokolov of Boris Savinkov : "Without a doubt , a foreigner , I thought, probably an Englishman ."

- Speaketh the truth of the mouths of babes . How can its outstanding nowhere, idle young man
with no fixed place of residence and employment to be smartly dressed as a foreigner - an
Englishman ! The boy , who lives in the center of St. Petersburg, certainly had an eye for
foreigners and the level of the parade Savinkova that crashed into the boy's life. It follows the
Shakespearean question, " what Chichi ? ". Who needed him Savinkov contain it in luxury ?
Rich widow ? - Then it would Savinkov and sat in front of her with a hookah in a dressing gown
and slippers , but capable of killing Savinkov Russian government leaders ! It is clear that all the
costs themselves taken the " Sikri service ." Whose country? - Memories of Boris Sokolov and
give a clear answer - Savinkov as Kerensky , who escaped to England is apparently working for
the English " Intelidzhens Service" .
Thus , we have identified in the government of Kerensky's already at least two , and it's only
British agents , while Stanley Washbourne in his above article says that Peter then employed
thousands of foreign agents , of course "and " American .
And now we're from the same article Stanley Washbourne learn between the lines of the
stunning and it is remarkable American , almost to the summit of the Mission.
American Special Mission in the summer of 1917
In which as a reporter and as an intelligence officer involved himself Stanley Washbourne , with
the result that there was this in his article " Neyshnl Geographic ." Thus he Stanley Washbourne

says nothing about this mission. Top secret. But here is a small note on the Special Mission in
what was then the New York Times :
Washbourne in the course of his article gives a lot of photos of the American mission at the
highest level. Now we come to , just released from full-time historians mention the most
important event 1917goda . Apparently, this American "Special Mission" and was the direct
cause of the so-called "Bolshevik Revolution" in 1917 , and not "Lenin in flood ."
As you may recall , a month after the overthrow of the king, when the United States and around
the English-speaking Evreonalu it became clear that Russia will not be able to keep the front ,
the United States in early April themselves went to war and the end of April sent a ship with
Trotsky and Jewish gangsters with weapons in Russia ; but that was not all. In addition to
flooding Peter his agents under the guise of various " correspondents" and "representatives "
Red Cross " , and in general just about anything , in June 1917, came to America from Russia ,
the so-called " Special Mission " . What was her specialty , and now we will try to find out.
"Special Mission" moved into Russia from America via Vladivostok and Kerensky at the disposal
of the mission was provided by a former royal train , it is one in which Nicholas II signed his
abdication . By rail, on the newly built Trans-Siberian Railway , which itself has already
submitted the exploration of strategic railway, a special American mission proceeded to St.
Petersburg , where she had a meeting with Kerensky , his government, members of the Duma
and representatives of political parties , apparently, including the Bolsheviks , what Soviet
history naturally silent. It is known from the pictures that the Mission was in Moscow.
Not less than 10 days the road from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg , not less than 10 days from
Peter to Vladivostok , that is, the American special mission in Russia was at least a month in the
summer of 1917. And it is precisely the moment in July 1917 when Peter was an American "
special mission " earlier Trotsky arrived from the U.S. with his New Yorkers took first in St.
Petersburg - the July attempted armed coup !

And who was a member of the Special Mission ? What was her level? It is directed by the
Special Mission as much as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1912 , the former U.S.
Secretary of State Elihu Root ( Eliyahu Ruth ), a man with an open Jewish name. This Eliyahu
Ruth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elihu_Root - lawyer, statesman and diplomat , opened an
American Jew , the Secretary of State by President Theodore Roosevelt, and recipient of the
Nobel Prize in 1912 - just before the outbreak of the First World War , apparently, for his great
services just in its organization. This type of person then were Henry Kissinger today - the
Supreme Evreonala agent . This is what is written in the wiki regarding special mission Eliyahu
Ruta : "In June 1917 , at age 72 , he was sent to Russia by President Wilson to arrange
cooperation with the new U.S. Russian revolutionary government." How do you know when the
U.S. talk of " cooperation with another country , " the U.S. always have in mind - on their own
terms . Eliyahu Ruth has released a new book The United States And The War, The Mission To
Russia, Political Addresses
by Elihu Root. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN1432664328.

The composition of the Special Mission was James Duncan , James Duncan
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Duncan_ (labor_leader) - the leader of the union , of which
Vicki says, " In June 1917 , President Wilson appointed Duncan envoy extraordinary to Russia "
(Envoy Extraordinary) Thus , it is emphasized that not only the mission was a "special" , but
also each participant was in the rank of " envoy extraordinary ".
Next Envoy Extraordinary was a journalist and politician Charles Edward Russell
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Edward_Russell Vicki says in an article about Russell that
"the report of the Mission in particular recommended that the Committee of Public Information ,
George Brits George Creel's Committee on Public Information
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_on_Public_Information launched a pro-war propaganda
in Russia . George Krill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Creel, was outwardly obvious Jew
and head of the Committee of Public Information, created specifically to involve America in
World War II in Europe! There was such a Committee !
" Charles Russell personally lobbied President Wilson that, in order to influence the Russian
public to use a new tool then - cinematography . Public Information Committee then quickly
filmed propaganda films and distributed them through the network in Russia . Russell himself
has starred in one of these films in 1917 under the title "The Fall of the Romanov "The Fall of
the Romanoffs", directed by Herbert Brenon Herbert Brenon, who is buried in this mausoleum :
Next Envoy Extraordinary was a New York banker Samuel Verteron . (New York banker S.R.
Bertron). Judging by the fact that the banker Bertron completely secretive, - it was the personal
representative of the New York tycoon Jacob Schiff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Schiff,
and provided that Trotsky ship with weapons and $ 20 million in a cash and unlimited loans .
Next Envoy Extraordinary to the revolutionary Russia - Former U.S. Secretary of Defense and
the current Chief of the General Staff of the U.S. General Hugh Scott . Hugh L. Scott.
Next Envoy Extraordinary Admiral James Glennon .
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_H._Glennon - About Vicky says that such an interesting
detail is that " The risk to life , Glenon convinced of the revolutionary sailors in Sevastopol , to
hand over the command to his officers - At the risk of his life, Glennon persuaded mutinous
Russian sailors who had taken over Russian ships-of-war in the waters of Sevastapol, to restore
command to their officers . Immediately the question arises about the true route to missions in
Russia , and how Admiral Glennon , a member of the Special Mission Eliyahu Ruth , was in
Sevastopol , " and why ?
In addition , the special mission Eliyahu Ruth was the head of American youth John Mott :

