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Development of Analytical Process To Reduce Side Load in Strut-Type Suspension

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Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (2010) 351~356


DOI 10.1007/s12206-009-1103-z

Development of analytical process to reduce side load in strut-type suspension

Y. I. Ryu1, D. O. Kang1, S. J. Heo2,*, H. J. Yim2 and J. I. Jeon3
Graduate School of Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University, Seoul 136-702, Korea
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University, Seoul 136-702, Korea
Sammok Kang Up Co., Ltd., 654-3, Choji-dong, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do 425-080, Korea

(Manuscript Received May 7, 2009; Revised August 17, 2009; Accepted September 16, 2009)

Methods have been developed to reduce the side load and friction force acting on the shock absorber inherent in the MacPherson strut
system, popularly used in vehicle suspension systems. Reducing this friction force is one of the most important issues in improving the
ride comfort of a car. The side load of the shock absorber can be reduced by controlling the force line of the coil spring. To reduce the
side load, we designed an S-shaped coil spring. For the design of the side load spring, we also developed an analytical process, which
utilizes finite element analysis and mechanical system analysis. All analysis results for the stiffness, stress, fatigue life, and spring force
line were validated through experiments.
Keywords: MacPherson strut suspension; Ride comfort; Optimal design; Side load; Spring force line

1. Introduction
Since the introduction of the MacPherson strut suspension
into automobiles in the late 1940s, it has become one of the
most widely used automotive suspension systems in modern
automotive design. In general, MacPherson strut suspensions
include a spring, which has an inclination or offset against the
shock absorber axis, in order to minimize the suspension friction, which significantly influences ride comfort. The amount
of offset or degree of inclination is determined based on the
assumption that the reaction force of the spring acts along the
geometric spring axis. However, the helical coil springs usually used in MacPherson strut suspensions have a reaction
force eccentricity inherent to the basic design [1-2].
Furthermore, recent trends in compact packaging require
springs to be aligned along the proper force action line, without an additional spring inclination or offset. Several types of
springs with special design have been proposed by other researchers as solutions for these design constraints [3-5].
A coil spring to reduce the side load and friction applied between a rod and tube of a shock absorber was designed in this
study by using the following steps.
We first constructed a customized front suspension kinematic model, which was used to calculate an ideal spring force

line to minimize the inherent side load. Based on this line, we

subsequently optimized the design. The spring force lines of
the spring variants for the optimal design were calculated
through finite element analysis (FEA) using the strut assembly
model, and the reduction of the side load for an optimized
spring model was evaluated by FEA using the suspension
system model. Finally, we validated the analytical results for
the spring force line, stiffness, stress, and fatigue life through
corresponding experiments.

2. Analysis and experiment for spring force line

In a strut-type suspension system, the center axis of the coil
spring has been initially coincident with the axis of the shock

This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor
Kyongsu Yi
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 910 4713, Fax.: +82 2 912 4442
E-mail address: sjheo@kookimin.ac.kr
KSME & Springer 2010

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for loads acting on the MacPherson strut



Y. I. Ryu et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (2010) 351~356

absorber, as shown on the left side of Fig. 1. The load W acting from the ground causes a bending moment in the shock
absorber. During the piston movement of the shock absorber,
the friction is increased due to this bending moment, which
results in increased riding discomfort. One common approach
to reducing this friction is by using an offset strut, shown on
the right side of Fig. 1. With this type of strut, the friction and
side load can theoretically be eliminated; however, the actual
side load, in practice, does not become zero because (1) an
eccentric load may be created by the deviation between the
load axis and geometric center axis of the coil spring, (2) it is
difficult to keep the required amount of offset because of a
lack of space around the suspension, and (3) the load axis
position is greatly influenced by the boundary condition of the
coil spring
2.1 Calculation of the spring force line
To calculate the spring force line from FE analyses or experiments, the reaction forces (F) and moments (M) have to be
measured at the location (point A) where the spring lower seat
is fixed on the strut tube. This location can be the same with
the intersecting point (point B) of the spring lower seat plane
and the strut axis. The spring force line means the line connecting two points (point L and point U) on the spring upper
and lower plane at which no reaction moments are exerted.
The two points can be calculated as follows: (Fig. 2)

