Application of CFS in Building Industry
Application of CFS in Building Industry
Application of CFS in Building Industry
Cold-formed steel has been widely used in buildings, automobiles, equipment, home and office furniture, utility poles, storage racks, grain bins, highway products, drainage facilities, and bridges. Its popularity can be attributed to ease of mass production and prefabrication, uniform quality, lightweight designs, economy in transportation and handling, and quick and simple erection or installation. In building construction, cold-formed steel products can be classified into three categories: members, panels, and prefabricated as-semblies. Typical cold-formed steel members such as studs, track, purlins, girts and angles are mainly used for carrying loads while panels and decks constitute useful surfaces such as floors, roofs and walls, in addition to resisting the in-plane and out-of-plane surface loads. Prefabricated cold-formed steel assemblies include roof trusses, panelized walls or floors, and other prefabricated structural assemblies. Approximately 40% of the total steel used in building construction is cold-formed steel. Cold-formed steel pos-sesses a significant market share because of its advantages over other construction materials and the industry-wide support pro-vided by various organizations that promote cold-formed steel research and products, including codes and standards develop-ment that is spearheaded by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). This article presents the profile of cold-formed steel in building construction through a historical review of the development of AISI Cold-Formed Steel Specification and Standards, discusses the major cold-formed steel applications in building construction, and introduces organizations that play important roles in the cold-formed steel industry.
Acero (CANACERO) in Mexico. This unified Specification raises cold-formed steel design technology to the same level among all NAFTA countries, allowing faster introduction of new technologies and opening up the marketplace for a wide variety of cold-formed steel products and derivatives, such as steel framing and steel decks, as well as design aids and educational materials. In the early 1990s, as the residential construction industry expanded and lumber prices continued to escalate, the steel industry recognized a new potential market for cold-formed steel applica-tions. A Residential Advisory Group was formed in 1991 to explore the avenue for penetrating this potential market. In the mid-1990s, the first edition of the Prescriptive Method for One and Two Family Dwellings was published and was adopted into CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code. In 1996, the Residential Advisory Group was reorganized into the North American Steel Framing Alliance. In 1998, it was renamed the Steel Framing Alliance and expanded its market to cover the light commercial market as well. Also in 1998, in it's role as an ANSI-accredited standards development organization, AISI launched the Committee on Framing Standards with the mission to "To eliminate regulatory barriers and increase the reliability and cost competitiveness of cold-formed steel framing in residential and light commercial building construction through improved design and installation standards." As a result, additional ANSIapproved design standards, such as Cold-Formed Steel Framing - General Provisions, -Truss Design and Header Design, were developed and published in 2001. These Standards as well as the expanded and updated Prescriptive Method, have been adopted by the 2003 International Building Code, and have been recognized by ANSI as National Standards. In 2004 these standards were updated, and new ANSIapproved standards on Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Lateral Design and - Wall Stud Design were completed. A detailed summary of Specification and Standard development by AISI is provided in Appendix I.
Steel Deck Institute (SDI): Founded in 1939 by the manufacturers of steel decks and associated products, the Steel Deck Institute has played an important role in providing uniform industrial standards for engineering, manufacturing and field installation of steel decks. Representing 85% of the steel decks produced in the United States, SDI member companies produce cold-formed steel decks with various configurations for different types of applications. Technical information published by SDI includes the SDI Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks and Roof Decks; Roof Deck Construction Handbook; Diaphragm Design Manual; and SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck. Steel Stud Manufacturers Association (SSMA): SSMA was formed in 1999 through a merger of the Metal Lath and Steel Framing Association Division of National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers and the Metal Stud Manufacturers Association. The products produced by SSMA member companies include studs, tracks, and steel framing accessories such as cold-rolled channels and flat straps. In 2001, SSMA published its first product catalog using unified designation for both stud and track sections, which greatly simplified product identification for both contractors and design professionals. SSMA also publishes technical notes and CAD Details on cold-formed steel framing. Steel Framing Alliance (SFA): SFA (formerly the North American Steel Framing
Floor Construction In floor construction, floor decks, steel joists (studs) and trusses are often used as floor coverings, diaphragms and floor framing, respectively.