And another mysterious person - a very wealthy man and " Arabist " Charles Crane
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Richard_Crane - which , they say , have taken to the
Mission as " a specialist in Russia and the Middle East ," that is obviously as a connoisseur of
the Jewish problem. Among the "feats" Charles Crane is an invitation to lecture in America of
Russian -Jewish professors as Maxim Kovalevsky - Watch - one person with Parvus - Gelfand :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksim_Kovalevsky you did not know , for example that this "
Russian " St. Petersburg University professor and a member of the State Duma Maxim
Kovalevsky , along with Elijah Root laureatstvo was nominated for the Nobel peace Prize in
1912 ?
Another " Russian ", which invited to lecture in the United States is extremely rich " Arabist "
Crane, was notorious Paul Milukov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel_Milyukov which
subsequently fled to France and that the cost of his life saved the life of an assassin.

"New York Herald Tribune" in an editorial marking the anniversary of the death of Trotsky ( 22
August 1940 ) was expressed in such a way that " Trotsky's role as commander of the Army of
the Civil War made him one of the greatest Jewish military leader in history."
"Trotsky his entire life to the cause of world revolution. He was always true to the idea , shared
by all Jewish socialists that the" final solution " is possible only through the emancipation of all
humanity international socialism " - the second Jewish Telegraphic Agency. August 23.1940 .
Now that you know , Watson , that all this rhetoric does not touch the goyim . Jews are only
interested in socialism until he was infected goychestvom . Note the phrase " final solution " then it meant the formation of the state of Israel , and not total extermination of the Jews , as it
was then attributed to Hitler.
If you think that Leon Trotsky is immortalized in monuments of man-made , then you are wrong .
Diego Rivera Mexican Jew http://www.fbuch.com/diego.htm, not even Sephardic . but as you
can see , read the Khazars , who lived in the villa Trotsky in Mexico in 1933 did in the heart of
New York City (!) on Fifth Avenue in Rockefeller Center (! ) ( still loved bankers Trotsky ) , the
vast mosaic mural and Trotsky called "the man at the crossroads ." But as Lenin on this mural
depicted a freak - this is the official obyamnenie , but in fact the opposite , as Lenin, Stalin
became the idol , the mural in 1934, they broke . Here is a mural dedicated to Lenin, which was
later divided into : (image : http://www.fbuch.com/crossroa.htm).
However, the image of Trotsky is still present on the mosaic mural by Diego Rivera in the same
Jewish New York in the so -called " New School workers (New Worker School) under the
name 1). "Workers of all countries - unite ", and on a huge mosaic mural by Diego Rivera in
Mexico , which is called 2). "Man - the controller of the universe ." Here is a mural
http://journihilism.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/rivera-1024x427.jpg But since it is present
not only Lenin and Trotsky, but then a panel is not broke , although the image of Lenin on it is
identical to the as on the fact that crashed into New York City. Can collate .
Trotsky lived in a huge villa in a humble artist Diego Rivera on a heavily guarded villa on which

he is buried . Now at this villa in a suburb of Mexico City one has a private museum of Trotsky
http://www.museocasadeleontrotskypermanentes.blogspot.com/ and at its base a scientific
issledovatelsky Institute . Do not think that this initiative poor Mexican government . Question .
Who has a museum of Trotsky ? Answering it , we take a look behind the scenes of our looking
glass . Here is the entrance to the museum , take the name of " Leon Trotsky ":
http://backpackingdave.com/MEX07_0009.JPG Note the tomb of Trotsky and his wife ( "
Sedovoj ") " hammer and sickle " http://en.wikipedia. org / wiki / File: Trotsky_grave.jpg As we
already know a stylized Hebrew letter " Shin "
http://zarubezhom.com/Images/SerpMolotShin.JPG. And this little video with unique
documentary footage directly from the Museum of Trotsky. Please note that all the
commentators - Mexican Jews : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qoeiy1ifdlg Here is the
schedule of the museum
Museo Casa de Leon Trotsky.
Avenida Ro Churubusco 410
Mexico City, 41000 Tel. +52 (525) 556-5887
Opening hours : Tuesday -Sunday. 10-17 hours.
Tues - Sun 10 am to 5 pm
Interesting passing question : why Trotsky finally found a refuge in Mexico and it was there he
began to paint on the walls of the Jewish public " rock artists" Diego Rivera, in a luxurious villa
which Trotsky lived , David Alfaro Siqueiros and Jose Orozco (Jose Orozco)? This is no
coincidence . The fact is that in some mysterious way in 1917, in addition to the Jewish
revolution in Russia and the gift of Palestine Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild , in 1917, the
Jewish International has made a another gift : in 1917, in the other hemisphere - in Mexico, as
and in Russia , too, there was an anti-Christian revolution . It should be noted that in the 17th
and 18th centuries in Mexico as a Spanish colony was a very prosperous country and has been
developed not worse than the best European countries at that time , and in any case , much
better than the neighboring U.S. states . Universities in Mexico appeared on more than a
hundred years earlier than the Massachusetts Harvard. But in 1917, a protege of the U.S. and
Mexican President Venustiano Marrano Jew - Carranza (Venustiano Carranza de la Garza
(December 29 , 1859 - May 21 , 1920) You see , just to not look like a Mexican , a Jew is
http://en.wikipedia.org / wiki / File: CarranzaPostcard.jpg of
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carranza) introduced the anti-Christian Constitution in which the
church was declared an enemy of the people. Carranza became president of Mexico in a coup
in the summer of 1914 , and at the same time is not accidental since the beginning of World
War II in Europe, declared himself president , launched the " Red Terror " against hristinskoy
tseruki . that is, against naselenieya . And all this red terror , which is a couple of years will be in
Russia in 20 years in Spain in 1936 - has already begun in Mexico as a prologue in 1914. The
priests were denied the right to vote, shall be barred comment on life in the country ,
communicate with believers outside the church prohibited monasticism and so on. In fact, in
Mexico, was put in place anti-Christian Constitution . Only in February 1915 in Mexico, for
example , killed 160 priests. The American President Wilson , ( Wolfson ) responded well to the