Point L and point U:

f ( z c)
f ( z c)

+ a, y l
+ b, zl
[ xl , yl , zl ] = x l

f ( z c)
f ( z c)

+ a, y u
+ b, zu
[ xu , yu , zu ] = x u

2.2 Determination of the ideal spring force line

We used the MSC.ADAMS software, which can solve
multi-body dynamics problems, to calculate the side load applied to a strut-type suspension and find the spring force line
that would minimize the side load.
Fig. 3 shows the front suspension kinematic model used to
find the ideal spring force line for the target vehicle, and describes the terms used to define a spring force line. The spring
force line is defined as the line that connects the spring upper
hard point to the lower hard point. The ideal spring force line
can be found by moving the spring lower hard point to the
location which minimizes the side load generated at the strut
rod top mount during vertical movement of the wheel.
Fig. 4 shows the change in side load at the strut rod top
mount for various inclination angles. A vertical wheel travel,
in the general driving conditions, between -20 and 20 mm is
assumed. The side load can be minimized in this range most

Measured forces: F = [ f x , f y , f z ]
Measured moments: M = [mx , my , mz ]
Point O where the moments are zero:
m y mx

[ a , b, c ] =
, , zo

The line equation passing point O:

xa yb z c
(a) Front suspension kinematic model

U ( xu , y u , z u )

Z (strut axis)

Strut rod top mount

(location for side load measurement)

(spring upper - XY plane)

F (M=0)

Spring upper hard point

Spring force line

Spring lower hard point

(spring lower - XY plane)

L ( xl , y l , z l )

F, M
F (M=0)
(reaction forces measuring - XY plane)

O ( a , b, c )

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram to calculate the spring force line.

(b) Spring force line

Fig. 3. MacPherson strut suspension kinematic model to find the ideal
spring force line.


Table 1. Force line position on upper and lower seat.

9.0 degrees
9.4 degrees
9.6 degrees
10.0 degrees

Wheel travel range

for general driving condition

Upper seat
x [mm]
y [mm]

Optimum design

(Strut axis)

Vertical wheel travel [mm]

Fig. 4. Side load at strut rod top mount.

Lower seat
x [mm]
y [mm]

Optimum Design (S-shape)

(Upper seat) 200

Z-axis [mm]..

Side load at strut top mount [N]

Y. I. Ryu et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (2010) 351~356


(Lower seat) 0






Y-axis [mm]


Fig. 6. Comparison of spring force lines in the design weight condition.

(a) Conventional shape

(b) C-shape

(c) S-shape

(d) L-shape





Fig. 5. Shapes of coil spring.

significantly when the inclination angle is 9.6 degrees, which

means that the spring lower hard point offset must be 37.54
mm as the target spring force line.
Maximum shear stress : 1,051 MPa

2.3 Optimal design

There are many design restrictions, such as material properties, packaging, stiffness, strength, loading, force line, and
fatigue life. Coil diameter, wire diameter, total number of coil
turns, and maximum design stress are calculated according to
these constraints. In this study, the basic design requirements
were selected as follows:
(1) Stiffness 23.0 N/mm
(2) Maximum Shear Stress < 1100 MPa
(3) Fatigue Life > 300000
(4) Spring Lower Hard Point Offset 37.54 mm
The coil springs, for reducing the side load, are classified
into C-, L-, and S-shaped springs according to the shape of the
spring center lines, as shown in Fig. 5.
In this study, we selected the S-shaped spring, which has
advantage of spring force line adjustment, and performed the
optimal design.
2.4 Analytical evaluation at the strut assembly level
The force lines of spring variants for the optimal design
were evaluated through FEA, using strut models composed of
a shock absorber and spring. We used a nonlinear finite element solver (ABAQUS) for the FEA, which can solve geometric nonlinear problems, such as contact conditions between
spring and spring seats, as well as evaluate any non-linear
geometric behavior.
Fig. 6 and Table 1 show the analysis results for the spring

Fig. 7. Stress analysis results.