Floor Deck. Cold-formed steel decks are widely used in commercial and institutional building construction. They are made by forming cold-formed steel sheet into corrugated profiles, which greatly increases the bending capacity of the sheet steel and results in a very high strength to weight ratio. One of the great advantages of using steel decking in building construction is that the steel deck can function as a working platform and the concrete form that carries construction loads and concrete weight during the construction, and as a permanent part of load resistance system in service. There are two types of floor decks: form deck and composite deck. While both types are widely used in building construction, the composite decks usually provide means such as embossments to interlock the deck to the concrete so that higher shear resistance can be achieved. The composite decks usually possess higher strength and are capable of achieving a longer span. Multi-function steel decks, such as a cellular deck, can carry electrical wires and communication cables, as well as heating and air conditioning ducts. Floor Framing. Cold-formed steel can also be used as a part of sub-floor structures. They usually consist of C-shaped cold-formed joists or cold-formed steel trusses spaced at 16" or 24" on center and braced with diagonal or horizontal bridging at 8- to 10-feet on center. Either concrete or plywood floors can be installed on top of the cold-formed steel sub-floor. The cold-formed sub-floor structures are used in light commercial structures, such as apartments and educational buildings, as well as single-family homes.
Roof Construction Roof Panels. Cold-formed steel roof panels function as structural components, resisting wind uplift and snow load, and maintaining the integrity of the building under lateral wind and seismic loads. They also fulfill appealing architectural requirements. The roof panels can be fastened to the purlins as in a through-fastened roof system or be connected to purlins with concealed sliding clips as in a standing seam roof system. The standing seam roof system can accommodate the roof panel movement due to temperature changes, which makes standing seam roof panels a great weatherresistant product. The standing seam roof panels are not only used in new buildings, but are also widely used in the renovation and restoration of existing buildings. Cold-formed steel roof decks can also serve as a part of the roof substructure, resisting roof diaphragm forces and supporting roofs with insulation and waterproofing membrane. Steel roof decks are usually 1" or 3" deep, depending on the span requirement. Roof Framing. Cold-formed steel can also serve as the roof substructure in the form of roof purlins or roof trusses. In a metal building, Z-shaped and C-shaped roof purlins are usually used to support the roof panels and to transfer the roof wind and snow loads to the primary frames, while providing lateral stability to the primary frame members. Cold-formed steel trusses have gained a significant market share in recent years. They can be made from regular C-section studs or from other proprietary shapes. Cold-formed steel trusses provide the same span capabilities and design flexibilities as wood trusses, yet they are lighter and more dimensionally stable than wood trusses. Most of the cold-formed steel roof trusses are preengineered and prefabricated with the help of computer software, which makes it possible to accommodate various roof configurations. This design flexibility makes cold-formed steel trusses ideal for almost any building type, including residential, commercial, institutional, educational and industrial structures.
New Research and Development. To keep cold-formed steel design at the cutting-edge of technology, and to be competitive in the codes and standards arena, research work continues to be carried out through AISI committees, associations, and research institutes. The following are some of the highlights of recent research and standards development: Direct Strength Design. This is a new design procedure that has been adopted by the North American Cold-Formed Steel Specification as an alternative method to the traditional effective design approach. This design method does not require effective width calculations or iteration, but instead uses gross properties and the elastic buckling behavior of the cross-section to predict the member strength. With the assistance of computer software, this design procedure will be applicable to cold-formed steel prismatic members with virtually any cross section configuration and will result in a more reliable and realistic design. Continued research work will be carried out to expand this design procedure to perforated members such as studs with web openings or rack structural members with patterned cutouts. Seismic Design. To facilitate cold-formed steel design in high seismic areas, new seismic design provisions, called Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Lateral Design, has been developed by the AISI Committee on Framing Standards (COFS). A design standard for cold-formed steel members and structures will be developed by the AISI Committee on Specifications (COS). Wind Load Effects on Metal Roofing. A series of wind tunnel tests and electromagnetic uplift simulations have been carried out by MBMA with co-sponsorship by AISI, MCA and Factory Mutual Global (FM). The objective of this research is to study how metal roofs respond to instantaneous wind load and determine a correlation factor which can be applied to roof panel uniform static air pressure tests while taking wind load dynamic effects into consideration.