news : " Great news ! The more they kill the priests in Mexico , the happier I 'll be ! ". Personal
Representative of the President of the United States in Mexico, Wilson said : "After prostitution ,
the worst thing in Mexico - it's a Christian church. Both are to be destroyed . "
However, it still had flowers . In 1924, with the support of the United States, namely , the same
New York financial community that have made a revolution in Russia , the authorities in Mexico
to come to the president Plutarco Elias Calles (Plutarco Ellias Calles
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutarco_Elias_Calles ) . In fact, by birth , he was just Plutarco Elias Mexican Marrano Jew . Since coming to power in 1926, Calles in Mexico closed all churches
and forbade religious services at all. Calles actually banned Christianity
Mexicans - and very devout Christian nation , they rebelled
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cristero_War. A few years continued unequal struggle of the rebels,
who have been called " Tsisteros " anti-national forces with the government. Hundreds of priests
were deliberately killed by government authorities , thousands of Christians have been killed ,
90 % of the priests were expelled from the church , and most of the churches closed or
destroyed. The rebels were hung on all the pillars :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cristeroscolgados.jpg Eventually people managed to defend
their right to practice the Christian religion , but only in a very small degree. There was a quota
of priests. At all of Mexico remains no more than 100 priests , church property was owned by
the government and the activities of the church was the most limited, and this situation
continues in Mexico so far. You do not like Russia , where at the same time also conducted antireligious war? Of course Christianity - is the opium of the people, but this is not the case in
Christianity , and as Christians - the goyim , in this contest this notorious " anti- religion " - it's
just a cover for the next sign gentile genocide.
Now you see why the government of Mexico, which is already two years as different as proAmerican and anti-people do not exist, with open arms to receive the Head of Russian infidels Trotsky and gave him the presidential train ? That is why Trotsky was living in a luxurious villa
Diego Rivera guarded private army , and he was surrounded by a crowd of journalists to publish
his every word. Because in Mexico , as in Russia in 1917, is also anti-Christian revolution has
taken place and reigned collective Antichrist . I quote from : (Wilfrid Parsons, SJ Mexican
Martyrdom ( Mexican Muchinechestvo ). 1926-1935. TAN Books. 1987
After the Crimean War, British Kaganat realized that with the loss of the Crimea and Cavaso
have time to come to terms . But as an American citizen in 1917, Trotsky took power in Russia
in their hands and flooded the Black Sea Fleet for convenience " Rulz Britain ," the British , even
in cramped conditions of the First World War, immediately sent from the Middle East ( with a
heart of Jerusalem torn ) Armored Division English General Dunstervilla
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunsterville, unprecedented marshbrosok British General
Dunstervilla ( more abruptly than later German General Guderian ), which made unprecedented
marshbrosok summer in the wild heat in July and August 1918 Armored Division of the hot irons
as 40 armored vehicles and 1,000 commandos through the desert and the mountains across
the whole of Persia from the Persian Gulf to the Caucasus and took the oil-rich Baku ! That's

about it : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunsterforce simultaneously pointing to the Black Sea its

warships with marines . And if then , in 1918 , the American citizen , he is a dictator and
unlimited Predrevovoensoveta Raska Bronstein - Trotsky would agree with the United States ,
that all will be " abgemaht " that he Bronstein, in full control of the situation , the Crimea and the
Caucasus would be gone from Russia in 1918 . Only under the sole responsibility of Trotsky Bronstein Russia in 1918-1923 years was left Ukraine , the Crimea and the Caucasus, Siberia
and the Far East . ( Anglo - American allies reluctant ears of Vladivostok in November 1923 !) .
Therefore, when Stalin seized all the power of Trotsky , the U.S. mortally offended by
lopuhnuvshegosya Trotsky , and not even let an American citizen in the United States . ( The
only time in history when the United States did not allow an American citizen back to the country
- it was Trotsky - Bronstein ! And the most amazing thing is that he has not submitted to the
court , although he had every right !) . Trotsky was not allowed in the States, although Trotsky
went to Russia on a mission to the individual ship it from the U.S. ! Therefore, Trotsky had to
live in Mexico, like a guilty dog at the door of the owner.
Stalin was a strategic mistake that he gave blank out Trotsky from the history of the revolution
and the Soviet Union ! Therefore , when after the death of Stalin, the Trotskyists out of the
prison , they were able to say that since there is no Trotsky was not, in what way can be
mentally healthy leader of the country that so many people to jail as , say, the " Trotskyite
agents "? - And it looked reasonable argument. But when we ask the American literature, and
Trotsky is also an American citizen , it opens all the true meaning of the Jewish World
Revolution , whose leader was Leon Trotsky .
The whole philosophy of the history of the Jewish people is reduced to the expectation of the
Messiah - Jewish king over the whole world , which will make the Jewish masters , slaves and
non-Jews or non-Jews will destroy all. Here is one of the many Russian sites of ozhidateley :
http://www.moshiach.ru/ Hebrew concept of the Messiah is fundamentally different from the
Christian concept of the Messiah , in which the Messiah - this is not a man, but a kind of "god "
or " Bocchus " that yavyatsya on this planet , from nowhere , apparently from space , to sit in
judgment over the " wrong " . Christian Zionists are those Christians that the Jews said that the
Christian Messiah will come, but only after the Jewish Messiah will come and build Greater
Israel , and Christian Zionists that "Jewish word of honor " believe , so to speak , got " up for
messiahs " second , after the Jews.