force line in the design weight condition of a vehicle. The

spring force line of the optimal spring design closely tracks
the target line, while the line of the conventional shape spring
shows a difference from the minimum side load target line.
The shear stress contours at each loading condition are
shown in Fig. 7. The maximum shear stress is 1051 MPa,
which is lower than the allowable stress of 1100 MPa. Thus,
the stress level is satisfied with stresses lower than the design
2.5 Analytical evaluation at the suspension system level
The reduction of the side load for the optimized spring
model was evaluated through FEA, using a suspension system
model which consists of strut assemblies, lower control arms,
knuckles, and tierods.
Fig. 8 shows the finite element model for the front suspension system. Except for springs, all suspension components
were modeled as rigid bodies connected by joint elements,
with degrees of freedom representative of the actual connections in the vehicle.
Fig. 9 shows the changes of side loads at the strut top
mounts for the conventional and optimized S-shaped springs
during vertical wheel travel from design weight (or unladen)
to gross vehicle weight (GVW or laden) conditions. At the
same loading conditions, the side load generated by the con-


Y. I. Ryu et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (2010) 351~356

Table 2. Comparison of stiffness between experiment and FEA.

Stiffness [N/mm]

Calculation method

Error [%]



Linear regression




2 Point at both ends




Fig. 8. Finite element model for front suspension system.


Side load [N]





Fig. 10. Experimental setup for measuring spring force line.






Wheel travel [mm]


(Upper seat) 200



Fig. 9. Comparison of side loads at strut rod top mount.

ventional spring ranged from 375 N to 460 N, while the optimized spring generated maximum side loads of 80 N. The
results show that side load was reduced by 80% through design optimization.

(Strut axis)
Z-axis [mm]..


(Lower seat) 0


To validate the design and analysis process of the spring for

reducing the side load, we manufactured the optimized spring
and performed an experiment to validate the calculated spring
force line. We used a load cell, which can measure 3-axes
forces and moments, for the experiment. Fig. 10 shows the
experimental setup.
As shown in Fig. 11, the spring force lines, calculated using
the forces and moments extracted from the experiment and
FEA, respectively, are very close to the theoretical target
spring force line.
The spring stiffness can also be calculated using the relation
between force and displacement, obtained from the experiment and analysis for spring force line. Fig. 12 and Table 2
represent the comparison results for stiffness. In Fig. 12, the
strut displacement means the compressed length of a spring.
Table 2 shows that the stiffness values are very similar to the
design requirement of 23 N/mm, and the difference between
the experiment and FEA is 2.1%.





Y-axis [mm]


Fig. 11. Comparison of spring force line between experiment and FEA
in the design weight condition.

Experimental result

FEA result


Force [N]

2.6 Experimental validation for spring force line and stiffness







Strut displacement [mm]

Fig. 12. Stiffness curves for experiment and FEA.

3. Analysis and experiment for stress and fatigue life

The spring force line and stiffness were validated experimen-


Y. I. Ryu et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (2010) 351~356

tally in the previous section. In this section, we validate the reliability of an analytical approach to the stress and fatigue life
through a series of experiments.
3.1 Finite element model and constraints
Fig. 13 shows the finite element model and its constraints
for a coil spring. The upper seat can only rotate and the lower
seat can only translate along the strut axis. The degrees of
freedom of the other directions are fixed. Therefore, the spring
is deformed only in the direction of the strut axis when a load
is applied at the lower seat. The upper and lower seats are
modeled as rigid bodies, with the contact conditions between
the spring and seats. Fig. 14 shows the input load time history
applied at the lower seat.

Table 3. Strain and stress results for test and analysis.



Error [%]

Max. Principal Strain [ / ]




Max. Shear Strain [ / ]




Max. Principal Stress [MPa]




Max. Shear Stress [MPa]




3.2 Strain gage instrumentation and experiment

We measured the strain on the spring surface for a comparison of stress between FEA and experiment. The strain measurement locations were selected based on FEA results, where
in-plane maximum principal stress occurs in the GVW condition. The rectangular rosette gage was attached at this corresponding location, as indicated by the FE model (Fig. 15). The
strain signals acquired from the experiment were used to calculate the actual stress (later compared to the predicted stress).
Fig. 16 shows the experimental setup. We fixed the strut
tube and applied loads in the same condition as Fig. 14 at the
strut top mount, and acquired the displacement signal from an
actuator and strain signals from the rosette gage.

c b

Fig. 15. Strain gage attached at max. principal stress location.

