Antagonized Postulations of A Brief Nature Omar Alansari-Kreger
Antagonized Postulations of A Brief Nature Omar Alansari-Kreger
Antagonized Postulations of A Brief Nature Omar Alansari-Kreger
Abstracted Brief
It is a law of common sense to suggest that humans are social creatures which is one
of the reasons why we cooperate, corroborate, and coexist with each other. Cultures
transform into sociological aphorisms and from there entire civilizations are born as they
are conceived both figuratively and literally. Our greatest destiny is underscored by the
birth pains of civilization. As we try to civilize our societal assemblage we fall victim to
arbitrary resolutions which is largely forged out of fear. That is one of the reasons why
the realm of abstract power stands as a supreme edifice onto itself which creates
totalitarian constructs for civilization and dissipates itself authoritatively. The division of
civilization falls into competing fiefdoms of power which puts humanity in its classical
predicament; we can use the sociological devices of power for benign or malignant
purposes. Both will overlap at some point, but deviations made in both categorical
proximities will ultimately determine the quality of our manifested civilizations.
to be as such or not; if we were to imagine humanity with the absence of its ideologies it
can be concluded that the condition of the species would be abundantly insipid.
Academics contribute to that ideological insipidness once the heyday of an ideology has
served its purpose for humankind; that perpetuates an obtuse cycle of antiintellectuality.
that demands that during dubious times it becomes a matter of practical action to mock
the past in the best practical way possible. The force of nostalgists are some of the
most relentless when pressed for their desire to achieve a resolute outcome. From timeto-time it becomes necessary to discern between commonalities found on different
plains of reality; thus, the idea of the nostalgist is brought into the interpretive fold of the
Dubiousness encourages a factor of uncertainty and once that is culturally
manufactured there is this force of sociological fear that accommodates the modus of
resolute action. The idea is to encourage any manipulator to press upon a populations
conceptions of total fear; whenever we find ourselves at such a state there are blinders
brought over our eyes which encourages arbitrary cohesion to the norm. Where there is
literalism there is a show of nostalgia that demands the alliteration of the past
experience; that implies that we must direct all of our egos into one sociological basket.
The greatest show of force that brings it together manifests through semantical
resolutions made by generations which defines the human experience.
An Absurdity of Time
There is a common folly that we cant help but to encounter at some point in our
primordial development. There are so many generations that lose their chastity by
taking the most abrupt retreat from reality. The innocence we one carried as youths is
destroyed with the radicalization of our ideas. As much as we think we can conquer our
dogmatic monsters we craft our own dogma in order to respond to the hegemony of
another. The issue at hand insists that the big picture is the most neglected. A depraved
population that has been put to the depraved gutter transforms into an aggressor that
commits crimes against those that are in lesser positions of power. The problem with
the vindication of intellect is that we are always looking for a way to achieve absolute
The essence of that idea describes a scenario where we are out to achieve some
form of justice in what becomes a dire effort to settle the moralistic score; in one way or
another we look for the best possible way to equalize the pain and suffering forced on
us by exterior forces; when this is brought into the civilizational perspective atrocities
become this grand game of upper handed moralism that imposes itself from the top
down. The hand of the high and mighty is a force of great suspicion because the idea of
morality becomes relevant to the cross referenced variable; those factors of causation
describe deliberate forces that are both circumstantial and situational.
The irony of time is that all things, especially of human endeavor, inescapably fall short
of our own contemporary expectations.
The idea of expressive representation spells out the term that is used to justify
that course of democratic action. If the consolidated mass of the standing majority is
brought into democratic purgatory it is thought that the best avenue of democracy
awaits us. The more a minority is able to leverage itself in a manner where it is asserted
with cohesive compromise, the merits of democracy are thought to have served their
purpose. That duality arises with the illegitimacy of the minority; an unconstitutional
minority is able to consolidate the power it needs in order to gain the necessary
headway which secures the interests of its politicized advocacy into power; if anything
that is the road leading to all things unconstitutional.
sense implying that any simpleton should be able to understand such a law. Those that
gain and garner power external to their own origins describes the basis of all things
imperial; the application of its abstract scope goes on to target a geo-political arena in
hopes of deriving a totalitarian endowment through authoritative overtures. The irony is
that its pursuit is rather petty; shouldnt the budding potential of civilization strive to
achieve so much more? Is the end game all about resources and the material value that
is extrapolated from each one? The development of the first fighting force was
organized around the pursuit of that principle; those that roamed from place-to-place
had a greater disposition to the developmental ingenuity that accommodated ancient
crafts of tool making.
A nomadic lifestyle does not afford us with a great deal of security and our
innovation tries to accommodate for mobility; that can explain why tools are more
advanced when compared to those peoples and cultures that are communally lauded in
one stationary place that refuse to move. The story of civilization can suggest that the
literal pillage of the feast is countered by the harvesting of it simultaneously; the
combination of both describes the traditional dichotomies that have gone on to define
the developmental shape of our human civilization. We realize our greatest potential
when faced with the trials of adversity and that can be one of the main reasons why we
are immensely susceptible to the spoils of materialized superficiality; the pursuit of the
latter depicts what empires and their imperial domains fight and die for.
disingenuous clause from the very moment of its inception. After the Second World War
the adoption of that never again mentality stood as that central precedent of undisputed
morality in the wake of the holocaust. It becomes a matter of conniving convenience to
become the next bastion of the universal declaration because the acquiesced end within
its inner halls describes, as a matter of default by proxy, the best way to achieve global
hegemony all under the false guise of humanitarianism.
forms of intellectual literacy. The one misfortune that we encounter is that humans have
this universal proclivity to exceptionalize themselves in the eyes of their immediate
peers. The process of thought ideation is something that comes natural to us because it
is the surest way to assert an individual identity. That is one of the many reasons why
an everyday person boasts an identity without really having one; hence, so much time
and effort is forced into the aesthetics of identity. The rude awakening which dawns on
us is that no matter how hard we try pleasing our surrounding superficial world the one
principle we seldom fathom is that each aesthetical strand is something of our own
interpretive making.
It becomes rather feasible to do away with imposed aesthetics because the
clause that goes into its actual assertion is made through habited arbitration which is
arbitrary in every sense of its conception. If someone is led to believe that the imposition
of identity surmises once we can prove its physicality we will have something to stand
for; at least in its ideological application. The problem with humanity is that we dwell on
threads and manifestations of asserted ideological sensuality when the essence of that
does nothing to sustain one simultaneously. The productions of ideated effort depict
those identities which cant be seen and that describes the most preferential way to
assert palates of civilizational civility.
own downfall and that carries destructive potency that is indiscriminate in terms of its
inflicted ramifications. The rude awakening describes the source of a commonly held
insecurity that produces as much division as it does unification.
It all comes down to spectrums of the opposite end; there is always that alienated
minority that stands against the adversity of the majority and the source of sociological
sadism is a pristine byproduct of the latter.