The biggest Trotsky biography written by his faithful follower , a Jew Isaac Deutscher (I.
Deutscher). " Isaac Deutscher (born Isaac Deutscher, April 3, 1907 , Hshanuv , Poland - August
19, 1967 , Rome , Italy) - historian and writer , author of books on the history and sociology , a
biographer of Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin , an expert on the Soviet Union and CPSU ( b).
Isaac Deutscher was born to a religious Jewish middle-class family in the city of Krakow , near
Hshanuv in Western Galicia. as a child engaged in a Hasidic rabbi , but later became an atheist
( as he claimed Deutscher, he checked the truth of faith and lost faith , using a non-kosher food
on the grave tzaddik ( righteous ) on Yom Kippur ) . Deutscher main difficulty was the
fundamental study of Leon Trotsky , consisting of three volumes - " The Prophet Armed " (1954
), " Disarmed prophet" (1959 ) and " Exiled prophet " (1963 ) . Trilogy , published in London in

the years 1954-1963 , is based on a detailed study of Trotsky archives at Harvard University ,
as well as on the materials secret archive departments transferred Deutscher widow NI Sedova
Trotsky ( 1882-1962 ) . Abridged Russian translation of the the second and third volumes ,
made in American historian Nikolai Yakovlev , published in Moscow in 1991 under the name
"Trotsky in exile ." full translation of all three volumes appeared in 2006 , the publishing house.

Notice how the book about Trotsky called , "The Prophet Armed (The Prophet armed), The
prophet unarmed (The Prophet unarmed) and "A Prophet in exile (The Prophet outcast). Do
you understand? - Deutscher, otherwise , as a prophet , that is almost the Messiah , Trotsky did
not call ! Why prophet?
Leon Trotsky - that was the only other Shabtai Zvi
http://www.gumer.info/bogoslov_Buks/Iudaizm/100evr/63.php, real , and not as a mythical "
Jesus " , the Jew for 2000 years , which had a real chance to become Jewish Messiah . It had to
happen as a result of his intended World Jewish Permanent Revolution , which organized Jewry
disguised as , say, " the world proletarian revolution." Trotsky , with the help of Jewish bankers ,
completely failed conceived in the Russian Empire, which then ceased to exist. He made a
violent effort to spread like a Jewish revolution in Hungary, Germany , China , but everywhere
he has for the time being ripped off.
When we trace the biography of Lenin , that we can not understand the Great October
Revolution , but when we restore the true biography of Trotsky, we are faced with the true story
of the October Revolution in Russia, Jewish , and in other countries too.

If you go anywhere in the New York library and take a children's book titled "The great sons of
the Jewish people ", the number of such mythical figures as Abraham , Isaac , Jacob , Moses,
King David , King Solomon , and then suddenly be Leon Trotsky , as brilliant son of the Jewish
people. Imagine where would this list was Trotsky , if he could all he up to? In 1920, "The
Jewish Chronicle Jewish Chronicle published a manifesto of the then known Zionist and
Israeli public figure Tsangvilla (Israel Zangwill) in which he raises the praises of the nation that
carried the light of such children as Lord Beaconsfield , Lord Reading, Lord Montague , Kurt
Eisner and Trotsky . Mysterious person - Trotsky , until , like Chaim Weizmann , deleted from
history, because of the need to support the organized Jewish community , as it required the
"mystery of deposits ."
In his published in exile biography "My Life" , here it is online
http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/trotsky/trotl026.htm, Trotsky has produced some very
interesting facts.
Trotsky from a family of wealthy Jewish landowner Kherson region. Unlike Lenin , who was
even kicked out of the University of Trotsky's virtually no education at all . Trotsky ,
paraphrasing the famous saying , was not one of those who are learning , and of those who

teach . He was born on this - it's a character trait . Trotsky received a boost in life, when it is
being married and having two daughters , he leaves his wife and children in exile in Siberia, and
in 1902 he married the daughter of the overseas Jewish banker Zhivotovsky Natalia "Sedov" .
Here is what the Zhivotovskiy - "Sedov" friend of Trotsky Christian Rakovsky
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Rakovsky so he and Trotsky Trotsky
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rakovskytrotskygherea.jpg did not have any friends , except one
time, Rakovsky and Joffe . Here Trotsky with his close friend Christian Rakovsky ( Chaim
Reykoverom ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Rakovsky, Bulgarian under EBRD , which to
a Russian - spoke little , and then authorized a bloody dictator Ukraine http://commons
.wikimedia.org / wiki / File: Rakovsky_and_trotsky_circa_1924_trimmed.jpg - Rakowski gvorit on
his interrogation in the "Red Sithonia : http://zarubezhom.com/redsymphony.htm