Building Performance Over the years, the North American steel industry has committed to improving building performance through improving the performance of cold-formed steel products. Some examples include: Cool Roofing. Formed by AISI, MBMA, MCA, the National Coil Coaters Association (NCCA) and Zinc Aluminum Coaters Association (ZAC), the Cool Metal Roofing Coalition sponsored research to evaluate the energy efficiency of metal roofs. The objective of this research is to formulate and validate design tools for predicting metal roof energy efficiency during the cooling and heating seasons. The metal panels, each with different coatings, will be compared with each other and with asphalt shingle roofs for different geographic regions to determine their energy efficiency. Department of Energy computer models will be used to show annual energy savings of metal roofing products. In addition, the Cool Metal Roofing Coalition also provides technical information and educational materials and promotes metal roofing as a "green" building product due to its durability, recyclability and light weight. Corrosion Performance of Steel Faming. Sponsored by the International Lead and Zinc Research Organization (ILZRO), a five-year study of steel framing viability under different climatic conditions has been carried out by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The on-site monitoring of steel framing was carried out at Miami, FL; Leonardtown, MD; Long Beach Island, NJ; and Hamilton, Ontario in Canada. The test results indicated that for cold-formed steel with minimum coating weight (G60), the estimated life expectances ranged from 220 to more than 1,100 years with an average of 650 years for all the samples at all the locations. Thus, the research has approved that coated metal studs are long-lasting and corrosion resistant. Fire Endurance and Acoustic Performance of Steel Framing. A design guide, that collects a series of fire endurance and sound transmission data for residential and light commercial steel framing wall and floor systems, has been developed by the joint efforts of the Steel Framing Alliance (SFA) and the Canadian Steel Construction Council (CSCC). In addition, a Residential Steel Framing Builder's Guide for Fire and Acoustic Details has been recently developed by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Center, Inc. and sponsored by The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Steel Framing Alliance (SFA). These documents provide valuable information for design engineers and architects in selecting steel framing walls and floor systems.
Construction Safety To address the ironworkers' concern about traction on lubricated steel decking and roofing surfaces, the OSHA/SENRAC Steel Coalition was established with its member associations of AISI, MBMA, MCA, SDI, NCCA, and Steel Joist Institute (SJI) in 1996. After more than eight years research and experimentation, a Voluntary Lubricant Compliance Program (VLCP) was developed which recommends that participants use highly evaporative lubricants during manufacturing roof and deck products. This VLCP provides an innovative and responsible approach to mitigating potential risks of slip and fall accidents on steel decking and roofing. Manufacturing and Construction Metal buildings and cold-formed products have evolved over the years. A streamlined price estimating, designing and manufacturing process has greatly increased the productivity and product quality of metal building construction. In addition, the advanced computerized design tools also provide flexibility so that metal buildings can be designed to meet architectural requirements. Cold-formed steel framing is a fast-growing industry. To meet the demand for more steel framing construction workers, SFA is developing a series of "How To" educational materials for frame workers, plumbers and electricians. To encourage builders to use cold-formed steel framing, many manufacturers provide customized price estimates and framing design services. In addition, many panelized wall and floor products are being developed by manufacturers to speed up and simplify the construction process. As a result of steel industry's efforts, the building construction is benefiting from new design, manufacturing and construction technologies.
Cold-formed steel has become a competitive building material in the last two decades as a result of industry-wide efforts. To ensure sustained market growth for the cold-formed steel in building construction, AISI will continue to play an important role to increase collaboration between different organizations, to improve the deign specification, and to enhance the image and awareness of cold-formed steel. The American Iron and Steel Institute has been and will remain at the forefront of developing codes and standards to pave the way for cold-formed steel to enter a new era.
1. George Winter (1959), Development of Cold-Formed Light Gage Steel Structures, a paper presented at the Pittsburgh Regional Technical Meeting of the American Iron and Steel Institute, 1959. 2. Wei-Wen Yu, Don S. Wolford, and Albert L. Johnson (1996), Golden Anniversary of the AISI Specification, Recent Research and Developments in Cold-Formed Steel Design and Construction, Proceedings of the 13th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, 1996. 3. Wei-Wen Yu (2000), Cold-Formed Steel Design, Wiley, 2000. 4. MBMA, 2002 MBMA Business Review, 5. MBMA, Effective Design Techniques, 6. MBMA (1998), An Integrated Design Approach Offers Flexibility, Economy, Durability - An Evaluation of Metal Building Systems, Architectural Record, February 1998. 7. American Iron and Steel Institute, slides show of A Look at Cold-Formed Steel Structures. 8. Larry Williams (2003), Steel Framing: A Look Back Brings Forward Motion. 9. Related Industry Websites: o American Iron and Steel Institute: o Metal Building Manufacturers Association:
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Steel Deck Institute: Steel Stud Manufacturers Association: Steel Framing Alliance: Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures: Light-Gauge Steel Engineers Association: Metal Construction Association: Metal Roofing Alliance: Cool Metal Roofing Coalition: Rack Manufacturers Institute:
TABLE 1 - TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ON COLD-FORMED STEEL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 1. North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural AISI Members and the Commentary 2. Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Prescriptive Method for One and Two Family Dwellings General Provisions Truss Design Header Design Lateral Design Wall Stud Design 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MBMA Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual Cold-Formed Steel Framing Design Guide Steel Stud Brick Veneer Design Guide A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels A Design Guide for Standing Seam Roof Panels
1. Metal Building System Manual 2. Metal Roofing Systems Design Manual 3. Various Brochures 1. 2. 3. 4. Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks and Roof Decks Roof Deck Construction Handbook Diaphragm Design Manual SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck 5. Standard Practice Details
1. Acoustic Insulation and Sound Transmission in Cold-Formed Steel construction - Technical Note 360 2. Specifying Pre-Engineered Cold-Formed Steel Floor and Roof Trusses Technical Note 551f 3. Clinched (Integral) Fastening of Cold-Formed Steel - Technical Note 560c 4. Cold-Formed Steel Joists - Technical Note 552 5. Design Considerations for Flexural and Lateral-Torsional Bracing - Technical Note 559 6. Design Guide: Construction Bracing of Cold-Formed Steel Trusses - Technical Note 551d 7. Design Guide: Permanent Bracing of Cold-Formed Steel Trusses - Technical Note 551e 8. Design Values for Vertical and Horizontal Lateral Load Systems - Technical Note 550 9. Diaphragm Design with Pneumatically Driven Pins - Technical Note 561c 10. Fastener Corrosion - Technical Note 560b-5 11. Field Installation Guide for Cold-Formed Steel Roof Trusses 12. Fire-Rated Assemblies for Cold-Formed Steel Construction - Technical Note 420 13. Introduction to Curtain Wall Design Using Cold-Formed Steel - Technical Note 542 14. Screw Fastener Selection for Light Gauge Steel Framing - Technical Note 565c 15. Shear Transfer at Top Plate: Drag Strut Design - Technical Note 556a-4 16. Vertical Lateral Force Resisting System: Boundary Elements - Technical Note 556a-6
1. Design Guide for Cold-Formed Steel Beams with Web Penetrations - Design Guide #1 2. Monotonic Tests of Cold-Formed Steel Shear Walls with Openings - Design Guide #6 3. Builders' Steel Stud Guide 4. Shear Wall Design Guide - Design Guide #2 5. Fire-Resistance Ratings of Load-Bearing Steel Stud Walls 6. Residential Steel Beam and Column Load/Span Tables - Design Guide #3 7. Fasteners for Residential Steel Framing - Design Guide #7 8. Thermal Design Guide for Exterior Walls - Design Guide #5 9. Durability of Cold-Formed Steel Framing Members - Design Guide #4 10. Low-Rise Residential Construction DetailsA Guide to Fire & Acoustic Data for Steel Floor & Wall (published by SFA and CSCC) 11. L-Header Field Guide - Design Guide #8 12. Fire Resistance Ratings of Load Bearing Walls - Design Guide #9 1. Specification for the Design, Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel Storage Racks 2. Specification for the Use of Industrial and Commercial Steel Storage Racks Manual of Safety Practices/A Code of Safety Practices 3. Industrial Steel Storage Racks Manual
APPENDIX 1 CHRONICLE SUMMARY OF COLD-FORMED STEEL SPECIFICATION AND COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING STANDARDS Year Significances Published The first edition of the Specification for the Design of Light Gage Steel Structural 1946 Members was published The first edition of the Light Gage Steel Design Manual was published 1949 The Design Manual with the Specification was published, and the Specification was 1956 adopted by the building code officials. 1960 The basic safety factor was reduced from 1.85 to 1.65 in the Specification. &1961 1962 Strength increase due to cold work of forming was recognized. Compression member lateral-torsional buckling consideration was added. 1968 Specification scope was extended to cover cold-formed steel up-to one inch in 1980 thickness, and was expanded to include plate and bar steels, as well as sheet steels. The unified approach was adopted for determining the cold-formed member strength 1986 in considering local buckling. The first edition of LRFD Specification was published. The AISI Advisory Group was 1991 renamed to Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. 1996 The first edition of the combined ASD and LRFD Specification was published. The first edition of the North American Specification was published. 2001 1996 1997 2001 The first edition of the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing was published and was adopted by IRC 2000. The second edition of the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Fram-ing was published and was adopted by IRC 2000. The following standards were first published: 1. Standard for Cold-Formed Two Family Dwellings 2. Standard for Cold-Formed 3. Standard for Cold-Formed 4. Standard for Cold-Formed 2004 Steel Framing - Prescriptive Method for One and Steel Framing - General Provisions Steel Framing - Truss Design Steel Framing - Header Design
The following standards were first published: 1. Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Lateral Design 2. Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Wall Stud Design