Upper seat :
X,Y,Z trans. DOF - Fixed
X,Y rot. DOF Fixed
Z rot. DOF - Free
Contact Definition :
Upper seat to spring

Strut Axis

(a) Rebound condition

(b) Bump condition

Fig. 16. Experimental setup for measuring strain.

Contact Definition :
Lower seat to spring

Max. Principal Stress (FEA)

Max. Shear Stress (FEA)
Max. Principal Stress (Experiment)
Max. Shear Stress (Experiment)


Stress [MPa]



Lower seat :
X,Y trans. DOF - Fixed
X,Y,Z rot. DOF Fixed
Z trans. DOF - Free

Fig. 13. Finite element model and constraints.







Free length

Fig. 14. Input load time history at spring lower seat.







Strut displacement [mm]

Fig. 17. Comparison of stress at maximum principal stress location.


Y. I. Ryu et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (2010) 351~356

Table 4. Comparison of fatigue life for test and analysis.

Analysis Result

Experimental Result

This work was supported by research program 2008 of
Kookmin-University in Korea. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for research.

Fatigue Life

459,968 cycles

479,875 cycles

3.3 Evaluation of stress

Fig. 17 shows that stress changes as a function of strut displacement at the maximum principal stress location. The stress
values from the FEA are higher than the experimental values.
The strain and stress values in the bump load condition are
summarized in Table 3, which shows a maximum difference
of 8.0 % between the FEA and experiment. It is presumed that
the difference of stress occurred because the three strain gages,
which make up the rosette gage, are separated by angle of 45
degrees, and thus there is a difference between where the data
was gathered and the theoretical FE predicted stress peak.

[1] M. Shimoseki, et al., On the helical compression spring with

fixed ends, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical
Engineer 45 (1979) 901-909.
[2] S. Satoshi, et al., Approaches to minimizing side force of
helical coil springs for riding comfort, SAE Technical paper
series No. 960730, (1996).
[3] J. Hastey, et al., Optimization on MacPherson suspensions
with a spring, SAE Technical paper series No. 970100,
[4] H. Toshio, et al., Development of L-shape coil spring to
reduce a friction on the McPherson strut suspension system,
SAE Technical paper series No. 2001-01-0497, (2001).
[5] J. Liu, D. J. Zhuang, F. Yu and L. M. Lou, Optimization
design for a MacPherson strut suspension with side load
spring, Int. J. Automotive Technology 9 (1) (2008) 29-35.

3.4 Evaluation of fatigue life

The following shows the setup for the fatigue analysis of a
coil spring
(1) Analysis Method: Strain-Life approach
(2) Mean Stress Correction: Smith-Watson-Topper
(3) Surface Treatment: Shot Peening
(4) Load Condition: GVWBumpReboundGVW
As shown in Table 4, the difference in the fatigue life between the analysis and experimental result is 4.1 %, which is a
reliable analysis result with regard to the deviation of product

4. Conclusion
We developed a series of analytical processes for the design
of a coil spring to reduce the side load, and performed the
(1) We constructed a customized front suspension kinematic model, which can calculate an ideal spring force
line to minimize the side load.
(2) The spring force line design was optimized.
(3) Experiments were carried out to validate the analysis
results for spring force line, stiffness, stress, and fatigue life.

Young-Il Ryu received his B.S. in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

from Kookmin University in 2002. He
then received his M.S. degree from the
Graduate School of Automotive Engineering in Kookmin University in 2004.
He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the
graduate school. His research interests include vehicle dynamics, multi-body dynamics, and durability.
Seung-Jin Heo received his M.S. in
Mechanical Design from Seoul National
University in 1981. He then received his
Ph.D. in Automotive Engineering from
Technical University of Aachen in 1987.
He is currently a professor at Kookmin
University. His research interests include vehicle passive & active safety, vehicle control, vehicle
dynamics, and durability.

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