" Have you read the biography of Trotsky ? Recall its first revolutionary period. He is still a very
young man , after his escape from Siberia, he lived for a while among immigrants in London ,
Paris and Switzerland, Lenin , Plekhanov , Martov, and other leaders look up to him just how to
convert promising . But he dares during the first split to keep regardless , trying to become the
arbiter of association. In 1905, he turns 25 years old and he returned to Russia alone, without a
party and without its own organization. Read the reports on the Revolution in 1905 , not "
cleansed " by Stalin , for example Lunacharsky , who was not a Trotskyist . Trotsky was the first
figure in the revolution in Petrograd. It really was . Only he comes out of it and gained influence
and popularity . Neither Lenin nor Martov , Plekhanov did not win any popularity . They just keep
it, or even lose a few . How and why the towers unknown Trotsky , one stroke better purchasing
power than the one that had the oldest and most influential revolutionaries ? Very simple: he's
getting married . Along with it comes to his Russian wife - Sedov. Do you know who she is ?
She is the daughter Zhivotovsky , combined with bankers Warburg , companions and relatives
of Jacob Schiff , ie of the financial group, which , as I said, also financed the revolution of 1905.
Here is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop became the head of the revolutionary list. And
then you have the key to his real personality . "
(Photo : http://www.marxists.org/archive/sedova-natalia/index.htm And Vicki says blatant lies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Sedova) I will here until I erased " Natalia Ivanovna Sedova
(April 5 , 1882 - January 23 , 1962 ) is best known as the second wife of Leon Trotsky, the
Russian revolutionary. She was, however, also an active revolutionary in her own right and
wrote on cultural matters pertaining to Marxism . Her father was Ivan Sedov, a famous explorer
of the Arctic ". That is, Vicky says that her father was Sedovoj supposedly famous polar explorer
. But the famous polar explorer in Russia - not Ivan Ivanov Grizzly there are no polar , and
Sedov , George Y. , and he has no daughter, Natalya not, although many daughters - " five
daughters : Melanie Avdotia , Catherine , Maria and Anna" ) .
Not so long ago in Boston published a book of David King's " Trotsky " - a biography in the
photo documents "(David King." Trotsky, A pictorial biography ")
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_o8uj35AMFaU/SG0Gjv_JEOI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/JOYnOzy9iEg/s400 /

unknown-6.jpg - photo number 14 shows Trotsky among exiles in Siberia :

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Leo_Trotzki_1897.jpg of his
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandra_Sokolovskaya first wife of Alexander Sokolovsky
(Aleksandra Lvovna Sokolovskaya (Russian: Alexandra Sokolovskaja ) (1872 - 1938 ?) brother
's wife and one Dr. G. a Ziv ( Gregory ) . G. Ziv ( G.A. Ziv) subsequently emigrated to the United
States, and in 1921 to write an unflattering , but it is an objective biography of his former
comrades, who were seized from everywhere and you can not get it anywhere . Trotsky himself
had never objected to it. biography of Trotsky written by Ziv - a rarity. powers that be care about
to their protg not spread negative information. book is called GA Ziv "Trotsky - characteristics
of personal memories ." There was a book in Russian only in New York , thin only 96 pages and
is an extraordinary rarity. Here are her findings :
Author ( s) Ziv, GA
Title Trotsky response: by personal memories
Place of publication New York
Publisher Book publishing " popular sovereignty "
Year of Publication 1921
Physical description 96 pages , 20 cm
Abstract Savina paper cover, sturdy copy in perfect condition . Is rare .
Trotsky took their name from one of his guards in the Odessa prison . Ziv ( who was sitting there
myself ) continues: "When I heard his nickname for the first time , I immediately remembered
the imposing figure of Trotsky, senior warden of the Odessa prison , which rests majestically on
his long sword , and from its center , holding in hands the whole thousand crowd criminals who
are not accustomed to submission and obedience. Overseer Trotsky in his hands and his
colleagues , junior officers and even the head of the prison authority figure ... Strong personality
Trotsky undoubtedly had a profound unconscious ( Freud's ) influence on Leiba Bronstein . "
This, incidentally , wrote of Trotsky himself was a Jew. GA Ziv was a physician by profession ,
and he writes that Trotsky had a tendency to loss of consciousness , which Trotsky himself says
that inherited from the mother. Ziv, as a physician specifies that it was not just a tendency to
loss of consciousness , seizures, and the present , that is, Trotsky had epilepsy . And if you take
a textbook of psychiatry , you read that epileptics eventually develops an abnormal psyche,
which is called epileptic encephalopathy http://www.mediasphera.ru/journals/korsakov/42/321/.
Thus , Trotsky - a pure clinical case for the collection of the writer Gregory Klimov , and that
psychopathy Trotsky over the years will further deteriorate.
Dr. Ziv writes: " In psychology, Trotsky was not at all the elements related to cruelty and
humanity. There he was an empty place . The feeling of sympathy for people who are not in the
sense of satisfaction behavior, and as an independent sense , enthusiasm , was unfamiliar to
him. For him, people were just units - tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, by means of
which satisfied his " will to power" .... Trotsky morally blind. It was a natural physiological defect.

The fact that in English is called " moral insanity ." His umbrella body for love and sympathy
atrophied in the womb "( p. 93).
Maybe the cause of moral insanity Trotsky was his epileptic encephalopathy ?
Here is what their impressions of the Jew Trotsky Dr. Mandelberg . I quote from the book of
Joseph Nedava "Trotsky and the Jews ." The book is available in the Internet :
"I remember the days when Trotsky was in 1917 released from prison. I walked into the coffee
shop Central Executive Committee , where delegates used to rest and be supported . I saw
Trotsky's sitting alone at a separate table , and felt compassion for him . We were so attached to
each other in the past. We both were exiled to Siberia in one place . We were both members of
the Second Congress of the RSDLP . Together we went abroad . I sat down next to his table ,
but immediately realized that we shared a wall of alienation. Soon after, I met Trotsky in the
hallway between sessions. I went up to him like an old friend and jokingly chided his tone as a
result of the Bolshevik abstention from voting in the last session , which was convened by
Kerensky. We were not able to resolve the issue of the end of the war , they wanted everything.
Instead of answering me in the same half-joking tone , Trotsky stood in a pose speaker and
started talking to me loud speech to delegates and others . I'm sorry that came to him and went
away, and more sworn never to approach it . " (Me-Hayai ( From My Life "), Tel Aviv 1942).
Back in June 1917 from the Petrograd Soviet , Trotsky made a proposal of a democratic
government to recognize "the right of everyone to the name." This is the sense to change his
name as he pleases . The government then wrapped the idea, and Bronstein, as actually and
Ulyanov , continued to officially remain at their last names until their revolution ! Most tormented
Yury Nakhamkes , editor in chief of Izvestia ( Petrograd ) . The secret service kept Nakhamkes
statement yet on the name of Nicholas II, to change the name on the glass - the refusal .
Kerensky refused a second time , and only a revolution of its own cherished dream fulfilled
Nakhamkes become Steklov (A.Lita 'I "Telushim", Ha-Shiloah (Odessa), 32 ( 1917) . "

After the Bolshevik Revolution, the Jewish revolutionaries , terrorists immediately enforced their
Russian nicknames. That is why the purely Jewish Bolshevik government appeared Russian
surnames. Trotsky married "Sedov" not yet formally divorced his wife , left in Russia that this did
not know anything . And there is nothing special , people like Trotsky , they do not respect the
laws - they write them for others. After his wife Trotsky got access to the banking house of
Rothschild . Joseph Nedava in his book, "Trotsky and the Jews ," wrote that "Trotsky during his
stay in Vienna, used to play with Baron Rothschild in chess in the Caf Central". How do you
think , Baron Rothschild , the largest banking house in the world, will play in the chess with a
man, not a circle? - that's what "Sedov" made for Trotsky ! Because of the " Sedov" , the Jews
who manage their money around the world , they saw a Jew Trotsky , and he made the right
impression on them . Nedava Along the way, Joseph says, " Everyone notes that Trotsky read
and spoke Yiddish , but in his autobiography pretends he does not know anything about Jews
and Judaism . " Yes, he, in his autobiography, a lot of things down . This is a game of chess in
Vienna with Rothschild and led to that when Jacob Schiff organized in Russian revolution of
1905 , Trotsky with money and arms coming , but then he still does not have time , and lumpen

elements that could use weapons had already been replanted . However, Trotsky still managed
to kick Hrustaleva - Nosar from the post Chairman of the St. Petersburg Soviet .
Photo number 22 of the same book , " Trotsky " - a biography in the photo documents "shows
the members of the Petrograd Soviet in 1905, Trotsky , Khrustalyov - Nosar , crickets and DF
Zlydnev PA " October 5, 1905 in St. Petersburg held the third meeting of the Board workers'
Deputies ( S.R.D. ) , which has already alerted the huge mass. In the " Executive Office " Board
: Chairman of the Board nonpartisan attorney (lawyer) G. Khrustalyov - Nosar , treasurer of the
Bolshevik DF Crickets , working with the Menshevik - Obukhov factory PA Zlydnev and Leon
Trotsky , in fact the political head of the Council. " arrested Nov. 26 .. Khrustalyov - Nosar . Nov.
27 S.R.D. selects three chairpersons ( Zlydnev , Crickets , Trotsky) and calls proletariat of St.
Petersburg to prepare for an armed vosstaniyu.29 November, all members of S.R.D. come from
its plants Council meeting armed . But in the evening 3 December 1905 the building of the Free
Economic society , which met S.R.D. was blocked troops. arrested 200 people.The awaiting trial
Leon Trotsky spent 15 months in a "cross", then in the Peter and Paul fortress and in the House
of Detention . Trotsky sat with crickets , and on walks met Alexander Parvus and Leon by
Deutsch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ParvusTrotskiDeich.jpg. at last the prisoners had
access advocates - the First Duma politically revived the whole country. One of the lawyers was
and A. Zarudny , who became 10 years later the Minister of Justice in the government of
Kerensky. " http://www.revkom.com/index.htm?/biblioteka/marxism/trotckii/20070419rech.htm
Crickets later wrote: " The intellectual leader of the Soviets was Trotsky . Chairman Khrustalyov
was a screen, he could not solve any problem ( no money who were behind Trotsky ) . A man of
great self-importance , which have just been Hrustaleva disease , Trotsky began to hate ,
because of having to go to that on all issues . " In 1918, this competition with Trotsky would cost
Khrustaliov life. Trotsky even find it in the village and kill him, where he was hidden from
Trotsky. this is despite the fact that a lawyer crystal - Nosar was Jewish.
January 13, 1917 Trotsky arrives in New York. Officially, he is listed working in the Russianspeaking Jewish newspaper " The New World ", which by that time was working Nikolai
Bukharin , who arrived in New York in 1915. In 2006, in the December issue number 458
monthly clandestine American newspaper "Truth at Last" (" Finally True ")
http://www.stormfront.org/truth_at_last/index2.htm. Editor - Dr. Fields, the newspaper is
published for money Fields in the state of Georgia ) is also a long article on page 12.
"Communism is born in a mushrooming ghettos of New York . Leon Trotsky in New York."
" Leon Trotsky , the father of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia sailed into New York January
13, 1917 , and stayed in New York two and a half months. Few people knew about his activities
during this period. Leyba Trotsky , who escaped from exile , the number was not wanted only in
Russia , but also in the countries of the allies of Russia in the war , namely in France, England,
Spain and sotvetstvenno Trotsky was expelled from the series in France and Spain . England ,
apparently , to let him in order to avoid scandal at all wanted . 's when Trotsky showed up in
New York. " The newspaper "Truth at Last" asks the question: " How does a cursory katorozhnik
Leon Trotsky was able to get a U.S. visa being iznannym from France and Spain? " - In
principle, it is impossible to get a U.S. visa in such cases , a fugitive katorozhniku . Do you think
, then get a visa to the U.S. was easier than it is now ? We have found the answer to this riddle ,

buried in the links on the page 409 of the book by Theodore Draper - Theodore Draper "The
Roots of American Communism", which says that " New York Times " on January 14, 1917
reported (that's why the old newspapers are not interest, but VERY OLD NEWSPAPERS is of
great interest ) that: " The representative of the " Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society
"( HIAS - it still exists and is known around Brighton ) met Leon Trotsky and his family on the
pier and took them with him . " That is, Leon Trotsky and his family have not received any
medical examination or quarantine or vaccination. Leon Trotsky , the future first Jewish emperor
of Russia, entered the U.S. on a special position on the Jewish channel. Newspaper Russianspeaking Jews of New York " New World" ( In 1925 the name was reproduced Soviet Jews in
the Soviet journal "New World " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novy_Mir_% 28New_York% 29),
and that the Personnel and the spirit was the successor of the American newspaper , informed
its readers that Leon Trotsky was immediately provided to work in the Russian-language Jewish
newspaper "New World " on 77 Street at Mark's Place in Manhattan , where even before
Trotsky's work as an editor two Russian Jew - Nikolai Bukharin and Alexandra Kollontai Domontovich , also American citizens . The owners of the newspaper were two Jews Weinstein
Gregory (Gregory Weinstein) and Isaac Gurvich (Isaak Hourwich). Trotsky was provided
apartment in Midtown Manhattan Building - suite with telephone, refrigerator (it's 1916 ! ), As
well as a car with a driver - bodyguard. As Trotsky , as well as to him Maxim Gorky pawns
before Trotsky's Jewish organizations also staged rallies paid in defense of the Jews against
Russia in New York, did not speak English , the Jewish organizations ensure attendance of
meetings in New York, Boston Philadelphia and it making them an audience govoryashuyu in
Russian and Yiddish. Trotsky called for rallies all Jewish socialists unite under the Communist
banner . One of the first leaders of the then Trotsky organized the American Communist Party
were : Benjamin Gitlow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Gitlow, Charles Brodsky
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodsky, Bertram Wolfe http://en .wikipedia.org / wiki /
Bertram_Wolfe, Jay Lovestone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Lovestone, Charles Rutenberg
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ruthenberg and subsequently buried in the Kremlin wall ,
John Silas Reed which in fact was also a Jew - look at the photo
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Reed_% 28journalist% 29 , and U.S. intelligence officer named
" Jack ." In addition , John Reid, was the husband of the famous American feminists , lesbians ,
Jewish Louise Bryant : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Bryant. After the poisoning of John
Reed in Moscow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:JOhnReedFuneral1920Moscow-l.jpg Louise
Bryant married the former private secretary of President Woodrow Wilson , William Bullitt - the
first U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union , which subsequently divorced on because of the
open lesbianism . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Bullitt. The famous married couple Reeds
arrived in Russia from New York on the steamer Trotsky. Interestingly, Wiki reports that Charles
Rutenberg , who was born in America and the American communist prezzhavshy in Soviet
Russia only arrivals , and died in 1927 in the United States , is also buried in the Kremlin wall. It
seems that the Kremlin wall - is an international Jewish cemetery , or, as some people call , the
Kremlin wall - " Wailing Wall ." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ruthenberg.

In the little book, Dr. Field , "The Jewish origins of Communism - documented ! (Dr. ER Field
"The Jewish origin of communism - documented!", Which is now available in the United States ,

it is reported that Russian Jews Trotsky and built a studio on the cinematic "Vitagraph Movie
Studies " in Brooklyn and Trotsky , he says, had to appear in three films , including with the star
Clara Kimball Young in" My official I am the wife ( My official wife ). 's photo from this movie :
http://zarubezhom. com / Images / trotsky.jpg photo: Clara Kimball , Leon Trotsky, and another
male actor . Judge Trotsky or not. at that time, in 1917, "Hollywood" , in a sense , the American
film industry , settled back in New York York. Film studio "Vitagraph Studios"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitagraph_Studios- and http://subway.com.ru/vitagraph/ ( from 1925
called " Warner Brothers " http://en. wikipedia.org / wiki / Warner_Brothers) was located on Long
Island. owned film studios were two Jews Emanuel Cohen (Emmanuel Cohen) and Varttsel Sol
(Sol Wartzel). They are , he says, quickly came up with a script that promote " red
revolutionaries " and invited Leon Trotsky the lead role in the film " My official wife ." Women's
main role was played silent film movie star Clara Kimball Young Jew .
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clara_Kimball_Young. Vickie says that in this film Kimball plays a
Russian revolutionary, but adds that the film somehow " lost " in principle in America has never
happened , and it shifts the year of production for 1914 , not to mention the participation of
Trotsky, though, as you can see in the unofficial press is not a secret. and what the film was a
great success , according to Wikipedia, it is only because of the fact that he actually came out in
1917 , not in 1914 , it has been on the topic of the day , what would have happened if the film
about Russian revolutionaries came out in 1914 when all the attention was on the outbreak of
war. Vicki so here again is caught in a lie . sex scenes did not yet exist , so that Trotsky was
lucky to slip out of this situation with an unblemished reputation. Trotsky Jacob Schiff for this
role , it turns out has been allocated a "fee " gorozdo greater than even a movie star - the then
20 million dollars, which is about a trillion dollars in present-day dollars . Thus , it appears that
the highest-paid movie star of all time was Leon Trotsky - Bronstein, won for her role in " My
official wife " no less than a billion dollars in today's money.
News from Russia of an unexpected coup , and the abdication of the king, provoked an
enthusiastic enthusiasm of the large New York Jewish diaspora , even then , there are about 3
million only clean and fresh Jewish immigrants. Trotsky was urgently preparing to return to
Russia and to gain international group of Jewish volunteers. Especially welcomed by the New
York Jewish gangsters of the gang gangs who had experience handling weapons . These
people , like Moses Uritzky the first chief of the Cheka
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moisei_Uritsky, and Volodarskij (Moses Goldstein ), the first
commissioner of printing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V._Volodarsky - " two of Moses' former
New York gangsters , became leaders of separate groups of Jewish volunteers. Again from the
well-known " New Yorkers " Kollontai and Bukharin . A total of 267 volunteers recruited . New
York Jews then said softly , "Our Loew going to select a job with the Russian tsar ." But
immediately after the March 27, 1917 the steamer " Kristianaford " had already sailed from the
coast of America, he was arrested and towed to Halifax at the Canadian Coast Guard on the
basis that Canada , as a colony of his Majesty the Queen of England, a country which is an ally
of Russia in war , hearing of this , pulling in an allied country to the top of the bandits and
packed with Colt and " maxims " that still serve a great service in the future bloodshed arrested
ship in Halifax, Canada : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Regional_Municipality %
2C_Nova_Scotia and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Scotia.

It was an interesting point that Trotsky after the departure of American detained Canadians .
Why is it they do? Because all of Europe and America, except for Russian Jews to the East
Side , which have their own opinion , it was known that Trotsky - is a spy, acting against the
Russian Empire. On this basis, Trotsky is expelled France and Spain , that is, the allies of the
Russian Empire in the War against Germany. Canada also formally as the British dominion ,
was an ally of Russian Empire in World War II , so the Canadian authorities is justified and
detained ship full of weapons and armed men who were sent to the Canadian side of the Allies
in World War II , and led to the same all over the world such odious personality as Leon Trotsky
. So in that detention is not surprising , moreover, they should at least have to intern all this
armed and very dangerous gang before the end of the war , if not put them all to the wall , as it
would have done even Trotsky .
Trotsky was arrested along with his wife , two children and five secretaries ( pay all Jacob Schiff
) and all 267 mercenaries volunteers. However, influential New York Jewish lawyers Nicholas
Aleynikov and Arthur Wolf, in person through the Canadian Postmaster General ( Minister of
Communications ) forwarded the order of the First Lod Adiralteystva Winston Churchill , to
release all and allowed to continue swimming. The publication of this order is well established
effects of three people: a New York billionaire Jacob Schiff , U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
and the First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill's Britain . "Vicky " clearly says that Trotsky
was released on 29 April 1917 on the orders of the English government ( Churchill ) , which was
a direct betrayal of Russia's ally in the war. May 4 , Trotsky continued to sail on the same ship in
the direction of Stockholm.
But the 2nd April 1917 the United States entered the war on the side of Russia , so if Trotsky
released until April 6, 1917 , in violation of his duty to the Russian alliance could be accused
only Angliiyu and Canada, but as it happened after 6 April 1917 , the United States also violated
Russia before its allied duty . Canadian newspaper " McLean Shop " ("Maclean's Magazine" in
June 1919, wrote: " Some Canadian officials have a responsibility to continue the war and the
continuing loss of life .... Trotsky had and continues to have a huge secret support . Trotsky is
so absolute power that its orders are executed in the first place. " President Wilson has always
depended on his advisers puppeteers , most important of which were the banker Jacob Schiff
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Schiff and http://en.wikipedia. org / wiki / Schiff_family, banker
Bernard Baruch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Baruch and U.S. Chief Justice Louis
Brandeis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dembitz_Brandeis - all Jews . These three men
were ordered to Woodrow Wilson put pressure on the Canadian government , both directly and
through Churchill , let Trotsky with everything and who have to have. U.S. President Woodrow
Wilson at this point even signed granting U.S. citizenship and passports to Leon Trotsky , so
that Trotsky rode in Stockholm U.S. citizen with an American passport
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trotsky. exiled from Germany German Emperor Wilhelm II in exile in
Holland, in an interview with the "Chicago Tribune ", (The Chicago Tribune ") July 2, 1922 said:
"Over the Bolshevik revolution in Russia , and Germany is responsible international Jewry .
During my reign Jews made it unbearable, and I bitterly regret that favoritiziroval Jewish

bankers ."
And here is what is said by the former Commissioner in his book " Trotsky as the driving force of
the Russian Revolution : http://zarubezhom.com/Trotsky.htm A few years ago, a prominent
London publisher sent a letter to Mr. Dell British Prime Minister Lloyd George. I quote one
paragraph :
" It is now clear to everyone that the revolution in Russia was not a consequence of the
explosion of discontent of the masses, but it was constructed at the same time inside and
outside Russia of its sworn enemies. Germany accused of promoting these enemies through
the organization of a special train for Lenin , however, still no one had thought to accuse
England against Trotsky pass from America to Russia ... Germany even in a state of war with
Russia , and what an apology has to do with England ? We helped to torture our war-weary ally
... This crime is so egregious that we can not ever redeem it at their own request , but must try
to ... In order to finish with a theme raised in this letter, please let me know if you take the
responsibility for the release of Trotsky in Halifax ? As the head of the British government at the
time, it was officially you are responsible. If you do not agree with this , please indicate the limits
of your responsibility in this case . "
Mr. Dell has never received a response to this letter.

Further describes Henry Ford in his four-volume "International Jewry ." Trotsky , after the
abdication of the king, gets an audience with Jacob Schiff . Receives a check for $ 20 million.
Has at its disposal a private steamship " Kristianaford ." Jacob Schiff loads steamer " revolvers "
and " maxims ", as Trotsky gathering volunteers from among the participants of its meetings on
the East Side . Of course, wanting to go with Trotsky was much more. At one East Side
population of about 2.5 million Jews from Eastern Europe. Everybody arrived later. But Trotsky
was able to take only about 270 people. All these Jews , volunteers , returnees were resettled
by Trotsky in the captured Smolny Palace and the house dancers Kseshinskaya.

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